Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Business. Pleasure. And Importantly Lots of Guns.

Location: Deep Space
Aboard the Titania Genesis. A modest, supposedly Unarmed Blue-Silver Freighter, something with very well masked energy signatures however, and seemingly a custom design.
Late Morning
Awaiting a Holonet Meeting with: [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] or her Associates.

Lady Blue was enjoying a rise within the hierarchy of FFE, the death of Bsssk and certain other ‘associates’ catapulting her ever upward. While maintaining her cover as being merely a middlewoman, all agreeable and useful. It did however mean the co-leader of FFE, despite her masks was now more often exposed to the galaxy, perhaps new capable underlings were needed. Certain assumptions regarding the upper echelons of FFE requiring significantly less food aside however, today was a special day.

Last week she had put out feelers to Firemane officially, a woman of many masks, she doubted anyone there would remember her in more formal veiled attire, and it had been years. However if they did she would not try to hide it. Straight talk would do more for her here.

She was early to the appointed Holonet call, by a good fifteen minutes, leaving it on standby to let them know she was available at their convenience. Sitting upright in a comfortable grey chair, the Twi’lek was dressed in a favorite deep blue number, sleek and form fitting today. Her dress was elegant with an open back, trailing intricate silver embroidery running from left shoulder to right hip, two minimalist silver earrings glinting to match beside her mask. Her blue veil hiding her eyes and shaped to follow but hide the contours of her features, exposing her smooth pristine blue lips below to speak.

What where FFE offering Firemane? Along with an endless variety of colorful weapon choices, FFE wanted to progress beyond just personal weaponry, high tech solutions and shields, into other areas such as starfighters and tank design. Giving Firemane special orders and prime pick of their stock. However they had no stable contract anymore. With the shattering of the Hutt Cartel into various parts, and the defeat of the One Sith, although they’d profited greatly in the war with the Galactic Alliance, like any good company they needed new outlets. Their full stockpiles of excess OS technology built during the war doing very little but gathering dust.

Her two Twi’lek attendants were both female, yes she’d done her homework, wandering nearby pouring her a refreshment and looking over the paper work. One Red with a particularly sultry look and way about her, radiating confidence to the outside world. The other Purple with a sort of statuesque sculpted beauty that you might admire from afar. Both attendants obviously picked for their looks even rivaling Tadietti’s flawless complexion. Alongside their ruthless capacity in various martial arts, they were trained in more eloquent and relaxing pursuits which carried in how they moved and their general posture. Their use as actual attendants was more for show than anything.
[member="Tadietti Tann"]

"My Lady, the FFE representative is on standbye. She's ready for you," the perky voice of one of Siobhan's many aides buzzed through the intercomm.

"Thank you. I'll take the call in a few. She can wait a bit," the Lady Kerrigan responded. Her gaze drifted towards the little girl who had made herself comfortable on her lap. The girl in question was thoroughly absorbed with reading a book, which happened to be the conclusion to the Fire and Iron young adult novel series. "Good read? How far are you?" the Lady asked, ruffling Livia's hair a bit.

"I am half way through, Aunt Siobhan," Livia replied in a tone more formal than one would expect from a six-year old. "It is a most riveting read. But it also makes me sad."

Siobhan nodded understandingly. "Yes, Adria dies and all that. I was annoyed about that. I told the author it was silly. At least she got a good death. I'm half of mind to have him retcon it for the sequel trilogy."

"You are not supposed to spoil, Aunt Siobhan," Livia reproached her in a most sterne tone. "And that it not what makes me sad. It is the fate of the Robot King. He will meet his end soon."

Siobhan raised a delicate eyebrow. "You're aware that he's a genocidal madman?"

"Yes," Livia said earnestly, "he has dug his own grave. It is sad because he could have been so much more. He was a brilliant scientist, but he used his knowledge for malicious ends. If he wanted to build a self-sustaining droid civilisation free from organic influence, he could have colonised asteroids and airless moons, exploiting vast untapped resources. His weather control machine could have rejuvenated dead worlds. The way he used his entechment technology was vile, but it could have been employed to save lives. With all these designs at his disposal, he could have simply bought the Galaxy."

"Yes, and then the novels would have been a rather dull read because they would have lacked a villain," Siobhan said dryly. "Seriously, you're right. But most people are foolish. Stupid. They cannot look beyond their megalomania and inflated ego. Some cannot be bargained with and must be put down."

"I do not like that Jedi Master Kolar. He is very short-sighted when he declares all the machine made to be abominable. He also leads his Padawans into a blatant trap."

"On average, Jedi are narrow-minded, pompous fools. Chained by their own dogma," her chronometre beeped, "and I'm afraid Auntie has to handle a business call now, sweetie," Siobhan checked herself in a compact mirror, making sure her makeup was in order and not a hair out of place."

"Can I stay? I will be quiet, I promise."

Siobhan frowned slightly, then chuckled. "Alright, you may. But stay in the corner and don't make any noise, there's a good girl," her tone was soft, but commanding. The Lady settled into her high-backed chair, which was probably more accurately described as a throne and had a remote control built into one of its arms. After Livia had taken her place on the sidelines, Siobhan pressed the button.
While the two around her arranged everything as she had ordered. Tadietti received word on the latest stock prices, updates on an altercation at a testing facility and three hundred cases of corellian whiskey that had been appropriated as part of a pay off. She breathed and paused, taking the time to prepare, a confident smile remaining ready, better than any actress at a Coruscant Opera could ever pull off. She enjoyed this, the waiting, the negotiating, and that came off from her visible lips.

The appearing picture would have Tadietti at a personable distance from the receiver, enough view to see the others moving about occasionally but close enough that she didn’t appear standoffish, it was a finely staged balance. “Lady Kerrigan. Thank you for receiving me on such short notice.” Tadietti had decided to flatter but not overdo it, “It is well known how busy and influential you are. So I won’t waste your time.” Her voice full and confident, her posture leaning slightly in, engaged, hands resting on the chair, her delicate palms facing downward to emphasize her selected body language.

“You know who I represent, and that we are seeking a contract to offer our most skilled work. We can arrange favorable terms, as we are out of employment.” Simple and honest, a reverse negotiating tactic if Sio might spot it. The red twi’lek took that cue, to walk by and hand Tadietti a contract on a data-tablet, every movement of her body oozing confidence. She boldly strode off to sit herself to the side. “In my hands I have a proposal for you. But I am sure you have questions of us first.” The veil concealing all but the movement of Tadietti’s lips, trained to be completely without anything else but the voice and the mask for those she faced.

The perfect poker face. "Is there any concern you have that my associates could help you with, or personal product you would most like to see part of any negotiation?" Offering bribes of all kinds, there were always perks of doing business with an armsdealer, if you liked guns and other things. FFE's reputation would by now be a reliable one but even so they were still a colorful organization. Tadietti was eliminating certain aspects she found disagreeable, but they still had their fingers in plenty of pies.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
[member="Tadietti Tann"]

"I'm confident you'll make it more than worth my time, Lady Blue." Siobhan recognised the flattery for what it was, but she liked it nonetheless. "A pleasure to meet you." Pity about the veil. The Twi'lek leaned in and stroked her ego with sweet words, yet kept the most essential part of her obfuscated. It made it more difficult to read expression, leaving only her lips.

Siobhan raised a delicate, somewhat amused eyebrow at the subtle bribery. "I am the sure the lovely associates at your side could help me out in all manner of ways." In the corner, Livia rolled her eyes. She still had images in her head from that one time she'd walked in on her aunt with Harmony and Chesna.

It was well-known that Siobhan liked the ladies - and occasionally the boys. What was less known was that while she was a notorious skirt chaser, it was also part strategem. If people believed that a pretty face could be a way to manipulate you, they tended to underestimate you. After all, she had her pick of bed partners.

"On a more serious level, FFE has done some great work in the sphere of personal weapons, especially in fields that are often overlooked, such as sonic waves, tensors, carbonite and so on. Firemane went into a somewhat different direction, but I can see some analogies in how we started by carving out a niche of our own."

She took a sip from a ceramic cup filled with steaming Atrisian tea. "I've made ample use of your sonic pistol. Very nice weapon. I've heard promising things about your latest product. I believe you call it the..." she made a show of checking a datapad though she probably knew its contents, "Exterminus. But I like to test designs myself to see how they perform."

She gave the 'Blue Lady' a diplomatic smile. Courtesy was a Lady's armour, smiles her mask. She had considered a variety of options regarding how their relationship could develop. They ranged from a simple supply contract to something more binding, but she kept those thoughts to herself for now. "You mention that you're out of employment. I understand that FFE's last big contract was a good while ago. How are your current finances and production capacities looking? If, for the sake of argument, you were to receive a large supply contract over an extended duration of time, would you be able to keep up? And what are your plans for expansion?"
“Yes my lady, refined accommodations to ease negotiations.” Lady blue’s healthy smile was measured, her voice encouraging those around her to move just enough. The purple twi’lek shifted in her chair to organize some papers. Offering an almost divine visage, subtlest of movements, salacious enough to be distracting, until she eased back comfortably into her seat. The red twi'lek feeling out done shook her head very slightly playfully, as if competing in their own little game.

Siobhan offered high praise. “Thank you,” Tadietti said elegantly with slightest dip of her head, fabric of her headwear following her up then down. “We aim to offer products to fill niches that don’t currently have anything, and have many interesting ideas as yet unreleased.” Interesting or creative was something their technicians did well, though it might cost them an arm and both legs. “If you would prefer it, we can have a case of the Exterminus served at your convenience for testing and complementary wine for socializing.” The weapon coming with a fire wine named the Exterminus as well, which had a legendary kick to it, suitable for the name.

“We’ve stayed well under the radar through the galactic powershifts, as we operate at a grass roots level with the local communities.” Those communities often being worlds with little more than a moisture farm to call their own, which meant the promise of a company setting up factories right next door was often welcome and encouraged. Precisely why Goros had picked certain worlds as his own, even those closer to the core and the less fortunate planets, is that “they value and often protect their employers. Encouraging our expansion for their own benefit."

The fact they chose the back end of the universe, or to work in the gutter, wasn’t glamorous but it had its benefits. Goros wasn’t stupid and she’d learned a lot while under his yoke. Expansion wasn’t an issue, current production levels however were a different matter. “I know your standards are high. We are confident we’ll meet your expectations Lady Kerrigan.” She assured her diplomatically. “But shipyards are something we lack.” Which was true. Having a presence planetside was one thing, people could build bricks and mortar with you, but large scale shipyards wasn’t something a farmer, youth program, or local engineer could offer much in the way of help with. As for engineers on the payroll twiddling their thumbs that was certainly true and it had hurt their financial position, but she had a few plans in motion to turn that around. Starting with this negotiation.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
[member="Tadietti Tann"]

Siobhan smiled slightly. "I like good wine. I'm particularly fond of red wine from Naboo. But if we were to share a glass or two, would I get to look upon your face, my dear?" she asked in a deceptively flippant tone, chuckling slightly. How much of this was simply an attempt to see how the Lady Blue would react was another question.

"Making yourself independent of the hurly-burly of galactic politics is smart. Power shifts, empires rise and fall. I've outlived a good number." And she intended to outlive all the would-be empires and potentates that were presently trying to crowd the galaxy map.

"Smaller, more remote locations offer you potential to put down roots by forming a symbiotic relationship with local communities and guiding them. So many big companies are drawn to the big cities of the Core, but there's little chance to leave your mark there. Or be safe from prying eyes." It was an unspoken fact that settling in the back end of the galaxy was also a good way to make sure your dirty secrets remained hidden and that you could operate free from oversight. But it was one both understood. Firemane practiced the same policy.

She took a sip from her tea, looking thoughtful. "You mention shipyards....well, I have an idea of how to help you out. Building even one is a massive investment. The risk of sunk costs is very high, especially given the stiff competition for both military and civilian starships. Fortunately, Firemane has the capital and technical know-how to make it happen. A loan from us could go a long way towards allowing you to expand production. Come to think of it, we could build and finance the shipyard for you. Make it big enough for you to be able to get your feet into the industry without having to worry about the pesky minutiae. I've always lived by the maxim that you should go big or go home."

If Chesna were here, this would have undoubtedly been a moment for a bad pun. "In return, I'd like the following. Firstly, I'd like ownership of the yard, until the credits we invested have been paid back. I don't intend to meddle in your affairs or dictate what you do on the yard but you understand I need some collateral. Secondly, I want a supply contract that gives me access to your products."
“We do business with select vineyards as gifts for our private customers.” Among other entertaining complimentary offerings, “I am sure we will locate a vintage worth sampling.” One assistant made a note about Naboo, ready to follow up later. Blue didn’t get asked the question about the veil as often as you’d think. Usually meeting others with fifteen armed mercenaries, the small twi’lek’s veil was often very secondary to a large collection of burly aliens loaded with guns beside her.

Here one to one, being behind the veil afforded her great deal of confidence, which barely skipped a beat in answering. “Anonymity affords certain priceless peace of mind.” Goros had taught her this, in fact his only downfall had been breaking his usual routine to take matters into his own hands. That wasn’t a no to Siobhan, it was a diplomatic way of saying maybe to a valued client.

Their meeting was going better than she’d hoped. Siobhan might be, or not, surprised to hear that .“FFE believe there are untapped niches outside of standard military and civilian starship contracts, but I would rather wait to deliver that into your hand.” She said delicately, even on a secure line that information was best kept for her eyes only in case of a breach.

At least until FFE had developed technologies to ensure otherwise… games were afoot in their labs.

For show. Lady blue looked off the screen to her side, as if confirming something at the offered terms, nodding. In truth her only equal within FFE was a very carefree slussi engineer, but the likely response if the engineer had been present would have been a shrug. The act was merely to keep up appearances as being a middle tier representative.

“Your terms are generous. Ownership until it is paid off is yours, with terms that as we make payments on time we keep the lease. We would like to provide the command staff ourselves, but you would be free to have an executive officer within them and on any project you wished.” The only question was on the location. Going with their preferred way of operating, they would choose a very remote location. An obscure asteroid belt or certain geologically active rogue planetoid they’d been tracking were two possible sites she favored. "Does that sound acceptable lady Kerrigan?"

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
[member="Tadietti Tann"]

"I look forward to the unveiling," Siobhan paused for a moment, "of your proposed designs. Your term are acceptable. I will attach an executive officer with her own team to oversee matters. There is, of course, the question of where to set the shipyard up. I imagine it will be in both our interests to pick a remote location away from prying eyes, but we do not have to pick one right now. My people will be in touch with yours. I imagine you have some idea of where you'd like to set up shop."

Siobhan, with no small measure of arrogance, considered herself to be a big picture thinker who maintained a tight lock on all major decisions. She left the small details for minions to handle. Low level autonomy was combined with rigid, unforgiving inspections. "Perhaps it is best if we meet in person. Holocalls are all well and good, but I like to give business a more...personal touch. Would you like to visit Firemane? That would also give us a chance to better discuss designs and for you to display your wares." She had a contract that would grant Firemane access to FFE weapons and designs in the bag, but she liked to see them in action herself. Besides, explosions were fun.
Paused sloping of her upper blue lips, led to vanishing curl of her smile reaching beneath her elegant blue her veil. Diplomatic protocol broken for fleeting moment. “We have a few candidates, one will I am sure prove suitable,” words rolling off her tongue into a softer assured smile.

“We fully understand distance can,” she placed a finger to her lips, “be so very irritating.” Tapping her finger, she leaned back, one knee bending her leg atop the other, and tilting her head toward an assistant. “It would be our delight to visit Firemane Lady Kerrigan, whenever you wish to receive us.” Blue's nearby red friend slid her Lekku to her side, producing a transparent tablet from somewhere in that dress, pawing over their schedule like a cat. Lady blue turned back to the camera.

“Shall we have our assistants contact yours?”

They would need to bring cases of Exterminus for their hosts. Was the galaxy ready to fit that much oomph in a single box? Explosions were all but assured. The purple twi'lek deciding now a good time to be presentable decided to rearranged the laces on her long white boots, not to be denied her final moment competing on their camera.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
[member="Tadietti Tann"]

Siobhan smiled slightly. "That is acceptable to me. I will send you the coordinates for our meeting. I look forward to meeting you, Lady Blue," she raised a beautifully manicured hand and the connection was cut. Leaning back into her chair, she finished her tea. "You can come out of your hideout now, dear. I'd say that went well."

Obediently, Livia emerged from the corner and directed her little feet towards her caretaker. "She is mysterious. Why is she wearing the veil? Do you think someone hurt her? Or is she just hiding something?"

"The latter, I reckon," Siobhan said somewhat cynically, but realistically.

"She knows you well. That's why she had those Twi'leks."

"Are you implying something, dear?" Siobhan sounded a bit amused.

"You have many girlfriends, and you always want to add more," Livia pointed out with all the earnest honesty of a six-year old.

"I believe I will have to have a chat with Chesna about what does not constitute suitable topics for my nieces," there was a note of sternness in Siobhan's tone. "Always be honest about your passions. About any chink in your armour. Then others cannot use them against you, but you can lull them into thinking so," reaching out she stroked the little girl's head. "Sometimes it's beneficial to overplay them."

Some time afterwards, Tadietti would receive coordinates to Firemane's command ship, the Great Scarlet Flame. Siobhan had a thing for bombastic, fire-themed names.
One week and a case of Exterminus served over wine later. A particularly tasty jade moon Naboo thirty year old vintage had been stocked for a special occasion, formerly commissioned for a Queen’s banquet that never came. Being such an expensive vintage it had never received another owner, left to age peacefully in the carefully balanced temperatures of an experienced vintner’s cellar.

The owner had been persuaded to part with it by a particularly inebriated Gamorrean who had run up quite the tab while on his misadventures. The amount of Naboo vintages he’d brought back perhaps rivaled Goros’s former weekly intake. Out of the three dozen, the Jade Moon had been selected along with two others, a traditional if specially selected spicy exterminus firewine and a exotic pale moon bottle, which gave a refreshing chill up the spine. Though none would part with just where they had found it if questioned.

After being allowed to disembark and enter.

Lady blue had skipped the use of her Zeltron Speaker for today’s session, arriving with herself, her two twi’lek aids and four flawless looking female hapan escorts in black armor, helmets off of course to look presentable. Someone had to carry the cases of exterminus weapons and wine, better it be a beautiful looking Hapan mercenary than an ugly looking trandoshan. Here of all places most of all Lady Blue was working on the company image.

Three twi’leks that were dressed to kill. Quite literally. The red twi’lek wore a white and black striped corset, white podium leggings transparent at the thigh, flared at the bottom, white platform boots and had opted for a variety of interesting pistols around her waist. Her purple companion wore a deep sangria red gypsie sundress that hung lightly to her body, cut to rest at the thigh then spill outward. She also had a fine silver necklace, strapped silver sandals and many silver blades on show. Lady blue wore a high neck, blue armless, golden flower print dress, short to the thigh. The golden pattern curling around and toward her neck contrasted the royal blue. The veil a match to the dress, running down to her lips as usual. What weapons she carried, who could say but as an arms dealer it was very likely somewhere in that dress.

They waited casually in the dockbay looking ready for the galaxies version of chesters-angels vs the space elves part 2, here comes the bigger badder guns. Apparently it was to be a smash hit.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
[member="Tadietti Tann"]

Such delightful guests obviously merited a proper welcoming committee. Thus Tadietti and her beautiful companions would be greeted with proper Firemane hospitality. The moment the deadly and gourgeous Fire for Effect ladies stepped out into the hangar after receiving clearance, they'd come across the welcoming committe.

It was composed of a unit from Siobhan Kerrigan's personal guard detachment. She considered herself to be a Sovereign, after all, so it was only appropriate to have quasi-royal guards. Dahomian females were prominent among them. Depending on how much she'd researched Firemane, Tadietti might have found out that the dark skinned Daughters and Sons of Dahomey were considered elite among their troops. One need only look at the guards' muscular builds to see why.

Leading the guards contingent was a most unusual specimen, for it was a Kar'zun. In other words, a huge, walking rock being. Tall and craggy, made of stone that was a dark shade of grey, Kar'zakkush towered over everyone in the hangar. She sported a growth of lichen on her head, which was the closest she got to hair. Her power armour was just as imposing as her body. She held the rank of Sergeant, though she was older than everyone in the hangar put together. She had a huge war hammer on her back.

She looked stoic when she took in the guests. She'd spent enough time among humans to understand that their features were considered attractive and that their attire was supposed to bring forth primal urges. She did not really understand the obsession her boss had with that. If this turned into what humans called an orgy, she hoped she would not have to stand guard outside and listen. The ground trembled just a bit as she approached Chester's angels.

"Welcome to the Great Scarlet Flame, honoured representatives. I bid you greetings in the name of Lady Kerrigan," she rumbled in a voice like the pounding of hammers. "The Lady is expecting you. I will escort you to her. Before we proceed, I must inspect these cases. Security protocol," she pointed towards the stuff the flawless Hapans carried. After all, there might be a bomb inside!
Bombs. No. Better than bombs! Without the use of the rougher Hutt-esque mercenaries, certain benefits were the ease at which the Hapans took the order, especially as it came from another female. All it took was a small look from blue, not even a nod and they knew to proceed. They placed the protective case down, standing close enough to it to advise how to handle the goods inside. There were large 70mm explosive shells in there, offering the passcode to disconnect the protective seal to the mortars below for the leading guards, one large weapon in each silver case with 12 shots for each.

There were 5 secure padded cases in all, 4 mortars, the ammo and a final one full of wine. Probably the “most lethal of all.” The red twi’lek remarked, tapping her white heel against the wine case. Inside the 5th there was a further gift wrapped box with the wine, but hopefully it wouldn’t need unboxing just yet. “Would so very appreciate if we might keep that one our little secret,” blue nodded to a mercenary who let the Kar’zun look inside if she wanted, she’d see nothing bomb or explosive shaped peaking in the private red giftbox. Gifts inside gifts, expensive games were afoot. This was a big contract for them, the purple twi'lek would pick the gift box up when it was checked.

Lady Blue had also learned from Goros. You couldn’t give your customers too many things. Never had they heard a customer complaint from being given more free guns and gifts. With some refinement and being used to following protocol, the twi’leks waited patiently. Then with the slightest turn of Blue’s head to an assistant, the purple Twi’lek switched on her wrist device to communicate with their ship and fighter escort that they were safely received. They all knew their roles, even if these twi'leks made poor aids in the corporate world they made perfect bodyguard and companions aboard ship.

“We completely understand the need for safety when first meeting a new contact.” They thought alike. Bringing no less than 7 armed guards might highlight that. Just one more precaution she’d learned from Goros, is that you could never have enough firepower. He’d been a good teacher.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
[member="Tadietti Tann"]

Being the dutiful sort, Kar'zakush and her minions inspected each crate. Each of them carried a small, portable scanning device. "I see the Great Fire is getting liquor to consume and more females to mate with," another Kar'zun remarked in his native tongue. "I hope they do not leave articles of clothing lying around again. It is...unsightly."

His words did not escape Kar'zakush. Discipline was swift. While she privately agreed, there were certain standards to maintain. "The Great Fire will roast you like lava if she hears you. You bring dishonour upon our clan with such chatter. The mammals have their own ways and they are of no concern of ours."

Having done her job the huge Kar'zun Sergeant addressed Tadietti again. "Everything is in order," she spoke in her powerful, booming voice. "I will escort you to the Great Fire now. Your guards will have to remain though. They may make themselves comfortable in the mess, but they are not allowed into Lady Kerrigan's presence. Your aides may accompany you. My people will carry the crates."
For all their delightful visage. There was more a reluctance to reduce the amount of armed guards beside her than pretty faces, a trait of her former employer. One thing she believed, that he didn’t, is that to be truly great at business it required risk. Blue moved her hands downward to rest together, and the guards knew to stay where they were. Communications were kept up with them but no visible sign of where from Lady Blue.

“Of course.” Though well packed and secured, "they are obviously sensitive items." She reminded everyone, especially looking at those carrying the high explosive shells.

The Red Twi’lek seemed delighted at having more of the attention possibly on herself, clicking her fingers and running them to her white belt, urging the Hapans to make way for her swinging hips and style! The purple was more non nonchalant with their formalities, tilting her head upwards slightly to regard these interesting guards. Lady Blue strolled in front of them, some swinging sashay in her steps to for show. Her mood determined and… engaged. She enjoyed this part of the job, closing the deal, that final moment when it came. That was what pushed her buttons.

So it was three twi’leks made their way inward, escorted by Firemane's formidable guards. What surprises awaited them who could say. What did the fire queen have planned for today? Some small part of the twi’lek almost broke character and smiled out of step.

As they walked she had noted the references to honor earlier, and her inner diplomat made itself known. “You are very loyal to your Lady.” She offered to Kar’zakkush, “you do her credit with your thoroughness.”

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
[member="Tadietti Tann"]

The Red Twi'lek's elegant movements drew their share of attention, as some of the Dahomian guards could them quite appealing. The Kar'zun remained stoic as ever. They probably could not understand what the fuss was all about. With a nod of her head Sergeant Kar'zakush set a score of her soldiers to guard the ship - and potentially escort the Hapan mercenaries to the mess, should the ladies wish to retire somewhere more comfortable. Besides, it would reflect poorly on Firemane if something happened to the vessel.

"Make sure it is refuelled," she instructed one of the deck hands in her booming voice. Turning to Tadietti as the Twi'lek and her posse were escorted into the belly of the ship, she made a sound that was probably the Kar'zun variant of a chuckle. "I do my utmost to keep trouble away from her, Miss. It is at times a challenge."

Witty banter aside, the soldiers led the group out of the hangar bay and into a turbolift. They ascended into the habitable areas of the vessel. It was a huge, hulking ship, a leviathan of the stars, though many of the lower levels made up the engine and engineer quarters, hangars and repairs. Go further up and you would find that it was a floating mobile headquarters, with a command centre, barracks, armouries, laboratories, a dozen luxury suites and so on. Enough to run a megacorporation or run a war.

Their trip took a bit, but then the turbolift reached its destination and its doors opened with a hiss. Stepping out, Kar'zakush escorted the guests down a long corridor. "This vessel is called Azrvak'zarsh in the tongue of my people. It means Great Scarlet Fire in Basic. It is also our name for the Lady." They arrived at a massive door made out of Turadium.

Two more guards stood sentinel at the door. One was a Kar'zun in Power Armour, wielding a halberd. The other was a muscular Dahomian female who wore ceremonial armour and carried a lightsabre on her belt. Seeing Kar'zakush, they parted and opened the door. Inside lay a massive room. Tadietti's shoes would touch an expensive, elegantly woven carpet. The room was dominated by a huge conference table made out of some sort of rare Kashyyyk wood. Behind it lay a massive transparisteel window that offered a view of the cold void of space. Siobhan was seated at the head of table in a throne-like chair. It was an unspoken rule in Firemane that no one was allowed to have a bigger chair than the boss. Word was that she had a thing about her height. Perhaps because she was surrounded by so many amazons.

Physically, the Lady did not look imposing. Indeed, a perceptive observer of sentients such as Tadietti might discern that she seemed a bit frail. But she was still a mistress of legions who possessed power and immense wealth. Her stance was perfectly poised, her eyes alert. A little girl with curious brown eyes sat next to her.

"Lady Blue and her escort, my Lady," Karza'kush announced upon crossing the threshold.

Siobhan waited for a moment, then got up from her chair. She was dressed in an elegant, black coloured women's business suit complete with stockings and a pair of fancy, Force imbued high heels. Long cascades of red hair, faintly touched by streaks of silver, framed her viciously scarred, but still attractive face. An elaborate golden necklace graced her neck. She walked slowly and with a strong limp, leaning on a cane.

However, her grip was still strong. "Welcome to Firemane, Lady Blue. I trust your trip was pleasant."
All the twi’leks were impressed with Firemane's operation going on here. It put Goros’s old ship to shame in terms of its functionality. As they moved Blue listened, she was always listening. The ship and language described the character of the woman she would be dealing with. Name of importance, the ship’s size, and independence of her operation here all helped her get a clearer and clearer picture, along with all her background material and experiences of course. “It is very impressive.” Lady blue added honestly, because it was, she thought of what she could accomplish with a ship this size.

With each step through that tour, healthy ambition breathed through her like fresh clean air.

“Lady Kerrigan.” She dipped her head slightly, feigning a slave’s subservience and hiding her own position within FFE. “My thanks to your guards for their escorts, I found them both intimidating and professional. A compliment to your choice.” Though she had not displayed it, their sheer mass had been weighed and measured in calculating both their risk and… “I do not suppose, we might be able to hire one from you, for personal security. She smiled, she was half serious, half jovial. They looked the equal of a Houk, and she could use a replacement for his axe hand, but this was merely banter to get them started.

A nod of her head to her captivating purple twi’lek, who had more inviting a manner to watch than any Blue had met, but then she hired her from a pan-galactic modelling catalogue at a young age. Snobbishly people in the modelling world preferred red or white twi’leks but purple were hard enough to come by as it was! The way she walked, the way she held the red gift box out, all of this was trained and bred into her, tilting forward just enough to offer her gift.

Inside the box would be a prototype

A silver, decorated, belt fitted Gravity Generator, a subtle weapon to carry clipped to your person, as people might not think it a weapon at all. Allowing the immediate area to be increased or decreased in gravity. A basic shield would protect against its effects however, and so the wearer could enable or disable that option at their leisure on the device to protect themselves. The decorations were intricate, to show that someone had taken some expense to stylise it but also feint, to not draw attention to it at a glance.

“Our technicians thought you may wish to see a prototype. So your agents or friends are never truly unarmed, even when they look so.” The first of many such designs in the works. Quite expensive being a prototype and gleaming new.

New and Old. Beside the generator was the first prime bottle of the queen’s vintage as it was known, found on Naboo, a very full bodied red aged a couple of decades. The fact FFE had a Gamorrean wine taster might be amusing to picture if it were known, but they had excellent snouts! You’d be surprised what they could pick up. This particular vintage still carried the Queen’s own seal on the top, which blue had thought fitting for their host. “We hope these will be to your liking.”

The feisty red Twi’lek behind Blue looked perturbed that purple was taking her spotlight well and truly, resting a hand upon her hip.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
[member="Tadietti Tann"]

Tadietti's request, whether genuine or just playful banter, amused Siobhan. "Livia, dear, come over here," she spoke, gesturing to her niece. Obediently, the little girl to to her feet and walked over to them. She looked shyly at Lady Blue and her aides, though her eyes sparkled with curiosity when she beheld the gravity gun.

"Hello, Miss," she spoke.

"Livia, do you think we should let the nice lady who brought us such a nice gift hire some of the Granite Guard for personal security?" Siobhan asked, speaking the last two words in a slow drawl. One her hands touched the girl's shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

"Uh...Aunt Siobhan," the girl looked a bit off-kilter.

"Take your time, sweetie. Think it over. We're not in a rush," Siobhan's tone was encouraging.

"The lady is very nice, but I would The Kar'zun are very special warriors. You should not give them to someone on a whim," the girl said after some thought. "And it would contradict your treaties with their clans. They value honour highly," she added.

"Good girl," turning her gaze back to Lady Blue, she gave her a diplomatic, somewhat apologetic smile. "I'm afraid they're not for hire. They occupy a special place in Firemane's hierarchy. This is my niece, Livia Kerrigan-Alcori." Inspecting the box, she smiled.

"That is truly a delightful gift. Thank you. Your taste does you credit," at that she gave Tadietti's aides a brief look. "You must tell me all about the specifications of the gravity weapon. I'm sure my niece would love to know. She's quite the budding researcher," she added, causing Livia to blusha bit. "Please allow me to reciprocate."

As if on cue, an elegantly dressed male Xioquo servant stepped forward and presented a scarlet gift box with nice ribbons. Inside the box would be two beautiful pendant necklaces. One of the pendants hanging on a chain was genuine, but closer inspection would reveal that the other was actually a hold-out bolter.
“We completely understand, agreements are always very personal.” As it was with their own Noghri’s, that was a hard bargain for Goros to strike with them, but being Noghri’s they were unfalteringly loyal to the bargain, something credits just couldn’t usually buy.

Lady blue was briefed on her products, though not the designer she was up to speed in case asked. Taking care to addresses Livia just as much as Siobhan, looking between them, very quickly catching on that the girl should be included as an equal. In fact she squatted down to be on the same level as the child. “We are assuming a twenty meter radius for the gravity is the most stable but are still working on the details for the finished design.” Goros had always believed that it shouldn’t just be force users who had all the fun throwing people around or freezing them, there was a device possible for everything, ice, sound and gravity. Blue was perhaps more about masking the intent of something than shoving it in their face, but she had taken on that same core design philosophy from him, where there was a will, there was a way, and a market to sell to.

Deciding to speak to the child as an adult, again making an on the spot judgement call, she would just help her where she got stuck. “The principle is to have a shielded gravity field around yourself, and a heavier field around everyone else. We are preferring a tight body shield, not a bubble.” Whether that would require a full energy shield around the wearer as well was being debated by the technicians for the final design, in this prototype it required the body field. It made it less subtle but perhaps more easily controlled and certainly more stable. “Once the shield goes down, so does the field as a failsafe.” The purple twi’lek said, clearly looking to score a few points with everyone. Blue certainly took notice that she not only had a pair of eyes, but knew what they were for.

Raising up only when the gifts had been handed over, “Very generous, our clients don’t usually reciprocate, this was thoughtful of you Lady Kerrigan. ” the Hutt Cartel, the One Sith, not people she was used to getting gifts back from. Firemane were a different class of client, thoughtful because she spotted the holdout blaster, and in good faith clipped it around her neck.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
[member="Tadietti Tann"]

"I'm glad you like it. A hold-out bolter is highly conceable and has a lot more punch than a hold-out blaster. My wife killed a Sith Assassin with this toy," Siobhan announced proudly. She watched as Tadietti squatted down so that she would be face-level with Livia, talking to her as if she were an adult. I see what you're doing, she thought to herself. She did not intervene though.

"What do you think, dear?" she asked sweetly, seeing that Livia had wrinkled her nose, a common sign that she was thinking intently.

"Well, Aunt Siobhan...," the girl shifted a bit nervously.

"Dear, you're here to learn. There are no foolish questions. Just be polite about it," the Lady added encouragingly.

"I do not wish to be rude to our guest, but I have trouble seeing how this device would work in practice. A gravity field of even twenty metres will by necessity be small in power, without a massive power source to energise it. While in theory it could slow someone down, the effects would be minor and would not protect the wearer from attack. Unless there are some other features," she added self-deprecatingly. Livia was a nice girl and did not want to appear impolite.

"Don't apologise for speaking your mind," Siobhan patted her on the shoulder. "Perhaps our guest could elaborate a bit further. While we have some refreshments." She gave Tadietti a gracious, diplomatic smile. Lady Blue had travelled far, and she would be a poor hostess if she did not offer her guests anything. "We could even try the gravity generator out, along with the Exterminus. Field tests always beat theory. We have a firing range and a training room set up nearby."

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