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Approved Tech Bulwark of the Light

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  • Intent: To create a set of interesting defensive artifacts.
  • Image Source: x x
  • Canon Link: /
  • Primary Source: /
  • Name: Bulwark of the Light
  • Manufacturer: Band of the Silik | Michael Sardun
  • Affiliation: Band of the Silik
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Imbued metals, kyber crystals.
  • Classification: Artifact
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Lightside Constructs. Its main ability is the creation of lightside constructs, which are capable of attacking agents of the Darkside. Their touch burns to creations of the Dark.
  • See below for the lesser ones.
  • Formidable: The lightside constructs spawned by the obelisk are remarkably resilient and harmful against the Darkside. They project a short-range aura of the Light, which can weaken darksiders by sheer proximity. Direct contact is capable of burning them as well. Long enough exposure can result into death, being cut off from the Darkside, or similar grave effects.
  • Detection: It can detect the presence of the Darkside to a certain degree. While not actually showing the direct location, it will pulse with light, aimed towards the general direction of the darksiders. When they are present in multiple places in the area, the lights break into smaller figments, each pulsing towards them.
  • Aura of Strength: Those in the presence of the obelisk feel the strength of the Light coursing through them. They find courage where there was none, giving them the will and strength to push against the Darkside threat.
  • Projection: Every obelisk is created with an imprint of Sardun. If the threat is large enough, if the defenders falter and their hope shattered, it is possible for an avatar of the lightside to draw from them and manifest itself. Stronger, shaped like the creator of the obelisks, it will come to their aid.
  • Stationary: Once it is placed, it cannot be moved or the ritual that embedded it into its place will need to be repeated once more.
  • Limited range: The farther away from the obelisk the constructs go, the weaker they become. At most an obelisk can cover a city. Any farther would make them ineffectual and easily destroyed.
  • Vulnerable: While the constructs themselves are formidable, the obelisk is vulnerable to being attacked. If destroyed the constructs vanish as well.
  • Force-Null: Ysalamir, void stone, either weaken or completely neutralize the effects of the obelisk.
  • Cloak: Darksiders which use means of cloaking their darkside signature cannot be detected by the obelisk.
  • Exhaustion: A pure manifestation of the Light drains the obelisk. After the battle it cannot be used again for several days as it recharges.
For many centuries the Lightside of the Force preached a singular vision of defense: inaction.

Praised as peaceful, as the counter-weight to the aggression of the Darkside, the wise Jedi proclaimed it the only true way. The way to be in balance with nature, with the Force, the Galaxy and the sentients around them. After years of watching the Darkside return again and again... Sardun denied this legacy. In the past the Je'daii forged great weapons through the Force, and now it was time to return to it.

The Darkside had its Smoke Demons; entities of the dark, formidable and a malicious foe of the Light. It was time for them to fight fire with fire. The Bulwark of the Light was Sardun's answer to this.

Imbued with the Lightside, engraved with ancient runes, it is capable of summoning manifestations of the Lightside. Burning bright and full of righteous anger. They only have one goal, one singular purpose: to find the Darkside in their proximity and destroy it by any and all means possible. Some whisper that this was too close to the Darkside. That the aggression was antithesis to what the Lightside should be about.

In response Sardun was unimpressed.

If even one village would be saved from the Sith or other followers of the Dark? The sacrifice of principle was worth the cost.
Factory Judge
[member="Michael Sardun"], How powerful is this Avatar that can be summoned? Can it only use Force Light abilities as the Monolith can only perform the same feats? Or does it have the same powers but to a lesser potential than Sardun since it is only a fragment of who it was created by? As well, does the Avatar come with weapons, or is it only "geared" with the force?

I honestly kept it vague so folks could RP it however they'd like depending on what the story asks for.

It would only be 'geared' with the Force though. Force Light, maybe shaped in some sort of spear of light or something. Like I said, it was kept ambiguous so people could put their on spin on it, if they'd like. If you really need me to quantify it, I could take a swing at it though.
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