Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Burning Summer

[member="Adder"] [member="Naomi Carolina"]

Asmus looked from one to the other. He didn't have the full picture. He didn't even have a particularly large piece of the picture. Just a little window with no context to frame to view.

"[member="Vaal Pal Vo"] was he involved? We can't widthhold trust from everyone. We won't get anywhere. If he wasn't involved he knows the right strings to pull to track down what happened."

Asmus had been here for a long time. Chad and Wilson had been his wingmen for that entire time. There was no chance of him jumping to conclusions.
[member="Adder"] [member="Asmus Janes"]

Lips contorted into a frown. Jay? Him being a possibility at all didn't sit right with the teen. Seemed a bit off. More than off.

The teen turned to Asmus, leaning back against the wall for a moment. She'd almost been used to lead the sith empire back to the Subversion. So easily too. Made her gulp. What if there was a fail safe so that everything would point back to her? False evidence was planted all the time. She felt trapped. And that growing fear that she'd be accused of something she didn't do.

Plus she was offended.

Clearly, she'd been targeted cause she'd been pinned as the weakest link. The easiest SIS to ensnare. Maybe she really wasn't cut out for this life.

Self-doubt continued to grow in the pit of her belly.

What was the question again?

Hazels refocused.

"I-uh, don't think so. Got notified about the mission on my wrist-chrono and went to the debriefing room. Was just me and when I entered my access code the instructions came up. That's....that's why I told Jay. Seemed to follow protocol but I wasn't sure."

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