Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cartels, crime lords and various scum

[member="Vincente Zann"]
Your consortium boasts a history of success. Let us build a future together, Lord Zann.
Plot in PMs? :D

[member="Slevin Thawne"]
Ooh, what did you have in mind?

Let's figure something out...

[member="Azula Yeshevsky"]
:D Been hoping to thread with you for a while. Must do something. Also you're all welcome to jump in here.
[member="Kyros Fen"]
The same man who destroyed the Black Sun Syndicate and built from the ground up one of the most devastating crime syndicates on Chaos is starting a premium spice ring. Oh how the mighty fall, but it's profitable!

If you need the best spice in town, and at low prices (because we only sell to dealers, and we only sell in bulk), then talk to Lysle, but fair warning, he's one of the most elusive crime lords around.

I think we could come to some mutual, beneficial agreements.
[member="Crix Meriet"]
Slaves would be a valuable resource for what I have planned. Shall we meet and discuss, see if we can come to some arrangement? Any pre-thread parameters worth mentioning (location etc)?
Lady Kay said:
[member="Crix Meriet"]

Indeed. You can count on that.
I'll Have a room made up
[member="Lady Kay"]

Kyros Fen said:
[member="Crix Meriet"]
Slaves would be a valuable resource for what I have planned. Shall we meet and discuss, see if we can come to some arrangement? Any pre-thread parameters worth mentioning (location etc)?
Excellent , Crix is Regent of Isis so we could meet there. He also has a house on Naboo and a slave farm on Das Soocha feel free to go anywhere Crix can travel
[member="Kyros Fen"]

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