Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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But What If He's Got a Pointed Stick? (TJO Unarmed Self Defense Training)


No Gods, No Masters
Sicarius stood in the padded training room quietly waiting for everyone to fill in for the session. He'd put up an interest memo to the rest of the Order and a few had replied with intentions to attend. So far, so good.

He stood on the padded floor and reviewed the lesson for today. Disarms, deflections, reversals, and more ran through his head. He double and triple checked his plans before nodding in satisfaction.

He wore his simple robes and breeches. His hood was up, but this was nothing new. He carried no weapons and instead stood with only the small tools on his belt and nothing more.

"Hello," he said, his voice soft spoken, but clearly audible. "Today we'll be training in unarmed tactics against armed opponents. This will be useful in the event you are disarmed in combat, unable to draw your lightsaber fast enough, or prefer a non-lethal approach to combat. Is everyone ready to begin?"

[member="Cai Sanis"]
[member="Meeristali Peradun"]
[member="Asmundr Varobalder"]
Blessed are the peacemakers
Tracyn watched. An expert in Teras Kasi, Mandalorian, Echani, and Gand martial arts, he had plenty of teach and to learn. But now, he stood in the back, eating his apple.


Kiyron slipped into the room in his casual uniform and lounged against the wall, nodding in greeting to [member="Tracyn"] and his apple, and then turned to listen to @Sicarius. He nodded slowly at his words. Those were good. He could think of a few other reasons, but not likely ones that would be acceptable for Jedi. He didn't answer, being there to watch and, if necessary, give a few pointers, or act as another pair of eyes to watch for safety reasons. Unarmed training was dangerous. Extra eyes were necessary to ensure there were no more than the usual and expected number of injuries.

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