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Business Ventures

@[member="Galaar Tal'Verda"]

Business, well it seemed that more was on it's way, and in this case a new group, wanted to rent her shipyard, well part of it. That was the request she had seen so it seemed that she would have to meet with them and see if it was worth her time. They implied they had the money. So she was waiting for her 3 o clock, wondering if they would arrive on time. Her spacious office which took up half of the top floor was mostly empty, just her desk and tall windows allowing her an amazing view of the skyline. the door to her room came right off the small office of her assistant and the lobby for the elevator, the rest of the floor and how to access it was a mystery. She waited in her desk going over figures and plans for expansion.

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Galaar had disarmed himself but was still in his full armor, minus the Katarn helmet. The white plates scratching together slightly as he entered the Baktoid CEO's office. The clone hated large corporations, they always seemed to be headed by a creepy nemodian possessed only by the need to line his own coffers with little regard for either their workers or customers. But lucky, and surprising for him the figure behind the desk was not a Nemodian but that of a young woman. Well... Even that was intimidating when you rarely dealt with females.

He strode in and toward her desk, his white armor polished almost to the point of shine with torqouise blue detail. Across his chest was one giant mythosaur skull, a common symbol of the Mandalorians, on his right shoulder a fox was painted on and the left was adorned by a hawk. His face hair was trim and face adorned by a goatee. However, its most notable figures where the sscars and his deep, piercing brown eyes which seemed to have a vitality around them that could only be given by years of military training. In short, the Liberty Concord had sent a Soldier to negotiate with Alli Wren and not a business man.

"Su cuy'gar, I assume you're the woman I was instructed to speak to?" The grin across his features did not help with professionalism at all.

@[member="Alli Wren"]
This wasn't what she had expected. " Yes, I am Allli Wren, So I hear your group wishes to pay for use of my shipyard on Duros, is this true?" She smiled and reached forward extending her hand. " It hasn't escaped my notice that your group use to belong to the CIS and that recently has changed, I however think you will find that this will change nothing. So who are you? I rather know who I am dealing with. I think this could be the start to a wonderful future. I hope you choose Baktoid for all your needs. "
She took up a bottle of wine and held it to two glasses pouring them moving one forward and taking the other in her hand, taking a sip as a gesture it was safe. It was wine from some planet she had bought it from, and rather rare, and entirely wasted on a common soldier but Alli figured she had intended to use it on this deal, might as well go through with it.
@[member="Galaar Tal'Verda"]

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Galaar's heavy gloved hand extended outwards toward the female's and he gave both her hand and her wrist a firm shake. True business woman... He was actually trying not to be awkward, he really was. "I'm Chieftan Galaar of Aliit Tal'Verda, representative of the Liberty Concord flotilla. Its a pleasure to meet you, m-- Ma-- Ma'am." He stuttered slightly and shook his head, he needed to stay cool at this point for this was, as Calico said... Oh. He forgot what Calico said.

"Yes, Alli," he was a soldier, they were blunt and lacked tack, "we do need to use your shipyards. But it seems we have to cut a deal, we will also need around one to two thousand workers, if you have those to spare as well."

@[member="Alli Wren"]
Figures Alli thought as she sighed internally as she took another drink of her wine. " Please have a seat and a drink Galaar, I think you will find that we can come to an arrangement" She said noticing his nerves she gave him a playful seductive wink and then went back to business as usual, curious how he would react. " I have automated most tasks, you will find you just need to upload your plans and the majority of work will be done by my droids, I will ensure that any other needs for construction are met by manned labor if necessary. So is there anything else I need to know?"
@[member="Galaar Tal'Verda"]

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
The clone froze for a moment at the female winked. Did Calico send me to die? Am I being punished, kark you ner'vod! Slag you! He then snapped back to reality before looking at the right and and at the chair she offered. Galaar sat down and poured himself a glass, rather coordinated in armor. It seemed he was rather used to being in it.

"Where you informed on the size of the ship and shipyard we'll need?"

He was calming down slowly, and the wine was most certainly helping.

@[member="Alli Wren"]
" I was not, but I am sure that I can accommodate it. I have had up to 2,000 m long ships and bigger. So what are you offering me for use of my shipyards? I am not aware of your groups financials so I am willing to make deals if need be. " She smiled and leaned forward giving him a rather plentiful view of her cleavage. " So what do you have to offer? " She asked smirking at him, fully aware his gaze might be pointed below her face.
@[member="Galaar Tal'Verda"]

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Galaar had the will-power and force of mind not to look down. Instead his eyes stayed locked with Ms. Wren's as he went to speak again, nervous vibrations still running through his deep Mandalorian accent.

"We are prepared to offer 250,000 credits for every two weeks of your yard's use," he took another deep swig of the wine, it had quite the exceptional flavor, "though I doubt the production will take more than a month. So likely no more than half a million."

@[member="Alli Wren"]
"That works for me, I will have my engineers and myself be available should you need it. " She said with a smile " So I will send the contract with you, please have your leader sign it. " She said and then figured she should be polite. " Do you want anything to eat before you go? I can have something made up. " After all she needed him to have good thoughts about his visit if she was to have future business.
[member="Galaar Tal'Verda"]

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