Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Become One With All Things
Ryv maintained his silence after he last spoke. While he supported Wyatt's desire to take the crystal and bring them aboard Peace, the kiffar couldn't help but empathize with Lisza's point of view on the matter. While the Jedi used the various crystals to power their weapons, it made sense to use them elsewhere. One crystal could keep a lightsaber powered infinitely as far as he knew, given his never shut off unless he deactivated it himself. A city powered by such crystals could likely cut costs across the board while maintaining a much safer energy source as well. Fortunately, the duo appeared to be coming to some semblance of an agreement. Ryv just kept the smile on his face and slipped his hands into his pockets. He allowed his gaze to drift from the two of them and fall on a group of medics treating a prisoner in worse condition than most.

It appeared as if this particular person took a bolt to the abdomen. Ryv couldn't guess from his position whether or not it hit anything lethal, but he could tell that a majority of the flesh had seared over, scarring the outer layer of the man's skin. Unconsciously, the kiffar reached beneath his jacket and scratched at a similar scar running across the side of his body. That sort of pain wasn't something you forget—the feeling of a thudding impact before searing heat and melting flesh. Nothing about it made the padawan feel good. With a shake of his head, Ryv turned his attention back to Lisza and Wyatt.

"I'd love to meet some of the Jedi of the Green Order. I haven't really heard of them before moving into Peace."

Lisza's shoulders sagged in relief. While she had great respect for the Jedi and understood their importance for Galactic stability, many tended to think of themselves and their causes as more important than the governments and people they swore to protect and so talking with them about anything Force related often ended in headache. This Wyatt though seemed to be the agreeable sort. She smiled at the two and reached out to shake Wyatt's hand.

"The Republic thanks the Jedi again for all its done. I wish more people still had their faith in you all." She turned to face the younger Padawan with a practiced motherly look despite her not having any children of her own. "I'm sure Master Morteg or his Padawan would love to meet you and show you around Coronet City. Its our bright Green Jewel." Turning back to face Wyatt again she offered him a reassuring look.

"Don't worry about expenses. I'll come up with the funding to aid the Jedi in the Senate. I may not be a Senator but I am the Diktat of Corellia. The Jedi like Padawan Ryv who will be staying with us at the Saber will be well taken care of. You have my word Master Morga."

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Ryv Ryv
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A Light Shining in Darkness
I appreciate that, Miss Starseeker.”, Wyatt reassured.​
I want to at least thank you for this opportunity; the Jedi will do all we can to make sure these Kyber Crystals don’t cause any further issues - You have my word on that.”, the Jedi Master offered with a quick nod before glancing back towards the others - where someone had managed to drop one of the crystals.​
With that, I must depart for a bit. If you need anything, let me know.”​
And with a squeeze of Ryv’s shoulder, he moved on to help the others who struggled with the overwhelming sensation of darkness.​

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