Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Caretaker for the Young Savan

Location: Crystalsong

Onward he went in his ship the Hazard Beauty, to pick up his new responsibility...Ashe's daughter. He never saw himself doing this, he hadn't heard from her in a long time,
but it appeared old friends, and allies were popping out from everywhere.
He opened his com channels for the young @Særa Ayña Savan to find him, he had no clue where she was here, or what she would be doing.
He felt like he was opening his doors for another child i his life, his daughter was off to sleep in his cabin room, and he was in his captain's chair like it was his throne.
Now he had to just sit, and wait.

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
"My beloved Saera; Mommy Circe and I are going away for a little for a big job, I'm sending a friend to take care of you in the meantime. Be good for him, babygirl. Mommy loves you."
A wink and a soft kiss into the wind were the only things left ending the hologram to their beloved young daughter on Crystalsong. All the while after, Saera toiled away at her alchemical works and trinkets, curious and a touch saddened by the information. Was her mother going away, she wondered? As it stood, she saw so very little of either of them since they had become so enravelled in work and expansionism. Despite them being openly engaged and planning a wedding ceremony soon, it felt as though the girl was virtually alone; perhaps the marriage would finally change that and truly bind the humble little family together, at least she had hoped.
A flight of four sleek fighters soared over the Hazard Beauty like darts before splitting away in the distance. A few moments passed... then another, much greater vessel roared from above as it passed.
Crystalsong - particularly the Arctic Circle - had been well-guarded and also frequented by private freighters and cargo haulers who served for both the construction and mining endeavors that the two vulpine mistresses had. The Crown was safely tucked away in the harbor north of Castle Malfrost, but was ready at a moment's notice to depart. Largely unwanted by the greater galaxy as an obsolete and rushed vessel, it had been refurbished and brought to Crystalsong with every expectation of never seeing conventional use. Now, just a relic used for storage and assembly; but all that would change that day.
A hail was sent back to [member="Romeo Sin"], instructing him to descend into the icy harbor where he would be provided with further instructions. Meanwhile, both Saera and her personal starcraft were being made ready to depart with him.
Romeo did as instructed, marveling at the ships as they soared by, and leaned forward in his chair. Thus took him back to Horde days, seeing massive ships, and small fighters soar about.
-Truly amazing.-
He wondered how Ashe was doing, and never actually met Circe, though he wanted to. He heard she could make great conversations.
He, now that he thought about it, knew nothing of her daughter either.
-What am I walking into?-
How old was she? What was her personality like?
So many questions, all about to be answered. Romeo was dressed in the Dark Fury Armor, a black with red accent armor for blaster protection, and radiation. It had the smallest lightsaber protection, but that was cause he got shot at more than slashed at.
The Beauty now docked, awaited for more instructions to come through.
"Beauty, watch Erika for me while I'm away."
"Yes Sin."
The ship's AI spoke. His crew was somewhere about, doing what they did, he was unsure if the crew was allowed to be witnessed to this, and so he decided to best keep them occupied. He had a fleet to build, and a army. So many responsibility, and he hoped he was the right man for the job. [member="Særa Ayña Savan"]

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
Awaiting at the furthest end of the dry dock's arm were four Sentinels armed with Kalash blasters and alchemically enhanced cutlasses; all of them, thralls or acolytes of Lady Ashelotte. Not far behind and no sooner [member="Romeo Sin"] met them, two more escorted the young Saera Willamina Savan to the docks. She was inherently and apparently bubbly, but bashful and withdrawn, hiding under her own hair with her ears tucked down to frame her covered visage.
"H-hi... you're definitely the one. Um - hello," she murmured, hands subconsciously drawn over her ears in concealment.
-She is a kid!-
He thought to himself. Romeo's poisoned self, Sith Poison to be exact, probably gave off his darkness, if not for the armor.
There were alot of security hanging around the girl, and he didn't understand why, but thought better not to ask questions concerning them.
He got down on one knee, being six foot compared to her was like being little below giant size, least her timid ways made it seem.
He removed his mask so she could see his whole face, his black hair stopped near his jaw line, and his red eyes observed more than they let show.
"My name is Romeo, it's a pleasure to meet you miss Seara." He held out his hand for her to shake, Romeo was tall, but wasnt a muscle man, so his hand would seem normal compared to hers.
-What is she doing with her hands?-
He wondered to himself.
"I knew your well...I knew Ashe, she's asked me to look after you for awhile." He smiled brightly at her.
[member="Særa Ayña Savan"]

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
Saera reluctantly met [member="Romeo Sin"]'s hand with her own, falling limply in his grasp as the guards all turned eyes to him in careful anticipation. She had gotten off a... strange sort of feeling from him, as though there was something fundamentally more sinister to him than he led off to believe; dark, but not ill-intended. The MMS vault was not far from there, also on Crystalsong nearer the cities and towns to the south, so Saera knew exactly the tool to use to gauge his trustworthiness. In the meantime, he seemed okay.
The reality of things was that Saera was a sentient and highly intelligent Sithspawn, a hybrid no less. She was also the daughter of a notorious Sith Lady and a fearsome Force warrior who'd mysteriously disappeared from the Confederacy in secret pursuit of vendettas, made no easier by the recent bounty placed on her only hours ago. There were only about fifty Sentinels in total at any given time, and they never left Crystalsong. However, her baby girl's safety was always her top concern - evident by the fact that these were the only converted ever taken by Ashelotte's vampirism and all were former Sith Acolytes or corrupt Privateers all who wouldn't be missed.
Saera rose her head to speak up once more, observing the ship from the outside.
"U-um.... I don't think my alchemy ship will fit in there... and I really need it if we're going to travel a lot. So maybe... you can take that one?" She pointed to the Crown only several hundred meters away.
One of the Sentinels proceeded to hand Sin a datapad which contained a manifest of all the things Saera would bring, as well as all the things she no longer wanted which were contained on that one archaic ship.
  • 1 Crown-Class Heavy Cruiser
  • 3 Patrol Ships
  • 24 Fighters
  • ~Saera's 4 Deathbells
  • ~Saera's Alchemy Frigate
  • ~2 MT of Priority Freight

Before the man could blink, most of her cargo had already been put on its way to the ship. The other twenty-seven craft were left to Sin's discretion.
Saera had no idea if she'd be leaving Crystalsong that day or not. However, one thing was for certain; she would not be leaving unprepared, and Romeo Sin would not go without ample bonus in the form of those two dozen or so crafts from Auction Saera could find no personal use for.
"So, do you want to look around the castle?" she jubilantly asked.
Romeo was looked at the Crown with wide eyes, and a face showing surprise.
-That's her ship?-
He thought his jaw was maybe hanging, and to shut it close, but luckly it wasn't it.
Now with all that said, the datapad was...we'll say more than impressive, and he tucked under his arm as he stood up.
"Beauty, make me aware if my daughter awakens. Till then, it seems you're driving solo."
He heard a peep that acknowledged his request.
"Now you may show me around the castle miss Seara." He said with respect, and friendliness.
Anything Romeo may seem was not what was all to be, Romeo was covered in scars no one could see, meaning his armor hid them, and his mind was chaotic sometimes.
His ways in general were chaotic, and sometimes unreadable. The less known about someone, the dangerous they could be.
"That's....a large ship you have there." He said keeping his eyes on the guards. He knew little about Ashe's powers, and less about her past.
These men were obvious thralls by the way the walked, marched, and the rest of their body language.
"Am I to accompany you on the Crown as well?" He asked just making sure.
[member="Særa Ayña Savan"]

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
Saera innocently smiled at the comments.
"That one isn't mine, so you can keep it.... They were considering selling it, or turning it into a civilian space yacht anyways. That one over there on the furthest end of the harbor; that one's mine. I bought it from a Mandalorian company about a year ago at an expo. He said there were only three in existence so far. A huge ion cannon blast sheared a layer off of the outer hull, but that was easy enough to repair. It's my other home. I can't bring it though...."
Saera's head gestured in the direction of the western fringe where an even greater ship, the Skira-Class The Fox's Muse was currently stationed. The Skira was Saera's primary mode of transportation as a ranking member of the Techno Union, and her Alchemy frigate was her means of travel and work during her off-hours. When either was too large or unwieldy, a simple Deathbell stealth fighter would suffice - which she was able to manage flying via the interface implant in her head. She opted not to fly solo in this way very often due to the negative consequences that usually came with the euphoria of interface-controlled flight.
Young Saera was just full of surprises... but as the heiress of not one but two major galactic corporations, who could be too surprised? The money never meant a thing to her anyways, and she'd dispose of most of it if she could but her mothers would never leave her in the care of anything less. Fortunately for the man, the Skira was about the peak of her inheritance.

[member="Romeo Sin"]​
"Bring it, I'll fly with you. Beauty as a AI built into it that can pretty much fly itself, basic flying I imagine, but who knows." He said watching the young one. His red eyes never left her, but still watched i the corners of them for any danger. This was what a caretaker did, he had once been, and this was very brief, been the personal bodyguard of the Queen of Naboo, even took a knife to the gut to save her.
Romeo had his own surprises up his sleeves, waiting for those who deserved to witness them.
"I can come back for the ships later, today, and everyday I'm with you will be about you, unless matters are to urgent. I hope you can understand this." He said, and held out his hand.
"Now, you wanted to show me the castle?" He said with smile.
[member="Særa Ayña Savan"]

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