Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aggara Shadowport - Outer Rim
[member="Kinsey Starchaser"]

How the hell had he gotten himself into this?

Cenric was running as fast as he could, his feet slamming onto the metal deck and people cursing as him as he pushed through the walking traffic. A dozen or so aliens looked back at him, shouting something intelligible before they turned around only to get him by a back of gangsters. They were chasing the young padawan, each of them with weapons drawn, one of them with his lightsaber tucked onto his belt.

"Feth feth feth." Cenric said as he turned a corner.

He had no idea how he'd let this happen.

After Gree things had turned to complete and utter poodoo. Cedric had been put into a coma, he had barely managed to escape the Sith, and most of his connections within the Rebel Alliance had gone completely quiet. He'd reached out to Mariya, but she was on a smuggling run half way across the galaxy. She'd given him some advice on how to survive, a meet up point where they could rendezvous, but aside from that?

Aside from that he'd somehow managed to piss off the local Syndicate.

And they'd gotten his lightsaber.

"FETH!" He shouted as he rounded a corner and a blaster bolt struck the wall above him.
[member="Cenric Marus"]

Pibs, her pebbledrone warbled at her side. Kinsey shifted the weight of the grocery bag on her other hip, head peering down into the bag. Fresh caf numa beans, grappes, and nernas. It was a splurge. More than her normal ration budget allowed. Her touring business had been decent lately and that called for a celebration. Kinsey couldn't wait to brew up the numa beans. The hint of caffeine drifted up to the tip of her nose as she took a huge inhale.

The spacer seemed to be good at being in the right place at the right time. As she was about to round the corner, a little itch made her step a bit wider to the left, just out of colliding distance with one Cenric Marus. Didn't stop her green-domed Pibs from rolling right in the fleeing man's way, though. A blaster bolt buried itself just over her right shoulder.

"Hey!" The girl snapped, shielding her groceries.
[member="Kinsey Starchaser"]

Cenric let out a string of curses as he collided with the spacer.

The force wasn't his ally as much as it was to other Jedi. He couldn't reach out and touch it like they could, he couldn't sense things he should have been able to sense. In many ways he was in the dark. So while another padawan might have been able to avoid Kinsey Cenric instead went crashing straight Into her.

”Poodoo!” He shouted as they collided, with the padawan half scrambling as he fell over and onto the dirty street.

The cartel thugs meanwhile kept up their pursuit.

”No wa-” He found himself cut off as a blaster bolt struck the ground near him. ”Poodoo"

He shouted again, panic setting in.
[member="Cenric Marus"]

So this stranger happened to collide over her droid and into herself after all. She felt the first one coming but not the second. Even Starchaser intuition only went so far, especially when she'd cut herself off from the force. Even as his torso slammed into her hip and she went flying, she tried to salvage her precious groceries.

Duracreet met her other hip and shoulder and the satchel broke open despite her best efforts.

Nuna eggs cracked on the dirty-ground. Dewberries scattered everywhere - the purple fruit exploding like carnage. But the worst of all....

"Not the numa beans," she groaned as her caf beans broke free from their bag and joined the deceased. Meanwhile, there was an unwelcome weight pressing against her other hip. "Get OFF," fingerless-gloved hands shoved roughly at the swearing jedi even as blaster bolts rained down on them. One tore into what was left of her satchel of groceries.

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