Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Question Can one Major Faction capture a dreadnought/SSD from another one?

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr

Probably not, considering that the individuals who make the SSD submissions can't even take the ship with them should they ever leave the faction it was made under. They are property of Major Factions not individuals, and even if you had the permission of the Major Faction you intended to take an SSD from, I don't think the board allows for it because it just results in individuals gaining control of an SSD which in all honesty would be a little ridiculous because a)Getting the manpower/resources to maintain an SSD is far outside the realm of possibility for a small group/person b)If it could be done, then everyone would just be trying to steal everyone else's SSDs. I could be wrong, but that's just my assumption based off of the information regarding SSDs that I have/have heard. A site admin can probably give a firm yes or no on a case by case basis.
I feel like if everyone was in agreement about the situation, it would be doable.

But as with the nature of Chaos, if someone doesn't like it, they're not gonna let it happen. Then you get into the semantics of "can I do this without the other party's permission," and that's always a resounding no.

The stipulation on SSDs is "only a major faction can field one," and "you have to complete three dominions in a month." So, if'n you did that, I don't see why the other hoops being jumped through would stop you from having one.

Fiolette Fortan

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr

Super Star Destroyers are property of the Major Faction that created them.
  • They cannot be transferred between Major Factions, last I recall.
  • When that Major Faction goes minor, the SSD is archived.
  • If and when that Major Faction resurfaces from minor status, they would have to rework the dominions and then submit a new SSD that can bare the same stats as the old one.
I am not sure why there is so much emphasis (around rules and permissions) placed on SSDs. They are only a ship at the end of the day. Especially when a major faction can take an entire hex from another major faction in a single thread (invasions).

So I don’t understand why SSDs are so guarded. No doubt I am missing something of importance attached to them.

But, I can’t see why something like this couldn’t be done? I would assume permissions are needed by both parties though, if this was even allowed.
There are no written rules against it as far as I'm aware.

If the faction that wants to steal the SSD has OOC permission for that story, and they have an open slot hat they can fill with an SSD? Why not? It'd be just one way to keep the SSD alive. A lot of work tends to go into them and it can be heart breaking to see it go into the archives because a faction's no longer around.

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
Sorry folks. As much as I love the idea of this, the heisting/trading of SSDs is off the cards between Majors under the current rules. Although a minor faction can technically 'steal' an SSD by rebelling a Major Faction's third dominion, winning and going major themselves, however.

As an alternative I would suggest that, this flashpoint month in particular, you could get creative with your narrative and run a skirmish thread where you steal an SSD that your faction already qualifies for. You can then create one with that narrative in mind for some clean old fashioned fun.

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