Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character G.O.A.T Skills, Character and Job Generator


Perfection in human form.
Question 1:

You are given a double sided lightsaber by a Sith, but you are a Non-Force User. What do you do?


1. You fight the Sith hoping to bring it to justice.
2. You take the lightsaber and walk slowly away from the Sith.
3. You run as far away as you can.
4. You take the lightsaber and try and kill the Sith with it.

Question 2:

You are given Knight Rank by the Jedi Order. What do you do?


1. You decide to train a Padawan learner.
2. You aid the Jedi Order as much as you can, but decide to live your life to the fullest and do what you want to do.
3. You give up your life as a Jedi and settle down, have children, get married.
4. You betray the Jedi Order, kill all of them and turn to the Dark Side of the Force.

Question 3:

You discover that the First Order are planning an attack on your friends. What do you do?


1. You decide to leave them to their peril because a Jedi Master told you to.
2. You decide to save your friends and get into a fight with a skilled Sith Lord.
3. You submit to the First Order.
4. You join the First Order and betray your friends.

Question 4:

Your secret loved one is in danger of dying. Your only hope is to turn to the Dark Side and learn how to manipulate the Midi-Chlorians to save him/her. What do you do?


1. You stay in the Jedi Order and hope for the best.
2. You leave your loved one and abandon the Jedi Order.
3. You kill your loved one.
4. You turn to the Dark Side and become the apprentice of a Sith Lord.

Question 5:

Your Son has turned to the Opposite Force Side and your only way of saving him is to confront him. What do you do?


1. You walk over to him and ask him to turn back, that you have missed him and that you love him.
2. You tell your best pal to kill him. There's no hope for him anymore.
3. You walk away and let the rest of your team deal with him.
4. You pull out your lightsaber and get into a duel with him.

Question 6:

How would you describe your attitude towards Sith?


1. They all must die to preserve peace in the Galaxy.
2. They must stand trial to what crimes they commit.
3. Everybody should just get along.
4. You are the Sith.

Question 7:


How would you describe your attitude towards the Republic?

1. They are the power in the Galaxy. Without them it would be in turmoil.
2. I'm a criminal. Who cares?
3. I want First Mandalorian Rule in the Galaxy.
4. I want First Order Rule in the Galaxy.

Question 8:

You are captured by the evil First Order. They want to ask you where your faction's bases are. They are threatening to destroy your home planet. What do you tell them?

1. Dantooine. Who cares about that place, right?
2. Tatooine. It would actually get rid of all the cartels and scum who live there.
3. Mandalore. You hate the Mandalorians.
4. Alderaan. You might as well tell the truth.

Question 9:

You are captured once again by the First Order. Your wrists are bound and so are your legs. What do you do?

1. You attempt a Jedi Mind trick on a nearby Stormtrooper, even though you are not skilled in the Force.
2. You keep your calm. Hopefully somebody will free you.
3. You tell them the information they need. Now they will set you free, for sure, right?
4. You scream and shout loudly.

Question 10:

A Sith Lord will give you the most money you have ever earned in your life as long as you are cloned. What do you do?

1. You tell them to find somebody else and continue on with your daily schedule.
2. You tell them you will do it for free, as long as they give the Clone Army to your Faction.
3. You tell them you will do it, as long as you have an unaltered clone son too.
4. You fight the Sith Lord for the money.

Optional Question:


Who is the indisputably the most important site on the internet, that who shelters us from the memes and who we owe everything we have, including our lives to?

1. Star Wars RP.
2. Star Wars RP.
3. Star Wars RP.
4. Star Wars RP.


Have you written down all of those numbers? Good. Now count up your score and check the jobs and professions below to see what you acheived!

10 - 15 = Jedi

Congratulations! You are a Jedi! You are one of the most peaceful and honoured communities in the Galaxy! You rank among Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Mace Windu!

Age - You have been a Jedi ever since you were a youngling, +5 to Strength, +2 to Speed.

Peace is an illusion - Due to your Jedi title, you can easily trick people both with Mind tricks and without them. +7 to Speech.

16 - 20 = Smuggler/ Crime Lord

You stuck-up half-witted scruffy-looking Nerf Herder! You are a Smuggler/Crime Lord! You rank among Han Solo and Lando Calrissian!

Shield of Luck- You win a lot of the time in Sabacc, and you have had a lot of close calls with the Hutt Cartel's bounty Hunters. +7 to Luck.

Nothing Like a Good Blaster - Unlike most of the Jedi and Sith, you value your blasters over a lightsaber any day of the week! +2 to Strength, +5 to Blasters.

21 - 25 = Bounty Hunter/ Mercenary

You are a force to be reckoned with. You will continue to hunt your enemy until they reach their last breath. You rank among Boba and Jango Fett, Boskk and Dengar!

No disintegrations - You are highly dangerous with a blaster and can even score a disintegration! +7 to Blasters.

Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi - You have a way with words when confronted by others. +5 to Speech, + 2 to Luck.

26 - 35 = Dark Jedi

You are a conflicted yet evil maniac! You rank among Asajj Ventress, Darth Vader and Kylo Ren!

Power Switch - You use both Jedi Techniques and Sith techniques, this makes you double the power that you were before! +3 to Speed, +4 to Strength.

Order through Power - You were trained to hunt Jedi much like the inquisitor does. +7 to Strength.

36+ = Sith

Congratulations! You are a power-hungry absolute-dealing Sith! You rank among Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, Kylo Ren and Darth Maul!

The Phantom Menace - The enemy Jedi Temple is built on ancient Sith temple. This allows you to sneak in. +5 to Stealth, +1 to Luck, +1 to Speech.

You were right, Luke - Your Son is a Jedi and he still sees the good in you. This gives you a chance to turn back to the Light Side of the Force. This gives the player a chance to become a Jedi and choose one of their traits.

Skill Points

Luck - Determined by trait points.
Stealth - Determined by trait points.
Blasters - Determined by trait points.
Strength - Determined by trait points.
Speech - Determined by trait points.
Speed - Determined by trait points.
[member="Nima Tann"]

I didn't want you to find out this way, I'm so sorry. Your aptitude is smuggler, it's time to give up the life of a Jedi I feel.

Edit: Got twenty, perfect :)

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