Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Changing Tides

Jedha | Sunset | The Fallen Statues

Cale looked out into the stars that hung above Jedha, and took in a deep breath of the night air. The wind was cool, the deserts empty but for the scampering of a few creatures, and the force was all around him. The red cloth that draped down over his missing arm fluttered in the breeze, his hair blew over his brow, and he smiled to himself as he watched the sun set.

They’d done well out here, and out there in the stars above. They’d slipped through a dozen blockades, broken a few themselves, just the three of them. Cale had smuggled food where he’d once snuck spice and felt hope where he’d once felt nothing but fear. The feeling that it might all be undone in a moment stuck with him, the notion that it could all be swept away by the changing of the galactic tides. But it didn’t stop him anymore, not how it used to.

On the lip of the fallen statue’s hood, Cale Gunderson closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath before lowering himself to his knees and letting his mind be free. He’d missed meditation more than he’d known, when he was a boy it had been all he could do to tolerate it. Cale had come up with every excuse in the book to avoid it, but now it gave him all he could have ever needed.

The faded colossus that had once stood as a tribute to his kind still held meaning, and so did he. With each breath, he found the life in the desert, in the statue, all around him. Somewhere close, a lizard skittered into a crevice, a bug between its jaws, elsewhere, perhaps deep below, water flowed, all was in order, all was as it should have been. He exhaled slowly, letting out what he had held in so tightly for so long, and breathed in peace.

It took him nearly an hour before his eyes fluttered open to the sands and rocks, settling far out in the distance where the lights of a city winked in the growing darkness. Cale sighed, and forced a hand deep into one of his pockets, drawing a stimstick and pressing it between his lips, then letting it light. The Jedi took a long draw and breathed out a cloud of haze.

He was a master, by definition now, but it had never felt like it. Aleks had grown into a capable knight, but as ever Cale was fraught with worry, weighed down by fear. Had he done enough to prepare him? Would he be alright on his own? What if he had missed something?

The thoughts left no sooner than they had come, as he brushed them aside, and rose back up to his feet. They’d spent a week now running water purifier parts out into the badlands, using credits from their last jobs they’d not needed to finance the charity work, the likes of which was far removed from where they’d begun so long ago.

The Galaxy had been kind enough to let him see Marek again, but neither a whisper or a word had been heard from her. She hung in his mind sometimes, even now, and he hoped quietly that she was well, wherever she was. All had been well lately, all they’d done, all they’d been through, had brought them to this point. This was where they were meant to be, until it was not, and when that time came they would go gladly.

Something would change soon, he knew it, but now Cale felt almost ready, though he couldn’t have said why. It would come to him, he was sure, all in due time.



Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson

"Do you have room for one more?"

Valery wasn't sure if he had felt her arrival or not — she hadn't exactly been hiding her presence from him — but greeted him with a warm smile and a bow of her head either way. It had been a long time since she last saw Cale, and this meeting had a vastly different dynamic than their first on Ilum. As opposite as Jedha and Ilum were as planets in the Galaxy. He had changed, the Galaxy had changed, and in some ways, Valery had changed as well.

But it all paled in comparison to what was to come.

"It's Master Gunderson now, hm?" she chuckled and stepped closer to look across the horizon for a moment. There was something more serious to talk about, but with the view they had, she almost didn't want to bring it up. It would ruin the moment far too much.

"I hope you've been well. There's... a lot happening right now."

“Maybe, depends who’s asking.” Cale answered the woman, with a smile and a chuckle where he’d once have drawn a blade or blaster. Something familiar had been on the wind, too light to be Ronan, too wise to be Aleks, but he’d not let himself worry, he’d known whoever it was they wouldn’t be there to do them harm. Valery Noble probably should’ve been higher on the list of voices he’d expected to hear call out to him, given all the coincidences, but in the end, it was a pleasant surprise.

“By definition, I suppose it is master now. Still, just Cale is fine. My former learner is off…somewhere around here. ” He gestured widely to the vast expanse all around them. “Saw him making eyes at some girl earlier, maybe he’s telling her about the stars.”

She’d come for a reason, of that he was certain. Cale and Aleks kept to themselves for the most part, just stopped by to help every now and again, yet she’d come out here to them. It could’ve been a coincidence, like the other times, but even those encounters had been the will of the force, in some strange way. He took a long drag, and breathed out smoke, then made himself put the stim out. Some habits had proved harder to break than others.

“I’ve been alright, sleeping better these days. What’s troubling you?” He had a few ideas, notions of dark figures with crimson blades and twisted minds, but the abyss never failed to surprise him with what strange new evils were born from it. She’d want him to fight them, he imagined, and Cale would, gladly. All the introspection and self-forgiveness hadn’t changed that in the end, it was with the long cylinder that hung at his side that Cale did the most good.

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Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson

He seemed very different.

The smile, the chuckle, the lack of really prominent bags under his eyes. It helped brighten her smile and immediately made her feel welcomed. "Well, if he's chasing girls, I don't think we'll see him again today." she chuckled and let her eyes settle on the horizon once more. Jedha was one of the first planets she traveled to for the war, not long after the Maw had attacked Coruscant.

In a way, it was her introduction to post-stasis warfare within the Jedi. But now, everything felt far more peaceful. It was a further longing to spread this peace to other parts of the Galaxy that had brought her here, and Cale seemed to realize that rather quickly. As much as she enjoyed catching up with her fellow Jedi, most of her visits had a purpose these days.

Something that might also change after the war.

"I can tell," she said with a brief grin. "You look good. But... I'm here to ask for your help in the coming battle," she said, getting straight to the point with him. "Our deception at Selvaris worked, and now we've been able to push into Maw territory from Copero. Our next stop is Exegol, where we want to cripple their shipyards and military might to deal the final blow. It's going to be a tough battle but if we succeed, this war will essentially be over."

It was still such a foreign idea to her. A time of peace.

“Yeah yeah, don’t look to shabby yourself, I’d figured you’d at least look tired from all that council work by now.” He laughed, trying to imagine how anyone kept themselves sane attending to all those duties and fighting a war.

Cale listened, and when she finished, he took a moment to ponder. Exegol was an enigma to him, a ghost story he remembered being half-whispered by dark figures in darker places, but it was as real as every other nightmare. He’d wondered when the alliance would make their play, but Cale had thought there would be more time. For what he couldn’t say, only that he’d thought there would have been more.

“An end to this war.” He noted, though without the usual bitterness. “When I was seventeen the Republic all but glassed Korriban, we thought that would mean peace, but in the years since we’ve thought it was all done half-a-dozen times. This won’t be much different I imagine, something will take their place, something probably already is but,-” Cale looked out at the dunes, then back to his fellow Jedi and gave a shrug. He wouldn't let himself slip into that sort of cynicism, this wouldn't be a true end, but he'd rise to meet the darkness however many times he was needed.

“...that doesn’t make it any less worth doing. Maw’s a special kind of evil anyway right? No control, all destruction.” He didn’t make a habit of knowing his enemy, Cale had his fill of that long ago. He worried for Aleks as he always did, feared what might come when they committed themselves to this final, great effort.

“We’ll be there. Fleet rallying anywhere, or do we just set our course from here?”



Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson

Valery snickered, "Sometimes it's exhausting, but life has been better for me," she said without going into too much unnecessary personal detail. Perhaps catching up in that way could happen another time, but she had something important to bring up. Something for which she wanted every able Jedi to be present, largely for reasons she couldn't disclose yet.

All would be revealed eventually.

"And you don't have to tell me, this isn't the first war I lived through either. My first was thousands of years ago, so I know that some things never change." Valery looked away again and let out a soft sigh as she thought about it for a moment. "But you're right, it's always still worth fighting for. Especially with the Maw." They were far more brutal than any Sith Empire she had fought against, and there really was only one way to stop them.

Which is why they were making their move against Exegol.

"We'll be jumping to Exegol from Oyokal, so I suggest you rendezvous with the fleet there. But depending on which part you're going to play in this clash, you might jump in differently." She turned back to Cale and offered a soft smile. "I know I don't have to tell you, but be careful out there. I have a feeling this will be one of the more chaotic battles of our lifetimes."

"When a beast as chaotic as the Maw is driven into a corner, there's no telling what will happen."

The sun had slipped away with the coming of the stars. As night fell upon Jedha, so too did the locals fall away into their homes and taverns and shelters. When the time came to retire for the day of toil, the Jedi Knight found that his Master had long since disappeared back into the dunes. He grumbled to himself as he traversed the sea of sand between him and their 'rendezvous point', but he arrived there all the same. He was climbing over a sand mound when he began to speak, not thinking to sense for a presence other than the one he knew so well.

"Old man! Old man you aren't going to believe this! I was in town, carrying around some of our moisture converters-" He cut himself off as his eyes looked up. Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson was not alone. He reached into the Force, let himself feel the presence of this newcomer. And he realized she was no newcomer at all. Master Noble from Ilum, the woman that had helped pardon Cale. The woman that had allowed him a place in the Jedi Order as he knew it.

"Master Noble." He finally said, a hint of deference in his voice. He bowed his head ever so slightly. "Jedha is some way out from any temple I know. Have we done something, or..." He looked to Cale, tried to get a read on his mentor. The man looked grave, and he wasn't smoking a stimstick. So this was more serious than some check-up call from the Order.

"Are we needed?"
"We'll meet you ther-," Cale's smile faded into a flustered grimace as Aleks finally joined them, late as ever. He wasn't all that bothered in truth, but it was more entertaining to play it off as though he was. As his former learner assessed the situation, Cale narrowed his eyes at him, feigning some kind of annoyance.

"Yeah, she's taking us in, says you're giving the Order a bad name." He jabbed as the scowl turned into a smirk, his words as dry as the desert around them. "She's asked if we'll help give the Brotherhood of the Maw one last push into oblivion, nothing serious."

For a long time, he'd lamented Aleks' insistence that they get involved, and stick their noses in all the places except the ones where they belonged, but somehow the boy had worn him down. Though he wasn't a boy anymore as Cale loathed to recall, but there was a comfort in knowing Aleks would not spend his twenties as a puppet slave or on the run from the law. He supposed that was the idea of being a parent, to give the young better than what you'd had. Cale was glad he'd set the bar for himself so low.

"Whaddya' say kid? Wanna go do something that'll matter?" Everything they did mattered, Aleks had taught him that a long time ago.



Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson Aleksandr Stirsea Aleksandr Stirsea

There was another presence.

Valery turned around and spotted another familiar face — one she had associated with Cale for obvious reasons. On Ilum, she had caught them both in the caves, trying to find a crystal, so it wasn't that surprising that Aleks considered the possibility that they were in trouble again. Cale was quick to make fun of it, and she just chuckled and shook her head.

"It's good to see you again," Valery said with a dip of her head, but her polite smile quickly gave way to a more teasing grin, "I thought you were chasing girls, but I'm glad you could join us here." As Cale was quick to add, she was hoping to have both of them join the Alliance in their final push against the Maw.

The Battle to end the war.

"Whaddya' say kid? Wanna go do something that'll matter?"

"We could certainly use the extra help," Valery added with another nod.

"There are girls enough in the galaxy," Aleksandr said with a shrug. "But only if there's a galaxy in the first place. Let's send the Maw back to whatever nebula they crawled out of. Together." He gave the slightest nod. In the back of his mind he thought of all the war-torn worlds, the whole fleets left vaporized, the villages both burnt out and cannibalized. It had been them. The Brotherhood. Not the Empire, not the Eternals, not any of the other nations they'd struck back against over the years. It all seemed so small in the face of overwhelming evil.

A chance to end it.

He could scarcely believe the time had finally come.

"How about that, Master?" He said as he looked to Cale. "Feel like a hero again?" He couldn't hide his smugness, not that he tried to.

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