Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Burn Notice


Location: Nar Shaddaa
Objective: Eliminate Target
Tag: Terry Xenos Terry Xenos

Okuma found it a bit funny, despite their outward revulsion to violence, Naboo seemed to have a knack for developing some pretty decent weapons. The gun for hire knelt down on the edge of a sky-scraper. A simple macro-monocular in his hand. Peering down onto the roof of a lower building nearby. Scoping out his destination. His tiny scout droid floated idly beside him.

This time, unfortunately for the Black Sun, they were his targets for this evening. The Pyke Syndicate wanted a rival out of the picture here. Some Falleen noblemen specifically. Okuma knew better than to ask for too many details. He knew just what he needed. Ignorance could be just as powerful in some cases as knowledge. Plus it helped him in not feeling too invested in who he may be harming.

Okuma finally had his sights on who he would be assassinating for the evening. This was the fourth in a recent series of dirty jobs for him here on Nar Shaddaa, and the last for the time being. Things were already getting tense with the Falleen here after his second successful mission. Normally he’d try to perform some highly destructive act of sabotage. But it was explained to him to not let that happen out of fear of angering the Hutts.

Right now his target just arrived at the building on a fancy airspeeder. Meaning that it was now ‘go time’. Lowering his monocular, Okuma pulled a simple mask up over the lower half of his face, a simple fabric accessory. Keeping his identity safe was desirable, but anyone with a discerning eye could always trace his work back to him. Not that he really minded.

Standing up straight, Okuma held out his S-5 Heavy Blaster Pistol and aimed it down towards the neighboring roof. Angling it right so that he had a quick decent, but not one that would have him fall to his death as he fired the weapon’s grappling line. Attaching the cord between the two buildings and making sure it was secure, he would then make sure his sling bag was tightly attached to his torso. Then the assassin would begin to ride it down as a zipline. He was warned of the possibility that there could be scanners to look out for tech like repulsors getting too close to the building. So the zipline was chosen as his covert way of getting into position. For his escape however he didn’t need to worry about being nearby as stealthy, wearing a pair of rocket boots to make an aerial retreat.

Once he touched down on the room, Okuma carried the forward momentum of it into a front roll. Not wasting any time once he was up on his feet he unsecured the grappling line from the roof, and pulled out a small datapad. Punching in a quick order back to his small scout droid to unhook the cable from the other roof and carry it away from here.

Things were going well for him. Okuma pulled out his heavy blaster pistol, checking it and his other weapons one last time before getting ready to make his move. He hoped that there wouldn’t be any unforeseen complications…
Okuma Milogen Okuma Milogen
Nightingale operates in the gray areas of the galactic underworld. His motivations complex, driven by a personal code that often sees him intervening in the affairs of various crime syndicates, not for personal gain but to maintain a balance that the official law enforcement bodies can't or won't uphold. His latest venture brings him to the heart of Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler's Moon, a place where the law is often decided by the highest bidder, and the line between right and wrong is as blurred as the neon lights that illuminate its eternal night.

Nightingale has chosen to intercept Okuma to gather information on the intricate web of alliances and rivalries that keep the underworld in a constant state of flux. By inserting himself into Okuma's mission—meant to tilt the scales in favor of the Pyke Syndicate over the Black Sun—Nightingale aims to extract valuable intelligence that could disrupt or manipulate the power dynamics on Nar Shaddaa. Knowledge is power, especially in the underworld, and this information could be crucial in preventing an all-out gang war or in toppling a particularly despotic crime lord.

Secondly, Nightingale is driven by a deeper, more personal agenda.

Nightingale stood shrouded in the darkened dim lighting of the stairwell as he attuned his senses to the distinct sounds of the cityscape below. The distant buzz of speeder traffic, interspersed with the occasional sharp zing of a repulsorlift engine passing too close, blended the alien chatter of diverse species and the digital chirps of droids added layers to the auditory noise echoing faintly up the shaft of the building.

The air carried the tang of ionized rain, a remnant of the evening's weather, mingling with the ever present scents of rusting durasteel and the ozone signature of high-tech afterburn. Lighting in the stairwell was sparse, provided by flickering panels that cast an uneven, bluish glow.

As Okuma approached, the distinct sound of his movements became a signal to Nightingale. The soft pad of boots on metal grating, the rustle of utility fabric, and the occasional clink of tech — perhaps a weapon being readied or a tool at hand. Nightingale, stood motionless, a figure seemingly carved from the very shadows, prepared to spring into action, his anticipation heightening with the approach of Okuma's footsteps.


Location: Nar Shaddaa
Objective: Eliminate Target
Tag: Terry Xenos Terry Xenos

Stepping to the door to access the stairs down into the rest of the building, Okuma gripped the handle. Taking a deep breath he centered himself in the moment. Despite being many years removed from his journey as a Jedi, the Kage still knew that being mindful of the moment and achieving a decent flow state would work in his favor. Plus old habits die hard.

He also was psyching himself up. Once he got inside, any other individual he saw was an enemy to be overcome. Pulling the door open he stepped inside, letting the door close behind him. Feeling confident that it wouldn’t lock him inside. That would probably be a fire hazard after all. With his free hand Okuma pulled out a short blade, designed like tanto with a crude tip at the end of it. The melee weapon also had a faint yellow glow as well.

It was rather dark in the stairwell. Which he thought was fine. Okuma didn’t suspect that anyone was here, but once he got on the floor where his target was, he expected to find opposition. Possibly an assassin droid or two as bodyguards. Making his way down the stairs, he didn’t seem to notice the stealthy individual who accompanied him. Okuma couldn’t naturally see in the dark, especially with the patch over his left eye…
Okuma Milogen Okuma Milogen

Terry observed closely as Okuma passed by him, his senses alert to every move the adversary made. He trailed behind, attempting to synchronize his steps with Okuma's. Closing in, Terry pressed something cold and unyielding against Okuma's spine. Was it a gun? Or perhaps a blade? The answer remained elusive in the darkness.

"No sudden movements," Terry commanded, his voice steady but tinged with authority. "Tell me what I want to know, and you can walk away from this unharmed."


Location: Nar Shaddaa
Objective: Eliminate Target
Tag: Terry Xenos Terry Xenos

The sudden pressure he felt against his back had Okuma seize up his body rather intensely. All his reflexes flaring up in an instant to judge whether or not he should attempt a vicious counter offensive or not. After a second the mercenary simply let out a dejected sigh. It seemed like he was getting sloppy with his work now. Still though, why was someone else sneaking around here in the dark stairwell?

“Tell you what you wanna know?” Okuma asked a bit confused, feeling like the command was a bit too vague. Thinking about messing with them because of it now. “You’re doing a great job. I like what you’ve done with your hair. Oh and your parents are proud of you… Is that good enough?” Okuma said in a slightly mocking tone. Knowing full well that wasn’t what the mystery man behind him wanted to hear. “Those are some universal things people like to hear, if you want something else than be more specific.” Okuma’s voice gradually became more neutral as he spoke. He remained still as well. He didn’t want whatever it was pressed against his back to ruin his whole operation here. Or more likely, just slow him down.
Okuma Milogen Okuma Milogen

"Oh...Yess... that does hit the spot ... those are some nice things to hear most certainly," Terry purred, leaning closer. "Come now, darling, I know you're a smart little lad. As much as I love those positive affirmations to stroke my wittle ego. Now, be a good boy and do as you're told."

Terry's voice dripped with honeyed charm, but beneath the silky veneer lay a veiled threat, a reminder of the power he wielded in this exchange. He was not one to be trifled with, and his words carried weight, laden with implications of consequence for disobedience.

"Now, let's cut to the chase, shall we?"
Terry continued, his gaze piercing. "I know you've got secrets, darling, and I'm just itching to hear them. Who's pulling your strings, sweetheart? And how much are they willing to pay for your loyalty? Everyone has their price, don't they~? Don't worry, your little secrets are safe with me... as long as you play nice."

Terry's smooth voice conveyed confidence and control. He knew exactly how to play his cards to extract what he wanted.

Terry's smile widened. He knew he had them right where he wanted them. "And while we're at it, let's talk targets. Who's at the top of your hit list? Who do you want to see taken down a peg or two?"

He leaned back, a sly grin playing across his lips as he awaited their response. "Oh yes... and one last thing... What would you pay to know your employer, potentially wanted you dead to tie up loos ends?"

Terry was poised pulling his own strings behind the scenes to orchestrate chaos and destruction among both enemies. And nothing thrilled him more than watching them tear each other apart, all according to his carefully laid plans. And he didn't need a pesky assassin getting caught in the cross fire.


Location: Nar Shaddaa
Objective: Eliminate Target
Tag: Terry Xenos Terry Xenos

If Okuma was being honest he wasn’t really expecting that kind of reaction from his rather coy response. It seemed like professionalism was sort of out the window between the two of them. But they were also adamant on getting information from the Kage. “Well if you’re anything like me, then you’d understand that client confidentiality isn’t something I should be violating on a regular basis. Especially if I wanna have any kind of serious longevity with my reputation.” A mercenary with morals? No, Okuma had his practical reasons for not wanting to go around spilling the beans and throwing his clients under the bus.

Okuma raised a brow as he heard them speak about his own employer wanting him dead. But gave a casual shrug. “Well it’s happened before sadly, I got some decent bounties in a select few systems. But you could just be bluffing.” After all they did say “potentially” which could only imply things. "But I’ll answer one of your questions. My target here is a Falleen Nobleman, some kind of underboss within the blacksun. As for why? I don’t know. I generally don’t ask questions that aren’t important to the jobs. The schemes of my clients are of little importance to me.” The Kage mercenary confessed.

“Are you supposed to be working some sort of security or counter-intelligence for the blacksun here?” Okuma suggested out loud, having no real idea who this mystery individual was. “Now I’ve told you what I can, and I got a job to do. So…?” His voice trailed off, wondering if he was gonna be allowed to go.
Okuma Milogen Okuma Milogen
"Ah, my fellow shadow-dweller," Terry's voice takes on a playful yet ominous tone, a smirk dancing on his lips. "I must admit, I admire your style. But let's not make this more complicated than it needs to be, shall we?"

He leans in closer, his eyes gleaming with a mix of mischief and authority.

"You see, I have a way of orchestrating chaos that few can rival. And you, my friend, could either be swept up in it like a leaf in a storm, or you could dance to the tune I'm playing."

Terry gestures casually, as if inviting Okuma to join in on the game.

"I have plans in motion, plans that involve your target meeting a rather... unfortunate end. But it'd be much more enjoyable if you were on my side, watching from the sidelines as the chaos unfolds according to my design."

His tone shifts slightly, hinting at the consequences of defying him.


Location: Nar Shaddaa
Objective: Eliminate Target
Tag: Terry Xenos Terry Xenos

Hearing their suggestion Okuma let out a sigh. “I hope you know that I certainly don’t trust you. My concern is that whatever kind of chaos you’re brewing is going to look bad for me. I don’t do sloppy work. All I need to do here is eliminate a single target. As I mentioned earlier what my client does as a consequence of that is up to them.” Okuma carried with him a sense of professional logic and reasoning, and was starting to think whoever this mystery man was, that they had very different motives. Because of this disconnect his tone had shifted to something much less playful as before. Contrasting the mischief displayed by whoever it was that he was talking to.

“But if you want me to actually start warming up to your idea. Maybe you can start by not having a gun or knife pressed into my backside. Also we might want to find a better spot to discuss this than in the middle of a stairwell.” Okuma still hadn’t really gotten a good look at them.

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