Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Burning Bridges

Burning Bridges
The ruins of what once was a peaceful temple stood the corrupted Haraak. The vines wrapped around the structure, protecting it from the surrounding swamps. The beasts that dwelled within the swamp were a range of failed Sithspawn. Though they acted as guards of the ruined temple, along with the Bloodguard who served to protect the grounds. Though past the outer structure, was a hole in the ground leading through to a metal wall with one door. A neon green light shined from within the lowered staircase that led through to the metal wall.

Behind this was Venthis sat in a throne constructed of bones and other fleshly organs, along with other pieces of metal. He tapped his fingers across the arm rest as he awaited his guest. It was his father, Darth Prazutis. The Lord of Death. Various factors had been put into place to ensure his time at Haraak would be... pleasant.

Blood smeared across the walls, with various dimly lit lights shun up on the walls. A bloodsguard member made his way over to Venthis and whispered in his ear in a hushed tone before Venthis would dismissively flick his hand in the direction of the door. News had broke that a group of insurgents who had planned to rise up against the Zambranos were to attack Venthis' stronghold. They picked the worst time to attack. Venthis had a sword to his right leaned up against the throne he sat upon. He was prepared if they were to try to break through his defenses.
[member="Darth Prazutis"]
​Haraak, Blackmoor Marsh

​The trip through the Blackmoor Marsh was surprisingly uneventful.

​Normally the monsters that lurk within the deadly marsh from native beasts to horrors from other ages made it a dangerous place to visit especially at night. But he was no ordinary traveler atop his massive Kraln'Montaj. The radiant aura of fear and unease surrounding the Lord of the Sith boomed through the heavy, humid marsh. It told anything and everything that cast a gaze in his direction that Darth Prazutis was not to be trifled with. In any case he still brought a single complement of Crownguard fifteen strong. A single red armored Sergeant walked in front of the Arch-Prince as the group neared the terrifying gates of Haraak.

Ever since the arrival and subsequent training of [member="Venthis Zambrano"] the boy had met and exceeded expectations in every way. After being broken down and reformed the Forgotten Wraith was a terror to behold with a hunger for knowledge that met his own. After proving himself in battle as well as trials Venthis was given his birthright as Prince of House Zambrano. So the Arch-Prince gave Venthis his choice of castles and locations. So the boy chose the Blackmoor Marsh.

As the Arch-Prince approached the Bloodguard the warriors stepped aside whether it was through his son's prder, his appearance or a mixture of both he wasn't sure. They led his group into the great throne room his son had designed for himself. "My son. I must say I am impressed Haraak truly is a sight to behold." ​Braxus said looking at his throne. Braxus casually gestured to the Crownguard who stepped back and in a row formation.
As the sliding metal door opened, and revealed the towering posture of his father. Venthis clapped his hands together and grinned, rising out of his throne. Standing up, and bowing his head as his father approached him. Venthis had his hair up in a bun, wearing a long dark red cloak made from exotic silk. Various patterns covered it. The Forgotten Wraith stepped down from the throne on level with his father before giving nodding to him.

"It has taken a bit of work to get it to my liking, but I'm proud of the outcome." He stated, with a wide smile. "Thank you, father." He clearly appreciated the comment, though he would turn to one of the guards by his side. Glaring at him for a moment, before he would approach Venthis and attempt to whisper in his ear but Venthis would bring up a finger and gesture for him to stop. "If you have anything to say, you say it out loud. Anything you can tell me, you can tell my Father." He said adressing the bloodguard.

The guard would take a step back before removing his helmet, revealing a scarred and disfigured face. "My lords, there is a group of Panathan Rebels heading for this stronghold from the north." Before he would dip his head and turn immediately.

Venthis would make his way back up and sit on his throne, clearly contemplating. "The creatures of the swamp will wipe a few of them out." He said, but seemingly coming to a pause, clearly remembering something. "I'm sorry for this, Father. You happened to visit, in a time of need." Venthis said, giving a firm stare to Braxus. "I'm asking for your help defending my home."

The rebels would come in large numbers, they knew not to underestimate the Zambranos.

[member="Darth Prazutis"]
​Beneath the surface the Lord of the Sith bristled.

​Long ago the Shadow Hand and Arch-Prince had washed its infectious stain from Panatha. Under the close regime a peace had enveloped Panatha. The people worshipped their rightful rulers and their reign was absolute. It didn't take long after the bulk of the regime had moved before less rebels, more opportunists decided to make their move when the watchful eye of the Lord of Lies had been preoccupied ruling an Empire alongside his Dark Lord and Nephew [member="Darth Carnifex"]. All of Panatha bore witness to the last time rebellion had arisen, rivers of blood ran from Fornow to Bunduki before it was all over.

​Now it had returned.

​The Elder Zambrano pondered his son's request for aid while he called over the Sergeant of his detachment of Crownguard. A battle scarred man that looked like he was chiseled out of granite stepped forward bowing his head. "Coordinate with the Bloodguard on defensive positions. The traitors will be arriving soon." ​Darth Prazutis commanded as he turned back to focus on his son. "I will help you crush this rabble, but I won't do it for you. I will be watching your skills as a leader." ​Darth Prazutis calmly added.

​[member="Venthis Zambrano"] still had much to prove as a commander and a ruler and firsthand experience was one of the best teachers. The Lord of Lies himself was tested time and time again as Kaine Zambrano's hand. The true test of leadership for the older Zambrano came when Kaine died leaving him as the designated heir to the Empire of Panatha. In the God-King's absence Panatha prospered, a new Vain Hollow was built bigger and better than ever. Most of all order was maintained in the smooth transition of power.

​Venthis needed to be ready even in the unlikeliness of such a situation happening.
A growing cloud of mist formed over Haraak. Though within, remained a much deadlier presence. Venthis pondered and plotted, in his mind. He would listen to his Father, giving him a nod out of agreement. Stepping down the steps, to eventually pass his father pointing to the door before it slid open. "My plan is as follows; an ancient tactic. Your men will remain within the compound, Father. Protect the inners. My men will play... dead. They will lay outside, I'll attempt to mask their pulse through the force. Then I will lead the attack, signaling for my men to rise, and yours to charge out from Haraak." He said, stating his plan out. Awaiting his father's opinion.

Though before Venthis had finished his statement, the entirety of his men had already left the compound's entrance and dropped their weapons to the ground, throwing bags of animal blood across the ground before laying in the blood. They did as they were told.

Venthis stood, while beneath his Father in height. He stood, with pride for not only his name but for what he was representing and if he were to lose his home to a bunch of rebels, then that would break his pride.

[member="Darth Prazutis"]

​It was a clever plan that when done right had great results. But in a game of deception even the slightest part off could be met with disastrous results. Everything from animal blood to signs of struggle needed to be had. Fortunately the temple was ancient and already scarred from battles past. The Lord of Lies simply nodded after hearing the plan his face showed no visible reaction for or against it. He was cold as ice when he spoke once more his voice deathly calm "A plan of deception has high risk involved if your enemy finds something amiss your forces will be caught off guard. Your plan must be followed through completely, no small detail overlooked to ensure it will fool your enemy." ​The Sith Lord said turning towards his Sergeant who had been conversing with one of the Blood Guard.

"Break the exterior doors open from the outside you should have enough time. Enough to appear as if a battle had occurred." ​Darth Prazutis ordered. The Sergeant brought a fist to his chest acknowledging the orders he immediately set out to complete the task at hand with his men. While his son had learned a good deal there was still so much more [member="Venthis Zambrano"] didn't know yet. But in time he would learn and be judged by his father. The boy was being silently scrutinized in his every action, judged by his father who expected nothing short of excellence from a Prince of his blood. There was no room for weakness in the Zambrano bloodline.
Venthis pondered over his father's words. His mind set at this point, his men scattered around and began to jog into place, flailing onto the ground and lying down lifeless. Though Venthis gave a soft nod to his father, he would then open his lips to speak "I will go forth and ensure the plan works, we have little time" and with that, he turned on his heels leaving his father within the compound. The blood would be scattered across the entire location, it seemed as if the fight was already over. The rebels would find an unpleasant surprise upon arrival.

"Stand back!" Venthis called back to within the compound, before sending a wave of telekinesis towards the door of his compound completely knocking it from its hinges. Sliding across the room within.

The young Zambrano was prepared to risk it all. He reached upwards with his hand, then using his ability in telekinesis again to pull down one of the already weak pillars and tossing it into the trees in front of the stronghold, knocking a majority of them down. Venthis paused, catching his breath. The prior tasks clearly took something out of him. Though he would simply stand there, then... out from the trees appeared dozens of soldiers, hundreds even.

A final gasp escaped Venthis as he masked the pulse of each of his own men. They would appear dead.

The Forgotten Wraith fell to his knees, with a soldier wearing a more extravagant set of armor compared to the rest, clearly the commander, approaching him. "Venthis... Zambrano, how the mighty have fallen." He stated, with all of his men laughing following his statement. Then the commander gave Venthis a kick to the head, causing him to fall back onto his back. Spitting out blood, Venthis barely gathered to his feet.

"You've made a great mistake coming here, Commander Ixul." He grinned, from cheek to cheek. "Not only have you fallen for my trap, but you dare attack my stronghold in the presence of my Father?" Venthis, let it sink in with each of the soldiers before he would spring to life, grabbing the Commander by the throat. Venthis extended his voice, speaking outwards; "Kill them all."

Each of his men rose to their feet as if like undead. Grabbing their weapons, and charging towards the enemy. As they did, Venthis expected his father to appear from his compound along with his men.

[member="Darth Prazutis"]

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