Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Changing Light

Valae grinned as she watched Jake look around the cave. As he removed the fur flap that covered her nose and mouth, she indulged in the quick kiss he placed against her lips. She exhaled smoothly after, her breath visible on the air, even inside the shelter of the cave. But now that they were away from the wind and falling now, she lowered her hood. Careful steps brought her along the cave wall, she meant to stay off to the side to allow Jake some room to explore.

She knew how her force presence had an influence over him, and she did not want to interfere.

Sure enough, he started to move off on his own. A quiet smile found her lips as she watched, her arms crossed comfortably and she leaned against the cave. For the moment, she was simply content to watch him. Each crystal seemed to have a radiant glow, each was beautiful – and yet, there was one here that would be special. While Valae herself had not come here with intentions of bringing home a crystal, she canted her head to the side as she first heard the notes of a song. It was soft at first, and there were angelic voices that grew louder.

Closing her eyes, Valae allowed herself to become lost in this melody. There was something very uplifting about this particular tune. It was very peaceful, too. Valae was reminded of a peaceful stretch of grassy valleys back on Voss. For a brief moment, it was almost like she was back there – gentle sun shining, and a soft breeze against her skin. The last time that she had visited this cave, she had not experienced anything to this degree. Letting the song be her guide, her boots carried her forward towards a single crystal shard that rose above the rest in its cluster.

Reaching out very slowly, her gloved fingertips glazed across the crystal’s surface.

A sense of warmth found her fingers, even through the thick material of her gloves. Her smile grew; she knew instantly that she would not be leaving the cave without this crystal. As she connected with the Kyber, she seemed to have the feeling that this crystal was not going to be used for a lightsaber. It seemed that it would serve some other purpose, just what that was… she couldn’t even say yet. It was much like the glimmer of an idea was there, but it was still beyond her reach.

Carefully, she removed the crystal from its place. Cradling it gently, she tucked it away safely into a pocket. Turning at the sound of Jake’s voice, she made her way over to him. Placing a hand on his shoulder, she knelt down next to him.

“I don’t think he would look down on you, if that’s what you’re asking.” She said softly, giving his shoulder a squeeze. “In fact, I think he’d be pleased to know that I’ve found someone that made me happy.”

Brows arched to consider his second question.

“Hmm,” Her gaze found the crystal in question. “I think your emotions might have quite an impact,” She nodded slowly, “But so long as they are not dark – not full of hatred or anger… I think it could be a positive thing.” She was curious to know about this vision, but for now she wanted to see Jake connect further with this crystal. “Why not try it now? Focus on that crystal and let your emotions flow… see what happens.”

[member="Jake Daniels"]
Jake let out a laugh, "Well please remember I make you happy for the time I don't get you the exact food you want when you have a pregnancy craving. Oh I'm sorry Hon! I can't make it from Kashyyyk to the Unknown region for that mystery pie you like. The restaurant will be closed by the time I get there! But its ok... remember you said I make you happy!" There was a bit of a lovingly playful sarcasm to how he ended that sentence.

Jake placed his fingers tips to the crystal once more. The now ocean blue gem seemed to glow just a bit stronger as the man opened himself up to it. Valae had instructed him to let his emotions flow. Like a faucet, Jake did just that. As they emerged, Jakes dark passenger remained secluded. The gem rattled in the rock from which it rested.

"I am not pure. Which is why I asked about your Master." Jake said to Valae, though his eyes never left the kybur, "In my time, those whom never touched darkness frowned down upon those that did. That was my fear." Jakes fingers pressed more firmly against the gem. "I know those who grew up in the light from their infancy in terms of force training didn't need a anchor to hold them to the light." When Jake thought of Valae in terms of his feeling the crystal wiggled free and free floated before Jake. "We both know you're my anchor. My lighthouse. My Lioness." Cupping his hands, the small gem fell into his waiting palms. The moment it did so, Jake felt a bond. As though he had just found a long lost family member.

"The vision I was given was of our future." Jake felt happy. A simple but powerful emotion. It was also an emotion that had become a best friend to Jake in the past few months. "Our child," Jake didn't specify gender. "They were outside of our home and were running about. Quite a few grandchildren I might add." The one thing that the vision didn't show Jake was how many children he and Valae would have. Was it just the daughter he saw, or where there more yet to be revealed?

His hand slowly closed around the crystal, his eyes finding Valae's, "Remarkable vision. Funny thing? Ive never had visions about my future. Not about family, friends, anything. That is until I met you. Lightside. Our connection. Don't know. I just know I'm seeing things that I will do all in my power to ensure still happen."

Jake turned his attention to the other crystals about. "I wonder..." The Knight opened himself up again. He allowed his feelings for Valae to pour forth. Beams of ocean blue poured out between the fingers of his closed fist. Yet around them, all of the crystals seemed to glow. They responded to the force of others as Jedi did them. How interesting. Perhaps... just perhaps he could put on a little light show for Valae. Closing his eyes, extending his ocean blue glowing fist and his other open free hand, Daniels poured out as much of the lightside of the force, as much of his positive emotions as he could physically muster.

It took a moment. A few actually. But it happened. The crystals began to glow a bit brighter and then they began to flicker in beautiful patterns. Jake wasn't a rich man; in fact poor by even hobbit Jedi standards so when he gave a gift to his Mon Cheri', it truly came from his heart.

[member="Valae Kitra"]​
Valae joined Jake as he laughed, and then she fixed a narrow-eyed but playful glance at him. Sure, she could already imagine scenes like that playing out. While she generally wasn’t much of a fussy woman, she had no idea what it would be like to actually be pregnant. If the stories were true, she could already imagine a very cranky version of herself. And this thought led her to another – the two of them had yet to really disagree or argue. It was bound to happen at some point, it was just a natural part of a relationship – it was all about how these situations were handled though. For the moment, she couldn’t even imagine being upset with Jake. But deep down, she knew that even if she was upset with him… she would still love him.

Watching as Jake worked with the crystal, she gave some thought to his comment about those that grew up surrounded by light. It was known that Thurion did hold strong to the ideas of the light, but Valae had always viewed him as a very reasonable individual. Then again, she had rarely seen him in the company of anyone with a darker aura – save for one friend. It was her master’s wife that was known for being more open in that regard.

“Our child?” She asked, glancing at Jake as he mentioned his vision. Valae could feel his happiness and let it spread into her own heart. A smile found her lips. “And grandchildren? My goodness, I’ve given little thought to being a grandmother.” Her head canted to the side. “But I must say, it’s quite nice.”

It was interesting to learn that Jake had been having visions about the future. Valae couldn’t even remember a time when she’d experienced anything like that. Perhaps there had been dreams, but she still wasn’t sure. But the force did work in mysterious ways.

And her attention was drawn curiously to her man as he opened up.

Gazing about in wonder, she saw – and felt – the crystals in the cave as they began to twinkle. Standing up, she turned in a slow circle. It was like a sea of shining stars, just for her. Jake was drawing from the light side; she could feel that, too. A wide grin spread across her face, and she moved over to him.

“Look how far you’ve come,” She said, her arms reached up to rest around his neck. “I won’t ever forget this moment.” Valae drew closer, her nose gently rubbed against his.

“I have something for you, too.” She gave him a quick kiss, and then stepped back. Valae pulled the saber from her belt, and opened the small crystal chamber. Closing her eyes for a moment, a single shard was drawn out and floated serenely before Jake.

“This meditation crystal has been with me from the start, but I’d like it to be with you now. It will help deepened your connection to the force.” Letting the crystal drop into her palm, she placed it in Jake’s hand and wrapped his fingers around it. “Install with your new crystal, I think it will be a good match.” She grinned. “Just like us.”

[member="Jake Daniels"]
Valae marveled at the gift and there was nothing more that Jake wanted. He didn’t necessarily want thank you’s. He didn’t need a gift in return. He only needed one thing when giving someone a gift; the reassurance that it was the right gift. Based on Valae’s embrace and the happiness she felt; Jake did perfectly. Sure Jake might have come off just a tad bit heavy with regards to the visions and explaining them to Valae. It was still something Jake was excited about.

When his Lioness opened up her sabers crystal chamber, Jake watched as a single shard was drawn out and floated gracefully before Jake. His eyes focused on the tiny gem. Valae explained that it was a meditation crystal that will help deepen Jakes connection to the force. More importantly, it had been with her since the beginning of her own journey. Before Jake could object to taking such an important relic from Valae, the Lioness instructed the Lion to put it into his new saber with his new crystal. She then closed his hand around the object.

“I…” Jake began as he looked upon Valae with complete surprise. “Thank you. I will guard this with my life.”

Jake opened up both palms to stare at both crystals. As he held both close, the ocean blue seemed to glow once more in response to its new sibling gem. His icy blue eyes shifted to the meditation gem. How something so small would have such an impact on him. It was amazing. It was surreal.

“By any chance, do the Silvers have all of the tools necessary to build the components for a lightsaber?” Jake asked. “It may sound like a dumb question but Sith didn’t have a stash of supplies. If you wanted something, you searched for it. There was no help. There was no guide. If you were meant to have a lightsaber, the force would guide you to what you needed.” Jake rolled his eyes, “or that’s what they tried to teach us. I thought that was a load of hooey. I found my components on my own though by taking from others.” Jake let out a chuckle, “I don’t think you’d be too happy if I started swiping components from Silver Masters.”

There was a low beeping that emerged from Jake’s pack. Slinging a strap off a shoulder, Jake swung the pack to his front. He slid both crystals into the pack; securing them safely before pulling out a small communicator. It was Skillet.

Jake clicked a button which signaled Skillet to their receipt. Jake looked at the pad while the droid let out a series of whistles and beeps, ‘Urgent message coming for through for Jake.’

“We’ll be right there.” Jake said as he finished reading the scentence and then turned his attention towards Valae, “That’s odd. Promise me we will come back here soon?” Jake asked giving the cavern another look around, “Perhaps a winter style camping trip in this very cavern.”

When they made it back to The Tumbleweed, the pair walked hand in hand towards a holoprojector. The moment Jake appeared, Skillet turned it on. The image he saw drew an immediate sneer from his lip.

“Turn it off.” Jake ordered.

“Come now, Mister Daniels. Is that any way to treat a lady.” The Cloaked Woman replied. “Oh, and this must be the infamous Grandmaster Valae Kitra. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

There was a sudden rigidness to Jake when the Cloaked Woman spoke to his mate, “The hell do you want?”

“Tsk, tsk. Such brutishness is unbecoming of someone of your caliber.” The Cloaked woman replied. “Since you do not seem to be in the mood to talk, I feel it is time we met. Face to face. We have some things to discuss.”

“Last time we met you used a puppet to torment me. That puppets now dead. Are you sure its wise to want to meet with me?” Jake asked.

“You are most certainly right. You are not coming alone.” The Cloaked Woman smirked beneath her cowel, “I wish to extend this invitation to Grandmaster Kitra as well. I have a feeling she is capable of keeping you on your best behavior long enough for you both to hear what I have to say. Though that is not the specific reason for my invite. I wish to get to know you on a more personal level, Master Kitra.” She didn’t wait for either to accept, “Come to Chandrila. I’m located in the historical district. Once you arrive, I will send coordinates on where we will meet. Oh,” The Cloaked Woman said just before logging off, “and remember Jake. You may not trust me. I may have tormented you but every action has reason. We will explain everything to you when you arrive.”

With that the image went dead.

Jake cursed quietly under his breath. “I don’t know her name.” Jake said, anticipating Valae’s questions. “Shortly after I awoke on Dantooine, that woman would appear in my dreams. She would give me locations of where family heirlooms were. Little did I know she was trying to use me. One heirloom in particular served as a codex of sorts for the old ways. A diary, journal, text, history book, it was essentially anything you could think it was. It told of how the force was utilized centuries ago. It also belonged to my family on Honoghr. When I arrived on the planet of Ambria, she used a mind controlled Sith Lord to try and trick me into handing it over. A fight ensued. I was gravely injured. The puppet killed. Since then she has only rarely popped into say ‘Hi.’ For no other reason than her own amusement.”

[member="Valae Kitra"]
Valae was very pleased that Jake accepted the gift, but truly… he had little choice in the matter. Though the shard had helped her immensely during her early days, and still did provide a useful boost – she wanted Jake to have this same advantage. As a caretaker, she always placed the needs of others before her own.

It was just her way.

Her smile only grew upon seeing the ocean blue glow of Jake’s new Kyber crystal. She had a feeling that it would serve him well. Shifting her eyes back up, she listened as Jake recounted the ways the Sith were expected to build a saber. A soft laugh escaped Valae as Jake mentioned acquiring components from other masters in the order.

“No, no,” She replied softly, “No stealing, please.”

She gave him a playful nudge, and then drew a breath of cold air.

“We do have materials for building sabers, don’t worry. But you’d be surprised, many still go off on their own journeys to find their own.” Valae’s brow furrowed, “You know, you might even try rooting around in the cargo hold of the Tumbleweed. At one time I had the thought to make myself a new saber, but I never did.”

With that, she glanced down at her own saber hilt. While it was a very simple design and didn’t have much in the way of frills or extra features, it had done the job well enough. Her gloved hand clipped the saber back onto her belt, and she covered it again with the length of her heavy coat. “Hmm?” She blinked, hearing the muffled beeping that came from inside Jake’s pack. Her brown eyes widened slightly upon learning that there was an urgent message for Jake. But she gave a swift nod.

“Not to fret,” She smiled, “We’ll definitely be back here.”

And with a last glance around the cavern, she grabbed hold of Jake’s hand. Once they were back aboard the Tumbleweed, she pulled down the hood of her coat and watched as the holoprojector activated. The form of a hooded woman appeared, etched in blue light. Valae stood silent, watching curiously. She was slightly taken aback by Jake’s first response – he wanted to turn off the transmission without knowing the reason behind it? There was more to this story.

It soon became clear that Jake was familiar with this mysterious figure. And also that she was already aware of Valae. Her gaze flickered back and forth as Jake exchanged words with the woman that appeared to them via holo. Next to Jake, she remained quiet as the image went dark.

Just as soon as her lips parted to speak, Jake was already prepared with answers.

She gave his hand a comforting squeeze. Of course, she was worried that they were being lured into some kind of trap… but there was a nagging feeling that told her this was important.

“We should at least hear her out, right?” Valae chanced over at Skillet, “Lay in a course for Chandrila.”

Her hand gave Jake’s a tug, nudging him towards their quarters. Valae fixed him in a patient glance, waiting to see if he had any objections to going to meet this woman.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
Jake’s boots thumped against the metal grate of The Tumbleweed. By his side Valae walked. Behind them both, Skillet rolled. Gone was his winter clothing; which had been neatly stowed away. In its stead was an outfit of a more casual design. He carried no immediate weapon. His sith lightsaber was still on Kashyyyk. Though he did find the components necessary to build a lightsaber on Valae’s ship using the components that she had at one time planned to use herself, Jake had yet to construct it. It would take time to ensure everything was constructed with exact precision.

As they stepped foot off of the ramp, Jake’s icy blue eyes befell two men. Both were well dressed in crisp suits. Both held no visible emotional expression. They simply stood quiet for the moment all while returning Jake’s stare. The hairs on the back of Jakes neck stood straight. He didn’t like this. How’d they know what spaceport they would be landing at? How’d they know what specific platform?

Jake gave a concerned look towards Valae before turning to Skillet, “Send out location to Umako. Send a secondary notification to the Silver’s. I’d feel much more comfortable if people knew where we were.” Jake turned back to Valae, “Something doesn’t feel right.”

“Mister Daniels.” One of the men spoke. “We are here to escort you to our Lady.”

Jake perked a brow.

“Just tell us where to go and we’ll find out way.”

“Where we are going is a secure location. Unless you are with us, you will not be granted admittance.” The man replied. “We must insist per our Lady’s instructions.”

Jake squeezed Valae’s hand. He’d come so far. The Dark Passenger had been subdued but if Valae were in danger again, like she had been on Felucia, would he remain locked away? Another glance to Valae along with a quiet sigh and Jake relented.


“Right this way, Sir.”

The pair and their little droid were taken to a waiting luxury speeder. On its hood was a large M seemingly etched into the very metal of the hood and painted a bright gold. Both men got into the front seats while Valae and Jake both climbed into the middle. Skillet took the final rear seat.

On each of their right hand middle fingers was a single blue ring with a letter D. Jake took a look at Valae. Opening himself up, Jake spoke from his mind to his Lionnesses, ‘The design on their rings is the same design of my family’s crest. My parents used to seal letters with wax and used a press that had that image on it. Most likely just coincidence.’ Jake was stating that in an attempt to reassure himself. Why? The other possibility scared him.

“Master Kitra,” the driver spoke, “Our Lady is truly excited to meet you. We’ve never been in the presence of a Grandmaster of an Order before. We’ve heard nothing but good things about the Silver Jedi Order. Our Lady has been delving into research of you and your order for some time now. We are sorry to hear about your orders personal losses Mirial, Ossus and Charos.”

‘This fool is awful chatty.’ Jake thought to Valae with slightly narrowed eyes.

“Rest assured, we understand that the galaxy needs a beacon of light. That is why our Lady hopes to assure you that you and yours will always be welcome in our home.” The Driver continued.

“Our home?” Jake asked.

The passenger finally spoke, “Oh yes. We all live together. All will be explained shortly.”

The Driver lifted a small communicator to his ear, nodded his head and mumbled something before setting it down, “Master Kitra, our Lady wishes to have an audience privately with you. We will escort Mister Daniels to the sitting room.”

“Like hell you will. I’m not letting Master Kitra anywhere near psycho lady alone.” Jake snorted as his hand squeezed Valaes in a highly protective and possessive manner.

The passenger looked back towards Jake with apparent irritation at the insult issued, “We must insist. If our Lady wills it. It must be done. For the sanctity of our home and our hospitality, please do not cause a scene which may result in unfortunate events occurring.” He then turned back to Valae, ”Before we arrive, is there anything you wish to know Master Kitra?”

Daniels perked a brow, ’Did messenger boy just threaten me?’

[member="Valae Kitra"]​
Notes: Jake’s Outfit
After having shed the layers of her winter-wear, Valae now stood in plain clothes and a long jacket. While she hoped she wouldn’t need her saber, she did have it tucked away beneath the fabric of her tunic and light coat. At least one of them would be armed, just in case. Though, she hoped there would be no need for weapons.

No sooner had they exited the ship, there were suited men waiting for them at the bottom of the ramp. Their faces were expressionless and their suits a sharp display of professionalism. It was a bit of an odd welcoming party, she had to say. And odder still that they seemed to know exactly where to greet them.

Holding tight to Jake’s hand, she watched quietly as he had an exchange with their escorts. Of course, Valae understood why this meeting made Jake uneasy. And it was a bit evident by his standoffish attitude towards the mystery woman’s men. After boarding the speeder, she sat close to Jake’s side. Rides in classy speeders like this were rare, even for the Grandmaster. It was all a bit flashy for her taste. But it did seem to tell her something about this woman.

She must certainly have had wealth or at least the penchant for luxurious things.

Valae felt the familiar sensation of Jake’s presence brushing against her own. And then his voice spoke into her mind, revealing a detail that seemed to be emblazoned on the rings of the suited men. Her eyes shifted casually to have a look for herself, but her expression did not betray their silent exchange. Brows lofted as the driver informed Valae that their employer had been keeping tabs on the Order.

“I see,” She answered aloud, and then responded mentally to Jake. “You’re right, he sure is chatty.”

As the driver informed them that their Lady wished to meet with Valae alone, her eyes widened. Glancing over at Jake, she felt his grip on her hand tighten. Needless to say, Valae didn’t want to leave Jake’s side, but it seemed that they had little choice in the matter. Squaring her shoulders slightly, she took a breath and shook her head at the driver.

“I don’t have any questions at the moment,” she added, for the sake of clarity.

But she gave Jake’s hand a squeeze.

“I’ll be fine,” Her gaze softened as she looked at him, and then her eyes shifted forward. “Besides, if there’s any trouble – you’ll be the first to know.” The bond between them was strong enough to ensure that fact. And then, her voice inside his mind would lower to a whisper. “Love you.” She offered a quick smile.

It wasn’t long before the speeder pulled to a stop; it seemed that they had arrived. Preparing to exit, Valae glanced back at Jake, knowing that they would soon be sitting in separate rooms.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
'I love you too.' Jake replied with his own grin.

He was tense. Even more so as the pair and their droid were taken onto a speeders landing platform and towards an elevator of one of Chandrila's many highrises. Once in, they were accompanied by two identically dressed men. All four men took a corner of the elevator, which caused Jake to pull Valae just a bit closer. The predator inside was stirring. Tension was rising. Each of the four men were well disciplined. They kept their eyes forward. Not once did they waver towards their guests. The trip was awkward to say the least. To the benefit of all, it was quick. A loud ping indicated they reached their destination and the doors slid open. Revealed before Valae and Jake was a elegant penthouse home.

"This way please." The Driver instructed.

The pair exited the elevator, though Jake slowed his pace when he noted several more individuals around. Each of the men wore suits identical to the others. The women wore identical dresses. Each male was paired with a female. Even the passenger from the speeder and the two elevator escorts came to stand beside three women. Everything came off rehearsed. Everything came off as fake. Surely this was some sort of sick show. There was one other small thing Jake noted; everyone wore the same ring on the same finger as the Driver and Passenger.

When they entered the main sitting room, the Driver turned towards Jake. "Please wait here. My Lady will meet with Master Kitra upstairs." He took note of the droid, "The droid stays with here too."

Skillet let out a rather vulger digital insult.

"How crude." The Driver replied, making it clear he understood spoken binary. When the Driver took note of just how firmly Jake held onto Valae, he attempted to give some level of reassurance. "No harm will come to her."

A reassuring nod from Valae forced Jake to relent. As the Driver took Valae away, Jake turned to see several couples entering the room.

"Well..." Jake began, "if you all aren't the creepiest bunch of people I've ever met. Skillet, think we would take em'?"

Skillet let out a semi-confident beep.

Not a word was spoken from the nearly two dozen sets of eyes that simply stared at Jake.

Meanwhile the Driver escorted Valae up a winding flight of stairs, down a beautifully lit hallway, and finally towards a double wide door. Grabbing both handles, the man pushed them open and invited Valae to enter. Revealed before her was an office of stark contrast to the rest of the home. Slightly darker and wooden. It seemed rustic in appearance with an pleasantly welcoming smell of mahogany. A couple of candles were lit while curtains were pulled open on the left wall to allow in the Chandrilian sun. After Valae enter the room, the Driver made his leave, shutting the doors as he did so.

At the desk, a pair of timber eyes looked up to see her newest guest. Her hair held a curl and was loosely tied back. Her skin was light, rivaling Valae's own complexion. She wore burgundy lipstick with matching eye shadow. A smile immediately broke from her face as she pushed her chair from the desk and came to a stand. Wiping the wrinkles from her dress, she rounded the table and extended a hand.

"Please forgive the display. It's needed for security reasons." The woman began. "The men whom brought you here are not just simple guards. They are family. My second-cousins to be exact. Please have a seat." The woman pulled out a chair in front of the desk for Valae. Instead of sitting at her normal spot, she took the seat beside Valae. "I want to thank you for coming today, Master Kitra. It is truly an honor to meet you. I've researched your career for the past few months with great interest. I must say there are very few people in the galaxy that are as pure of heart as you. It's refreshing to see."

"Second. I did have someone torment Jake." The woman explained with surprising calmness. "I needed something only he could access. Unfortunately events didn't turn out like I planned and I thought I lost what I sought. That was until you came into the picture. You have changed everything. You have changed him. He," the woman raised her palm towards Valae and closed her eyes, "has changed you. I can feel his presence radiates from you. You two," her eyes opened in surprise. "are so very strongly bonded and it seems to grow daily. This is fascinating."

A smile broke her face. For a moment, she turned her attention to the door, "It seems Jake makes quite the first impression. Knows how to rub people the wrong way without even knowing them. He sure has a lot of his father in him." The woman turned back towards Valae, "My apologies again! My name is Gabrielle Markov, also known as Gabrielle Daniels. I am Jake's mother."
[member="Valae Kitra"]
As they entered the penthouse, Valae couldn’t stop her mouth from dropping open for a moment. There were clean white surfaces, sleek glass accents, and a sparkling chandelier to welcome them from above. Ever the down to earth woman, she couldn’t believe that someone actually lived here. It was even harder to believe upon seeing the suited men now matching with women. Her brow furrowed and she turned a look up at Jake.

Something was very odd here.

As they reached the sitting room, where she would have to leave Jake behind, she gave his arm a squeeze. But he was hesitant to let her go. She knew that he just wanted to protect her, and her heart swelled with affection. With a last look and a small smile, she turned to follow the driver upstairs.

Her hand found the railing, and her boots took her up the stairs. All the while, her chestnut eyes roamed her elegant surroundings. As she was shown into an office, she blinked at the sight of rich wooden surfaces that seemed to contrast strongly with the rest of the house. Now, this room was a bit more her style. Edging into the room, she drew a breath to calm her nerves. Valae still had little idea what this was all about.

She swallowed hard as the striking figure rose from behind the desk.

As the woman approached and offered an extended hand, Valae politely did the same. She listened to the calm and even tone that the other woman spoke with, but she couldn’t hide her confusion. The suited fellows and ladies downstairs were her… cousins? But instead of letting her questions free, she took the seat that was offered and watched as the dark-haired woman took the one beside her.

“Thank you for the kind words,” Valae responded, still curious to know exactly why this woman had been following her career so closely.

But then, Valae’s eyes narrowed as the calm voice began to explain that she had sent someone torment Jake. Still, the Grandmaster would hear her out. When the woman’s palm extended towards her, brows lofted slightly. Indeed she knew that her bond with Jake was strong, and the other woman was quite right, it was growing stronger. But what exactly was so fascinating about this fact? Valae watched closely as the woman’s eyes shifted towards the door. And the words that came next shocked Valae.

“You’re…” She started, trying press past her stunned speechlessness. “His mother?”

Her hand rose slightly and cupped the side of her own face. Valae’s mind worked to try and piece things together, and she attempted to collect what remained of her calm composure.

“I-I’m sorry, this is all… very sudden.” Valae blew out a soft breath and folded her hands in her lap again. “He doesn’t know that you’re alive,” She finally spoke again, “He thought that perhaps you perished on Dantooine during the plague.” Of course, she did remember that Jake had mentioned his parents had not spoken to him after he had become a Sith. This was all… a very long time ago. How exactly had Jake's mother ended up here of all places? Why had she used a third-party to interact with Jake before now?

“You’ve felt our bond; you must sense that I care deeply about Jake.” She said protectively, “So, what is this about? I’m afraid I’m still very confused.”

[member="Jake Daniels"]
"A woman whom doesn't beat around the bush. I admire that. Where should I begin?" Gabrielle asked while tapping a finger against her chin. Those timber eyes shifted from Valae and to her bookshelves. "I know!" Coming to a stand she pulled the rolling ladder to a specific point before ascending the steps. She snagged a well worn leather bound book. "Here we are." As elegantly as she ascended, the woman now descended. Finding her personal seat opposite Valae at the desk, Gabrielle motioned for Valae to scoot in. Making quick haste to rearrange the candles and lamp, along with stacks of papers, she opened the book to reveal the first browned page.

"This is the family crest of the Daniels. No doubt you noticed the rings we all wear." Gabrielle explained before moving onto the next page. "Our family originates from Dantooine. In fact we were one of the first settling families of the planet when it was discovered millennia ago. Since then we have kept a close eye on our family's lineage." Gabrielle flipped several pages until her fingers pointed to a name atop the page, "Each generation one person is chosen to take the mantle of Head, to which my husband, Jakes father, being the only child was made Head by default. He has little interest for this sort of tedious housekeeping and so passed the mantle to myself." Her fingers slid slightly over to the right to show her name.

"You mentioned the Gulag Plague." A visible sneer of disgust became apparent. "That event ravaged our family, yes. It tore across Dantooine like nothing I nor Jakes father had ever seen. Trillions died around the galaxy, billions on Dantooine alone. We managed to escape the planet before they quarantined it. We took our surviving family and roamed the galaxy. I thought about finding Jake, but I learned Honoghr had been overrun by the plague and assumed the worst. I should have known that it would take more than a simple parasite to kill the man the galaxy of our time knew as The Eternal Apprentice."

"Besides the fact that Jake doesn't know his parents are alive. He also doesn't know one very important thing. We were Sith who specialized in Sith Alchemy. His father is a Master of dark healing. I am the master of altering life. Together we have managed to keep each other alive for the past few centuries." Gabrielle explained. "We actually realized Jake was alive when I heard rumors that during the waning days of the plague, Jakes old military unit was seen on Dantooine. For them to go there at that time? Come now, only fools would land on a quarantined planet. A bit of digging around and I discovered his tomb. His Master locked him away in an attempt to protect his feeble human body. I tell you this because we both know Jake has a bit of a temper and one hell of a sharp tongue. When I reveal myself to him, he's not going to react kindly. I need you to keep him calm by any means necessary."

Gabrielle turned several more pages to reveal them blank, "This is why I wanted to speak with you. I mentioned your bond to Jake because I've not felt anything like that before. His Father and I are bonded, yes. Yours.... yours is something spectacularly different. The power it holds to link you both is astounding." Gabrielles eyes turned towards the blank pages. "Not long after Jake was born, a disorder afflicted nearly every member of the Daniels. They became sterile. Unable to produce anymore children. I discovered it was a side effect of the darkness my husband and I were using to prolong not just our lives, but the other surviving family members as well. There is always a price to pay when dealing with the devil, is there not, Master Kitra?"

She turned the pages back to herself and slid down to reveal Jakes name, "He was never a part of our rituals so he was never afflicted by our ailments. He could still father children. He could still bring about the next generation of Daniels." Gabrielle's lips curled upwards. There was far more to this than she was initially letting on in the truly odd conversation, "I took note of your hips width. You know, childbirth won't be as hard on you as other petite women. Even though our children are born big, they'll be able to slide right out of you."

Gabrielle interlocked her fingers and rested her chin on them, "There is a lot you probably don't understand. By today's end, you will. I will assure you of two things. The first is that you are far more important to us than you can possibly realize. When I learned of the Grandmaster that stole my son's heart, the more I learned, the more I grew fascinated by you. Pure. Innocent. Yet quick to rush into hell itself to save the lives of complete strangers. That is someone my son needs. Someone he deserves. I give my word that I won't do anything that may be deemed a hazard to Jake's health." Was this really the woman that had left Jake as a toddler all alone when he misbehaved. She was... yet that side had not yet revealed itself. "The second is that you are now the most protected woman in the galaxy. Don't worry, we aren't going to stalk you. Jake is your primary guardian but should events unfold that prove even too much for the famed Jake Daniels to handle... you can rest assured that I will lead the charge to protect you. After all, you need to live in order for both you and Jake to take the place of his parents as head of this family."

[member="Valae Kitra"]
Valae gently lifted the legs of her chair and moved it just a bit closer to the desk. Leaning forward, she took in the appearance of the time-worn book in Gabrielle’s hands. Watching as Jake’s mother opened the cover and the family crest was revealed on the first page, Valae listened to Gabrielle’s explanation. Her lashes fluttered as she blinked, the family lineage of the Daniels family was all there inside this book. As far as she knew, the Kitra family had no such tome. Much of the time, Atticus had trouble even recalling his own family ties.

As Gabrielle continued, she learned that the remaining family members had been taken off Dantooine. And that was the least surprising of things revealed. Valae couldn’t stop her brows from rising high as Gabrielle informed her that both she and Jake’s father were Sith. Her head canted to the side slightly, these people here had managed to escape death by turning to dark means. And worst, Valae already had a feeling that Jake’s reaction would be… explosive. Jake had felt his family turned him away due to his own choice to be Sith, and now he would find that they had been one and the same.

Biting the inside of her cheek, she looked down at the blank pages in the book.

These pages were reserved for the future – a new generation that Jake could start. A tiny frown found her lips when Gabrielle commented on her hips, and it prompted Valae to look down. Were her hips that big? When her gaze returned to find Gabrielle once more, her eyes were a bit skeptical.

Thinking ahead, Valae realized suddenly that she was sitting across from her future mother-in-law.

No doubt, this conversation was a bit awkward. But wasn’t that usually how things went between potential new relatives? Par for the course, she supposed. The thoughts were swarming now, and Valae remained silent for a long moment.

“So,” Valae rubbed her forehead, “You’re saying that you want me to have children? Grandchildren for you, heirs for the family.” There was something inside that told her it would not be so simple.

“Jake and I have talked about the future, quite a lot in fact.” Even if they had been joking around most of the time. “We do want children.” She added, just to drive the point home. Jake's vision of the future seemed to confirm that they would have at least one, and many grandchildren to follow. But she kept this detail tucked away for now. “And even as Grandmaster for the Order, I don’t know if I’ve ever felt like the most protected woman in the galaxy.” She cracked a small smile.

“I think I’d be more comfortable if Jake were here,” She said, honestly. “This matter does concern both of us.” Her gaze matched Gabrielle’s. “And I’ll do my best to keep him calm.”

Valae did want Jake to at least hear his mother out, but she would support him first – not this woman that she’d only just met. She remembered the small boy from their meditation earlier that day, and Valae felt protective… she would not let him be harmed again.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
"Yes, I want you both to have Grandchildren." Gabrielle replied. "I do wish for heirs for our family and you and Jake are our only hope for that. I do know that it is hard to comprehend. Here I am, Jake's mother, and in our first discussion I am asking you to carry on our family lineage." When Valae mentioned being the most protected woman, Gabrielle remembered the nuisance on Honoghr. "We will be for you what the Noghri were for Jake's Master. You see, the Noghri are a warrior race. They specialize as assisins and bodyguards. They see without being seen. Jake's Master was the Noghri's Mal'ary'ush and by extension he was also warranted protection by the Noghri. He refused it however. He didn't like the idea of someone watching him that he didn't know or trust."

"You see," Gabrielle took the book back to the bookshelf and placed it back in its spot, "I'm not giving you a choice. I know Jake's been leaving Kashyyyk every few days. When he is with you, we are not there. When he leaves, we will be there. You may see us. You may not. I must ensure your safety."

Gabrielle moved the rolling ladder to another portion of the book shelf but this time she pulled down a wooden box. Coming back to her table, she set it down. "You are right. Jake should be involved in this conversation. I also have no worries about your control over Jake. I care for my family in my own way. I also know none of them are as capable in a fight like Jake is. He is primal. Violent. He fights without fear. An unfortunate trait he picked up from the Sith. I also know you're able to subdue that part of him."

When Gabrielle placed her hand on the box, "Give me just a few moments more of your time, please? Then I promise we will go and speak with Jake." Gabrielle opened the box to reveal several items inside. "I did not give Jake a lot as a child. My responsibility was to feed, cloth, and house him. What little he had is all here in terms of personal possession." Gabrielle pulled out a small deck of cards, a few metal speeder toys, and a peculiar little pink teddy bear. "He loved collecting these cards as a child. He would look through these same ones every day. They are of famous Grav-Ball players on Dantooine. He would play with the speeder toys every night in his bath. But this," Gabrielle motioned for Valae to pick up any of the toys she wanted, "was what he used the most. Jake has difficulty making friends. As a boy he had none. He would talk for hours with this stuffed pink teddy bear. It became his friend. His father saw it as a weakness. One night, he took the bear and hid it away. Jake was devastated. We blamed him and claimed he lost it. Even at five years old we tried to toughen him up but this bear revealed something about Jake. He was more in-tuned with his emotions than any Daniels before."

"I kept these as tokens to that time. Heirlooms that I do hope to pass down to your children." Gabrielle said. "I do not love Jake like a mother should; not in the way a mother should. I love our family as a whole but no individual member above any other. I want you to be more than that. I will explain more to you with Jake present, as per your request, but between us I want to express that I hope you will be better to your child than I was too Jake."

Gabrielle quietly put everything back in the box, "Perhaps it is time to talk with Jake? If you would not mind, please collect Jake from the sitting room and take him to the balcony. I have a table with three chairs set up. You like tea from what I understand and fruit pie? We'll have both. Please do two things though; don't tell him who I am. I will do that. Second, the one person missing today is his dad. He is away collecting something for me. Please don't bring him up in any conversation. I will. If you think I'm a queen, wait until you meet this family's patriarch. Jake and him don't have a healthy relationship to say the least."

[member="Valae Kitra"]
Like Jake, Valae had some reservations about being watched over by strangers. But as soon as she opened her mouth, she pressed her lips closed again. It seemed that Gabrielle wasn’t going to take no for an answer. And it also seemed that her men and women had been observing them for some time already. Indeed Jake had been leaving Kashyyyk on his own business. Did they know exactly where he had been traveling off to? The thought lingered for but a moment before she set it aside. Valae trusted Jake; she didn’t need to question him.

As Jake’s mother moved back to her seat, this time with a wooden box in hand, Valae listened as Gabrielle continued. “Sure thing,” She answered when the other woman requested just a few more minutes alone. Her eyes then shifted to the small box – Jake’s childhood possessions were few enough to fit inside. A sudden pang of sadness hit her square in the chest. Gently lifting one of the small speeder toys, she turned it over in her fingers. The painted colors were worn in a few spots, but otherwise they were in very good condition still. Next, she took a peek at the cards that Jake had collected.

Reaching out, her fingertips gently touched the fur of the stuffed bear. Her gaze softened considerably as she looked at the stuffed toy’s face. It almost looked sad. Shifting her attention back to Gabrielle, she tried to keep the judgement from her expression. How could parents treat their child with such harsh ways? Heaving a bit of a sigh, she took another look at the childhood memories on Gabrielle’s desk. Valae supposed that on a level, they had meant enough for the women to keep all these years.

“My children will come first,” Valae spoke without hesitation, “I will love them more than anything, and I will treat them right.”

She slid to the edge of her seat, but kept her gaze level.

“But… I will do what I can for the family as a whole as well.” Valae wasn’t quite sure what all this would entail, just yet. “I’m a caretaker.” She nodded. However, she wasn’t sure if she could lead a family with the same stony strength that Gabrielle had.

Standing from her seat, she watched as all of the items were placed back inside the wooden box.

“Yes, ma’am.” Valae said, eyes widening slightly as Gabrielle made her wishes clear. The woman’s voice sent a shiver down her spine; it was like being spoken to by a rather stern headmistress. Though Gabrielle had been cordial, Valae had the feeling that she would not want to cross this woman. And she certainly was not looking forward to meeting Jake’s father, a topic that would remain behind tight lips.

With that, she showed herself out of the room and gently closed the door behind her. Immediately she pushed out a breath, almost like she had been holding it in for the entirety of their conversation. A palm pressed against her chest, and she swallowed the knot in her throat. Brisk steps brought her back down the stairs, and she attempted a smile at Jake. Turning slightly, she noticed the presence of Gabrielle’s cousins, all of them silent but watching. Now she knew why they watched Jake with such interest.

“Come outside with me,” She said in a quiet tone, moving to Jake’s side. Valae nodded towards the balcony, where the table and tea service was now waiting. If their bond told him anything, it was likely that Valae was unsettled. “I’m afraid I have few explanations that I can voice…” She said, giving his arm a squeeze. “But I’m okay – don’t worry.”

[member="Jake Daniels"]
The Lion paced like a caged animal. He didn't like this. Skillet didn't like this. Icy blue eyes shot from one face and towards another, each unwavering in their gaze. No emotion was expressed. Even in the force, Jake couldn't feel anything. It was as if every person in this room were an emotional void. He was the polar opposite. He wreaked of emotion. He was angry, agitated, untrusting, and most importantly paranoid. Why had Valae been taken from him? What the hell was the Cloaked Woman doing with her? Valae had been right, Jake would have known had she been in trouble. He'd have felt it.

Skillet let out a loud whistle of excitement when the Lioness made her appearance. Some eyes shifted towards her. Others remained on Jake. They were analyzing the pair, judging them, and methodically picking apart their features. Jake knew that look they gave. He often gave it himself. How peculiar? When Valae instructed Jake to come with her, Daniels was taken aback for a moment. She nodded towards the balcony. Valae did stated she had few explanations that she could voice. So what did she learn? Anything? What the hell happened with the Cloaked Woman? Jake's eyes made quick work to once-over Valae. She didn't appear harmed in any way, though the way she phrased the 'but I'm okay - don't worry.' caused Jakes gut to knot. Something happened but what?

Jake was led from the room and to the balcony where a table and three chairs were set up. One woman set up the tea while another began slicing into a fruit pie.

"What the hell?" Jake asked.

One of Valae's most favored deserts was a pie with any fruit in it. She also loved tea. To have one or the other could be coincidence. To have both meant that it wasn't just Jake that the Cloaked Woman had been keeping tabs on. She really had been doing homework on Valae. Jake motioned for the women to back away from the table as he pulled Valae's chair out like a true gentleman. Once seated, Jake pushed her back in. Daniels then found his own seat.

'I don't like this.' Skillet said.

Jake read the words from the small screen on his head, "I agree. Something doesn't feel right." Jake's eyes looked from the droid to Valae,"What happened? Did you actually meet her? Did you see the woman beneath the hood? Who is she?" Jake stopped himself when he realized he was bombarding Valae with a multitude of questions. He could see she was just as uneasy about all of this as he was, "I'm sorry Mon Cheri'."

"How cute." Gabrielle spoke as she stepped onto the balcony. Unlike moments earlier with Valae, she wore the same cloak she had in each message to Jake. This time though, there was a new addition to her attire. A porcelain mask covered her face. Her voice was deeper than it has been when she spoke with Valae. She didn't want to give away her identity just yet. Above all else, the woman's presence on the force matched Valae's in power. She didn't hide it. There wasn't need too. Not anymore.

Jake's eyes narrowed at the woman as her seat was pulled out by one of the female attendants. With a wave of her hand, the tea was poured for each. Jake however didn't drink. He looked at the tea before him, then the female attendant and back to the tea.

"It is not poisoned, Mister Daniels." Gabrielle spoke.

"Then she wouldn't mind drinking it first." Jake replied. The woman took the cup from Jake and swigged the tea. She quietly set it down and poured more in. When the woman didn't fall over Jake perked a brow. This woman had already tried killing him once. Why not try it here and now? Something was fishy and it truly stunk.

"I want to thank you for giving me time alone with your..." Gabrielle's voice trailed off, "significant other. She is a pleasure to speak with. I can see why you are so easily drawn to her."

Jake didn't respond. His hands were beneath the table. His fists clenched tight.

"We were discussing something extremely important. She had given me her word that she would assist me in our discussion today." Gabrielle continued. "I do hope she plans on keeping to our agreement?" The reference being the necessity of trying to keep Jake calm when the revelation came.

"Get to the point." Jake said, eyes shifting confusingly between Valae and the Cloaked Woman.

"You believe your family died in the plague, correct Mister Daniels?"

"Yes. Few people escaped the planet. They weren't among them. I checked the registry from that time." Daniels replied.

"What if I were to tell you," Gabrielles voice lightened, becoming more natural with each spoken syllable. "That they lived and still continue to do so to this very day? That they were among those that did get off that god forsaken rock?" Her voice was now as Jake would have remembered it. Gabrielle could see it too. In his eyes as the neurons that kept his memories worked in overdrive. The pieces were starting to come together. Slowly Gabrielle removed her mask and once her face was revealed, she saw the shock in Jakes face.

What Gabrielle hadn't expected was just how much more attuned to the force Jake was in Valae's presence. The man was quick, much faster than she predicted. He was in a stand within a second. Both of her aids had attempted to come in to protect Gabrielle, only to be knocked away. Gabrielle herself managed to put up an unseen force barrier that prevent and attempted force grab by Jake. The man had also taken to address another issue. The door to the balcony was slammed shut as he extended one palm towards it. With her reinforced shatterproof glass, Gabrielle was on this balcony without help... or so Jake may have thought.

"How dare you wear my mothers face!" Jake shouted.

"Master Kitra!" Gabrielle said giving the woman a concerned look. Now was the true test. How strong was there bond? Would she be able to tame the man whom had always been untameable? This was as much of a test for Valae as it was Jake.

Jake was exploding. Even as he held the door shut via the force with one hand, the other continued to hammer away at her force barrier. The table shook, some tea slipped from the cups, while the silverware chattered and clanged against each other. Through it all though; there was no darkness. The Dark Passenger was subdued. This was just a pissed off son.
[member="Valae Kitra"]​
Out in the open air of the balcony, Valae watched as their table was being prepared. Indeed, Gabrielle had mentioned that there would be tea and pie. As the pair moved towards the table, she stood to the side as Jake pulled the seat out for her. Glancing up at him briefly, she lowered herself down into the chair. Tensions were high, even Skillet was wary. Valae could feel the tension taking root in her shoulders, and pushed out a deep breath.

As Jake unleashed a flow of questions, her brows knitted together.

Her lips parted, but she wasn’t sure what she could even say. It would all be revealed in time. Her hand slid over and her thumb rubbed the top of his hand briefly, it was the most she could do at the moment to reassure him. But then, the cloaked form of Gabrielle appeared with the company of two attendants. Valae’s gaze narrowed slightly at the sight of the woman wrapped in dark fabric and hidden behind an ornate mask. Was this some kind of twisted game for her? It just seemed cruel to carry on this charade.

For her own part, Valae felt terrible about having agreed to conceal this information. But then again, it wasn’t her place to intervene. This was a strange issue between mother and son.

The tea was poured and her eyes widened slightly at Jake’s hesitation to even drink. It quickly became clear how much this cloaked woman had tormented her own son. Sinking down into her chair slightly, Valae lifted her cup and took an uneasy sip. She watched as Gabrielle spoke to Jake, the words exchanged between them quite short and to-the-point. The tingle of anxiety rippled across the back of her neck, she could feel the confusion stirring inside Jake. Turning to him, she tried to flash him a soft look of reassurance.

As the mask came away to reveal Gabrielle’s true face, not even Valae was ready for Jake’s reaction. “Jake!” She called out his name in vain.

The chair fell over behind him as he rose swiftly. Standing from her own seat, she gasped as the two attendants were knocked to the ground. Though she felt no darkness in Jake at the moment, there was still a smoldering sense of anger. It would be dangerous if left unchecked. As the door slammed shut and remained that way, it seemed that Gabrielle was at the mercy of her son… and Valae, too. As Gabrielle called out, Valae stepped around to Jake’s side.

Resisting the urge to let her breaths become fast and shallow, she drew deep and attempted to remain calm. She remembered being able to pull Jake away from the Boss back on the uncharted planet. The man had been dead set on ending his foe that day, was this no different? It was very different.

Gently, she placed a tender touch upon his shoulder. It was so light that he might not have felt, save for the steady flow of Valae’s force energy.

Please,” She urged in a quiet voice next to his ear. “Jake, don’t do this.” Her hand closed on his shoulder, her grip firm but not harsh.

Valae’s force presence was blooming; her aura would even be felt by Gabrielle. It held warmth and a golden hue that almost seemed to make her skin glow. “Look at me, Jake.” She said, her voice stronger now. It was the closest thing to a command as she could give him.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
Gabrielle watched with interest as Valae came to Jakes side. Her touch was tender and loving. So light and gentle, any ordinary man in Jake's crazed state wouldn't have felt it. Jake wasn't just some ordinary man, now was he? Gabrielle felt the energy of Valae flood through her lover like the rivers of Niagra over their falls. She saw it in her son's eyes. The fierceness in them dimming ever slightly as Valae showed that she knew just how to approach this man.

Gabrielle kept her force barrier up, though it was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain. Jake was stronger than he let on. Stronger because of the woman whom came to stand beside her man. Stronger because of the Grandmaster that both willed him to better himself and assisted him in his self-control. Gabrielle knew the darkness was always in Jake but how had he managed to subdue it so easily after so many years of letting it consume him. Surely it wasn't by the simple touch of this woman?

When Jake felt Valae's hand close on his shoulder, the anger inside truly dimmed. When Valae instructed Jake to look at her, using the same tone she had in their meditation and the same tone she always used when Jake was teetering on the edge, he relented. He looked at his Lioness and the instant he saw the glow of her skin, her soothing aura. Jake was brought back to the valley of golden flowers. He was taken to the safe space within himself that had been created with Valae.

"As you wish, Mon Cheri'." Jake said, placing his forehead for a brief moment against Valae's. His own reassurance of sorts that he was level headed. His own way of soaking in more of her soothing aura. Without her here who knows what would have happened.

Instantly the door to the balcony reopened. Two men stummbled out. Gabrielle waved them away. The two attendants wiped up the bit of spilled tea, refilled the cups and made quick haste to leave the patio. They made sure to shut the door behind them.

"Quite the display you put on there." Gabrielle said as she took a sip of her tea.

Jake found his seat, ever cautiously. One hand remained firmly attached to Valaes. Her thumb continued to rub against him. His eyes remained locked though he raised a finger for a moment to silence the woman. He analyzed her. Studied her features. She was as she had been when he last saw her; albeit somewhat older in appearance.

"Its a nice trick you're playing." Jake finally spoke as a shaky hand grabbed his cup of tea.

The brief shake didn't go unnoticed by Gabrielle whom perked her own brow, seeming to indicate where Jake got that trait from. His nerves weren't heightened. What cause that momentary shake in his hand? This was most intriguing though that inquiry would remain silenced for now.

"As I know there is more to discuss today than you and I going back and forth in never ending circles of who am I really, I will say this once." Gabrielle said. "I am Gabrielle Daniels. Your mother. I remember when you took your first steps. I remember where you got the scar on the back of your head from trying to climb on a dining counter."

Jake's hand touched that very part of his head, "I was nine. If I recall correctly, you didn't take me to the hospital. You had me put a towel over the cut and sit in my room while I bled."

"You learned your lesson though."

"I got an infection that nearly killed me." Jake felt his blood boil. He also felt Valaes hand squeeze his own which subdued that anger. "Lets say I believe you. You're my mother. How?" Jake waved his finger around, "How did you acquire the wealth to live here? Who the hell are they? And more importantly how the hell are you alive?" There was still an edge to his voice.

"As I explained to Master Kitra, I am a force user myself. I have been my entire life." Gabrielle explained. "I was trained a Sith. Worked my way onto a Council dedicated to Sith Alchemy. I used Alchemy to prolong my life and those in our family."

Jake's skin was suddenly very itchy, "I..."

"It was hard for Master Kitra to hear at first as well. I spoke with her first because I know you. I knew how you'd react. I need to see just how much influence she has over you. I also intend to see how much influence you have over her." Gabrielle let out a laugh as she took another sip of her tea.

Jake was so confused. Jake was so conflicted. He turned to Valae for answers, for guidance. She was his rock. What was he supposed to think? What was he supposed to feel?

"I found your tomb on Dantooine." Gabrielle said snapping Jakes attention. "I woke you. I guided you back to Honoghr. I was there when you attempted to take your own life." A smirk crossed her lips. "I was there as the Noghri worked to save your life."

Jake looked mortified, "Enough."

"Oh..." Gabrielle looked from Jake to Val, "He told you how dark things had gotten for him but he didn't tell you how dark?" Gabrielle turned her attention back to Jake. "You told her about your deceased family. You told her about your Master. You told her about everything, including all of your deepest secrets except the time you tried to end your life? Now that was a dark time."

The Knife was dug in. Gabrielle then decided to twist it, "Tell me Master Kitra. Does he know about your lost lover Ian Cohmre?" Gabrielle took a bite of her pie as her full attention was turned towards her female guest, "Oh yes. It's not just Jake that i've been studying. As I said earlier. You've peaked my interest. I know everything about you. Everything."

This time Jakes hand squeezed Valae's. She had been his rock. It was time he was hers, "I don't care about her past lovers. I am with her now. She comes home to me."

"You don't care?" Gabrielle asked. She set her fork done and looked to Valae, "What happens when, not if, Mister Cohmre returns? Two vastly different men. The rugged hands on strapping man... and then there's just Jake. Whose bed will you find yourself in?" Gabrielle asked with a snicker. "Curious."

"Gabrielle," Jake refused to say the word mother, "if you don't stop talking to her and get right to the god damn point as to why we are here, I will not hesitate to throw," Jake squeezed Valae's hand again. His indication that he was still in control. "you clean off this balcony."

Even Gabrielle couldn't tell if Jake was bluffing. There was a fierce protectiveness in his eyes. She underestimated just how strong his loyalty was to Valae. He was willing to kill for this woman. This was so intriguing. "If Master Kitra answers my last question, then I will," her eyes went from Valae to Jake, "get right to the damn point, as you so eloquently put it."

[member="Valae Kitra"]
As Jake’s forehead pressed against her’s, Valae exhaled slowly and let the palm of her hand gently brush his cheek. The brief moment was all they needed; words didn’t need to be spoken. Slowly, Valae let her aura return to normal – but the calm aura would linger for a few moments longer. Her eyes shifted as the balcony door slid open again, and attendants spilled out, only to be waved away by their mistress.

It seemed that Gabrielle had recovered from the ordeal, she was already sipping tea.

Moving at Jake’s side, Valae lowered herself down into her seat once more. Their hands remained clasped together tightly, comfort found for each with even the simple touch. The plate of pie and cup of tea in front of Valae was untouched, but at the moment she didn’t have much of an appetite. It was probably one of the first times that she had not jumped at the chance for a slice of her favorite dessert. But the weight of the topics on discussion couldn’t be ignored.

Chestnut eyes focused on Gabrielle as she spoke to Jake. Valae’s gaze narrowed just so, she couldn’t help but notice that the woman seemed to enjoy the power she held. Perhaps on some level, it pleased her to be able to hold this information over Jake’s head. Valae didn’t like it, but at least she knew now that the secrets would be revealed. Still, she couldn’t stop the ache in her heart when Jake learned of his Mother’s Sith powers. She gave his hand s squeeze, and offered a gentle nod to confirm.

It didn’t stop there. Valae’s attention returned to Gabrielle as she let one of Jake’s darkest memories slip. Her lashes fluttered, and she glanced to the side at her man. He was not a coward, this she knew first hand. Truly, he must have been in quite a sorry state to ever attempt at taking his own life. Valae had never been touched by a sadness this deep, but she could find it within herself to feel it through him. He had lost his family. It would be enough to push anyone close to that terrifying edge.

As the name Ian Cohmre was spoken, Valae’s lips parted in utter surprise.

Ian had always been a bit of a sore spot for Valae. Thoughts of him evoked many feelings – sadness, bitterness, comfort, familiarity. It had been years since she’d last seen him, and they hadn’t parted on a good note. Despite their history of breakups and makeups, as far as Valae was concerned… it was over (for good this time). It felt like her heart had been pricked with a pin. But she was grateful for Jake, and steady words helped immensely. His presence did, too. Normally, she crumbled in the face of this sort of confrontation. She grew meek and unsure. However, Jake gave her the confidence that she needed whenever her own supply wavered.

“You may claim to know everything about me.” Valae started calmly, “But you don’t really know me. I suppose I’ll always have a tender place in my heart for Ian. He was an important part of my past; he was there for me when no one else was.” She glanced to Jake. “I guess I haven’t mentioned him because I was a bit afraid of him turning up again.”

The love she had for Jake was right there in her eyes.

“I don’t want to hurt Ian.” She admitted, “But it’s over between us.” Valae held up her hand that was still linked with Jake’s. “You say you’ve felt our bond.” She watched Gabrielle. “You say you know everything about me. If that's true, then you’ll know that I choose Jake. I wouldn’t be sitting here otherwise. I love him."

Of course, she still felt like she owed Jake more of an explanation about her ex-lover. It was a conversation for another time. Right now, it was Gabrielle’s turn to do some explaining herself.

“I think that answers your question.” She leveled her gaze with the other woman.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
"That is a rather unique fear you claim to have.” Gabrielle replied. Valae’s expression that she was afraid of Mister Cohmre reappearing. Was it truly fear? As Valae talked Gabrielle studied every word she spoke. Mister Cohmre had been there when no one else had. She even stated she would always hold a tender place in her heart. A smirk curled the right corner of her lip upwards. There was going to be a time that would be tested. Sure, Master Kitra spoke strongly but speaking to Gabrielle was far different than facing the apparent fear she stated she had. If only Valae knew of the whirlwind that would be coming her way.

“There was never a question on if you choose Jake.” Gabrielle’s eyes shifted for the moment to the man sitting close to Valae’s side, “There is no choice to be had at this moment. You haven’t been presented with both options at the same time. Its like a kid you want to choose between two toys. You don’t show one and then the other. You give them both and let them choose. But enough about Mister Comhre and onto my promise of discussing why I brought you here.”

“As I told Master Kitra. I don’t love you.” Gabrielles words were surprisingly pointed. Jake showed no emotion no. He had fallen silent and still. The man was closing himself off and if Gabrielle wanted to ensure her plan came to fruition, she couldn’t let that happen. “I love our family as a whole but again no singular person over the other. Before you ask. I did dable in the dark arts and still do. That’s how I was able to prolong my life and that of our surviving family members. That issue that was discovered is everyone that I’ve used my alchemy on is now infertile. Both male and female. It’s a fascinating side effect.”

"It’s kharma kicking you in the arse.” Jake replied.

“I don’t follow.” Gabrielle replied curiously.

"Why would you need children if all you do is prolong your own life and the lives of those around you? Any simpleton should be able to understand that. Every action has a price to be paid. Isn’t that what you taught me as a boy? Jake explained. "And onto my next point. You and Father turned your backs on me when I became an Apprentice to a Sith Lord. Yet here you sit… openly stated you used the dark side.”

“Yes.” Gabrielle replied. “We did. I am still sour about that. I had plans for you. Get you discovered by the Jedi. Hope they could train you in advanced force techniques and together the Daniels would rise as true beings of understanding when it came to the force. Merging light and dark in ways never thought possible. Then that witch on Honoghr got her decrepit little finger nails into you.”

Jake raised a finger, as finger as a warning. Gabrielle smirked. She pulled Jake back out of his little shell.

“Now that you’re Jedi my thought was that we could try my plan again. Your father,” Gabrielle studied Jakes face ever carefully. The first mention of the man only brought a perk to Daniel’s brow, “convinced me otherwise. We need to worry about our families future. I may have prolonged our lives but we won’t live forever and need to ensure our lineage is secure and intact. That is what I told Master Kitra. I want you too to have babies. Loads of heirs. We need the next generation born so that the financial security of our family lives on. We’ve built several businesses that have proven valuable but need to ensure they are safe in the future.”

“No.” Jake’s voice was cold, distant, and somewhat cruel in response to the woman. [color=pink“We want children, yes. We want them as an expression of love for one another, not because my mommy wants the woman I love to pop kid after kid out of her.”

Gabrielle looked sickened at the reply “Family is more important than any individual in it.”

"Not to me!” Jake replied. “Not to us. Family is important but there are time an individual in it needs more from the others than another otherwise would.” His hand squeezed Valae’s.

There was a silence that filled the air as the trio continued to sip and eat quietly. Gabrielle knew it would be difficult to talk to Jake but she misjudged him. He hated his mother. He hated his family with such passion.

"When she becomes a Daniels,” Gabrielle said before Jake cut her off.

“Valae Daniels?” Jake asked. “No. Think Jake Kitra. I’ll take her name.”

Gabrielle was repulsed by the very thought but even she was stunned silent by Jakes reply. A man taking a womans name? How absurd. How pathetic. "Can you talk some sense into him?” Gabrielle asked as she addressed Valae. "Help me convince him to take over the financial empire we have built on Chandrila. Think of how the money we have can help your cause on worlds your Order assists.” Perhaps pulling at something that Valae treasured as much as Gabrielle did her family would give this talk a shot in the arm.

[member="Valae Kitra"]
Valae suppressed a shudder as Gabrielle spoke, the other woman’s words cold and calculating. Though she remained quiet, she thought about the matter just a moment longer. She supposed it wasn’t as much fear as it was dread. If Ian came back into the picture, she wouldn’t go running to him. Things had changed. She already knew that he would eventually return with the idea of picking up where they had left off. Valae would have to let him down gently.

Her gaze narrowed as Gabrielle continued.

She could only shake her head slightly. Even if Ian was standing right here now, Valae knew that she’d still be at Jake’s side. It seemed that his mother knew very little about love – a point that she made quite clearly. Stealing a glance at Jake, his expression was stony and betrayed no emotions. After Gabrielle had revealed her family’s unfortunate issue, the corner of Valae’s mouth flickered up for the briefest of moments at the sound of Jake’s remark about karma.

But that glimmer of a smile didn’t last long. For the topic of conversation was still rather heavy. When Jake was faced with his mother’s hope for the future of the family, Valae’s eyes grew wide when he responded with a single word. Her gaze found him once more, and she listened as he explained that they wanted children – but not because they wanted to produce numerous heirs. The affection was quite present in her eyes, and her hand gripped his just a bit tighter.

The silence that followed was thick with tension. In order to fill the space, Valae finally took a moment to take the tiniest nibble of the pie and a sip of the tea. When the conversation continued, she listened as her name was paired with Jake’s surname. Valae Daniels. Blinking, she realized that she hadn’t even pieced the two together in her mind. But then, Jake certainly threw her and Gabrielle for a loop.

Jake Kitra.

Her brows rose. Hmm, it had a nice ring to it. In some cultures, it was customary for the man to take the woman’s name. It didn’t strike her as odd or anything the like. In fact, Valae was quite honored that he would even consider the possibility. She couldn’t help but smile now. Of course, she’d known all along that they would end up married someday – but this conversation brought that reality even closer.

“Sense?” Valae repeated, returning her attention to Gabrielle.

Furrowing her brow, she pushed out a slow breath. It seemed that she was caught in the middle here. Could she see the two of them presiding over a financial empire? If she was being honest, she couldn’t see it at all. Valae had grown up with next to nothing, only a pile of scrap to her family’s name. Jake had seen how she liked to live; her tastes were not extravagant or lavish. And then the Order was brought into the conversation, and that made Valae bristle just slightly.

“This is a personal matter, it doesn’t concern the Order.” Valae said, she needed to make that clear. Indeed the Order did have businesses and enterprises that brought in funds needed to keep things running. “And no matter the influence I have over Jake, I can’t force him to do something like that.” She glanced over at him. “He has my support – no matter what choice he makes.”

Valae wasn’t sure how Gabrielle would react. But as long as she had Jake with her, things would be fine… right?

“And as I told you before – my children will always come first.” Her thumb slid across the top of Jake’s hand. “They will carry your lineage forward, but they will be our family.”

[member="Jake Daniels"]
This wasn’t how Gabrielle wanted this day to go. She had anticipated their bond was stronger than she initially felt. Having been able to poke and prod around in Jakes mind as he dreamt, the fact that he would walk through hellfire for this woman was an actual understament of his dedication. He would take her name? She wouldn’t take his? Valae held the reigns to Jake. She could easily influence him to make any decision and the man would follow without question. After all, that was a trait he got from his father; listen to the woman, always.

There was one small glimmer of hope in what Valae said. She acknowledged their children would carry their lineage forward. Gabrielle knew she could work with that. The woman finished her tea, waited for the cup to be refilled by the attendants, and took another quiet sip. She would change the subject. Even now she knew that the exchange that Jake was just a part of would need time to work their way through his over analytical brain. The subject would be the other guests in the home. Why? Because Gabrielle saw Jakes eyes shift towards them every few minutes.

“They aren’t a thread.” Gabrielle said.

“I know.” Jake replied.

“How would you know that?” Gabrielle asked.

“Your driver and the other escort were well dressed and groomed. Both men carried a sense of authority with him but given the cut of their suits, they held no weapon. Both men were also leaner and a bit… just a bit... on edge. Your driver was awfully chatty which meant that he was unnerved by us. Both men didn’t seem quite settled on the drive here.” Jake explained as he finished his own tea and placed a hand over the top of the cup preventing it from being refilled. “I prefer hers.” Jake nodded to Valae, indicating their tea had nothing on his mates.

“Upon arriving we were brought up with two additional guards at the elevator. All of your men took corners of the small box. That indicated they were not familiar with close quarters combat as such a spread limited what they could. Entering the home and upon being sent into the sitting room where I had a chance to size up the majority of your other guests, none of the men posed a threat. Two women seemed to give me the vibe they could hold their own. None were on my level however.” Jake continued with an aura of self-assurance in his assessment. “I do not brag. I just know what I can and cannot do. I was also trained to study and analyze possible threats. None, save you, are present.”

“Very intriquing.” Gabrielle replied. “I’ve studied your history under your Master. You were quite the thorn in the Sith Councils side.”

“I was.” Jake said with a small cocky smirk.

“These people aren’t just any guests. They are my cousins. Some close. Others distant. There are others of our family but I keep our youngest nearby. Each of them oversees a portion of our financial empire. I do not allow any one person total control.” Gabrielle explained.

“Except you.”

“Except me.” She smiled widely at that acknowledgement, “Master Kitra, I believe you misunderstood my intentions when I mentioned your order. I was, in no way asking to join forces, to combine with, or to influence in any way. The only thing I desire is the survival of this family.” She turned to Jake, “That means as heads of the family you would have control of the wealth and could use it to just supplement the needs of your order. No one has to know where that money comes from.”

“Where did you get all of this money anyway?” Jake asked bluntly. “As a child I have few toys, second-hand donations for clothes even though we could have afforded our own. Hell, I had a mattress on a floor with no box spring or bed frame.”

“Be grateful for what you have, Boy.” Gabrielle replied.

Jake’s face darkened into a burgundy. The veins in his forehead bulged. The ice of his eyes only heightened in their coloring based on the contrast with the suddenly angered Jake.

“Apologies.” Gabrielle said. “That is how your father addressed you.” Once she saw Jake begin to return to his normal coloring the woman ignored his complaints, “Over the centuries we did less then legal endeavors. We sold placebo pills during the plague claiming it could vaccinate people against it. That made us a fortune. Shortly after the downfall of most societies, we plundered what medicines we could and sold them off for large scores. Those scores turned into investments as worlds found their footing. Medicines, educations, and stocks. On Chandrila we invested into start ups in the historical district and its paid dividends to us.”

Jake looked to Valae with confused shock. Slowly he turned his gaze back to Gabrielle, “You mean to tell me you made your money on the desperation of others during an event that even claimed my families lives?”

“Yes.” Gabrielle replied. “But we’ve gone legit now.”

Jake stuck the tip of his thumbnail in his mouth and looked out at the skyline, “And you want us to take over?”


“We need a moment in private.”

“As you wish.” Gabrielle slowly rose from her seat. She and the attendants stepped from the balcony through remained close to the door.

“I don’t know.” Jake said. “This doesn’t feel right. Something… seems off. We’re just money collectors for people we don’t know? We run an empire for a family that was built on deceit and lies?” Jake’s eyes truly sought the wisdom of his Lioness, “Do the ends ever justify the means?”

[member="Valae Kitra"]

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