Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Captain Colton Renfrew

NAME: Captain Colton Renfrew
FACTION: Black Sun Syndicate
RANK: Smuggler
AGE: 30
SEX: male
HEIGHT: 6ft 1 in
WEIGHT 200l bs
EYES: brown and shifty
HAIR: short dark brown
SKIN: Caucasian

Companion: Tvrrist aka fur ball

+Skilled pilot/Captain
+Underworld connections
+Nose for trouble and traps
+Knack for getting places he shouldn’t be
+Skill at avoiding blockades and patrols
-Make my own rules
-Unpractical& untrusting nature

APPEARANCE: A Tall average built Corellian male with short well-groomed dark brown hair usually in flat top type style and a well-kept goatee framing his somewhat angular face. He not over muscular or tone he was somewhat of gut but not overly so, he well portioned for his height and weight. His shift brown eyes always scan trouble, opportunity or perhaps booth. He wears a pirate medallion around his neck given to him by his father upon his father’s death.
PERSONAILTY: He is a conduction wrapped in enigma, As stealthily as brutal, skilled as he is reckless, charming as is deadly. His deceitful and untrusting nature make very unpredictable. As much a cold hearted killer as smooth-talking ladies man. Just as much pirate and smuggler as honest merchant/supplier. Just as likely to lie through teeth and shoot in back as he is to shake your hand and deliver the goods. In short you never know what he’s gonging to do next.

BIOGRAPHY: Born on Corellia the only son of 2 ace freighter pilots and smugglers, he had an average life growing up an above average education, book and street smarts, at the of 12 he began to learn the family business accompanying booth parents on runs and negations for several years. Now at the age of 15 he got a part time job a pilot for small deliver company he hone his flying mechanic skill there for about 4 years. Now 19 years old he witnessed his mother murdered by members of the Exchange for deal that went south he also to the local law enforcement take little interest and botch the investigation and killers go free. Filled with heart and rage and filling to the independent law enforce of the current government was in adequate he joined the first order as a Supply officer, here he further honed his piloting skills made more trade connection, but soon saw the tyranny of the his superiors, and quickly realized after several times being denied promotion his independent nature an d rules don’t apply to me attitude he would last long, so he took leave to visit his father had recent fell ill. He found his father on his death bed, he father gave a pirate medallion that been in family for generation and told Colton of the family’s pirate legacy his word as handed over the medallion and access codes to the ship an illegally modified YT 1300 were “Don’t let freedom die.” Colton took the word to heart put the medallion around his neck and made beeline for ship. Grapping a first order weapons shipment on the way he spent next 11 years with price on his head branded as a traitor to first order and making a name for himself as Captain, pirate, and smuggler.

SHIP: illegal modified YT-1300 light freighter



i have a ship if you need one a bit less over done. not that theres any thins wrong with the yt 1300 for example.

the character is dead so the ships up for grabs.

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