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Cherek-01, "Charlotte"

" I wanted to make something else hurt like I was hurting.
Then maybe the hurting would stop. "

NAME: Cherek-01-1812-1520-2005, "Charlotte"
RANK: Dark Jedi Padawan
SPECIES: Valkyri
AGE: Appears 20-something. Actual age unknown.
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'9" (175 cm)
WEIGHT: 210 lbs. (95.3 kg)
EYES: Currently brown, synthetic
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Fair


+ Made of Iron. More like "made of a duraplast-calcium alloy." Valkyri are durable enough on their own, but this Valkyri has alloyed bones that make her very difficult to break. Not only does this augment her ability to ruggedly shrug off injuries, but it also helps her lift things that humans probably shouldn't be able to lift.
+ Mind Over Matter. Now that she has a better grasp on her powers, Charlotte has developed a strong affinity for telekinetic powers. Her other Force powers are weak at best, but her ability to simply sling furniture around or smash dents in a wall is impressive for a young'un.
- Cybernetics Eat Your Soul. Or, as some of my friends have put it, "Mechu her Deru." Charlotte's mind is both organic and mechanical, meaning both traditional mind tricks and Mechu-Deru techniques will work on her. The Force does allow her to spontaneously (and unpredictably) "reset" unlike a normal droid, but that only prevents long-term damage, not the initial control.
- Logical Weakness. With cybernetic eyes, internal temperature regulators, and a cerebral biocomputer all hooked up in her body, Charlotte is highly susceptible to electrical attacks. She'll also never be able to use anything resembling Force lightning.
~ Power Incontinence. Charlotte's Force abilities are a little...erratic. I'm rolling a d10 on every post she uses the Force. On a 1, she chokes and nothing happens. On a 10, she spikes and something way more than she was trying to do happens. Neither will be good for her.

Anyone who can see Cherek-01's face will immediately notice synthetic elements. Her eyes have holographic lighting for multispectrum vision, and her face has visible prosthetic additions along her jawline. Her pale skin and red hair are the only real marks of her ancestry, since she's extremely short for a Valkyri.

Charlotte is very rarely seen outside of her full-body armor. If she was, her exposed skin might be a shock to some, since it actually includes very limited epidermal modifications. On the back of her neck is an armor uplink, allowing her to see diagnostics of her equipment as well as her own body. Unsurprisingly for a living weapon, Charlotte's skin is utterly coated in the marks of her trade. Scars from all kinds of weapons crisscross her flesh, and her heavily-muscled body is normally healing a wound or two at any given time. Not far away from the uplink point is a tattooed barcode with her full number designation: CH-01-1812-1520-2005

Cybernetics: Charlotte's cybernetics regulate her body temperature, reinforce her skeleton against physical stress, and include both enhanced vision and wireless computer access. Naturally, she doesn't leave home without them, because they're as much a part of her as her own fingers and toes.

BTI-CR "Ripper": Charlotte's favorite sidearm, the Ripper is a full-auto blaster pistol. Its caliber is pretty standard, but as it's a machine pistol it's fantastic for CQC. Which is a good thing, too, because her Force knows she's not going to be getting a lightsaber any time soon.


Carina Hildsdottir was born to a happy Valkyri family of carpenters. The lumber of Midvinter makes for incredible works of carved art, so business was good, and life was easy for the young Carina growing up. Naturally, we can't leave a happy family happy in a galaxy far away, so sometime before she was fifteen, Carina was abducted by offworld bounty hunters.

Bringing in dozens, possibly hundreds of varied specimens to a private facility on Hypori, Carina was entered into an experimental program that lacked a name...probably because the scientists in charge had watched a few dozen holovids and knew that their careers were over the moment they named something "Project Superior" or anything to that effect. The young Valkyri was one of several dozen humanoids surgically toyed with in the intent to find one that had a slew of important qualities. Unfortunately for Carina, she had the most important one of all: Force sensitivity. If she had lacked it, she might be happily dead right now, instead of...well...

The moment Carina's shoulder was cut into while she was still conscious, she emitted a telekinetic blast the likes of which the technicians operating on her were simply not prepared for, killing two of them via flying debris. From that moment on, she became their favorite subject. Her body was ripped apart to insert temperature regulators, highly advanced prosthetic eyes, and more dramatically replace her entire skeleton with a duraplast polymer. It took months, and to say it was the most excruciating pain she could have imagined would have been to severely overestimate the poor girl's imagination.

Most importantly, the Hyporian scientists installed a sophisticated "wet computer," a cerebral implant that allowed her to wirelessly interface with nearby computers as if through telepathy. It also had two more very convenient and entirely intentional side-effects for the techies building her from bloody scratch. Firstly, it allowed them to implant programming and suggestions into her mind through suggestive radio conditioning. Secondly, having a computer in her brain made Carina more detached and cold, important qualities for a ruthless cyber soldier.

By the point that a computer was shoved into her head, Carina's memory was swiss cheese. She had no recollection of her homeworld, her parents, or even her name. Instead, she was Cherek-01-1812-1520-2005, hardware for Neuro-Saav Technologies. An empty-minded, programmable supersoldier is the perfect tool, and the NST team proclaimed their project a success. They'd created a programmable biodroid with the Force, and could sell her for billions of credits to the right buyer. There was just one problem.

Cherek-01's memory was mostly wiped of everything before she had been brought to Hypori...but not everything since then. She keenly remembered the pain that had been inflicted on her, and the men tearing her body apart to stick machines in it. When she was "finished" and began her training and programming in the arts of taking lives in the most violent and abrupt of manners, she waited. At some point, they would think she was harmless. They would expect her to be just another thoughtless doll, a lobotomized fleshbot that they could order around. And then she would kill them all.

Current History
After murdering her way out of lockdown, Cherek-01 decided to get a couple of cheeseburgers and some pants. She was recruited into the old CIS's Obsidian Knights shortly after her escape, but ever the ghost, she disappeared into the wind shortly thereafter.


Everything Hurts - Solo, origin
Half Measures - Carach
Rude - Joseph Gresham

Just Like Old Times - Techno Union, Rodia

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