Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Calling All Sith [Sith Order]

After many long years, Korriban (birthplace and origin world of the Sith) has been reclaimed by our Sith Order! But the work is not over yet…

Even now, the Jedi crusaders who stole our world and settled within it (called Ashlans) are hiding in pockets of resistance deep beneath the ground, seeding rebellion, and thinking themselves safe within temples which used to be ours! The emperor of the Order has commanded that they be wiped out, and that their filthy Jedi edifices and light side influence be destroyed in that same motion!

For that, I call upon you…!

If you’re writing a Sith Order character, whether they’re an apprentice or Lord, a force user or otherwise, I’d love to write with you!

Even now, Darth Caedes has his warship in Korriban’s orbit, deploying soldiers and Sith alike to smoke out and obliterate what’s left of the Jedi’s presence on our world! Shoot me a PM, a discord message if you have me added, or respond here if you want to march alongside the Sith in their time of triumph and power!

Soon, Darth Caedes himself will hunt the Jedi survivors. I would love to have you at my side!
Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser for the purposes of this thread, since I’m ultimately recruiting for a Faction thread: very. But that made me giggle, thanks!

Darth Nwul Darth Nwul Wonderful! I’m open minded to all kinds of threads and plots in the future! We should get a private message thread going and talk about plot!

At the moment, Darth Caedes is on Korriban, reclaiming it. Interested in joining my forces on the ground?
Sith? Coming back? IVI IVI , looks like I'll have more work cut out for me.


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