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Approved Tech "Bur'cyan" Beskad

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Intent: To create Gabe's old faithful Beskad, a traditional melee weapon used by the Mandalorians capable of parrying even lightsabers.
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Local Beskarsmiths
Model: "Bur'cyan"
Affiliation: Mandalorians - Gabriel
Modularity: No.
Production: Minor produced back then, could be unique now.
Material: Beskar, Deterioriated wood on handle which has leather wrapped around it..
Description: Gabriel's faithful old Beskad, which had been around with him ever since he left Mandalore at the age of 13, this weapon had seen and survived all the conflicts Gabriel had, been responsible for the evisceration of countless enemies and has fought by Gabe's side for over 10 years, needless to say he's very fond of it.

It's really a very standard Beskad, that holds more sentimental value over anything "cutting edge", don't doubt its' weary and used appearance, this thing is battle-proven and has cleaved many enemies and is as sharp now as it ever will be. The beskad is about 6 centimeters in width, no surprises there and the length is just as standard at 46 centimeters The weight too, at a good 2kg. The blade looks obviously worn out, but it's merely visual, all the form and function of the Beskad is still there. It's been used to the point that the finish on the wood had come off, and Gabriel had to wrap leather around it to stop him from getting splinters. But he loves this as if it was his own child.

It's a beskad, nuff said. It only cuts on one side and handles more like a farming tool.
Size: One or Two handed
Length: 46cm
Weight: 2kg
Other Features: Lightsaber Resistant


I'm Sexy and I Know It
@[member="Gabriel Audemars"]
Alright, only one issue here. You state that your beskad is about 6cm thick. I'm assuming the blade. That would make it 2inches thick in the blade itself which, at that point, is less a beskad and more a beskar rod with a filed edge. Plus, at 2 inches thick in the blade, you're looking at a far heavier weapon. I suggest an edit with a thinner, but still resilient blade. Perhapes a 1/4 of an inch or a cm thick roughly. Maybe 2cm.
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