Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Carter Brandt


NAME: Carter Brandt


SPECIES: Human (Corellian)

AGE: 34

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6’1”

WEIGHT: 181 lbs.

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: Caucasian



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Decent Pilot
+ Good Aim
+ Smooth Talker
+ Generally Optimistic
+ Confident (some might say he’s cocky)

- Undeveloped force ability
- Blurred sense of right and wrong
- Bacta Allergy

Carter is fit and trim. He has always stayed in decent shape because he believes there is always some fight around the corner. That helps him avoid getting in fights. HIs brown hair is kept long enough that it reaches his jaw line and little past. Carter hasn’t seen his face without a beard since he could grow one.

His clothes are typical of someone who has grown up in space. Comfortable clothes, work pants, loose fitting long sleeves shirts or t-shirts cover his torso. His favorite coat is a dark brown suede with a wool collar. He rarely is without it when on a ship because space can be cold.

Carter was raised in space by Corellian parents who loved him very much. Trying to be a smuggling family was difficult for some, but somehow Dash and Jaina made it work. Being a spacer kid was fun, Carter had to learn to fly the ship, shoot a blaster, punch someone hard, and outrun people that didn’t like the trouble his parents caused. Life was great. Then fourteen happened.

Dash took a job that was a high risk. He always said high risk high reward, but this job proved to be too much. The ship had been carrying illegal cargo through Imperial space when the threat of being boarded was imminent. Dash dumped the cargo to avoid getting caught, but that meant the family had to find a way to pay for the product. When it was clear they couldn’t Carter was taken by the Hutts to work off the debt. Carter was 21 when he finally got free.

The next several years were spent tracking down his parents with one rundown ship after another. The galaxy was large, and any rumor of them always turned up dry. When 26 rolled around Carter signed on to help another smuggling crew until he could earn the funds to get his own reliable ship. The crew he worked for was as close to anything of a family he had experienced in a long time, and when it came time to cash in and leave, Carter was reluctant. Finding his parents was more of a priority though.
The search continued for a few more years, Carter funding himself with odd jobs here and there. Everything went south when his ship was stolen by a band of pirates while laying over for drinks on Ord Mantell. Carter has gotten random jobs, but none of them taking him off world or getting him a new ship. He’ll figure it out like he always does, but life is currently frustrating to say the least.

Cloud Dancer (Stolen)



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