Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Changing Light

As the conversation shifted to the other members of the Daniels family, Valae let her eyes shift towards the door. Through the glass, she could see their suited figures inside. She wondered exactly what their role was within Gabrielle’s company. From what she’d seen, they seemed very much like simple worker-drones. Still, there was no question that they were very loyal to their lady.

“I understand, but thank you.” She replied to Gabrielle, when she spoke about the Order once more.

However, her dark eyes narrowed just slightly. Valae certainly did not see a future where the Order received large funds and didn’t ask where it originated from. It simply wasn’t how things worked. She liked to keep things transparent when it concerned the Silver Jedi. More questions stirred, but Jake voiced one that immediately came to mind. Where did all of this wealth come from? For a moment, the image of the small wooden box of Jake’s childhood mementos lingered in the front of her thoughts.

Be grateful for what you have. Gabrielle’s cold words made Valae’s fingers tighten around Jake’s palm. Sure, it was easy to say when one had quite a lot to their name. But she had to guess that Gabrielle knew exactly what she was doing – every word a carefully chosen. Judging by Jake’s reaction to being addressed in the way his father would have done, Gabrielle wanted to push his buttons.

The explanation provided by Jake’s mother made Valae’s lips part in shock, though she remained silent.

All of this luxury had originally been very ill-gotten gains. Exploiting the desperation of others was quite a terrible thing. To bank on their hopes of being saved, how could anyone be so heartless? Valae understood the saying ‘desperate times, desperate measures,’ but surely this was over the line. Even if they had gone ‘legit,’ had they attempted to make amends for the way their wealth was acquired? Or had they simply taken comfort in their prosperity?

Valae’s eyes followed the tall form of Gabrielle as she made her way back inside with her attendants.

And once the door had closed behind them, she let out the breath that she’d been holding. She pulled her chair a bit close to Jake, and listened as he spoke. Valae shared his concerns.

“You’re right,” She said, her gaze meeting with his. “Nothing about this sits well with me. This just… doesn’t seem like the kind of life we want, the kind of future we want for our children.” Valae searched his eyes. “This is your family; know that I’ll support you no matter what. Tell me, what do you want to do about all of this?”

She leaned in slightly, her voice dropped to a whispered tone.

“What happens if we say no?” Valae swallowed hard. “I’m not sure how well Gabrielle will take that. She seems like… an intimidating woman and,” She sighed, “A formidable foe.”

[member="Jake Daniels"]
"I'm not sure." Jake replied. Valae wanted to know what would happen if they said no. What would be the retaliation if both Jake and Valae turned their back on a family Jake had long thought dead. Jake had learned in the matter of minutes his Mother was alive. Even though his father wasn't there, Jake had know doubt the old man was running around. Even Jake was relieved they hadn't had a reunion. Valae was capable of stopping Jake when it came to his mother. If Jake and his Father came to blows; would that nuclear atmosphere prove too much for Valae to handle?

"I've made up my mind." Jake replied to Valaes earlier inquiry. She wanted to know what Jake would do. The Knight's thumb rubbed across her knuckles. His eyes were fixated on her blemish free flesh; skin he had kissed every inch of in every way imaginable. To put such a person, one Jake would lay his life on the line for, in harms way was not something he was in the business of doing. Jake turned towards the door and waved Gabrielle over.

As Gabrielle stepped back on the patio she already knew what Jake's answer would be. She had studied him. She knew him. She had birthed him. He was headstrong but not stupid. To assume that Jake would willy-nilly take the mantle of head of the family was her best hope; albiet a long shot. Still, it was no surprise as she found her seat, that the expression on Jakes face betrayed him. He was a book. Easily readable; though none the less intimidating in his own unique way.

"Before you begin," Gabrielle said. "I want to show you what we are doing. I realize I am asking you to make a decision on something you've not actually seen. You've seen this," she waved her hand to the highrise penthouse. "But you've not seen whats behind this wealth. Let me have the opportunity to show you."

Jake was silent. His thumb continued to rub Valae's knuckles.

"Tomorrow I want you two to see our financial investments. A tour of the historic district and what we've done to better the lives of people here on Chandrila." Gabrielle explained. "I know how busy you both are," she was trying to be patiently diplomatic, "but I only ask a days more of your time. At the very least, let me reveal it."

"We need to get back to the ship. We don't have an overnight permit on the landing pad." Jake replied.

"That will be taken care of. I already have my driver making the necessary arrangements for a extended stay of a day. Your ship will be fine." Gabrielle replied.

"We aren't staying here."

"I wouldn't ask you too." A wave of her hand sent an attendant into the home, "There is a beautiful hotel nearby. Go there tonight. Get rest. Talk it over. Tomorrow the tour will begin." Gabrielle rose to her feet and turned her attention directly to Valae, "Have a wonderful night, Master Kitra. I will see you in the morning."

Jake shook his head as Gabrielle disappeared into the home, "Unbelievable. She's got a nice sized pair to start barking orders at us." Skillet let out a low, suspicious whistle, "Send word to Kashyyyk. Tell them we're staying a day longer. If they don't hear from us in twelve hours for a check in to send someone. I suppose we could bail. Say we'll go to the hotel and make a beeline for the ship?" Jake was suddenly very tense. Very aggitated. Very on edge. He couldn't wait to get his arse off the planet.

Jakes attention turned towards a new guest on the patio, a male this time, "I'm here to escort you to the hotel."
[member="Valae Kitra"]​
Valae continued to gaze into Jake’s eyes, taking immense comfort in his touch. Her brows arched slightly when he indicated that his mind was made up. And she watched with a great deal of anticipation as he motioned for Gabrielle to join them again. Before Jake could voice his answer, Gabrielle spoke up with a proposition for them to consider.

The tension was palpable. She could feel that Jake wanted to leave this place, and quickly.

As he mentioned their ship, she cast a glance over at Skillet. But it seemed that they wouldn’t be leaving so soon. Returning her eyes to Gabrielle, she offered the other woman a simple nod. Though her words had been nothing short of polite, she’d also made it clear that they had little choice in the matter. She heard Jake offer the option to bail, but one of the suited men had to come collect them.

“It looks like we’re going to the hotel, whether we want to or not.” She said quietly, giving his hand a squeeze.

For now, it would be best to play along. “Very well,” She said in an exasperated tone, and motioned for the man to lead the way. A few moments later, they were back inside the luxurious speeder. After a quick ride, they arrived at a very luxurious hotel. The lobby alone was a picture of the high life. Their escort went to check them in, and then brought them swiftly to their room. He motioned for the pair to enter, and as Valae went in behind Jake… she noticed that the man in the suit did not make an immediate departure.

She had to guess that he would remain outside in the hallway for the duration of their stay. Gabrielle was not simply going to let them escape her. With the door shut and locked behind her, she turned to see their room. It was clean and modern, very comfortable from what she could see… minus the man standing guard outside. Moving towards the large set of windows, there was an impressive view of the city below. Under different circumstances, she would have considered this to be a wonderful break.

"Doesn't seem like we'll be going anywhere til morning..." Gently, she moved to Jake and drew him to the corner opposite the door. In this spot, she simply stared out the window at the skyline for a moment. Slipping into his arms, she let her head rest against his shoulder as she sank into his embrace. Her eyes closed, she could only imagine how Jake must be feeling. No doubt, it had been quite a day.

“Are you alright, Jake?” She asked softly, pulling away just enough to see his face.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
He had not spoken when they walked through the home to make their leave. He had not looked at anyone with the exception of his Lioness. Down the elevator, boarding the speeder, and the ride through the city. He hadn’t spoken but a word. That was unlike Jake. The man was one of a thousand words. He had a response to anything said. A rebuttle to every reply. Today had been a different day. Today was a day of revelation. The Knight had been trained to expect the unexpected. He anticipated. He researched. He prepared. He was meticulous. Today? Today had been everything but. Jake had been completely caught off guard.

Even after arriving in the hotel room, door closed and locked, Jake positioned himself in silence by one of the large windows. His mind was in a state of complete shock. Just an hour or so earlier, Jake had plenty to say. He had learned his parents to be alive. He had learned they used the darkness, after disowning him for doing the same. They had developed a fortune. What about the stories he had been told? Jedi Masters Jacob and Ciara Daniels? He’d been told it was he that had proven to be the next generation of heirs to use the force. In reality it was his parents? Sure, something small to harp onto but how many of the stories he had been told in his youth were lies.

When Valae buried herself in his embrace, Jake finally snapped out of his catanoic silence, “I don’t know, Mon Cheri’. I’m not sure what I should be feeling. Just this morning my parents were dead. Now? They’re not. It’s surreal and odd.” Jake let out a quiet sigh as he planted a gentle kiss on the top of Valae’s head. His arms squeezed her tight as he continued to look out at the Chandrilian skyline. “I guess I’m more confused than anything. For years I thought they were just a couple of middle class Dantooine residents that lived a modest but unspectacular life. Even as a Sith I still kept tabs on them and… well… nothing out of the ordinary. To hide something like this though, of this magnitude? I need to get my mind off of this.”

Jake knew exactly what he wanted to do; stress relief of the physical kind.

He turned and lifted Valae, her legs wrapping his waist, the man took his mate to the bedroom. There was no mistaking the commotion within the room to those in adjoining chambers or standing guard outside. There was no denying the shouts, screams, and pleas as two bodies became one. As man and woman laid claim to their bond. It was fun. It was needed. It was exhausting and surprisingly Jake found sleep that night, his arms wrapping the petite frame of his Lioness. when a tremor shot through the force. Daniels came to a dead stop, eyes glaring at the rooms door as the brass inside door stopper swung off. The door swung open and so entered a man that Jake hadn’t wanted to see. Not now. Not ever.

He wasn’t sure what stirred him awake but when Jake woke, he saw the piercing eyes of a man sitting in a chair just outside the hotel rooms bedroom. His foot tapped the carpeted floor. His index and ring fingers held a lit cigarette which went from lap to mouth every few moments. Jakes nostrils flared at the scent of the tobacco.

“Had quite the night.” The man spoke. His voice. The monotone nature in which he spoke revealed his identity as easily as turning on a light would have, “At least what your mother said it true. Your taste in woman has gotten better.” The man spoke with a gruff tone. The light nearest Jake flickered on and the bedroom door slammed shut, “I’ll let you have a moment to ready yourself.”

“Valae.” Jake whispered. “Stay here.” With a gentle kiss, Daniels dressed himself and emerged from the bedroom, quietly shutting the door behind him. Turning, Jake addressed the man, “You’ve got a lot of nerve showing up here.”

“Relax, Boy.” The man barked. “I arrived home early and so your mother sent me here to give you this.” He displayed a small box and tossed it to Jake.

Jake opened the box which revealed a small green stone, “No she didn’t.” Jake’s reply directed at the man and his statement of running an errand.

“No,” the man smirked, “She didn’t. But a father always wants to see what his son turns out to see what kind of man his son has grown to be. Pathetic by the looks of it. As weak now as you were as a child.”

Jake’s eyes narrowed, “Before this gets ugly you need to tell me why you are here.”

“I’ve decided to be your escort for the day.”

“Like hell you are.”

“Are you challenging me, Boy?”

As both men took a step towards one another, the bedroom door opened to reveal Valae, “Perhaps our chest boasting can wait for another time as a lady is now present. Introductions are in order. I am known by many names but you may call me Andrei. I am Jake’s father.” He took Valae’s hand and gave it a gently kiss upon her knuckles.

“I was informed about your tea with Gabrielle.” Andrei stated, “You are as stubborn now as you were then.”

“Look who my parents are.”

Andrei laughed, “Of course. Who are Daniels if not stubborn? I would assure you that I mean no harm,” His eyes went from Valae to Jake, “but I suspect you wouldn’t believe me but alas, I’ll say it anyway. I mean you no harm. Master Kitra, I understand you are Jedi Master and a practitioner of healing. To prove my intentions, would you like a journey into the realm of my mind? No better way for me to get to know you and vice versa then a little mental bonding.”

[member="Valae Kitra"]
It came as a relief when Jake finally spoke. Such wordless silence was very unlike him. Valae felt for him, she truly did. As his arms wrapped her tight, she did the same, and the palm of her hand rubbed Jake’s back comfortingly. Her brows lofted curiously when he said he needed to get his mind of this matter. Valae caught a very familiar glint in Jake’s eyes, and then smiled softly as he lifted her off the ground.

Perhaps a distraction would be good for both of them.

With their time together came an immense sense of release. For just a little while, they could completely forget about the troubles that waited for them outside their hotel room. There was only closeness and passion, pleasure and warmth. And in the safety of Jake’s arms, she fell into a blissfully deep sleep. After what she guessed was a few hours, she stirred as the bedside lamp clicked on and their bedroom door slammed shut.

It was then that her heart leapt with alarm. Rolling over as Jake whispered, she pulled the blankets up to her chin. The fog of sleep was still very present, and Valae was working to put the pieces together. She said nothing as Jake gave her a quick kiss and told her to stay put.

As soon as the bedroom door shut behind him, she pushed the blankets aside and dressed. On the other side of the door, she could hear voices. There was the familiar tone of Jake, and a very unfamiliar gruff voice. She swallowed hard, things sounded like they were getting heated between the two men. Dressed but a bit disheveled, Valae cracked the door and then stepped out.

Moving immediately to Jake’s side, she eyed the other man – Jake’s father.

She blinked as Andrei took her hand and placed a kiss upon it. Valae offered a slight nod to acknowledge him, but edged even closer to Jake. Indeed she remembered how Gabrielle had danced around the topic of Jake’s father, and now he was standing here before them. It was odd to say the least.

“I am,” She said quietly, confirming that he was correct in his statement that she was a healer.

Her head cocked to the side as he offered to let her journey into his mind. Now, this would surely give some very helpful insight – but she hesitated. Looking up at Jake, she took his hand and held it tight. Valae trusted in their bond. If anything went wrong, he would be there to intervene. She had a feeling that Jake might object, so she gave his hand a squeeze.

“Don’t worry,” She said softly, gazing up to meet the blue of his gaze. “It’ll be fine.” Valae did her best to offer a smile of reassurance. “Very well, Andrei – I’m ready.”

Taking a deep breath, she relaxed her shoulders, and let her mind become open.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
Andrei stood next to Valae, his hawkish gaze looking up at the Shamalain Manor on Honoghr. He said nothing as he allowed Valae to settle within his mind. He wore the same suit, the same clothing, everything as he wore in the hotel room. There was nothing different about him. Valae too was dressed in what she had worn. Though he had total control over his own mind and could have Valae be in more or less in terms of attire, the older gent viewed such antics as bravado. In his age there was no need for it.

"I've brought you within the depths of my mind," Andrei said. His glanced over towards Valae, his expression loosening slightly. It was evident where Jake got his demeanor. Every facial nuance of Andrei was near identical to Jake. "Our bodies are as they were. Standing. Right now Jake is pacing around both of us."

Andrei paused and looked skyward, "Now he's standing directly in front of me. The man debates ending me. Yet," Andrei looked back to Valae, "He is not as stupid as I thought. Ending me, ends you. I had to have an insurance policy for my own safety in such a state as this. Forgive me for not stating that before hand. At least he knows not to touch me."

Andrei turned his attention back to the home, "I know my son has not brought you here. He brings no one here. This," Andrei waved his hands about, "is Honoghr. It is where my son was forged into Darth Gravis. From this planet he ravaged the Jedi Orders and Sith Empires. From here," Andrei's attention turned towards the forests that surrounded the home. Something or someone was moving unseen. "from this very home, my son learned what it meant to be a provider, a father, and a husband."

"Come." Andrei barked. The pair walked up the front stoop and right into the home. Both of their frames simply slid through front door and right before the main stairwell. "This way." Andrei moved through the sitting room, then the dining room and finally out a back door and onto a vibrantly lush lawn.

"My son built this entire home centuries ago for his first wife." Andrei explained as he led her to a trio of headstones. "When the plague hit, his family fell victim. He buried them here." Andrei pointed to them in succession, "Romano, Cerusia, and Lysander. When his Master locked him away to Dantooine, this home had been forgotten. It rotted away much like his family down there. After he awoke, he rebuilt it. Every detail. Every shade of color. Every ceramic tile. Everything. It looks now as it did then."

Andrei's eyes rose to the forests again, "We're not alone." He glanced as a broad shouldered, metallic colored sentient bi-pedal being stalked from the forest and directly towards them. "This is a Noghri warrior. The Natives of this planet. They serve my Son's Master and by extension him." The Noghri came to stand before Andrei and sniffed the air. "They know we're here. They sense us. You see I hid a relic on this property that binds my mind to it. That is how I've kept an eye on my son. That's how I pulled you into my mind and then both of us here. This one?"

Andrei peered down into the Noghri's eyes, "Is known an Ru'nok. A few Noghri are assigned the royal responsibility of being body guards of the Shamalain family. This one here is my son's guardian. The only reason he is here is because my Son has managed to hide his trail. Jake doesn't like being protected. He likes protecting."

Ru'nok let out a huff and stomped right through Andrei and towards the home.

"He would die for Jake." Andrei explained, "Just as Jake would die for you. We should follow him." Andrei walked on Ru'noks heels and back into the home. "A few weeks ago Jake stopped here on his way to another planet to fetch something. While stopping over, he was seen by the Noghri as not being well."

The followed Ru'nok into the sitting room where the Noghri opened a drawer and pulled out a handkerchief with the red initials of J.D.

"The initials were originally pearl." Andrei explained. Upon closer inspection, as Ru'nok lifted and gently kneaded it in his fingers, there was a blur of red clouding all around both letters. The Noghri's shoulders suddenly sunk, "He knows a dark secret that Jake hasn't discovered yet." Andrei turned towards Valae, "Jake's sick. I learned of it while watching him on another planet. He collapsed with a massive nose bleed. I don't know what it is. The Noghri don't either."

Ru'nok set the cloth back down and went to inspect the rest of the home, "He's suffering from suspicious bruising and nose bleeds as of late. They're getting worse. From what I can tell Jake either thinks its nothing or is burying it and refusing to address it. I tell you this not because I love my son, I don't. I tell you this for the same reason my wife told you what she did. I must ensure the survival of this family. If you do not believe me, watch him for yourself. It usually happens about midday. I'm certain while we are out today it will happen again."

"Come." Andrei barked. "There's something else you need to see which I think will be of great value to you."

[member="Valae Kitra"]
Valae found herself standing before a lovely manor house. Glancing to the side, she found Andrei there next to her. It was a bit of a jarring experience, as she knew that she was in a place that resided inside this man’s mind. On a level, she was still very aware of Jake’s presence in the hotel room – he was tense. Chestnut eyes narrowed slightly as Andrei revealed that pulling her into his mind was a way to guarantee his safety. She had to admit that it was a smart move on his part. Valae merely offered him a nod, as if to say ‘well played, sir.’

Her eyes studied every feature of his home, taking in each detail that had been crafted with such care. A touch lost in this image of the house, she jolted at the sound of Andrei’s voice ordering her to follow, and scampered quickly to join him as he approached the front entrance. She kept quiet as the wound their way through the home and eventually ended up in the back yard. Upon learning that this place was the home Jake had built for his family, Valae felt her heart grow heavy. It was quite sad to think of it being empty all this time.

“My goodness,” She said, a bit breathless.

A home that was more or less a monument to his deceased loved ones. It was touching, in a very heavy way. Her eyes tracked in the direction of the headstones for a moment, too. Someday, she hoped that she might be able to pay her respects to them in person. It only seemed right. But then, her head turned as Andrei alerted her to another presence.Watching the Noghri warrior curiously, she listened as Andrei spoke. “Jake’s mentioned them to me a time or two,” She noted, still quite captivated.

As they followed the warrior back inside, she furrowed her brow with concern as Andrei mentioned that the Noghri had seen Jake recently. “What do you mean?” She asked, but then… she saw the handkerchief that was spotted with blood. The expression and the posture of the Noghri spoke silently of doom. The color drained from Valae’s face.

“He’s… sick?” She whispered, “No. He can’t be. I would have--”

Surely she would have noticed, right? But as Andrei contined to provide details, she searched her memories desperately. Most of her mornings were spent with Jake, as were her evenings and nights… but midday was a time when they often tended to their own business. Sure enough, she’d seen some bruises on his body, but she’d suspected that they were marks left over from his training practices with padawans at Silver Rest. Her hands suddenly felt cold, and she turned a devastated glance to Jake’s father.

Following as he beckoned again, she clutched at the front of her shirt.

“It’s very serious, isn’t it…” She said, her tone still touched with disbelief. “That’s why he’s said nothing to me. He doesn’t want to frighten me.”

After all, Jake was always the protector.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
Andrei didn't reply to Valae's concerns at first. He didn't know what exactly to say. What would a father say? What should a father feel? To know his son was sick drew feelings from him, that could not be denied. The feelings were not of love but of obligatory concern. After all if Jake died then so would the family line. Back out of the house and down a well worn dirt path, Andrei contemplated on his own feelings for a moment.

"The concern you have for Jake is not a feeling I share." Andrei explained. "I do not love him. I do not care about him as a person. I truly don't. He is a means to an end for this family's goals; as you are."

Andrei's eyes turned to the forests that lined both sides of their path. "These damn Noghri. More of them learn of our presence with each passing moment. We cannot stay much longer here. We must hurry. Its just a short distance away now."

"I do not think he intentionally hides anything from you." Andrei said as he rounded the final bend of the path to come before the sight of a decent lake with a small waterfall. As Andrei's eyes began looking at the ground around the lake, he motioned for Valae to continue to follow. "You said it yourself. Jake is a protector. He protected his Master for decades. Protected her daughter turned his wife. Protected his children." Andrei stopped to look at Valae, "Protect you. I know he refers to you as his Lioness, his Mon Cheri'. Those are not just cute little nicknames. Those carry weight. Those have raw feeling behind them. He loves you. That we all see." Quickly he found the spot he searched for and took both of the woman's hands into his own.

"Think of it this way. When has he had a chance to worry about himself? It's not that he hides anything, as I said." Andrei and Valae suddenly slipped through the dirt like bodies in quick sand. Through the soil and bedrock they fell until just as quickly as their descent began, it ceased. They stood in a suddenly lit cavern where Andrei finished his thought without missing a beat, "He doesn't know he's sick. He thinks nothing of it. Exhaustion? Maybe but he just pushes it aside because everything else, everyone else, is more important than he. That was how he was raised and trained; even by us. That is how he lives. You must help him find balance between himself and others. He is no good to anyone if he doesn't take time to care for himself."

Andrei looked around, "This is my son's secret vault. A location he keeps items closest to his heart. It was a cave that is hidden by the waterfall. To get in, one would need swim down through the lake, down a corridor, and up in a puddle to the side here." Andrei pointed to the walls which were lined with small wooden shelves, "Many of the artifacts here are of more emotional value; not of any real force significance. He has his old military armor, photos of his old unit's, some books, some of his children's clothing, and various other items. The most important item is what I wanted to show you."

Andrei extended a hand and sent out a surge of darkness towards the nearest wall. A hexagonal device suddenly surged red and shook to life. It's sides bulged out and shifted in various directions before a flurry of force activity filled the cavern. "This is my son's holocron. Created with the aid of his Master, this holds all of his training's and teachings. All of his knowledge of the force, all of his teachings of a lightsaber here for anyone to claim. To activate it is tricky though. It responds to those with a bond to Jake. I am able to get it to respond but not fully activate it."

Andrei lowered his hand and looked to Valae, "I want to see how it responds to you. If your bond is as strong as I suspect it is, even without being physically present, it should fully unlock to you. We'll know its unlocked once Jake's essence emerges. Think of it as a projection of his soul. It will allow you an unaltered, unguarded aspect of Jake himself. I want to see what all is in this holocron. I think there is more than his teachings in there and I think you're the person to be able to unlock it."

[member="Valae Kitra"]
Valae found her eyes growing narrow as Andrei explained that he did not share her concern for Jake. He didn’t care for his son, not the way a parent should. It seemed very much that Jake and Valae were just pawns in his eyes. As they walked the narrow path, there was the strange sensation of being watched. The Noghri were present and alert to their presences, their pace towards the lake quickened.

"I know." She said softly. Of course, she knew that Jake loved her deeply – feelings she mirrored perfectly.

But as Andrei took her hands and continued to speak, he did bring up a good point. Jake did tend to put others before himself. It was just his way. Valae would need to remind him to look after himself, too. She only wished that she had noticed his symptoms sooner. Still, she felt hopeful that she could find him the treatment he needed. If it was a simple sickness, it surely had a cure. As the two began to sink through the dirt, she felt a moment of panic. However, in the moment it took to blink, their feet were firmly planted on the floor of a cavern.

Valae turned slowly, gazing at this secret place hidden beneath the waterfall. In a way, it was like gazing into Jake’s past. Stepping close to his military armor, she let the tips of her finger run along the surface. A soft smile found her face as she saw the photos of Jake, he looked much the same – perhaps younger, but these were memories from a very different time. The small sets of children’s clothing made her heart grow a bit heavy within. Jake had loved his children… he was nothing like his father in that respect. The thought alone brought tears to her eyes. Glancing back to Andrei, her drew her attention to a very special object.

"Is that..." She trailed off, she knew what it was.

Shuddering at the darkness that Andrei send towards the wall, she watched as a small device suddenly came to life. A quick gasp escaped her lips as the force presence washed over the cavern. It was easily recognizable to her, it was Jake. Her chestnut eyes lingered on the holocron curiously, but they shifted back to find Jake’s father. Taking a step back, she shook her head slightly. If Jake had wanted to share any of this information with anyone – he would have. Now that she thought about it, it even felt a bit wrong that she had set foot here without his permission. It felt wrong.
Now Andrei’s intentions became clear as day.

He hadn’t brought her to this place without purpose, he needed her. Continuing to back away, Valae did not want to get too close to the holocron – and did her best to minimize her own force presence.

“I won’t unlock this holocron.” She said, “Just because I share a bond with Jake, it doesn’t make this right. It’s an intrusion.” Standing her ground, she looked Andrei in the eyes. “If he wants me to see this place, he will show me in person.Take us back, we shouldn't be here.

She swallowed hard, knowing that he would probably not react well to her words.

And back inside the hotel room, a very slight furrowing of Valae’s brow might have alerted Jake that something was happening.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
“You have no clue the knowledge that device possesses.” Andrei was more then irritated by this woman’s utter defiance. It was seen in the momentary sneer of his lips. The way his eyes narrowed and focused on Valae like a vulture spotting a wounded animal.

“You say it’s an intrusion?” Andrei scoffed. “How is this an intrusion? It is your right at his lover to know his deepest, darkest secrets. It’s your right to know what goes through that head of his. It’s both of our rights to learn what my son knows.”

Andrei again unleashed a torrent of dark energy towards the device which pulsated with fervor. Still, it wouldn’t unlock and once again Andrei was left disappointment. Of all of the artifacts here, this was the only one that interested Andrei. Yet everything he showed disinterest in, Valae seemed to be intrigued by. She wanted to know more about the man she called a lover. There would be other times for such nonsense. Right now Andrei wanted something. Valae would be the means of getting it.

“His lessons in saber combat will be able to teach our family how to properly defend themselves against both Jedi and Sith.” Andrei explained. He was careful to ensure the word our was used as an attempt to add a sense of unity with Valae. He had to find some possible way of convincing her. “The lessons of his Master, a right-queen, are embedded in there. He is not able to use the force on that level but you are. Imagine if you could reverse engineer some of her force technique? Through his explanation, through this device, you could amplify your orders defenses against the darkest abilities of Sith.”

Letting out a sigh Andrei knew how this would go. He would plead. She would refuse. “If you won’t willingly unlock that holocron, then I’ll make you.” His eyes flashed a bright yellow before turning into a dark orange. “You will do as I say or I will beat you into obedience. Jake isn’t here to save your arse either.”

Andrei put some distance between himself and the woman, coming to a stand before the helmet of the 62nd Marine Light Infantry. The black visor of the helmet was dusty; so dusty that he was unable to see his own reflection. Andrei unleashed a torrent of dark energy towards Valae. Like winds of a hurricane that went unseen, the blast of energy rocketed towards the Jedi Master.

“You are a stubborn woman. Jake may not be able to break you but I will.” The man taunted. He lifted both hands and sent forth a second blast of dark energy towards the Master. With each use of dark energy, the holocron pulsated. “You might as well open it. There is no where to run and you can’t escape unless I allow it!”

[member="Valae Kitra"]
As Andrei’s sharp eyes narrowed upon her, Valae’s foot edged away until her back hit the wall of the cavern. There was nowhere to run now. Listening to Jake’s father attempt to justify his right to the knowledge held within the holocron, Valae continued to stare him down defiantly. “We don’t have the right to pry.” She corrected him. There was a great deal of trust that she certainly did not want to betray. Though she had a feeling that Jake would not be upset if she had happened upon this information, it was a different story entirely when it came to his father.

After all, Jake’s artifacts had been hidden away for a reason.

Her gaze shot in the direction that Andrei had sent his burst of darkness. The holocron stirred, but remained silent. As the man continued to give reasons, on a level Valae could understand his desire. However, she didn’t know Andrei – and she had a rather bad feeling about all of this. Had they truly wanted to further the skills of the family, Jake was a very good teacher… but there would likely be little chance for that after he learned of this incident. After just learning that his parents were indeed alive, he was already untrusting of them. This would only further that feeling.

Watching as Andrei backed up, she began to focus and let her senses grow alert.

Valae’s fingers twitched at her sides. She didn’t want to fight, but she was literally backed up against a wall. She wouldn’t give in to dark threats; she had to protect this place – just as Jake protected her. As Andrei’s attack hurled towards her, she threw her palms out in front of her. An unseen force barrier took to the brunt of the darkness. Just like before, she felt the presence of the holocron swell slightly and then retreat once more. It could sense both of them, her eyes shifted towards the device for a brief moment.

This glance away was just enough of a distraction for Andrei’s next burst to land. Blasted back against the wall of the cavern, Valae fell to the ground. Teeth gritting, she pushed herself up to her knees. Andrei was right. Though Jake was near her physically, this place inside his father’s mind was unreachable. He wouldn’t be there to save her.

And so, she would have to do her best.

Summoning a great burst of force light, she unleashed a blinding flash that filled the cavern with white. It was the sort of light that made the darkness shrink away. Hopefully before her opponent could act, she sent a wave of pure force energy his way.

‘Please,’ she spoke silently. ‘Even if I fall here, do not give in to this man. Please.’

Valae wasn’t sure if the holocron could sense her thoughts. Even in her presence, she wanted to will the device to remain locked. Unsure of what would happen next, she blinked hard as she attempted to stand and ready herself.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
Andrei winced. Taking a step back and looking away, Andrei tried his best to shield his gaze. It was too no avail. The power that Valae held allowed the light to permeate his barriers. Even with hands covering his eyes. Even with his lids shut tightly. It still felt as though he was looking directly into a sun. This meant that Andrei didn’t feel the counter the wave of energy that caused him to be lifted from his feet. His body was launched deeper into the cavern. Andrei’s body bounced once, then twice before sliding to a stop.

“Damn it.” The Patriarch spat. “You’re going to pay.”

Just as Andrei came to a stand, his attention was drawn to the holocron. A smile crept across his face as the device itself began to fully unlock. It beamed lights of blue and red as its side lifted, shifted, and reset in a new pattern.

“You did it!” He exclaimed.

The device lifted slightly into the air, allowing its bottom part to complete its own shift before settling back down. It radiated an aura of darkness, the unmistakable feeling of the darkside that had been used in its construction. With all sides moved, the lights it poured out suddenly ceased and the cavern feel dark once more.

“No.” Andrei protested. “It can’t be. Nothing’s happening.”

Andrei glanced around, looking forward and behind, desperate for anything else that might occur as a result of the holocron unlocking. Despair crossed his face. Anger filled his heart. Eyes of contempt locked on Valae and another torrent of darkness was launched at the woman.

“Intruder’s.” Jake’s voice boomed through the cavern. The various artifacts that called this place home shook ever slightly at the sound coming from an unseen being.

The aura of darkness from Andrei hit an unseen barrier. The darkness crushed into it like waves against a rocky shoreline. The darkness crept up and across the wall, before falling back into itself. Slowly it dissipated into a light fog that slowly vanished.

Between Valae and Andrei, a new being stood. Darth Gravis, wearing the ceremonial robes that represented the Eternal Apprentice to Lady Silencia, held a palm towards Andrei. His icy blue eyes stared down the caverns invader. His stance was tense but limber. His aura was almost challenging the elder Daniels, daring the man to try anything at all.

“I will not allow this place to be sullied. Cease fighting now.”

“How are you here?” Andrei snarled. “This is my mind. You’re still in the hotel.”

Darth Gravis perked a brow. He looked every bit the part of Jake, albeit it slightly younger. The Knight lowered his palm and cupped both hands at the small of his back. His body remained between Andrei and Valae.

“I am Darth Gravis. Entity of the holocron and this caverns protector. You,” Gravis narrowed his eyes. “have been here numerous times. Invading it like a rat would a ship. You are also not the one to unlock me.

Andrei protested, “I did unlock you. Like a locksmith would a lock, I found the key that fit. I found the object to pry you open. Still how are you able to stop our fight.”

Gravis extended his palm, freezing Andrei in his place and silencing the elders mouth, “You are using a form of force projection. It’s a technique my Master was more than capable of using herself. In fact, your version is far weaker. Seeing as you are using the force itself, much as I am with this holocron, means we are on a level playing field. Were you any stronger, than a simple holocron would not be enough to overpower you.”

Gravis closed his fist and jerked his hand to the ground. Andrei slammed into the dirt floor with a loud grunt, “I am no fool. I know I am nothing but a projection of a man. That man was recently here and instilled into the holocron his latest treasure trove of knowledge and experience. That included an upgrade to my knowledge base of force based attacks to better prepare my own defenses. I may talk as though I am separate from my real world self but I assure you, he and I are one in the same.”

“Please, Son. I need what knowledge you possess!” Andrei explained.

“Son? Last I recall, you disowned your son. There are only three that I am subjugated too. One of three that can command me.” Gravis explained. “You are not one of them.”

Slowly the Knight turned his headm then his body, towards the woman, “Valae Kitra. Grand Master of the Silver Jedi Order. Master Healer. Master Diplomat.” The holocron’s representation spoke as if reading from a personnel file. “You encountered Jake Daniels on Felucia. Bioanalysis of on Valae Kitra matches stored memory. Security protocol initiated.”

The image of Gravis took a step closer, “Before I am subjugated two questions only Jedi Master Valae Kitra would know must be answered. Failure on either will result in death of those in the cavern by means of lethal force.”

The image of Gravis turned towards Andrei, “You don’t need to hear this.” With a finger to his lips, Andrei’s hearing ceased.

Turning back towards Valae, “Where did you and Jake Daniels truly give yourselves physically for the first time to one another? Jake Daniels has three pet names that he only calls you. What is one of those pet names?”
[member="Valae Kitra"]
Valae watched Andrei was caught off his guard, and her second attack landed. Her heart leapt as his form took to the air and then landed hard before skidding to a stop. Back aching, she pulled herself back to her feet, just as Andrei did the same. But it seemed that they would both turn their attention to the holocron. Watching as the pattern of lights shifted and changed, her eyes went wide.

But much to her relief, it settled again – seemingly dormant.

The breath caught her in her throat as Andrei rounded on her once more, disappointment and anger redirected at her. His gaze was full of hate, and Valae swallowed hard. Throwing her hands out in front of her to guard against the darkness, her defenses faltered as Jake’s voice rang out. A startled cry escaped Valae as Andrei’s attack blasted against a barrier – one created by the holocron. The form of a man now stood between her and Andrei… one that was familiar.

“Jake…” She whispered, but blinked a few times to bring the image into clear focus. It was him, however, he was different. Dressed in robes, he made his presence known as the protector of this place. She remained silent as she listened to the exchange taking place between Andrei and the image of his son. Her boot edged back slightly as Darth Gravis brought Andrei to the ground with a swift moment of his fist.

She froze as the holocron’s projection turned to face her.

Jake’s voice stated her identity, though the warmth that was generally present when he spoke to her was distinctly absent. Of course, this was only a portion of his being – but she could still feel his presence very strongly. After all, her own presence in the force was bound tightly to his. As Gravis stepped closer, she took in his features. This image was perhaps a touch younger than the Jake she knew so well. Her heart thumped within her chest. But there was a sense of comfort that washed over her in the presence of the holocron.

And then, the image of Gravis addressed her with questions.

Of course, she knew the answers very well. The memory of their time spent on the uncharted planet was still present in her mind. That night spent in the farmhouse would live on in her memories for all time. Even now, the passion she remembered clearly was enough to make her blush. Sparing a glance at Andrei, now silenced – the man was lucky that Valae’s answers would allow them to keep their lives.

“On the uncharted planet – at the Tithe farm.” She answered, “And he calls me Mon Cheri.”

A smile touched her lips as she spoke the pet-name. How she longed to be with Jake now, but she supposed that she would see him again soon. After all, she really hadn’t left him – his presence still with her in the hotel room, and now here in the cavern.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
The image of Darth Gravis changed ever slightly. Becoming more lively in appearance. His coloration of skin and clothes developed a depth that had it not been for the technical waves that caused his image to flicker every few moments, he would have looked as though Gravis was physically there. He didn't move. The things around him did.

"Responses acknowledged. Welcome Master Kitra." Darth Gravis spoke.

Every little item on the various shelves seemed to be sucked into the wall. Stone covered the holes of where they had once been. Beside them, to Valae's left and Jakes right, the entire wall pushed out and then swung open just enough to let a single frame to squeeze tightly through.

"Come with me." The holocron spoke as he and she disappeared through the shifted wall. When Valae made it through, a whole new section of the cavern was revealed to her. "This is the true vault of Jake Daniels. Look." The holocron pointed towards one shelf where the artifact thats that been out earlier with slipped into a new resting place. "From this point forward I will speak as though I am really Jake; though I know I am only a sliver of him, its just much easier when explaining things."

"This vault was carved completely by hand by both myself and a few of my soldiers that I trusted. Everything here is stone and dirt. It was trick when putting in the shifting walls, given that honoghrian soil isn't the most stable but it's worked for centuries." Darth Gravis explained. "Everything of importance to me is stored here. These first few shelve's contain items related to my military service."

The holocron guided Valae towards a uniform that rested on a display stand nestled in the wall, "This was my uniform in the Sith 62nd Marine Light Infantry Search and Rescue Brigade. The armor was nothing special. The visor though, that was everything. At the time it allowed me to connect with any soldier under my command and in my vacinity to allow me to see what they saw should the need arise. Over there are some of the pistols and rifles we used during the first great Jedi-Sith War."

As they continued down the narrow, winding pathways, the holocron pointed out various items here and there, "My collection of sith teachings when it comes to lightsaber combat. Various personal items that belong to my wife, items that belong to my children, and of course my master. They were gifts from them to me and me to them. I saved them during the great plague." The biggest distinction between Jake and this holocron was the emotion, or rather, the lack there of. This holocron spoke of people Jake deeply loved yet his voice and tone was matter of fact. He was direct. He was to the point. He'd have put a class of children taking a tour to sleep.

"I am guiding you to the true holocron. What you saw out there was a dark side amplifier. A speaker of sorts. Its to trick potential thieves. Do you have any questions?"

[member="Valae Kitra"]​
As the holocron’s image changed slightly, Valae watched as the man in Jake’s image became startlingly lifelike. Then, her eyes grew wide with surprise as the walls of the cave shifted, revealing an opening in the wall. Following close behind, she slipped through after Gravis. Her mouth dropped open slightly at the sight of the real vault that sprawled out before them. She nodded at Gravis to signal that she was listening, though her gaze was still being drawn about her surroundings.

Taking a step closer to the walls, she let the palm of her hand slide gently across the rough surface.

She could only imagine the work that Jake and his mates had put into constructing this place. Joining Gravis near the display of Jake’s military time, she let her eyes settle on his uniform. For some reason, it was hard to imagine him wearing such armor. Perhaps it was because the Jake she knew had no problem jumping into a scrap wearing just his street clothes. A smile formed on her face at the thought, thinking back to the moment she met him in the ring on Felucia.

Moving on down the narrow tunnels, she viewed the cherished items from Jake’s past. She lingered close to some, especially those of his children, but she didn’t touch. Valae didn’t wish to disturb anything here. It was odd, standing here with a projection that looked so very much like the man she loved, and yet it was just a shell – the true soul and life was missing.

“True holocron?” She echoed, and then listened as Gravis explained. “Ah, I see. Leave it to Jake to have such protective measures in place.” She said with a smirk, looking to the Holocron’s image.

It was then that she realized that she ought to start thinking about crafting her own Holocron. She would mention it to Jake another time, for now she needed to keep focused.

“No questions, please continue.” She said, nodding to Gravis.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
"One can never have too much security in place when it comes to protecting what it most important to them." Gravis replied as he came to a sudden stop. Turning back towards the cavern, "There are several protocols in place to protect the main entrance. Had you failed to answer the questions the cavern would have been flooded. If that failed, then a controlled collapse would have followed. In here," The holocron glanced about, "there are two safety measures. The first is to be sealed within. Once the main door locks it can only be unlocked by the presence of the select chosen allowed within. The second is up ahead."

The holocron guided Valae through the remainder of the chamber. "Meticulous in organization. Everything has its place. Each new shelving column represents different facets of the life of the man you know as Jake Daniels. Here are the robes he wore as a Jedi Padawan. They were styled from the mind of Jake without help. You will notice that the style carries similarities in each passing phase. All the way to what I wear, which were crafted with the help of my Master, Lady Silencia."

Through the final corridor, finally leaving behind hundreds of personal possessions of Jake Daniels, the force bound pair entered a small opening. The walls were smoothed stone. The air was stale and unmoving. Humidity was non-existent.Yet as they entered, four oil filled lanterns burst to life and cast away the shadows. In the center of the room, on a small round table was a single object. An object that the image of Darth Gravis walked around. His fingers sliding along its every side.

"This is the true holocron of Jake Daniels. The vessel that holds every memory, every emotional response, every thought, teaching, and experience. This vessel holds everything he was and everything he is." Gravis explained. "People have sought this out due to my knowledge of lightsaber combat and military prowess. They care little for what else it holds. Tis' a shame. Every few months I am updated with the recent events of Jakes life. I will say that I have been updated more frequently since he met you."

The man came to a stand behind the holocron and motioned for Valae to stand before it. The voice of Gravis became rigid as he began dictating his search for a particular file within his data field, "By default, those warranted access are read the most recent data upload. Archive update 273. Category: Personal Records. Subjection: Final Wishes. Authorization for revelation to one Valae Kitra.. The Reading of the last will and testament of the deceased, Jake Daniels. In the event of my death, I leave all my worldly possessions to my wife, Valae Kitra. Valae, I ask that you honor the remnants of my life in my vault. I ask that you continue to better the lives of all of those around you, as you have bettered mine. I am not a man of financial wealth but what little I had in this world is yours and yours alone. I ask that you continue to be that spark of light in a galaxy that continues to tread towards darkness. As you were my lighthouse; I ask that you be that for the galaxy. Valae, I will always be with you. I will always love you. Be safe Mon Cheri'. We will reunite in due time."

The holocron suddenly livened up slightly, his posture loosening up. "Master Kitra, you are granted access to each record within this holocron. Is there anything you wish to delve into before I send you and... that man... back to your bodies?"

[member="Valae Kitra"]
As the holocron continued to bring her through the chamber, she found herself looking at a set of robes. The style was familiar, they were fashioned in the way that most Jedi ensembles were. But there was still enough personality to them that made Valae smile. Her hand reached out and gently lifted the sleeve, feeling the fabric between her fingers. As the holocron spoke, her eyes were drawn back to face him, noting the robes he had crafted with his Master.

Letting go of the sleeve, she turned to follow down the final stretch. Her eyes cast a curious gaze around as the lanterns suddenly illuminated the area. There in the middle of the room was an artifact waiting for them. She remained by the entrance for a long moment, merely watching as the image of Gravis moved to interact with the object. Indeed, Jake’s presence was very strong here in this chamber. Even now, she could feel her bond with him.

“I see,” She answered softly, learning that Jake had been updating his holocron more since he’d met her.

A small smile curled the ends of her mouth. Their time together had been rather eventful, there were many things to keep updated, she mused. As Gravis motioned for her to join him, she came to stand before the holocron as he had directed. Leaning closer, her eyes studied every surface of this artifact, but she straightened up again as the holocron began to recite details of a file.

Her eyes grew wide upon hearing that this was a reading of Jake’s will. Valae didn’t want to think of a time when Jake wouldn’t be at her side. These words made that possibility all too real. But the fact that he’d prepared them for her made her heart swell. In an instant, her eyes were misty.

Of course, they had talked about their future together many times. Somehow, hearing Jake refer to her as his wife made her very happy. She knew his intentions were to eventually marry and have children, but this made it real. Her love for Jake had never been stronger, and in this moment it could have filled the entirety of this cavern and more. Very gently, she let the tips of her fingers reach out to touch the sides of the holocron, and she glanced back up to the image of Gravis as he addressed her.

She could easily have asked him to search the records for instances where Jake had mentioned potential symptoms of this mysterious illness… but there was something stopping her. Valae shook her head softly, and looked into the eyes of Gravis.

“No, I don’t think I will delve into anything here today.” She nodded, “I’d like to ask Jake myself, in person.” Valae took in every detail of Gravis one last time. “Thank you for everything you have shown me today. I think we will meet again in the future, don’t you?” Valae offered a smile to the stony image.

It was time to return now, and she wanted nothing more than to see Jake.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
"I believe we shall. Much sooner than you might expect." Gravis replied with a subtle hint. The holocron knew what the Jedi Master did not. Jake had plans. Looking upon the woman, the holocron raised both hands. Palms faced the woman and with shut eyes he snapped his fingers.

Andrei and Valae had the sensation of being sucked into a drain. Whisked away across a vast distance, they were shoved back into the bodies. Valae was placed gently within her own frame. Andrei had been slammed in. His body jerked backwards as his eyes flickered open in a series of blinks.

Jake was on him in a second. The Knight gripped his father by the throat and shoved him against the wall. The fiery, protective spirit of Jake for Valae pinned what he viewed to be the true threat, "What did you just do?"

Andrei slapped at Jake's wrists but the Knight was ever slightly faster. Anticipating his father's forth coming reprisal with the force, the Knight grabbed his wrist and twisted. "Answer me."

"Ok... ok..." Andrei replied. "I drew her in and had a little discussion about you. A private one. None of your concern. That's all. See? She's back. She's safe. Isn't that right, Master Kitra?"

Jake looked back to Valae before releasing Andrei. Quietly he approached his Lioness. Cupping her neck in his hands, the tilted her head up and brushed his nose against her own. The fierceness he just displayed had washed away the moment his flesh touched her own. She was his anchor; his lighthouse. His essence washed against her own, mending and bonding. The balance that Valae had worked so hard to put into Jake returned. A simple, gentle, emotionally charged kiss was given to his lover.

"If you are quite finished, I believe I am supposed to show you around now." Andrei interrupted.

"I really hate that man." Jake whispered.

"This is the medical facility that the Daniels family had funded for decades." Andrei explained as the trio entered the research laboratory. Just moments earlier they had arrived via private speeder; having left the hotel in an otherwise tense state. Even Andrei hoped they could put that little misunderstanding behind them.

"We do genetics research. We'll... others do. I just know finances. I leave the medical mumbo jumbo to Gabrielle and the others." Andrei explained. "What I do know is that we have mapped every main family line here on Chandrila." Andrei pressed a button on the main console. A large screen before Jake and Valae lit up. "We have noted every genetic defect in every family line and performed scenarios on what ifs. If this line bred with that one. If this ceased to exist what would happen to the population. Our goal was to ensure the survival of the Chandrillian people after the plague. It worked. Selective breeding ensured that we kept as many lines of families alive as possible."

"Master Kitra, as a healer, are you able to heal genetic defects? Specifically, let's say if a child is born with a sixth finger, can you make it vanish with this force?" Andrei went to typing on the computer, "Look at this." Andrei instructed, "What do you notice about this genome code?" With another click, a new code appeared on screen.

[member="Valae Kitra"]​
Valae’s lips parted slightly when the Holocron responded with a seemingly ominous message. However, she didn’t have much time to ponder, as a very strange sensation took over. Suddenly, Valae felt her consciousness settle back within her physical body. Before her eyes had even opened, Jake was already moving to pin his father against the wall. Chestnut eyes fluttered open and found the forms of the two men; her gaze narrowed ever slightly when Andrei spoke. Valae guessed that he was a bit anxious about what Jake would do to him if he found out that he’d attacked her. She could easily have let it slip.

Then again, she knew that Jake would likely have killed his father then and there.

It really wasn’t something that she wanted, even for the rather greedy older man. So, for now she would remain quiet on the subject. “That’s right, I suppose.” She said, slowly standing to her feet. For the briefest moment she was unsteady, but Jake was there in an instant. His gentle touch gave her the comfort that she needed, and she placed her hands atop his. Valae’s arms wrapped around Jake as his lips pressed to hers. In his embrace, she knew that she was safe – a breath of relief finally escaped.

The tender moment was interrupted by Andrei. Valae had spent time alone with the man, she could understand Jake’s sentiment now, and cracked a small smile.

Just like the Daniels home, the research facility funded by their credits was sleek. Valae had to admit that it was quite impressive. A brow rose slightly, still a bit skeptical of Andrei. However, the research they were doing here did seem to have the health of the Chandrillian people in mind. Of course, there was always the possibility that they were using this information for their own purposes… she just couldn’t be sure quite yet, but she wouldn’t put it past them.

She blinked as Andrei posed a question to her about healing genetic defects. Her hold on Jake’s arm loosened slightly as she thought. Never before had she even considered that possibility.

“As a healer, I’ve experienced very little with genetic defects.” She looked to the screen. “To be truthful, I’ve never made the attempt. I’d suspect that any physical manifestation of the defect would remain, even after healing… but it would lessen the chances of spreading that defect to future generations. And that’s not to say the physical aspects, like additional appendages couldn’t be taken care of.”

Valae swallowed hard as Andrei displayed a genome code on the screen.

“I’m no doctor or geneticist…” She tugged at her shirt collar, and shot an anxious glance up at Jake.

Letting go of Jake, she stepped closer to the screen and cradled her chin. The sour feelings she had towards Andrei were still there, but they slipped to the back of her mind as she studied the pattern before her.

“Well, there’s a portion here…” She pointed to the screen, “Where the sequence seems to repeat consistently…” Valae turned an unsure glance to Andrei, and scratched the back of her head. “You’ll have to explain.” She said, nodding to the man.

Truly, complicated things like this made her head spin – they always had.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
Jake listened as Valae responded to Andrei. All the while his eyes focused on the image that was displayed on the screen. He knew nothing of the medical field, even less when it came to force healing. His Lioness explained that they couldn't heal lost limbs. Things were even a bit more grey when it came to genetic abnormalities. Valae acknowledged that she hadn't much experience in their treatments but believed treatment would lessen the chances of it spreading to future generations.

When Jake noted her anxious look, he gave her a supportive squeeze. She was far more knowledgeable about pretty much everything when compared to Jake and the man let himself revel in her excellence. Then Valae took note of the sequence and how it repeated. Jake's eyes slid to where she had addressed.

"Exactly." Andrei explained. "A perfect genetic code is a repeating sequence. The DNA code would be untainted, unbroken, and unblemished. Look at this though." Andrei clicked a few more buttons on the screen. The screen zoomed in on the very end of the code, "The letters were repeating until this portion here. Right here it becomes jumbled. The sequence has ended. The code is now broken. This particular portion of the genetic code is related to the reproductive system."

"This is your code." Jake replied, looking from Valae to Andrei.

"Yes." Andrei replied.

"Gabrielle explained that the force techniques to extend your lives made you sterile." Jake explained. "This is the physical manifestation of it?"

Andrei nodded, "The darkside ravages the body physically in ways the lightside doesn't. The lightside is limited in what it can do as Jedi are held back by dogmatic views. The darkside allows people to do things that go against the very laws of nature. Breaking those laws has severe consequences however."

"So you played with Pandora's Box and it bit you in the arse." Jake replied.

"As you say, yes." Andrei clicked several more buttons to turn the screen off. He rounded the corner and approached Valae, only to have Jake take a step forward.

Father and Son stood several inches apart. Eyes tore into one another. Even if Andrei wanted, he knew Jake would get the better of him. Was Andrei well versed in the dark side? Yes. Was he a match for Jake in a fight? No. It would be brutal but Jake would come out on top. With Valae at his side, that would just seal the deal even quicker. Lord, how Andrei hated Jake.

"Master Kitra, before I show you the rest of the facility I need to ask a favor. My family has been corrupted to a degree few have experienced in the darkside. Do you think you'd be able to undo the damage we have done? Gabrielle thinks undoing the damage would have unpredictable consequences but I wanted to check with you first. Do you think you could fix the code?" Andrei asked. "We've tried everything. We just haven't tried this. If anyone would know if it can be done, you would."

[member="Valae Kitra"]​

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