Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Chance Encounters, life of the lost.

~ Aboard The Squire, Moments Before Landing ~​

Fleeting children of the dust, rise and your power shall be untold, as the choirs sing of destruction and conception I shall find balance in all that is malicious, serene and find my path as will you...I hope anyway.

The sound of pen hitting paper was one many had forgotten, in today's age with all the technological advances it is quite easy to forget the such simple sounds. A hand, covered in onyx cloth moved in a particular motion, the movements were almost mechanical. Like shifting gears his hand flowed so fluently and vividly it was a sight to see, however no one would see this feat as the tiny dew drops of sounds echoed through the metal hull of the storage room, aboard the not-so well known smuggling vessel, The Squire.

The small vessel held a fine crew of Duros and one human, unknowingly to the aliens however Tobasu had his own plans for the ship ever since he was promoted to the right hand of the captain. Yet it was not time, he hadn't planted the seeds of woe yet and thus still needed more time, which was fine the process he knew would be lengthy yet the reward would be this magnificent ship. The sound of the hyper-drive hummed low, they must of been about to port and that's when he stood up, tendrils of golden hair covered his body as he gave a soft sigh an dusted himself off. The package, a single modified blaster for some local lowlife thug with plenty of credits to spare was the business of today and although Tobasu detained himself from the feeling of loathing he was in a way excited to set down on the this planet, if you could call it such a thing.

Dantooine was a place filled with no-hopers attempting to get rich quick with ridiculous schemes, and of course were the dreaded sand people, such filthy and disgusting creatures. Crimson eyes filled with a multitude of emotions as he picked the package up and went to the central, com-room aboard the ship. A few of his crewmates were talking quietly about possibly being underpaid, a rumour Tobasu himself started. One of the Duros, Delsa, took a sharp look at the young male as he entered and said something about arriving in about five minutes.

"Whatever, keep the engines running, I'll be back before you know it. I can't believe the captain made us smuggle a single blaster, holy hell were not even smuggling you might as well call us delivery boys."

The few people in the room cracked up laughing, this wasn't a joke though it was more seeds being planted into their minds unknowingly. In due time he thought, in due time.
~ Tatooine, Cahlmun's Spacesport Cantina~​

This place was famous for amazing pilots, drop-dead smugglers and everything in-between. If someone would want to get lost they came here or Nar'shaddaa. Arriving the hull dropped gently hitting the ground as the sound of many people talking, laughing and having a good time could still be heard from the other side of the complex. From the hull came, Tobasu adorned in onyx robes and golden hair freely flowing behind him. The local authorities who ran the Spaceport knew the crew and the ship so there wasn't need for any pleasantries. Tobasu walked past, hanger doors closed with mechanical machinery making that sound that sent shivers down people's spines, he walked through various hallways and had made it into the cantina itself. Although this contact was on the fringes of the sand dunes only kilometres ahead. He now would wait outside the cantina, waiting for one of the speed bikes to come pick him up and just like any other time, the others were late. This frustrated him, due to the fact he didn't even want to be on this piece of bantha crap of a planet anyway. It was boring, there was nothing to do here, adventure rage through his eyes as he watched people come ago, his patience wearing thin.

@[member="Lilith Mae Lancaster"]
Tatooine... Again. Not so long time had passed since Lilith was on Tatooine for the first time. The feeling she got when she was on Tatooine was something completely different. The planet was... uncivilized. Even though there were city-like formations there, it still felt a bit strange. She had been on many other planets which were less civilized than that one... like Zahat'n'ira... but maybe it was all because Tatooine was too different from normal planets. But that normally raised a question: what is normal? Well, Lilith had always seen huge ecumenopolises as the normal planets. And all other planets were not that normal. Possibly it was because of the fact, that Lilith had spent most of her life on Coruscant. She had never seen other planets in her childhood, so she started assuming Courscant is the most important planet and that it's the most normal planet there is. But now, as she had started traveling the galaxy, she saw, that Coruscant was just a simple planet in the galaxy, like every other planet.

She had landed near a city, but not directly in it. That was because she had heard, that Tatooine is a strange planet, that there are always people who want to steal your things. Well, it was somewhat similar to Lunar Meadow, but... people just didn't like ships on that planet. There were no bad people on Lunar Meadow. Tatooine, on the other hand, was full of them. She knew, that every person she sees, is either a really bad Force-user or a smuggler, mercenary, or just an evil person like the other two.

Now Lilith walked towards a catnina. It was known as Cahlmun's Spaceport Cantina, but she didn't care about the name. It was like that with every place she visited. If it said it's cantina, she jumped in. And at the moment, she hadn't drank anything. And by anything, she meant alcohol. She loved it, but she knew it's a bad thing. She wasn't a drunkard, actually. Because she only drank once a week or even less. So it wasn't a problem, actually.

Like normally, she wore her wool cloak, which didn't suit this planet at all, and held her staff in her right hand. She saw a man standing near the cantina. He seemed a bit interesting, so she walked to him and said with her corrupted voice: "Hi!"

@[member="Tobasu"] (I hope the post was fine... my native language is not English, so...)
His visions blinded by the strong winds of Tatooine as sand kicked up around him, shrouding his figure in a somewhat mysterious veil of hundreds specs of dirt and sand clouded peoples line of sight from him, at least a dozen people walked past him until the win had died down. A common sigh escaped his lips as patience was growing thin, where was this runner to take him to the target location? It wasn't that Tobasu himself was incompetent in getting to the location it was just people, or rather the clients preferred everything to be done there way and this group requested that the package would be brought upon their own speeder via the cantina.

More waiting, mindless waiting, thoughts scouring his head as time idly passed. Yet then something unexpected happened, Tobasu was a man to not attract strangers but this girl came to him. Bejewelled in a wool cloak, holding a staff this girl had the audacity to attempt to make conversation with him, and although he was bored out of his mind waiting he wouldn't please the idea of talking to strangers yet when she did open her mouth that single word rolled off her tongue and something about her voice was vivid, it drew him in to talk more. His voice stern, cold, and unfriendly yet he still responded with such nobleness in his voice.

"May, I help you?"

A hand ran over his face as he moved untamed locks of golden locks off his face with such mechanical movements, you could mistake the human for a droid at times. Crimson eyes locked onto the female before him, not being intimidating but rather standing his ground he waited for the response, which would either make or break this conversation.

@[member="Lilith Mae Lancaster"]
"Help? I don't need help..." Lilith said. She looked into the man's red eyes. And she felt something weird. She had never seen anything like that, even though Dark Side users had crazy eye colours and maybe some species had, too... but that's not what Lilith felt. She felt emotions. For the first time in her life, she saw emotions by looking into someone's eyes. It was creepy, yet fantastic.

She put her hand near her eyes to cover them from the sun. Or, well, actually, from the suns. And it was another bad thng about Tatooine. There were two suns. Lilith hated the fact, that the sun is so bright, but now that she was on a planet with two suns... it was unbelieveable. She didn't remember them from the last time she was on Tatooine, maybe because she didn't remember anything so well anymore. And probably one of the reasons was also that she had drank so much. As a Force-sensitive, she didn't get drunk, but she always started feeling a bit different.

The tenacity of some people, yet he was deprived from such things — learning quite quickly upon the first few years aboard The Squire that being nosey or over curious would result in your death. In fact, Tobasu could remember the time Nelsar, the Squire's mechanic lost his right hand due to being to curious as to what was in a crate we were delivering. The poor sap lost his arm for disobeying the captains orders. As they say, curiosity did indeed kill the cat; so why did this girl come up to him if she didn't want something or better yet need something?

Thoughts raced through his mind, bumping from one wall to another, nostrils faired and eyes grew wider as he opened them in what would seem to be annoyance. He opened his mouth yet refrained from abusing the poor girl, something about the innocence of a female always stopped him, if she was male then no problem she'd would of likely been punched in the face. Yet being the hormonal teenage boy he was, Tobasu felt the need to currently always be polite to girls not because he wanted to but because his body told him too. He opened his mouth again, the abruptness still in his voice as he bellowed out a yawn, "Then why do you disturb me, didn't your mother ever tell you to not to disturb people..?"

Kids these days, psht. Then again he, himself was still a mere child, although possibly mentally more mature than his age, his physical complexion still would give off that of a teenage boy, who had just loss his innocence. The suns of Tatooine picked up as did the winds, long golden strands of hair flocking about freely like a bird flapping its large wings, it was a sight of mere beauty, radiating off him was this glow and the people around him looked, a sight to be seen yet for Tobasu it was a sight he was sick of seeing.

"What brings you here, little girl?"
@[member="Lilith Mae Lancaster"]
Lilith yawned. It wasn't a real yawn, actually. It was a fake one. Because she felt like the man is boring... or she just wanted to make it look like she was bored. "You know... I am a Sorceress, so don't you even dare to insult me with your 'little girl' jokes... Probably I am older than you, so shut your mouth and hear me out," Lilith said. Well, the last sentence rhymed a bit, which was a bit artistic and made her look like a poet. "I came to you to meet new people. I understand you are a socially awkward little boy who cries to see his mother again and can't even sleep without light, but you should not respond to a woman like you responded to me. It's rude even when it comes from an uneducated kid."

She raised her left eyebrow, waiting for the man's response. She hoped she had been at least a bit scary. And if not, she had started an argue which was also very nice. She didn't even remember any arguing from her past. Maybe she hadn't even done anything like that before. Or the corruption had changed her so much, that she lost all of the unimportant memories she had. Either way, it was the first time in a while and it made her happy. Of course in the inside. She didn't want to seem happy to anyone. Especially to him. Just to be sure, she tried to fake pure evilness with her eyes. If she had managed to read the man's feelings from his eyes, it was possible he could do the same with Lilith. It was better to protect herself.

Scarlet eyes focused on the girl before him, staring into her own seeing something...Yet what was it? What could he see as she let out a yawn, possibly because she found him boring. Thank god she will leave me alone then, he thought as he couldn't take his large orbs off her own. Something about this situation was awkward yet those eyes, were like his in a sense. The situation compelled him to stay no matter what, she was indeed pretty from what he saw but it wasn't as if he was attracted to her, something about her drew him in like a magnet. Why can't I take my eyes off her? She spoke, her voice filling his head as whispers crawling around his skull, a sorcerer like the types that use magick....Ha, that's a brilliant joke, obviously not saying this out loud if she could read him they would know what he would be thinking yet he did not utter a sound. His face scrunched up like a karth hound pup as he pinched the skin between his eyes and took a moment to think, closing them. It would seem like he was a doll, just standing there...Perhaps a wax figure was a better term for how he looked, yet then again wax would melt in this heat thus he decided he would be a doll, not like he had a choice about how he felt anyway. The bane of him, his emotions were in control not him; it was like there was another person inside of him, submerging out of the dark depths of his mind at times to take over, it scared him.

Even if he were suppose to believe this girl, and her 'out there' claims of being a sorceress were amusing what she said next made his jaw drop a tad. Honestly he knew some people had nerve but to talk about his own mother was indeed a touchy topic, his eyes widened as anger struck through them like lightning, the boring, laid back male before had suddenly snapped in a sense. A smirk crossed his face as eyes brows lowered and his hair suddenly just stopped moving, as if he was controlling the wind around him; an impossible feat of course but that's what it felt like. The echoes of her voice piercing his skull as he rolled his shoulders, left arm touching the blaster hoisted to his right hip. As he drew it at blinding speeds, this girl was about to pay the price for ticking him off.

Pointing at her.
Inches away...

"In life there are some things you must never do, the first is bring my mother in any conversation around me and the second is act high and mighty with your supposable foolish life as a sorceress... There are no such things."

Eyes flared as he clutched the trigger of the blaster, he would give her a chance to apologize, go away and forget all about him. Not only that but he could hear the humming of a speed bike from a distant, surely it would be the runner to deliver him to the meeting point. Again nostrils flared as the people around who were now watching the two standoff could sense the tension in the air. Fights were common in these parts and everyone loved to be in a good fight, all they waited for was the first foolish person to start it, and the game of pinball with lasers would begin, like a chain reaction.

@[member="Lilith Mae Lancaster"]
@[member="Tobasu"] (sorry for the delay)

Lilith was scared once more. But she didn't show it out. It was better not to do that. Her hair moved in the wind. Sand flew around behind her, sometimes forming beautiful patterns or something similar. She confidently looked into the eyes of the young man and shortly moved her left eyebrow. It was a gesture which basically meant, that Lilith is not amused. Her blue eyes looked directly into the man's black pupils. Her eyes were sly, full of mischief. But these red eyes still amazed her. They were so beautiful. Having such eyes was most likely the coolest thing there is in the universe. But of course she hadn't seen the whole universe, which was impossible...

"First... I can talk about your mother until I actually meet her. Second, I am a Sorceress... These things are more than real. Sorcery is more than just some fantasy stuff you have read from books. It's everything..."

She turned around and started walking away. But she tried to show the boy, that he is wrong. That's why she concentrated on something. In her thoughts, she formed a purple energy into her hands. It was something she had never done before. It was... Sorcery. She said a few strange-sounding words and turned around. The energy in her hands grew and she finally threw it towards the boy's blaster. The energy was basically just some Force and when it would've touched something, a typical Force Push effect would've followed.

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