Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Business Dealings

Sitting at his a dura-steel table Judas' fingers flew across the surface of his datapad as he began calculating just how much money Iscariot Industries was making versus how much they were spending. On top of this before him sat a holoprojector showing blueprints for upcoming projects that the company would undertake. Judas was aboard his personal ship Iscariot due to the nature of the meeting he had today. He wanted to ensure that only two people knew of what was going on in the room and that no one else would know about their dealings. The ship had been stripped of almost all the pleasantries that other ships had. Yet no expense was spared on its transceivers and communications. Judas had even picked a remote location far out on the end of the tingel arm so there would be no prying.

Even when aboard his own ship with people he trusted Judas still retained his calm and cool manner. His hair neatly combed so his bang perfectly covered one of his eyes. His Blue eyes held a calm to them that probably wouldn't be expected from a Zambrano child. HIs jaw was slightly clenched though as he saw some of the flaws in a grenade blueprint that had been made.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Judas Zambrano"]

Taeli leaned back in the chair of the small courier ship she was currently flying. To maintain the secureness of the meeting, and to avoid being followed, she had switched ships over a dozen times, booked two other trips to other sections of the galaxy, and used five aliases to cross to the Tingel Arm for her meeting. Locating the small spy ship, she brought her shuttle into land in the small hanger.

He picked quite a spot for their clandestine meeting, but she supposed it was only appropriate for their little cabal to be extremely secret right now. Straightening her black and purple dress, and making sure her lightsaber was hanging from her belt, she lowered the ramp and was escorted by one man to where her meeting was to be held. Knocking on the door, she waited for a reply from inside and made sure her appearance was elegant.
As soon as the women's ship had landed on the vessel Judas knew as a chirp came from his datapad alerting him to his visiter. Watching through his datapad Judas watched the camera feeds ensuring that the women tried nothing on his personal crew. If she did he would be sure she suffer till she begged for death. He needed people he could trust, and it was in to short of a supply recently. He knew when to open the door, but the politeness of the knock threw Judas off a bit. Almost no one this day and age knocked, doing such a thing was honorable in Judas' eyes.

Tapping a button built into his chair the door opened and Judas could now see [member="Darth Arcanix"] face to face. Taking in the womens appearance Judas turned off the holoprojector and motioned for the women to enter the room. Which promptly after she entered the door would shut behind her. The main feature that Judas noticed about the women were her eyes. They were quite transfixing. Standing Judas walked around the table to take the womens hand and lean down kissing it as a sign of respect. "It is a pleasure to meet one of your caliber my lady." Judas said motioning for her to take a seat at the table.
[member="Judas Zambrano"]

"The pleasure is all mine," she said, bowing slightly after he kissed her hand, but before taking her seat. Elegant class was important for such meetings, that and actually being willing to be gracious and polite. Manners opened far more doors, she had found, than being a brutal Sith like so many of her colleagues tended to lean towards.

Taking in her host, she could see slight traces of Lord Vornskr in his features, but his blue eyes and brown hair seemed to not be as . . . twisted a visage as Vornskr's seemed to be. The scars though did speak of a troubled past, and that might be one reason why he was not with the rest of his family within the Sith or on Panatha.

"So what do I owe the pleasure of having one of the illustrious Zambrano clan ask for a meeting?' she asked, placing a hand on the arm of her chair.
Chuckling at the mention of the Zambrano clan Judas made his way back across the table his hand grazing the top of it till he reached his seat. Standing behind and leaning on the chair Judas smiled at the women. "Is it that hard to believe I just wanted the presence of a gorgeous women. I mean I am my fathers child." Judas joked with the women making fun of his fathers feat of siring children all across the galaxy. Casting a wink in the womens direction Judas took his seat. Reaching beneath the table he pulled out one of his stored bottles of emerald wine and two glasses. "In all seriousness I called you here so we could discuss business, maybe after we'll get to the pleasuries. I know you are the owner of a very prominent company, and I am trying to do the same for my own."

Pouring the white and red wine into the glasses Judas would walk back to [member="Darth Arcanix"] offering her the glass. "I''m not going to throw you some sells pitch or beg you to make a deal with me. After I show you some of the things I have in store I am sure that you'll want to invest and help out in my endeavors. As I will yours." Judas said holding up his glass in cheers to the both of them.
[member="Judas Zambrano"]

Taeli smiled at the mention of his father's incessant need to create offspring around the galaxy, but the smile was slightly colder than normal as she personally so need for such a thing to be done. But she wouldn't voice that aloud, and as she made his opening move, it was rather well structured pitch. She had to internally applaud it as he seemed to be confident she would be interested. A point for that indeed.

"I'm sure," she replied, raising her glass, but taking a sip of it. "Apologies, but I don't drink alcohol. Something I'm sure you understand that a Sith like myself will refrain from as it wouldn't do for me to lower my guard or impair my mind at all."

Tapping her fingers on the arm chair, she smiled a more genuine this time as she added, "Perhaps you can explain to me what exactly you are trying to pursue with your company?"
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

Looking at [member="Darth Arcanix"] as she said she didn't drink alcohol Judas simply raised a eyebrow. It was rare for anyone to turn down one of the finest wines in the galaxy. "Trust me I completely understand. Though I mean you no harm." Judas said before draining his glass and setting it on the table with a light clank. He wasn't offended in anyway but if she didn't want drinking messing with their deal he wouldn't drink anymore till she left. Couldn't allow her to have to much of a upperhand.

Thinking about the Sith Lady's question Judas had to lean back in his seat steepling his fingers as he thought of the best way to say what he truly wanted for Iscariot Industries. More money for one, influence but above all else power. Power would be the only way he could take on his enemies and win. "Mam Iscariot Industries is in the buissness of creating and using weapons that have been tossed to the side and almost all but forgotten. The days of plasma weapons will soon be back upon us, particle weapons, droids trained to combat all sorts of threats." Judas said still looking in the air before leaning forward and staring at the women. "These are only the beginnings I plan on creating droid armies, I will make this galaxy quake before my machinations, and I want you on my side." Judas said activating the holoprojector built into the table and increasing the display size. Blueprints for a high energy plasma weapon was being shown so far and it detailed the process of how it would be able to eat at most armors with its extreme heat and even rend metal. "I hear that Krayt Industries is in the ship making buissness and I want you to think about what those types of weapons could do on a ship. They could change the tide of a battle."
[member="Judas Zambrano"]

"Those would certainly be helpful, especially given what I've begun designing. Early stages yet, so my lips are sealed, but they involve another specialty of our company."

Plasma weapons combined with anti-matter would make for a very interesting combination, and she was more intrigued than ever about this deal. It would certainly be a destructive force they could unleash upon the galaxy.

"I feel it appropriate to add that we have actually branched into developing droids ourselves now on the world of Galantos, and we are poised to expand all operations elsewhere as well."
Judas shot the women a questioning look as she mentioned a secret project that her company was undertaking, and when she didn't expand into it he chuckled. "The loose lips of one person can lead to the downfall of an army so I understand your need to keep quiet on what you're doing." Judas said inspecting the plasma weapon himself. It had been a design by a older employee of Iscariot Industries at one point. The man had been struggling to pay his rent and support his family. So he had came to Judas hoping to sell the idea, and oh how he did sell it. So good in fact that Judas bought the it outright, and had begun his own modifications to it.

"Oh! Then joint ventures may be best for the two of us... As long as we don't end up on opposite sides of the battlefield." Judas said thinking of what it would look like if the Sith caught a whiff of this deal. Would they go after them both or spare [member="Darth Arcanix"] because she was one of them? "If you give me some access to your facilities on that planet I will help in the manufacturing of your droids." Judas offered.
[member="Judas Zambrano"]

"I'm sure we could accommodate you," she replied with a smile. He seemed slightly nervous now, and she wondered if he was wondering what would happen if they ended up fighting on different sides. From what she had gathered, he was more closely linked with the Shadow Dynasty than anything else, but personally, Taeli didn't care. Contacts were contacts, and while she was a loyal Sith, she didn't mind having contacts elsewhere.

"So what would you like to formally propose, Mr. Zambrano?" she asked, tilting her head. "I personally would be up to joint research and development of these plasma weapons, access to producing droids and weapons in each other's facilities, and if need be, we develop ships for your own security forces to use in case your facilities would be attacked."
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

"You've stolen the words right from my mouth. I couldn't have said it better myself. You can have all the plasma weapons you want for your ship but my only request is that I make the ones meant for ground troops and such. If you accept these terms we have an accord." Judas said picking up his datapad and drawing up the contract that he and Arcanix would sign to finalize the deal. "Who would've thought that a Sith and a member of the Shadow Dynasty could sit down and chat peacefully." Judas said before sliding the datapad across the table but it stopped midway. Reaching out with his hand Judas summoned the force to his hand and guided it to slide the datapad the rest of the way to Arcanix. It was obvious he wasn't skilled at the skill yet as it took awhile for it to get started at moving the datapad.
"Easily accepted," Taeli said, picking up the datapad and scanning it over briefly. Everything seemed in place, and she wasn't too worried about having him produce the ground force weapons, she was busy as it was to focus on that for these plasma weapons. Signing the contract, she slid it back over to him with a gentle nudge of the Force.

"Indeed, but then, I'm unlike most of my colleagues," she said with a small laugh. "I understand the need for civility and not lording my position over others. Arrogance, cruelty, and brute power all have their place, yes, but I prefer to be patient and polite. More doors open up that way, wouldn't you agree, Mr. Zambrano?"

[member="Judas Zambrano"]
Placing his hand on the datapad Judas didn't pick it up, but instead listened to what [member="Darth Arcanix"] had to say. Which what she said was true. Most other Sith would've probably had tried to kill him or worse. "I'm glad to meet a non-stereotypical Sith, are you sure you even belong with them? I can always get you a spot in the Shadow Dynasty." Judas offered calmly while he picked up the datapad and looked over it. He expected the women to deny his request if not be offended by it. She was a Sith after all and what he had just asked was for her to come to his side. "You do not need to answer me today, tomorrow or even a year from now. Just know that the offer is open if things get a bit rough with the Sith," Judas offered before placing the datapad down. "Everything seems in order My lady, if you have any questions you know how to contact me... Oh and you can call me Judas. I do despise that last name of mines."
[member="Judas Zambrano"]

"I appreciate the offer, but I'm afraid I'll have to decline," she said, standing up, sporting a smile to show she wasn't offended in the slightest. She recognized the unique position she was starting to find herself in by being different than the other Sith, but she wanted to sue that to her advantage. Time would tell how that would go, but first she had her sights set on a leadership role for the One Sith.

"To show you the same courtesy, Taeli," she said. "I'll be in touch when we might begin our most productive partnership."

With that, she left the room and made her way back to the shuttle, confident that Krayt and Iscariot would have a fruitful relationship. She wondered what he would think that she even offered her first name.

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