Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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By Babbling Brook

The stream was relatively slow this far down the mountain. She had followed it from above where the flow put rapids to shame, ran through it with colossal paws, soared above through Ariel's eyes, and now she lay lazily on its edge with frigid skin hating every moment of it, goosebumps running across the darkened flesh.

Her fingers dipped into the ice cold water, tracing lines which left broken ripples fighting to exist. Light green, almost white, eyes danced in amusement, while Groom looked on dismissively. Poor pup had his work cut out for him chasing after the young Malgus in his care. Though she knew he loved every moment of it. The pair were inseparable, and Ariel it seemed was quickly becoming the same.

He soared overhead now, a little more tired than usual after bearing the brunt of both his own mind and Kida's. But how else was she to learn the ways of his kind? How would she come to appreciate this world for what it was, if not through the eyes of its inhabitants?

Kida yawned.

After such an action packed, adventure fueled day she wanted nothing more than to stay put. She should have been shivering, but the cold didn't affect her much anymore. She had swam within the frigid shores of the Great Maw, hunted high within the peaks of Midvinter's greatest mountains. Without furs or cloth, without hindrance.

When she had first arrived, she had been with Mythos. He had kept her clothed and warm and safe. But the pair had been separated, and she did not know where he had gone. When she changed into the Daux the extra fat and fur spared her the worst of the temperature yet there was no one around to dress her again when she shifted back.

That had been a harsh lesson. Clothes did not miraculously disappear or remain unmarred. They shredded and tore whenever she changed. So she became Daux more than Girl, until slowly she began to adjust... She had to adjust.

How long had it been since Adas was born? Kida did not know. She wasn't good at measuring the passage of time... But she had seen them recently, though not long enough. He was almost a grown man. She was still a child. Yes, it had been a long time since Midvinter became her home.

[member='Daxton Bane']

Foregoing his usual flashy attention calling reflective battle armor, Daxton opted for a much lighter armor designed to blend in with the natural surroundings for this hunt. He had been on this world for a week now and though he had found many interesting flora, he had yet to find the spoor or trail of a creature worthy to tracked down.

He was about to head back when he received a transmission from his personal Star Destroyer, Chaos Vortex, which was scanning for life forms in low orbit. Strong heat bloom worth invetigating they said.

It appeared they were right as he confirmed the targets through his macrobinoculars. Setting up the tripod for his sniper rifle, he took careful aim before pulling the trigger. Tase rounds were designed to penetrate thick hides and deliver a nasty neural shock akin to roughly 15 to 20 thousand volts. By the time the sound of supersonic round was heard the round would have buried itself in his victim. Stunning them long enough for him to acquire a sample or two. Reloading the weapon with practiced ease, he fired a couple of rounds in rapid succession to the creatures companion.
Groom's tail lazily flicked in the afternoon sun, attracting her attention for just a moment before the young girl settled her head back to the grass and let out a small sigh. Rolling over onto the flat of her stomach she crawled back to the edge of the brook and dipped a hand into the ice water, bringing up the palm full to her lips in order to sip. Refreshing. Too refreshing. Ow.

Her eyes closed tight as an incredible freeze set to her mind, sending shooting pains down her back. Most of the time it didn't affect her any more, but every so often she would still get brainfreeze from the frigid waters. Like that one time she had tried to eat snow. Well, she hadn't ever seen the strange substance before. What did she know?

Shaking her head, sloshing water every which way as she scampered back, Kida sat on her backside and grunted. So too did Groom, grunt that is, as the icy substance soaked into his fur. She gave him an apologetic smile and set a hand to his head to give him a good fuss behind the ear.

Then his ears pricked.

High above Ariel squawked.

A whistling sound bit through the air.

And then immeasurable pain. Before she could so much as turn her head toward its direction she had been struck. Her body dropped almost instantly, flailing in pain before her head spun and everything turned to black. She could just about hear another whistle as something broke through the sound barrier...

Then nothing.

[member="Daxton Bane"]

Even as he cleared the round from the chamber, Daxton was already on the move, closing the distance between himself and his now stunned prey. He would need a blood sample perhaps a gene map as well at the very least. He wasn't surexwht kind of creature it was just yet but he would know soon enough.

Moving like a wraith through the underbrush, he kept an eye out for the creature's companion. The last thing he needed was to get caught in an ambush himself.

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