Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Changing Fate: Adjustments


Appearance | XoXo
Location | Bellassa
Tag | Børre Drage Børre Drage

Aelin had never flown before, had never been in space.

Lifting off in Børre’s ship had been a wonderfully terrifying experience, unlike anything she could have conjured up, even in her wildest dreams. Viewing the snow covered mountaintops and dense forestry from high up in the atmosphere, gave her the feeling of looking down on toy models. It didn’t seem real.

When at last the ship gave a forceful leap into hyperspace, Aelin couldn’t help the gasp that escaped her lips, intermingled with both fear and delight as the stars elongated in vivid streaks of white and blue.

Then, she was cold.

A foreign chill seeped deep into her skin, along with a growing sense of claustrophobia. Whatever wonderment she had about flying, slowly dwindled down into an uneasy distaste - wondering if this was a common feeling among others of her kind, or if it primarily applied to her. It didn’t feel natural, being trapped in a flying metal box, hurtling through endless nothingness.

Børre seemed unbothered, but then again, he was not the easiest wolf to parse. Abrasive, and thus far a poor conversationalist… even if it bothered him, she doubted he would let anyone know. Not forthcoming in the least, but Aelin was fine with that. Avoiding personal conversations and leaving the ramparts firmly in place would make it easier when she left, once her leg had fully healed.

Bellassa was still a long while off and it didn’t seem like there were any plans for stopping along the way, so Aelin decided to hobble off with her makeshift crutches, searching for a way to cope and distract her mind, so she wouldn’t go mad in the meantime.

Thus, she escaped the only way she knew how under the circumstances, by finding the ships nearest bed, laying down in it and attempting to sleep - hoping that by the time she woke up, they’d be touched down on land again.

Sadness came before slumber, however, and for the first moments after crawling beneath the covers, her mind drifted to home and the last week. To the chapter she’d closed, and everything she’d left behind. A small part of her missed the warmth of curling up beside the hearth after a long day of hunting, occasionally accompanied by the rare lucid moment from her father, his eyes coming alive with recognition, his expression painted with the loveliest of smiles. Glimpses of the man he’d been before her mothers death, before their betrayal, before the insanity.

She buried her face deep into the pillows and blankets. When sleep finally came, it took her swiftly into merciful oblivion.

Aelin slept long and could hardly remember a time when she’d slept so soundly, tucked away in the shadows and only waking when the proximity alarms blared throughout the vessel. She stirred at the noise, stretching her arms above her head before settling deeper into the mass of bedding that seemed to invite her to stay. Aelin obliged, and for the first time in years, a contented smile ghosted across her rosebud lips.

Eventually she roused, forcing herself to hobble back to the cockpit where Børre was still settled, wondering how long he’d been there and if he’d slept at all since they left Seoul. “Good morning,” Aelin murmured, smiling as she joined him in the cockpit. She wasn’t sure if it actually was morning or not, finding it difficult to gauge the passage of time as they veered through space, but she would be cordial anyway.

Without another word, the she-wolf strapped herself into the copilots seat and peered out the viewport. Almost immediately her breath caught in her throat, “Is that Bellassa?” she asked, her eyes growing wide.

Bellassa, in all its natural beauty, burst to life beneath them as their ship pierced the clouds. It was not the landscape she was accustomed to, Seoul being a much more dreary landscape of murky browns and whites, interspersed with some occasional greenery.

“I’ve never seen so much color in all my life,”
she breathed, sitting as far forward in her seat as she could, exuding a child-like wonder.



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