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Approved Species Bwargs

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Image from Bearhound, Dungeons and Dragons monster manual

Name: Bwargs

Designation: Non-Sentient

Homeworld: Effekt

Language: None

Average height of adults: 1.524 meters

Skin color: Refer to Hair Color

Hair color: Grey, Black, Brown, White

Breathes: Type 1

Pack Hunters

Strong jaws and Paws

Tough Hides; meaning they can be hit a few times, i.e. serveal shots with a blaster or being stabbed with a sword, before being fatally wounded.

Can run up to 37 mph

Easily scared by loud noises

Weak underbellies

Cannot climb trees

If one or both hind legs are wounded, the Bwarg is left for dead

Distinctions: Bear-like front paws but dog-like hind paws. Long snouts and shorts ears. 2ft long tails for balance.

Average Lifespan: 15 years

Races: North Furs (White), South Furs (Black), West Furs (Brown), and East Furs (Grey)

Estimated Population: 20,000 worldwide

Diet: Omnivores; sugar and any forms of sweats are deadly to them.

Bwargs communicate through series of barks, howls, grunts and roars. The grunts usually indicated how they feel, the pitch indicating if they’re happy, angry, tired, etc. Same can be said for howls. Barks are usually used for warnings, either from an attack or them about to attack. Finally the roars are clear indications of aggravation, which usually follows with a Bwarg attack. They also cock their heads to the side when confused about something, usually something they’re unfamiliar with hearing or seeing.

A pack of Bwargs tend to number from ten to twenty per group; including the cubs. They stay within the forest and make use of caves for using as homes. Male and females will hunt together, both for live pray as well as edible plants and berries that they store in themselves for winter. Once winter comes they hibernate together, the combined use of their body heat along with the stored food keeping them content until summer.

Technology level: None

General behavior:
Wild Bwargs are generally hostile towards other species. Either it is because they’re hungry, the person in question is entering their territory, or they’ve done something to provoke them. If someone plays down and pretends to be dead, however, the bwarg will be fooled and eventually leave. They tend to lead more solitary lives, trying to avoid running into humans if possible. The pack is lead by an Alpha Male, which is usually the eldest and strongest of the group. Other males may challange the Alpha to take his place and if they win it proves the current Alpha is too weak to carry on the title, at which point the others accept the newer one's lead.

For centuries the Bwargs have been honored beasts by the people of Effekt. Their religion tell of the gods have whole armies of these creatures that they would send as punishment for the greater plights of man. While some have been killed by human hands for one reason or another the hunters in question have always prayed to the gods for allowing them to claim the creature as a trophy or the like. There had come a time when the Bwargs were domesticated into pets by some of the kingdoms, but not many believe in this practice as they feel they are meant to be wild animals and nothing more. Since then Bwargs had been useful for both pleasure and battle, some fitting them in armor and training them to attack in times of war. With the rise of technology, however, this has since ended and many have decided to let the Bwargs roam and hunt in the wild peacefully. Some, however, still hunt them for the sport.
Notable Player-Characters: None

Intent: To add a unique predator to the wildlife of Effekt, making it more vivid and alive.
Define 'tough hides'. How tough? What can and can't they withstand?

Who leads the pack? How do they rise to pack leader? DO they hever interact with sentients when not provoked? This is all general behavior stuff.

Tag me when you're ready.

[member="Nimue Stormson"]
I'd like to see another weakness to balance out their strengths.

After that you hsould be good.

[member="Nimue Stormson"]
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