Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Capris Halcyon

Capris Halycon

BirthplaceEh I’ll figure it out
AgeLate teens/Young adult
Bounty Hunter
Force SensitivityYes
Speech Color#ff8c00


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    Homeworld, Age 8

    Everything collapsed in on itself with rapid succession.

    The kid, with her knees drawn to her chest and arms linked around her shins, balled up the thread-bare shawl swaddling her shoulders with nervous hands.

    The Sith had arrived with no warning, weeding out the surrounding villages like frenzied bloodhounds. They were few but powerful, seemingly intent on purging the dunes of any sentient life while chaining those with the sense to forgo resistance.

    Suffice to say, the situation was fraught.

    Her brothers had barricaded the door, driven her and her younger siblings into the cellar and locked the hatch while stationing themselves protectively above it. But their line of defense hardly proved to be much of an obstacle. It had been a nightmarish blur, one in which she felt utterly immobile. Useless to herself and useless to her family.

    She’d fled as the Sith descended like vultures on carrion, slipping out a back way and clawing through the sandy recesses of her home world with one hand wrapped tightly around the wrist of one of her younger siblings.

    It hardly mattered. They overtook her in seconds, yellow eyes boring down on her with unnerving indifference as the sting of drifting sand remained unrelenting.

    Zygerria, Age 12

    The kid flexed her wrist, feeling the tease of a virbo-knife slide out from her sleeve and into her steady palm. There was nothing to deliberate. No blatant show of morality to grapple with or give her pause. Everything aligned in that moment, base instinct piloting her body with no acknowledgment of the consequences to come.

    The zygerrian’s body hit the ground with a lone thud, a distorted look of bewilderment dying with him. From his possession a whip rolled to the ground, thrashing against the plated duracrete like an exposed wire. Its futile thunderclap being the only thing to accompany her steadily quickening breath.

    Guilt stubbornly wormed its way in. She had been reactive. To bite like a rabid animal when backed into a corner was human nature. And while it earned her the slim chance of freedom, she couldn't stifle the grimace subsequently etched on her face.

    There was no time to dwell on it. She had to leave, find a way off this god-forsaken planet and grasp for straws somewhere else. Wherever else would take her.

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    Deceptively muscled, Capris has a lean albeit toned frame, clocking in at an average height of 5’6. Noticeably scarred, a patch of discolored skin spans the left side of her face while a slave brand mars the nape of her neck. In contrast to the earthy tones and satin robes of the Jedi, she opts for a wardrobe of street wear, cobbling together whatever she can get her hands on. This paired with her roguish tendencies often leaves her to stick out like a raw nerve amongst the more zealous sects of Jedi.


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    + Adept at melee combat, she isn’t one to easily fold. This prowess also extends to marksmanship, her comfort with ranged weaponry making her a very physical threat.

    +/- Plagued with sporadic visions, her sensitivity to the force virtually starts and ends at psychometry. While she’s made headway with the occasional telekinetic party trick, her relationship with the force is largely uncontrollable. Unlike her more classically trained peers.

    - She’s a slave to her emotions despite however macho she may pretend to be. Whether or not she’d care to admit, a feeling of lingering inadequacy stalks her from her childhood. Not wanting to come off as vulnerable, she has something of an icy exterior.


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    Light Side Runes

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