Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Caught With Your Hand in the Cookie Jar


Se-khem-ka hated patrols. He preferred to be on the battlefield, duking it out with swords. However, there were no wars currently, so he was damned to do patrolling. First he checked the city, then the gates, then the outskirts, and he was currently checking the hangar. Though the second he walked in, he noticed an unfamiliar ship had landed. Curious, he kept his grip on the hilt of his sword, walking steadily towards the ship.

[member="Thalia Kaia"]
Thalia had just landed with a shipment of arms for an unknown buyer that she had never met or seen. She would walk down the ramp of her starship and come face to face with an unknown being "Sir may I help you?" She asked and grabbed a crate of arms off of the ramp.

The first thing he noticed about the unknown pilot was that she was obviously female. The second, she had crates in her ship. Ankhypt didn't really have a recent trade off with anyone...

"What business do you have here?" He eyed her suspiciously. Something was very off.

[member="Thalia Kaia"]
He grew infuriated, grabbing her by the arm tightly and staring into her eyes. He deserved more respect than this.

"I will only ask you one more time... what are you doing here?!"

[member="Thalia Kaia"]
This time he showed his natural strength, grabbing hold of the girl with an iron grip. "Then where is your authorization code and merchant license?" The Anubian's grip grew tighter by the second, his eyes seeming with rage.

[member="Thalia Kaia"]
His ear twitched as he heard a blaster being rubbed up against leather. He sensed she was armed, so he brought her down and held his blade to her neck with great finesse. "Now I am going to give you two options. Either die by my hand... or become my slave to do whatever I see fit."

[member="Thalia Kaia"]
Se-khem-ka would simply laugh, taking her to his quarters. "Get changed, and meet me out here for your first "job"." He took off her bindings and shut the curtains to his room, standing outside.


[member="Thalia Kaia"]
He could smell the sweat and durasteel emanating from her. She was hiding something. He gently held her to the wall with the force, searching her till he found her blaster. "Tip number one: nothing gets past me." He bound her again, tugging on her chain.

[member="Thalia Kaia"]
"First order of business..." He let go of her chain, removing his chestplate to reveal a fairly fresh scar across his muscled chest. "If you would be so kind as to tend to your new master's wounds..."

[member="Thalia Kaia"]

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