Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Building From The Ash-era(OS Dominion of Ashera)

Her eyes narrowed at the enemy as they charged toward her and her personal guardsmen, Nightshade Company, ready to expel the invaders from their planet. She did not expect any opposition at the site but yet, here they were. Before they could begin work on the temple they would first need to eliminate this pesky threat. Behind her she heard her men drop to one knee, better to steady their weapons she once told them, preparing to unleash a volley of precise blaster fire into the enemy ranks.
Igniting her own weapon she patiently walked toward the horde, fifty in all wielding Force pikes, to punish them for their insolence in causing a minor setback to her operations. She hated delays. She was on a time schedule and there was nothing in her itinerary that called for combat against the locals. The very notion they revealed themselves after the last transport touched down only fueled her anger at both them and the situation. Personally she felt offended by their presence since it was she that had chosen this site. And when she was offended, someone always paid the price.
The first barrage from her guardsmen nearly dropped all of the enemy in that first round, leaving only a hand few of the enemy alive. And they say that soldiers of the Sith Military couldn't hit anything. The few that survived tried to flee but where cut down from behind leaving only two to challenge the Sith Lady face-to-face.
Darth Venefica parried one attack and using the Force, shoved the other attacker back with enough force to knock him to the ground. Sidestepping the next strike caused her opponent's momentum to carry him slightly forward, passing her and positioning his back to her front, and again she used the Force, only this time she quickly gripped his body and pulled it to her; impaling him on her weapon. Her head whipped around as she hissed when the last one tried to run from her.
The coward was caught in mid-stride and lifted off the ground by his neck via the Force. With a snap shut closing of her hand into a fist, she snapped his neck then let the lifeless body fall to the ground.
"Begin unloading the transports," she ordered staring at the corpses littering the field. "And mount the dead on pikes and place them around this area...perhaps seeing the bodies of their dead comrades will prevent them from causing me more setbacks."
Objective: Assist in the Reconstruction of the Sith Temple
[member="Cyrus Zambrano"]​


The Second Seal, broken.
Objective: Suppress Lightside Cults
Optional: Enjoy the havoc wreaked by [member="Matsu Xiangu"] and [member="Sage Bane"]
Optional 2: Shamelessly flirt with [member="Darell Irani"] while decimating the populace
Allies: [member="Darth Hauntruss"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"]

She could appreciate the enthusiasm and zeal of the Vong, of course, but as she turned to survey their advance across the swath of land, a new presence made itself known in the gaping hole that was the Force around her. It was like navigating a stretch of pitch black catacombs only to step out into the light of ten blazing suns; twisted, scorching orbs that spat fire just to see the way a world can burn. She'd recognize that intoxicating signature anywhere.

Her lips pulled into a leer, and she could feel a twinge of pity for the misguided cultists in the camp. Vrag would simply kill them — no more, no less — but the Beast was going to revel in it until her skin was painted red with their life.

Sharp teeth gleamed behind the skull as the Hand joined a party of Vong on one of their organic transports, and she turned around briefly to offer a hand to her unlikely companion in this carnage. "Darell," There was something odd about enunciating his name outside the confines of a bedroom — or the bathroom, or the Jacuzzi, or the kitchen… but you get the point — but the Sith brushed it off. This was neither the time nor the place for such idle thoughts. "We shall break this world first."

Even as Iron Maiden began weaving her net of madness around the enemy's encampment, the Knight closed in with a complement of the Yun'Do beside her, their own thirst for battle bleeding into the woman. She could feel her heartbeat calm down as they neared the walls the cultists had erected in foolish hopes of repelling the invading force.

"Move!" she spoke into her oggzil, and the Vong that had encircled the enemy base launched simultaneous assaults from all directions, pushing the advantage that the sorceress would provide with her gruesome illusions.

And once that last barricade crumbled… there would be no describing the hell that would break loose.
“A new crystalline structure?” Saffron’s hazel eyes would peer curiously at the image, only to dance on over to the Selonian anew. She set down the datapad. If there was anything more about the Citadel station, they would tell her. They were just streams of updates. What had interested her the most was the fact that it would be selfsustaining. A heavy focus in green energy. Something unlike any other for an atmospheric station of that size.

His puffy cheeks made her smile grow wider.

“The question is are we able to mine it?” she would ask, “ Not everything can be done on the willy nilly,” she sang, slightly amused.

Her fingers would curl, as she had this terrible desire to stroke his fur.

“And how expensive is it to mine? Would the final product offset the costs?”

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug

Shil nodded.

“We should have the capability, and the benefits far outweigh the cost.” He thought about what Titan Industries could do with a more powerful version of durasteel, of every metal in fact. Stronger and lighter, it could take more hits, be used to make additional starship hulls, create lighter vessels. The Selonian was practically salivating at the prospect.

His tail stopped swishing suddenly.

Shil tensed, and the MCH began to shake violently. It pushed through the atmosphere, pressing and heating its advanced shields. There was a slight creaking noise from below then, and then suddenly everything stopped. A slight whirr could be heard as massive repulsor lifts kicked in all over the MCH, and slowly the massive ship dragged its way through the skies.

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Objective: Suppress Lightside Cults
Allies: [member="Sage Bane"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Hauntruss"] | [member="Vrag"]

Despite what appearances suggested Irani wasn’t hear alone, though that would never be fully disclosed to the public at large. Firstly the Royal Guard were out and about, doing their duty for the glory of the Dark Lord and his Voice; though the Voice itself did not seem to be in attendance himself. How quaint. Irani himself had an entourage, though they were not bodyguards, simply… a token of his esteem towards the cause of the One Sith.

Droids of all kinds and measures, mostly Hegemonic Automaton production with old Baktoid designs currently being produced again in attendance too. They filed out of their own dropships and mixed with Vrag’s warriors, though they kept their distance from the Yuuzhan Vong population. Thousand of years had passed since the technophobia of the Vong had casted the Galaxy in despair and war, yet it was always prudent to show a measure of respect with the beasts you fought with.

Irani sniffed at comment and then gave a nod.

Breaking it is, love.’ it seemed few things could truly impress the man these days. ‘We will talk dinner after this is done then.’

The barricades finally crumbled and hell was brought down upon those that dared to stand in their way.
Objective: Supress lightside remnants
[member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Vrag"] [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Darth Hauntruss"] [member="Darell Irani"]

Tmoxin and her squad took a dropshop to the location where Sith Lords and Vong had already set up an encampment and appeared ready to strike. Her squad wore the white plastoid-composite body armor and carried BlasTech rifles like the legions of Stormtroopers that came before. Their white and black armor gleamed in the sunlight and their uniformity gave her a pleasurable shiver. Tmoxin herself wore the officer's uniform, her reddish brown hair swept into a utilitarian bun.

She radioed to her superior. "Lieutenant, we are on the ground and preparing for battle." Her Corporal handed the Hapan officer a pair of electrobinoculars. She wanted to survey the enemy for a few minutes, sizing up their numbers, weaponry and also scanning their grounds for defensive cover as well as weaknesses that could be exploited. After a lengthy survey of the cultists' position, she handed the binoculars back to the Corporal. "Stand by for my orders," she advised.
Objective: Suppress light sided cults with [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Vrag"] [member="Darth Hauntruss"] [member="Darell Irani"]

The cacophony of sounds and images jumping tangentially from one to the next was overwhelming, and Sage had to take a few deep huffs of breath to orient himself to the dizzying dream plane he shared with Matsu. The sheer unreality of it caused a dull panic to course through his nervous system, and he beat it down by the hair of his will. Once Sage was acclimated, he watched Matsu spin those silken fibers of psychic lucidity. It was enthralling. Like thin fingers running over the folds in his brain matter, he felt Matsu sifting through the images in his mind, resting finally on the light sided cultists he had studied for days. She wrested them out, manipulated, molded, and breathed horror into them. Her first masterpiece emerged. Bodies burned to such a degree that they were miles from recognizable as human, dragging themselves through the camp, groaning through their charcoal lungs.

At her invitation, Sage began to draw from her well of magic and create his own. The man had suffered many personal horrors. The bottomless chasm of psychological damage would be the inky shadows of his chiaroscuro. Once he started, he found that creating the illusions was a bit like opening up a box of dark gifts. He let his imagination run away.

Joining Matsu’s shambling, fire-ruined corpses was Sage’s illusionary army. Unclothed bodies, stiff with rigor mortis and bent at impossible angles, walking with bellies up, like arachnids. Some had impossibly long arms and legs, and skittered around, side-winding like crabs. Others had no eyes and no mouths. A few were joined at the head like siamese twins, unable to move without the other ghoulish sibling, which dragged behind it with a pained moan. A badly decomposed body squished along, carrying its own head in its hands, eyes bulging from their sockets as they darted around, clearly afflicted by madness.

Sage’s illusionary forms were so abominable that his mind began to bend and it took all of his stamina to keep his psyche from shattering into a million pieces. The light sided camp would not be so lucky, and the cultists would soon find themselves in the middle of a nightmare from which there was no waking.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Everything happened so fast. The sudden shift would prompt Saffron to lose her balance. Being as close as she was to Shil, she went toppling against him.

He's to hoping he has quick hands --- er... paws?

Her eyes would widen in alarm, attempting to gather a semblance of her bearing. Well wasn't this rather embarrassing?

"Sorry," came her sheepish remark; although at least she was able to find out that Shil's fur was indeed as soft as it looked.

"Are you alright?" she asked him, her tablet having scattered to the floor.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug

He caught her of course, he wasn't completely off balance. Selonians had claws, but they would retractable thankfully, so when his paws stopped the girl from completely toppling over Shil simply propped her back up onto her own two feet.
“It is fine Miss Saffron.” Shil said cordially before looking down at the planet bellow.

Ashera began to loom closer.

The MCH's massive repulsors quickly began to whir louder, the mining team that had set down earlier on Ashera had already served the perfect location for the huge ship to touch down. Of course, the landings were always rather difficult, it was after all still a nearly one thousand meter tall ship, landing it on a planet was difficult.

Securing it even more so.

As the mountains loomed closer Shil steadied himself and Saffron. The MCH would soon do a whole lot more shaking.


The Second Seal, broken.
Objective: Suppress Lightside Cults
Allies: [member="Sage Bane"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Hauntruss"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Darell Irani"]

There was no looking back as the walls cracked under the relentless assault from all sides, and then it all came down. Vong were lost beneath the blocks of crumbling permacrete, but their bloodthirsty comrades already poured in, trampling their corpses into the dust as they screamed to their God. Such was the way of the Galaxy; lives sacrificed so that others may live, thriving upon the bodies of the fallen. Cruel? Perhaps, but assigning morality to nature is a foolish endeavor of those too weak to bear the weight of reality.

Not that Vrag was entertaining such grand, philosophical thoughts at the moment, mind you; no, the armored woman was quite content observing the annihilation the Vong left in their wake. The Force-dead species gladly swarmed the paralyzed cultists inside the encampment, ignorant of the horrors the men and women were forced to witness by the two Sith sorcerers. Her own eyes would only catch the occasional glimpse of the atrocities conjured by the pair, at the edge of her vision when she was too focused on the next foe to pay attention to the flickering apparitions. Without the armor she was currently wearing, Vrag would've been much less enthusiastic about raiding the camp herself, what with her aversion to mind-tricks, but the Vonduun crab adorning her body was keeping her safe from the monstrous machinations for the most part.

Still, the illusions the two Sith on the outside had woven were certainly effective, and there was a fair few things that she appreciated more than efficacy. She would not complain; not out loud, at least, and not with Irani so close by her side. She liked keeping the rugged 'businessman' at a solid distance, like with everyone else, and letting him see her discomfort wasn't exactly conducive to that goal.

"Darell, darling," she called out as she cleaved another misguided worshiper in two, barely registering how the charred slabs of meat smacked wetly on the ground. "Blow that turret up for me," she finished and then sped past him to bolster a flank that had found themselves bogged down by a group of cultists that was less affected by the nightmares that were plaguing the rest of their comrades.
OBJECTIVE: Suppress Lightside cults.
[member="Sage Bane"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Darell Irani"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Darth Hauntruss"]

She watched as Sage’s visions joined hers, monstrosities born of spliced species and the fundamental fears of men (arachnid shape, too fast, horrible sounds, unnatural). She purred over their mental connection, a sound that ended in something like warm, approving laughter as the Siamese twin darted in her mind’s eye. (And she would dream of them tonight, pressing fingers together to push against the other, ripping their fused spine apart.) “Delightful…”

Though there were distinct events in her past that had drawn her to the field of mentalism more rapidly than might have occurred without them, she would have ended up here regardless. There was something so elegant about drawing something from nothing, from seamless creation. Here there were no limits, no boundaries for a mind that saw possibility in everything. As the Vong crashed through the walls of the lightside cult’s camps, Matsu fed from the agony of those crushed beneath and the panic and fear of those who lived to see the screaming sycophants storming their homes. It would sustain her as their illusions grew larger.

She took their imagined army in hand, the bent and the burned, and started to amass them. The Vong made their assault in one direction and she moved their broken human illusions to the other, effectively boxing in their cultist prey. Once in position they started to move together, the Burnt sloughing their skin in great ropes around one another and the Bent. All started climbing each other, scrambling through their screams of agony to get higher and higher and higher, clawing each other’s eyes and mouths, using wounds as footholds. Once done they had formed one great writhing, human-shaped mass of flesh.

“Do you remember when I told you an illusion will last as long as the subject can’t find the flaw? The same can be said for illusions conjured through sith magic, but it’s far more difficult. They can even fool computers and radar - and they can do real harm. And what’s more, the subject is usually dead before they’d ever have the presence of mind to realize their every fear isn’t right in front of them,” she said, offering Sage that which he’d earned through blood and sweat if he had the strength to take it.

The giant, screaming from a thousand mouths, raised massive fists to hit the ground, crushing any cultist unlucky enough to be distracted by the choice of Vong or Illusion in to pulp.
Objective: Suppress lightside cults
Allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] |[member="Vrag"] | [member="Darell Irani"] |[member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Darth Hauntruss"]​

The Yorik-trema, shot out from The Right Hand under the guise of common Vong excursion, entered the atmosphere with spiraling ease. Bracing and thick legs smacked against the ground in plums of smoke and dirt, the mouth gnawing at the air as it scavenged for something to cling on to. As the ship opened, Gabriel stepped out in his full vonduun crab armor, chitin carbine and chom-huun upon the back of the chitinous exoskeleton, grappled by spindly legs. Another large extrusion from the skin of Yorik-trema opened up, the Nuhlrokka crawling out to the call of it's master.

As he approached the beast, he cupped it's bowed head in his hands, before pressing a palm against the top of his horn. Grabbing hard and shaking it, he smiled as he patted the beast hard against it's chitinous horn and vigorously interacted with it. As he circled, he inspected the wings with the press of his fingers, feeling it's translucent hardness beneath his armor-weave gloves. He approved of this beast, had known it on Selvaris for long enough to bond, and appreciated it's destructive ability. As he climbed on, the Nuhlrokka shook against his weight, vibrating his core, before settling down. With deft hands, he pulled on the cognition hood and felt the pinning of his eyes in response. Melding in, the beast lifted from the ground. Before the Nuhlrokka took off towards the directed destination, Gabriel turned to the pilot of the Yorik-trema and smacked the large insect across the back. "For the pain..." he said in the Vong tongue, his hand against his adam's apple to lower the octave of his voice. The beast took off with ferocious speed.

He understood that Matsu and Vrag were here and through the eyes of the large insect, he searched out as the wings flapped violently, the sound of a howling gust and shriek filling the air. Soon enough, the mouth of the monster would spew forth napalm and Gabriel would render a closer view, so that he may teach these lightside cults the true fear they should regards to both the Vong and the One Sith.
Objective: Supress lightside remnants
[member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Vrag"] [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Darth Hauntruss"] [member="Darell Irani"]

The cultists appeared to be suffering from acute delusions, Tmoxin thought, watching the battlefield for the best way to insert her squad of stormtroopers. Many of the lightsiders stood in abject horror just gazing at each other. Others writhed on the ground as though ablaze. Even one poor unlucky soul thrust a vibroblade right into his own stomach to try and rid himself of the visions. It was a chilling spectacle but a nice primer for the slaughter, the Hapan officer mused. The Vong found these hapless cultists easy prey and swarmed in to pick off those who still had their wits about them.

Her squad would be much more tactical. "Five of you over to the ridge and into sniping positions," she barked motioning to a line of T-28 repeating sniper rifles. "The rest I want on the field using thermal detonators on any speeders or shuttles."

Confining the lightside cultists to an escape on foot would be certain death for all of them with the Vong army and the sniper bullets to catch the temple of anyone who strayed too far from the encampment perimeter.
Objective: Establish Sith dominance of the world
Allies: [member="Darth Ferus"]

It had been a long time since she had been on Ashera, ever since Taeli had been an acolyte freshly brought into the Sith. A lot had changed for her and the people of this world, she was now a Sith Lady and they had tried to break away from the yoke of Sith control. While others were busy re-establishing their temple here, and wiping out the light side cults that had sprung up after the Nether even, Taeli was accompanying a ground division in an assault against the Asheran capital.

Her soldiers had strict orders to only kill forces that fired upon them, it wouldn't do to kill civilians for no reason other than showing people the might of the One Sith. Capturing the capital would be disheartening to the defenders, and she knew a certain ally of hers was planning on dealing with the ruler that decided to rebel.

"Remember, no unnecessary deaths," she said, receiving an affirmative from her soldiers as their dropships landed on the outskirts. The ramp lowered and they charged out onto the battlefield, Taeli's lightsaber igniting and batting away enemy bolts.
Objective : Sith Dominance
Allies : [member="Darth Arcanix"]
Two by two the assassins would step out behind the Red Assassin. Having finally landed within the high end of the city, they were going right with the disguise, acting as any normal Sith Trooper would. Instantly greeted by one of the representatives of the high court. "Ah! So the glorious Sith have come once again! Our wonderious leaders await inside!" The Sith Lord would only give a nod in a response. They were here for a job, and they wouldn't be talking. At least, not yet.

Glancing down to his wrist, he would glance at his holomap attachment, nodding slowly. He wasn't the only one in the city, perfect. Arcanix was more than welcome to join in what he was going to do. Glancing up, he would eye the large doors into the palace. Reinforced. Good.

No one would be able to get out once the slaughter began.
Objective: Suppress lightside cults
Allies: [member="Reverance"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Vrag"] [member="Darell Irani"] [member="Darth Hauntruss"]


Encouraged by Matsu’s velvety laughter, a sharp contrast to the sounds of his own screaming coming from a distant part of his mind, Sage answered her softly, his tone edged with admiration.

“I had the most exquisite Muse, Mistress.”

The Acolyte was rapt with attention as he watched her add to their illusion, creating a mass of writhing flesh, a golem made of burned and rigid cadavers, a sight that thumbed its nose to humanity itself. As Matsu’s creation pounded the cultists into meat, Sage felt something dripping. There was a wetness on his face. His hand shot up, and his fingers found that rivulets of blood were draining from his nose. There was a coppery taste of his own blood on his lips. Was something breaking in his head? He quickly pushed away the concern for his physical well-being so that he could continue to pour his energy into their shared spell, but it made him wonder just how much more he could push his mental ability without bursting something.

Snapping himself back to the monster they birthed, he called upon his nightmarish time on a sailbarge for his next creation, recalling the barbed whip of a certain Hutt. Tree-trunk sized tendrils emerged from the ground, with razor like thorns scattered around their girth. The tendrils wrapped themselves around the cultists and razed them into bloody ribbons. As Matsu had predicted, it was more difficult, and almost painful to pour so much life into the dream forms that they would extinguish another’s.

The two illusionists’ dual universe was at once so horrifying and beautiful, Sage longed to explore it in ways that she warned him not to. Part of it was the desire to learn and perfect the illusions he was beginning to weave. Part of it was a genuine curiosity and a natural rebellion that clawed at the door of his self-restraint whenever he was told he couldn't have something. What made the woman hunger for blood and madness? What hidden stories lurked in the corners of the inner labyrinth? He found himself slipping through the margins of the forbidden fields in search of answers. If Matsu sensed weakness in him, she would quickly dispose of him, he was sure of it. But whether she would interpret his accidental trespassing as weak or bold, remained to be seen.
Objective: Suppress lightside cults
Allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] |[member="Vrag"] | [member="Darell Irani"] |[member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Darth Hauntruss"] | [member="Sage Bane"]
A single agent of pestilence, that is all that is required. The flap of wings, the sound of the buzz, something so quiet and in tune with the ambient noise of the world. Soon it would come and what would be that dull irritating melody of an unrelenting insect in the proximity of the ear, would soon be the consistent cacophany to drown out the screams. The warrior upon it's back led the Nuhlrokka (Nuhl) with a fiery speed, ingesting microorganisms and debris in the air to feed it's geletinous fire and bile. 450 km/hr - The insect descended into the open battlements of the lightside cult, descending upon those currently not writhing against the mentalist impacts of mothman prophecies from Matsu and Sage and the Vong currently bashing through the defenses defiantly.

As the insect skated across the ground, the shriek of it's flight heralding it's approach, Gabriel was forced to split his mind into two. One hemisphere left, one hemisphere right, as left hand gripped the back and the right hand ignited the Chom-huun. Commanded by his iron grip, the monster flew over a cult member and spun, the orange beam held above the body, to lop off head mid spin. Once again upright, the bug turned on it's ascent to once again strafe the ground with monstrous intent, and Gabriel sheathed the weapon in armor pincers upon back. Between it's arms, Nuhl dived upon a helpless victim, before flinging it's ragdoll body upwards and following the flight with movement to match. Hand free of weapon, Gabriel reached out to clench the throat of the flung individual, grip of the armor clamping down on trachea. Nuhl continued to ascend upwards as the Wrath drew the living specimen in, breathing in the fear through the faceless cognition hood.

Once satisfied, Gabriel stretched arm out to dangle the man from the body of the insect, feeling the force of up-welling air as it continued to ascend. "Tell Ashla that Reverance sends his regards..." Releasing the grip, after feeling the collapse of the trachea beneath thumb, the body would fall violently to the ground, suffering until it's last moments. Which was good, Nuhl was just about ready to set something on fire.

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Objective: Suppress Lightside Cults
Allies: [member="Sage Bane"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Hauntruss"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Reverance"]


The Sith Lord could practically feel the dark tendrils rooting themselves within the fragile minds of the cultists, their barriers were weak, their resolve wavering and just like that they would snap against the full brunt of those that were better than them. That was the confidence that Irani felt at the presence of Xiangu and her current new apprentice, he had trained her well; even if it hadn’t been him really. Things like that were complicated, so best not to think too loudly about it.

Anyway, girl needed a turret destroyed and Irani wasn’t not gonna do it, obviously. Because what could be more fun than walk up straight to a turret and flash the finger to it? Besides walking up and blasting it into the void with a BFG, yes we all know what that stands for. A blaster shot hit Darell in the chest, the yuuzhang vong cloaker whatever it was soaked the damage up, but he would still have a bruise or two in the morning.

Few things really worked against blunt damage.

Next up Irani took aim, gave it a theatrical pause and then pulled the trigger.

Everything in front of him died.


The Second Seal, broken.
Objective: Suppress Lightside Cults
Allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Reverance"] | [member="Darell Irani"] | [member="Sage Bane"] | [member="Darth Hauntruss"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"]

Anybody who had seen Vrag fight — and there had been plenty opportunity for such voyeurism, considering her penchant for war — would know that she didn't back down. There was a determination about her approach to combat, a certain… perseverance, if you will, that drove her like a battering ram into the thick of battle. She had always built upon the foundation of dueling, but her extensive experience with open warfare had allowed her to grow and branch out from her humble beginnings.

With bared teeth the Sith cleaved through the throng of the hapless enemy, red blade visiting quick death upon them — a mercy, at this point — while her left hand served to grapple her foes; necks, jaws, open mouths, eye sockets… all was fair game. The crab upon her body writhed excitedly as it bathed in the blood of the cultists, plunging sharp, chitinous legs into every expanse of naked flesh that came too close to the woman. It was entrancing, the erratic rhythm of life around her, and Vrag moved to the melody of agonal screams, dancing across the corpse-strewn floor with abandon.

Her partner did what she'd asked of him, then, and she dug in just as the explosion went off, bracing for the impact of the pyroclastic wave. Beleaguered by Matsu's creation — an undulating goliath wrought out of cadavers, mutilated and deformed beyond recognition — her enemy had nowhere left to go, and the Hand tightened her grip on the encampment, clenching her fist with a war cry. Vong and Sith alike plunged forth into the carnage, but the woman hung back, biting her bottom lip as she caught her breath.

"Irani, darling," she spoke into her oggzil, "would you go ream… I mean ram the main gate for me?" With that, her gaze fell to a particular insect — or, rather, its rider — who came to deliver death from above.

"Glad you could finally join us, Rev," the woman smirked as she spoke through her teeth, pulling out her flamethrower. "Wanna play scorched earth?"
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Saffron would get a good grip on Shil, still a bit apologetic as she would borrow his strength for balance. Granted, the turbulence was only getting stronger.

"...Reminds me of Makeb," she'd say in passing, another world where Arceneau Trade and Browncoat Arms & Industrial had heavy mining interests, with Isotope - 5 mines that were mining well before the Red Ravens took hold. Granted, right now Arceneau and the Red Ravens were working hand in hand, with Arceneau Trade opening more trade stations, warehouses, and production facilities in Red Raven Territory.

Opening a contract with the criminal organization would ensure a broader reach between the Red Ravens and bringing forth a new wash of employment and a burst in economy.

Now Arceneau Trade would do the same on Ashara. This would be just another project that Titan and Arceneau Trade were working together on. Corellia terraforming was the first, Telos Citadel Station the second.

The ship would continue its descent, moving towards their objective, Ashera drawing ever nearer. In the back of her mind, she would mull that Shil was pretty warm.

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