Noxu Za'tire
Legitimate Businessman
-Noxu Za'tire, Legitimate Businessman."I have a plan. It's a wonderful plan. Ain't nobody goin' to get killed or shot in the midst of this plan."
Hi, I'm Noxu Za'tire! You might remember me from threads such as: "I'm Totally Legitimate. I swear!" and "I Don't Know How That Hooker Got There!" and I'm here to talk to you about
Remember the good ol' days when Nar Shaddaa was run amok with Scoundrels, no-good doers, and potential business prospects? I sure do.
My plan is to have a small business convention on Nar Shaddaa in the Always Classy™ Club Ufora!
It's going to be a simple, social convention where businessmen and businesswomen (droids also welcomed) are allowed to come and mingle, chat, and strike up some deals! Drinks are on the house, as this is such a special occasion, as well! What more could you want?
So, feel free to come drop by! Make some deals! Say hello! Get
Disclaimer: It's Nar Shaddaa. There's a good chance you'll be shot on your trip to, in the middle of, and away from the club. Noxu Za'tire is not responsible for any deaths, dismemberments, broken bones, or missing children.
Disclaimer #2: No children allowed in Club Ufora.
[member="Danger Arceneau"]