Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Caged and Chained (Only Sith)


Time. The line of everlasting existence through events and history? Or what it something more? Fact was time was not something that could truthfully be explained by anyone. It was infinite. Just like the mysteries it holds deep within its roots. Many thought of time as a way to recognize the present…but no. Others believed it to be so much more. A force beyond comprehension doing its work unintentionally and perfectly all at once. The stubborn existence of organization that held the past within a seal. The bringer of the future and the giver of the present. Some believed time to be a god all itself, invisible to the naked eye and unheard through religion. It very well could have been. When phrases are shouted out like ‘we are out of time!’ or ‘Times up.’ To some they are just phrases, to others they are tribute to the all mighty god of time. Whoever it may be weather it was real or not. Or perhaps…for something to be real one must simply believe it to be real? Faith was a powerful substance in many worlds throughout time.

Consisting side by side with time was the gift of memories. A function of history stored within the subconscious of ones mine throughout the period of their lives. Of course…there were always memories better left forgotten. Despite the fact memories would always eventually be forgotten in the downward spiral called time. The memories of the past, of those before us. Never told from the beholder but often from the witness. Stories and legends passed down generation to generation but with each generation only losing more and more of the truth as the line between reality and fantasy grows ever so thinner. It was the same with the beings that traveled the world. Over time ones blood does not strengthen. It weakens. If one were to make a copy, of a copy, of a copy it would not come out stronger. But weaker. This has always been true. The memories that held the truth where lost…forgotten In the web time.

His days always started slow. They didn't start late-- he awoke with the earliest riser in the lower recesses, which was to say at the crack of dawn. The early risers tended to prepare themselves quickly and leave early to do their duties. He would follow them in their rituals to a point, being of aid when he could, otherwise just providing company, a gentle reminder of steps they may have forgotten. He'd awake from his chained position...The air in the mornings was cold, it always bit at his nose and clung to his skin. He was always cold...

It was part of his own private ritual. So many steps he'd learned in his all too short life, things designed to keep him healthy in body, soul, and mind. Ever since he was young, still on his mother's teat, he'd practiced certain techniques. It was an act of balance, an equalizer. He stuck to routine as often as he could, an upstart threatened much worse than a bad start to a day. Since before birth he'd suffered from a debilitating condition, something that made him different from his rambunctious prison members. If they could even be called that.

The boys heart beat differently than others if at all. He'd known this almost as soon as he began to have conscious thought. His mother was a rock, her heart beat was steady and slow. As early as he could remember, he could remember sinking into the sound of it, wrapping himself in the comfort of her life-giving breath. Even now, he took every opportunity that presented itself to fall asleep with his head cradled against her bosom. The thought of seeming childish never entered his mind.

Each morning he sank into himself the way he had sunk into his mother. His breathing grew slow, controlled. Each breath was deep, filling his chest cavity to capacity. He held his breath for several seconds before slowly exhaling, looking inward. His heart beat was hollow... but still powered his body. The beats were slow...blank...and cold, the sound not as deep and robust as he yearned it to be. There was a slosh, always a worry, blood leaking from where it was meant to be. Every morning he felt unsettled. his heart was cold and the blood that ran through his veins was made of ice...but he would not let that change him. Not in the slightest.

He filled his mind with pure, intelligent thoughts. The sound of his past tormentors, his enemies. The sound of the firepower he was forced to face as a soldier, each unique, their beats as fast as their paws or their inquisitive minds. He focused, another deep breath, looked inward again. Slowly the beat of his heart leaned towards a more steady pace, calm energy pooled just above his gut. Around him, the sounds of his brothers in arms joining the world of the waking went ignored, his entire being preoccupied by maintaining the positive.

'This is me.' was the thought, 'And I can be as strong as I want.' His heart agreed, compromising on a steady if weak beat. Satisfied, he pulled himself back to the present, his breathing slowly returning to normal. His very bright Turquoise eyes opened, greeting the frosty climate he found himself in. He was...caged again like the animal he was. His bright eyes scanned the very large room...there was not real light there. Artificial light...of course. He was trapped in a room chained in the center with a chain on both arms...connected to the walls opposite from each other. His arms where stretched beyond its limit and his body was cold...his shirt was gone from the whippings to keep him in check and he was not allowed to leave. Deemed to be to dangerous to be around other inmates the boy known as Subject 13 remained in a maximum security prison located underground on some distant planet...perfect. The child was young. He had snowy white hair that was now stained in blood and two tails swaying behind him that where also filthy. Canine like ears swiveled atop his head as he waited...all he could do now...was wait.

@Paega Anginous

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She had originally been here to study the prison and see whom deserved to rot in such a place and what she found was nothing short of... boring. Most of the inmates were those the empire wanted to shut up or those too insane for their own right mind and she had nearly decided to just give up on trying to find something interesting and useful in this hellhole she had nearly missed the cell that held @[member="Subject 13"]. When she had looked at it she went over to the screen and raised a brow at the chain male Echani, he certainly had to either be insane, or immensely dangerous, perhaps both. It was something she had to find out.

That had been a problem for her recently, ever since she had become a sith apprentice she found danger and discovery enticing and this was no exception. With quick word to the guard, a show of security clearance, and a for warning that a little girl shouldn't be doing this, Alexandra was granted access into the cell. Though the last part had seriously left her half a mind to choke out the guard for calling her a little girl, but she shrugged it off.

Once inside the cell her eyes immediately fell on him, bright silver orbs studying him as she spoke. Her steps light as she drew closer while she spoke, in the end kneeling a meter from him with her dark robes pooling around her and her hood down. "Hello there, hows your stay been? I bet the food isnt too good and those chains have got to be a constant pain and annoyance. Have they tortured you at all? Ive been a subject to Sith torture before, but that was mainly because i failed in dowing something stupid and extremely dangerous." She laid her hands one over the other on her knee as she knelt there waiting for an answer.
13 felt his arms begin to hurt as he stood there. His legs hurt...standing for over a week with his arms in the current position they where in was proving painful now. But the more he thought about it the more he remembered how use to it he was. A breath escaped his lips as the cold air made mist of his breathing...his eyes staring at the ground as he thought to himself a little more. 'Why am i here again?' He thought to himself as he closed his eyes, traveling his memories for the answer. 'I think...i killed someone? I don't member. Maybe its just because of what i am.' He decided, his canine ears twitching atop his head when he heard walking on the other side of the door in front of him. He felt a nervous type of feeling in his gut as his eyes opened. 'Or maybe...what ill become.'

Narrowing his eyes at the voices beyond his cell the boy did not like the idea or someone entering the cell with him. He preferred to be alone for the next ten years he was left to be in this place. Keeping his eyes fixed on the door when suddenly it opened the boys two tails slowly began to tuck between his legs as a hooded figured approached him rather carelessly. As she looked at him like some animal for inspection 13 watched as she dropped her hood and knelt in front of him. Talking to him as if he where...human? 13 felt a growl erupt in his chest as her question...lowering his head and arching his neck so he was a bit closer he sniffed a few times before hissing at her slightly when he smelled the scent of the sith on her. His tails standing erect over his spine as he growled at her. Who the hell was this women?

@Alexandra Shadowstalker

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Oh hush now, im not even touching you or insulting you. No need to be so hostile." She stood back up and smoothed out her robes before speaking to him and standing straight. "So, whats your name half dog?" She stepped back about another meter and sat down, her legs folded under her as she did. "And why are you here? Are you some insane experiment gone wrong or something? I never did understand any of that alchemy stuff, lightning, telekinetic, and telepathy have much more uses than any amount of alchemy. How long have you been here?" She paused for a moment before laughing slightly at something, she seemed generally carefree and just plain cheerful, her tone reflecting that. "Sorry if im chatting your ears off, im a little annoying at times to most people." @[member="Subject 13"]
13 soon grew irritated and closed his eyes quickly to try and think happy thoughts. Taking himself back through his memories to find himself back in the forest. Turquoise eyes stared at the sun as the giver of light descending back into the depths of the horizon. Shadows stretched over the tall pines of the forest. The moon began to make its rise and offer its luminous beauty to the lush vegetation. Moonlight dappled through the sprawled branches above. The wind blew whispering through the leaves a melody of shadow. Ears twitched and bright eyes carefully observed the environment as if analyzing the mystery of the forest. But then...the fantasy was once again disturbed by the women before him as she sat down and began to talk to him again. Did she have nothing better to do then bug the inmates of prison? 13 scoffed at her and growled to himself as she continued to speak. She was...irritating him. One of the reasons he disliked sith was because moth of them always talked with nothing to say. It was frustrating...

@Alexandra Shadowstalker

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She frowned and stared at him, speaking with a slightly hurt tone. "Look, i dont have to be kind, i could be here torturing you or denying you food like everyone else, so how about you just enjoy someone being kind and stop acting like a brat. Got it?" She let her stare linger, her silver eyes aimed at him like two daggers poised to strike. She was annoyed that she had finally found something worth doing and all she got for being kind was him acting like this. She calmed herself though a bit and spoke again. "Look, i just wanted to have a talk because your probably the only person worth talking to here. Political prisoners and insane lunatics arent exactly pleasant company." @[member="Subject 13"]
@[member="Subject 13"] @[member="Alexandra Shadowstalker"]


The icy planet wasn't exactly a planet that any sane person woud want to go to for any sort of reason, Paega thought to herself as she landed her Talon-class Starinterceptor on the icy surface of Hoth. There was only one reason that the blonde Sith Knight was visiting this miserable place. According to Imperial intelligence, a Force-User with great potential was being held here in a prison by a group of thugs. There was rather limited or otherwise minimal information and data on this particular person, for some reason. Paega was here to get the Force-User to join the Sith Empire. She was out recruiting, to put it more bluntly.

The blonde Sith became annoyed when she climbed out of her vehicle to the frosty landscape around her. How in the fething Galaxy was she supposed to find a prison here? It was a suprise that the Imperial intelligence even managed to gain the information on this particular Force-User being held here. The relentless blizzard didn't exactly help with finding the location, either. Paega then chose to utilize Force Sight, a neat technique that she had learnt the basics back when she had been an apprentice. She then gave a small smirk, when the Force told her that the prison was actually right behind her.

The security of this 'maximum security prison' was not very good to say the least. Paega simply threw the six guards that were guarding the entrance to the prison off a cliff, before proceeding into the heart of the underground prison. Down here, the temperature was still quite frosty to say the least, how they managed to keep any prisoners alive down here was beyond Paega.

In five minutes, the blonde Sith Knight had left a trail of dead behind her. She hadn't even bothered with using her lightsaber, the thugs guarding this cell facility had not obviously expected a visitor in this middle of nowhere. There would be an audible thump sound from outside Subject 13's prison cell as Paega threw the last of the standing guards against the cell door, knocking them out effectively. Activating her crimson lightsaber, the Sith Knight plunged her blade into the door, creating a circle big enough for her to fit through before kicking down the molted circle in the door. The slender blonde would slightly duck her head as she climbed over the circle in the door, to see that the 'potentially powerful Force-User' that she had come all this way for... was a mere boy.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra looked behind herself at the woman who had come and raised a brow at her, laughing to herself at the obviously blunt methods that @[member="Paega Anginous"] employed to get into the prison. Of course Alexandra's methods had been different due to the fact that plain strength would not have gotten her in but they sufficed. And she certainly recognized who was standing at the door to the cell now. Standing up immediatly she turned to face Paega and bowed to her, speaking after a moment. "Hello miss, i am Alexandra apprentice to Balaya Zambrano. I assume you are here for our friend here?" She braced herself for an almost expected scolding or for some kind of harm to come to her, after all sith were known for causing such and she was no stranger to such even in her short time as an apprentice. @[member="Subject 13"]

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