Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech BSGA-1

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Intent: To create a standard armor for Black Sun troops in preparation of an eventual NPC submission on them. Also because all we have is personal armor or whatever we grab.
Development Thread: nawp
Manufacturer: Black Sun
Model: Black Sun Guard Armor-1
Affiliation: Black Sun
Modularity: Minor
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Alusteel
Description: Mass produced for their soldiers in the field, the BSGA-1 is comprised of the light weight but strong alusteel capable of withstanding a few good hits. Particular attention was given to articulation points for joint protection in the roughness of a combat zone in addition to long-term comfort. Or at least making wearing it for hours on end less bad. The helmet includes night vision and thermal modes standard as well as a breath filter to protect the wearer from breathing in any poisons or toxins they may be exposed to in a combat zone. Rear pouches on the belt hold extra ammunition and there's space for two grenades on the outer thigh opposite a vibro bayonet or stun club (Soldier's choice). Typically pale blue fatigues are worn underneath to protect from grime and scrapes but they offer no more protection against attacks than normal clothing would. Another comfort to the soldier is a small hydration pack built into the curve of the back of the armor. A tube can be extended and attached to the helmet so the soldier can stay hydrated during long firefights or hot environments without exposing their head.

Classification: Anti-Blaster, Multipurpose
Weight: 20kg
Quality: 7
Other Feature(s): Comm and map system in helmet. Updates from dropship telemetry.
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