Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bullets are the Beauty (Galactic Republic)​
/Two Weeks Prior To The Sith Attack On Contruum/​

She loomed over the rooftop, staring down at the people moving below.

"Black holes living in the side of your face-"

So many people moving about. The optics in her helm zoomed in on each as she assessed, looking for their target. She let her arm lay limp over her armored leg as she watched. Her partner in this mission, Bad Dog, was standing on overwatch as she assessed the situation. With each passing moment, her right hand tapped fingers against her thigh. The metallic clack would drive most insane, but she was already beyond that point in life. Not a problem for her. It made doing her work all the more fun and enjoyable.

Who were they? They were Bad Company. At one point in time, they had been standard citizens and soldiers of the Republic, but not anymore. Now they were an unsanctioned unit, doing work that no one else would. Work they enjoyed.

"Target. Range 135 meters and closing."

She stood slowly and glanced over to Dog. The other woman was the hammer. She, Bad Robot, was the brains. As insane as that was. She grinned and popped a vial before downing the contents and wiping her hand across her lips.

"Make a mess, Dog. Let the blood flow like rains of tears."

Their target? A group of Caamasi that had decided the Republic could no longer keep them safe. Their lack of faith in their leaders led them to become turncoats and now they were sharing information with the enemy. They passed secrets they shouldn't know. While Republic intelligence knew of them. They would not do enough to shut them down. That's why Bad Company was there. They knew of this group as well, and they were going to make an example of what happened to those that sided with the Sith.

She grinned. This was going to be fun.

[member="Bad Dog"]

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