Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Broken Spirit

Ara's eyes widened as Iris closed the distance and squeezed the breath oit of her with no warning. A laugh escaped as she hugged the girl back, making sure she couldn't run off. This was an exhausting day, with tons of low points. For the both of them.

It was time to pick up a bit. For the both of them. "Anytime, paint job. Anytime. I'm here." She muttered with an odd gentlenness in her voice. She finally let go and nodded to the food. "Come on. Our food's gonna get cold." She quipped as she sat down and pulled her plate closer.

Iris did a hell of a job. Ara groaned as she bit off a healthy piece off her sandwich, her eyes closed as she sat back. "Hot damn, Iris. You knocked it outta the park." She finally spoke up after her second bite.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Food. Right.

Iris pulled away, pretty quickly turning her attention to the food and not the hug. And the food was fantastic. She didn't even need to drown it in hot sauce this time! She grinned, nodding to Ara. "I told you, Valery taught me a lot on how to cook. It's something I'm quite proud of, I'll have you know."

Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
Ara hummed with a mouthful of food as she nodded in agreement. "Hell yeah, sister! You can brag any day of the week." She commented with a wink. When any of them had something to take pride in, they didn't need to feel any shame in it. For Ara, it was now her music. For Iris, the ability to make absolutely killer meals.

"And if we're both in the mood, you can teach me how to paint. My graffiti skills are rusty as hell." She continued after a few bites. Her gaze lingered on Iris for a bit as she ate, a hint of admiration in the Zabrak's eyes. Everything was going to be okay. She had Iris to keep her spirits up, to keep her grounded like any true friend would. And Iris had her, to help her and comfort her through her nightmares and whatever else plagued her. Iris could trust her, and she could trust Iris.

What more did anyone need in the galaxy?

"Hey, Iris?" Ara spoke up. "Thanks... for everything." With one last wink she returned to her food and annihilated it with a passion.

Iris Arani Iris Arani
A few days after the gala on Coruscant

She screwed up terribly, that much was quite obvious as she walked around the temple on Coruscant. She felt crushed, defeated, and she knew that she had nobody to blame but herself. She went out of her way in a fit of jealousy to get back at Kyell and Miri... and what did it cost her?


She needed some form of comfort, a breath of air as she took a step back and looked at herself. But after the gala, Iris was hard to get a hold of. She was upset. Ara could feel it even without being close to her. It took some time to figure out where she was, but soon Ara was in a speeder looking for her apartment. When she stopped by her place, Ara had no idea on how to respond.

But she did come prepared.

She had managed to find an artsy shop along the way with a host of super good paints and a few brushes. She knew the peace offering would do little, but she hoped that it was at least somewhat of a salvageable situation. She didn't want to lose Iris too...

With a deep breath the Zabrak knocked on her door, wearing a simple oversized shirt and jeans. This wasn't Jedi business. Her last true friendship was on the line.

Iris Arani Iris Arani
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Being back in the apartment was different. After everything that happened, on Denon. At the party. With her friends, her dreams, all of it, Iris had just closed herself off. Even with Briana coming back she dove deep into her training and just didn't mingle. War was coming. Handling the drama of people and couple and friendships and whatever else didn't matter. Not to that level.

She didn't even look to the door to know someone had shown up. Who, didn't matter. Another sleepless night and her patience was at an all time low. The door clicked open as she hovered by the stove, her gaze down on whatever it was she was cooking.

"What do you want."

Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
The door opened, but instead of looking into her friend's eyes, she stared into nothing. Iris was busy by the stove which earned a blink of suprise from Ara. She was definitely angry.

"I..." She croaked, gingerly stepping into her friend's apartment with the little gift box in hand. "I wanted to come check up on you. The... we didn't get a chance to talk at the party... You looked absolutely beautiful, by the way." She offered a smile, but she knew she was in for it.

She looked down at the gift in her hands, awkwardly holding it out to Iris as she looked down at the ground. "I... I got you something. To say sorry for what happened. I was..." She tried to think of a word, to try and cover it all up or defend herself. But that wouldn't be fair. She had to own it all. The good and the bad.

"I was sick in the head, Iris." She muttered with a shake of her head. "I was so jealous that I didn't think about you, or Master Valery, or anyone else... And I'm sorry for that." She set the gift on the counter and stepped up to wrap her arms around Iris in a tight embrace. "It was your day and I ruined it. I am sorry, Iris." She continued in her desperate endeavour to make things right.

Iris Arani Iris Arani
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For a couple seconds, Iris froze. Ara. It was Ara. She didn't even think who it was but it was Ara of all people who'd come by. She stayed where she was, back to Ara. Focused on the food she was cooking. She listened, but she didn't respond. What could she say? She'd been thrown from a train by a fallen Padawan. One that she brought back to the Jedi. To help her. She saw the darkness that toyed with the Padawan's mind.

But Ara, Ara didn't have that shadow. That unnatural darkness. She was just jealous! Angry! That was her excuse?

The colors swirled around Iris. A cascade of darkening hues. She was angry. So angry. But that was okay, right? The cupboards around her flew open before she took a breath to try and calm her mind.

"It wasn't my day. It was a day for all Jedi. What you did affected everyone! During the ceremony! When Amani was getting recognized! Why? Because you were jealous!? You already shot him and you told me how wrong that felt, so I let it go. But then you beat her face into a counter! What the hell is wrong with you!?"

Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
Ara didn't need Iris' talent, or an acute perception of the Force, to feel or see just how angry the Keshian was. It was surreal, to see her in such distress, to feel such an emotion from her friend. But when every door around them burst open, Ara let go of her immediately and took a step or two away to give her space. Her eyes lingered on the doors before Iris spoke up.

She had no excuses. No reasoning for what she did. For several long seconds, Ara stood behind Iris with empty eyes stuck to the floor. The guilt welled up in her as she listened to Iris, her shoulders sinking with her heart as low as they could go.

"I don't know..." She muttered, unable to look at Iris. "I thought I had it figured out... I thought I knew myself... I don't know anymore." She answered truthfully, finally able to look at her friend again. "... I am sorry, Iris. Let me make it up to you. I'll take you anywhere you wanna go, I-I'll do... anything you want or need. Let me make it up to you. Please? Anything you want or need." She tried once more, taking a step closer to lay a gentle hand on her scarred shoulder. "I wanna make it up to you." She muttered, her shaking hand giving an uncharacteristically timid squeeze.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"You want to- Do you even hear yourself!? You want to make it up to me!? For what, cleaning up the girl you who's head you cracked on a bar? I'm not the one you need to apologize to! Not the one you need to make amends for!! Don't-" Ara reached out, but her hand wouldn't reach Iris. An invisible barrier formed between them, to keep the Zabrak away. To keep Iris away from the Zabrak.

"Don't come apologizing to me. You want to make it up to me? Be the Jedi I thought you wanted to be and go apologize to her."

Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
Ara blinked as her hand was halted from touching Iris, the realization quickly dawning on her of what she was doing. She took a step back again, hands held in her lap like a child getting scolded by a parent. "I will..." She blurted out involuntarily, only thinking of the prospect afterwards.

Apologize. To Miri, to Amani... to Kyell... to all of them. Amani was the easiest, the Mirialan never did anything wrong. But the others? She swallowed hard on Iris' words as she looked away. It was too late now, she already said it. But talk was cheap. She thought she understood what it meant... being on the receiving end of that statement was a different matter entirely. Despite all of her guilt and humility, the prospect of saying sorry to Kyell and Miri still stung like alcohol on an open wound. She realized her mistake as she mulled over her thoughts. Iris would be able to see it all.

"I will, just..." She swallowed her words as she looked to the door. She was overstaying her welcome. "I just wanted to make right with you..." She muttered, biting her lip as she winced at her words. Talk was cheap.

She turned towards the door, wanting to leave but also wanting to stay. To keep trying in hopes of getting through to Iris. "The... the present is on the counter." She managed to choke out awkwardly as she made her way to the door. "I'm sorry, Iris..." She muttered one last time as she spared a glance at her friend.

With a heavy hand she opened the door and drifted out of her apartment like a ghost, her throat tight and her eyes tearing up.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Iris didn't turn. Couldn't. She was so upset. So angry. Seeing Ara would only make it all worse. So much worse. She said nothing else. She didn't even dare to breath until Ara stepped out. Then, only then, she collapsed onto herself and pulled her knees to her chest. She was tired. So tired. It'd be a while before the Padawan got up and dried her face. Only to look at the gift on the counter.

Fresh tears stained her cheeks as she hugged the art supplies to her chest.

Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan

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