Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Chaos: Canon or Legends!

Eris Volcata

I tried to keep an open mind about the new canon. I bought the Aftermath books and some others in the new canon, but it really feels like they have dumbed everything down from the old legends novels. Perhaps it's that we were younger and things seemed more complicated than they were, but all the new books I've tried really feel like low-grade YA trash. Not a fan.

The movies... God, the movies. I loved Solo, and Rogue One has grown on me despite my previous distaste for it (since Rise of Skywalker far surpassed it as the worst cinematic contribution to Star Wars, and while Rogue One wasn't good by any means it at least did not go out of its way to punch me in the face like ROS did). It's a tough call because TLJ is easily one of the best films in the series, but being that it is sandwiched between two films that were so poorly conceived and executed as to make the entire series basically irrelevant, it's hard to get excited about any of it. I wanted to give it a chance, but the contempt and triviality JJ Abrams showed, and the irresponsibility Kathleen Kennedy's Lucasarts has treated the franchise with makes it impossible for me to be that invested.

Legends wasn't perfect (looking at you, Crystal Star -- and you're no better, Planet of Twilight) and lord knows it had big continuity problems, but that's all the more reason why it's so inexcusably irresponsible that Kennedy didn't put together, at the very least, a rough goddamned outline about the new material.
I write off both, whichever I feel is most fun, fits my narrative, or sticks to to OT vibes.

For example, I use both synthetic and bled lightsaber crystals for this girl's lightsabers. She got a bled one cause she felt the synthetic crystals were cheap and the "hard way", bleeding a crystal, would be proof of her earning her Sith title.

A vast majority of Disney Canon is taken from Rebels and the Darth Vader comics though, I don't like the movies at all. :p
Lifelong Nerd, Roleplayer, Writer and Philosopher
Biased: I use everything pre-Disney for inspiration, because I don't care for their so-called "ethics" and do as little to support them as possible. The EU, while containing mistakes and occasional poor writing, offered more intricacy and fleshed-out details, combined with all of the right classical morals, philosophically-speaking. It'll never grow old for me - been enjoying everything related to it for over twenty-six years now, and I'll keep on enjoying one of my oldest fictional stomping grounds for the remainder of my days, I'm sure.

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