Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Canon

So I've been writing for a long time, both in Role-Plays and in other areas, and in the case of Role-Playing it's really easy to determine the subsets that particular writer's tend to fall in to. There are the really serious literate writers, that dedicate everything they have to each post to ensure quality; and you have the speed writers, that post as much as they can as fast as they can to push a story forward. As soon as you start Role-Playing with someone it's plain to see who is what, not that either is worse than the other. One particular subset that I have noticed over the years, especially on free-form sites like this one, is Character Canon. Most of the time you can break this down into two groups as well, Completionists and Inferists.

Completionists are the ones that do not consider a Role-Play to be canon for their character unless that thread reaches a logical conclusion so that they may reference it in the future and use it to better develop their characters. These guys tend to be kinda picky about the people they write with, doing mostly private threads, but end up having greatly developed albeit linear stories for their characters. Role-Playing with these guys tends to be really rewarding because a lot of thought goes into planning a thread and you know you will get some deep character development if you participate.

Inferists typically do not care if a thread finishes or not, as long as there is enough written for them to infer how a thread may end. They're really open Role-Players that are willing to jump into any thread just to see where it goes and typically do not have a general direction for their character to go in, rather they opt to just go with the flow. Role-Playing with them can be fun due to how sporadic they tend to be and how unexpected something can turn out, but there are risks. These are the guys that normally drop out of a thread as soon as it loses it's luster, and while they usually have a higher post count than a completion might they have far fewer completed threads.

So now the question, what are you? Me, I'm definitely a completionist. I love deep character development and a well thought out cohesive story over random drop ins, despite how fun the latter tends to be.
I've never role-played with you, but seeing some of your previous posts I think you're a decent and probably good to have around role-player. Looking forward to luring you to Dagobah to kick you off in the near future.

[member="Arlan Zy'rosh"]


Well-Known Member
I'm in the middle. Hate an unfinished roleplay, with a passion. Yet, will accept it, as it has grown increasingly more common.

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