Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Catch A Ride

"Figured it out then? I knew you were familiar. Good to see you survived that battle." Krest kept it rather casual as he remained kneeling, but he did open his eyes to focus in on Ra'a'mah. She didn't turn hostile, which was a nice change of pace. Still, where would this go now? She could technically turn him in, but what would she gain? He wasn't wanted or even hated these days.

"Want to learn more?"
"So we both knew the other was familiar, but not the how?"

He stayed kneeling in front of her, but his ice blue eyes focused on her intently. Even though they now knew who the other was, the atmosphere and attitude remained calm, if a little more tense or stressed. He offered to teach her more. She came to a fast and easy decision. Without a change of position, she gave Krest her full attention, her golden eyes meeting his blue.

"Knowledge is power and I want to know as much as I can."

"Then once again reach out into the Force. Listen for your immediate future, and tell me what you see." It was a trick question, as he planned to flick her nose while she was busy focusing. It was a simple way to test if what she saw was correct, and a bit silly. Perhaps enough so to dissolve the tension. But for now he would wait, closing his eyes once again and pretending to fall back into the meditative stance.
Krest had only acknowledged her last statement and ignored her question, Ra wondered if he had actually known who she was when he hired her. At this point, did it really matter? In front of her kneeled a person that was willing to teach her more than she already knew and did not appear to want to harm her. She had no doubt if he wanted that, she wouldn't sitting on her bum in front of him.

Letting out a sigh, Ra closed her eyes and went back into the meditation. The river was there and she submerged herself in the Force. Concentrating on what he wished of her. There were a few courses she saw, but the strongest was that of him reaching out and flicking her nose.

Letting out a small giggle she couldn't stop, Ra opened one eye at him.

Krest had his hand up to flick her nose when she opened her eye, and a grin formed on his lips before he plopped back down in a sitting position. "See? There are many courses, some stronger than others, but nothing is set in stone. We can listen and influence as needed, but never get too far lost in the future. Everything can change in a second, and what you see may no longer be a possibility."
Ra let out a little sound like a hrumph and listened to Krest.

"Yes, there were a few paths that appeared, none as clear as that nose flick though. We can influence the future? I mean I know our actions today do that, but that happens naturally."

She shrugged her shoulders slightly when she finished her statement and looked at him. There were other questions, so many in her mind, but nothing that made any real sense enough to put to words. Keeping silent and observant for so long had evidently taken it toll on her when it actually came to speaking. For the moment, Ra waited for his answer and tried to make sense of her other questions before speaking them.

"Something like that. It's complicated to say the least." He chuckled again before he stood up, stretching his arms above his head. It was then that his stomach growled. Had it been that long? Probably. Meditation often made what seemed like minutes into hours. Krest glanced down to Ra, winking once with his blue eyes. "Well, I suppose it's as good a time as any to see how good of a cook you are."
"We have a bit of time and explanations can happen while we travel."

Krest stood up and his stomach let out a growl he couldn't stop. Not realizing the time had passed so quickly, Ra stood up as well and saw his wink. Giving him half a smile, she would turn in the direction of the galley.

He would see this was her favorite part of her ship and was well stocked with spices and foods of many different verities. She cooked all of her food, not using quick bake items or too many in prepackaged boxes.

Looking through the selection she had, Ra picked out a couple of things and got cooking dinner for them. After just a few minutes, the aroma of the food filled the galley and went through the ship.

As she cooked, Ra would turn to look at Krest with a quizzical look.

"How does one alter the future?"

"The decisions you make affect it every day. Like you said, it changes naturally. But when you see something coming and understand how it comes to be, you can change it entirely. Spend enough time listening to the future and you'll learn how to choose a path instead of blindly walking down one." Krest would follow Ra to the kitchen, but he would remain in the doorway, leaning to one side. "Why, see something you don't like and want to change?"
Moving from pot to skillet, Ra listened to what Krest said and nodded. It made sense.

"Have a seat," tipping her head in the direction of the table, Ra set the food on two plates and took them over to it. Grabbing the silverware needed in a second trip and drinks for them.

She sat down, shaking her head.

"No, no I didn't see anything important I would want to change."

Taking a moment to wait and consider how to ask her next question proved a little difficult. She took a bite of food to cover her uncertainty.

"Can this also show the past?"

Ra didn't know anything about where she came from, who or what her parents were even. Her first memory being from about the age of three and being stuff into something like an escape pod. After that, she was in an orphanage on Coruscant.

"Yes, and no. You can see your own past, but never the past of another. Well, not without them, or a piece of them." Krest had seen that first hand, literally, when the execution of a Jedi had a Sith back track from the Jedi's severed arm to find where the others were. It wasn't something the Zabrak would do himself, but he at least respected it's usefulness. He would sit across from the woman, pulling over the plate of food to take a bite. It was good at least, even if he wasn't one to eat much these days.

"Something you need to see?"
Raising an eyebrow at his words and wondering if they meant exactly what he said, but Ra left that question unspoken not sure she really wanted to know the answer. Taking a drink to wash some of her food down, she debated just how much information about herself she wanted to share with him. To delay answering his question, she took another bite of food and looked away slightly.

If he could read body language, he would see she really was curious, but her words would be lie.

"No, not something I need to see."


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