Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bright, Mildly Shocking, and Show-Stopping!

So, some forms of Force-constructed energy only worked against organics, and others only worked against non-organic constructs, such as droids. Furthermore, there was some sort of colour-coding system at work, here. A half of a smile moved one side of his lips upward a titch. Force Stun for droids? That he could understand! Their prior lesson had covered the 'Stun' ability, and while the two things were not exactly alike, the results could be similar, he supposed.

"Aye, an' a lovely shade it is."

His eyes moved to [member="Kira Liadain"]'s face again.

"What sort'f bad day ken this give a droid, an' how bad ken it get?"

He didn't know a whole lot about the inner workings of droids, so he had no reference point to deduce what a bad day might mean.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Jannik Morlandt"]

That's when a devlish light would flare in her eyes. "Oh... enough to completely destroy it." she'd say.

"It comes in varying degrees, with the first level of power being used to simply stun a droid. It only does a minimum amount of damage to a droid's circuits and it is focused more on stunning the machine for a short while... sometimes no more than six seconds. It is pretty easy to resist. Honestly it is usually only effective against non-combat models, but nearly always causes small devices like mines to explode."

She'd close her hand, the purple arcs disappearing. That's when she'd start to slide the satchel she'd been carrying in her back. " A bit more omph will get you the ability to disable a droid by causing some amounts of damage to the wiring and circuitry of the machine.

Also you get the potential ability of it "hopping" from one droid to another within a certain area of the originally targeted droid." She'd continue as she'd dig through the satchel, finally giving a small sound of triumph. From the bag she'd pull out a small lightsaber training droid. Activating with a few presses of a button, it would soon activate and rise from her palms in a small hoovering action.

"Finally... if you go all out. You are able to destroy a droid with this. The energy could effectively destroy many droids at once, especially if they are standing within a close proximity to the single droid target. While we aren't talking a one shot kill... it can cause major damage to circuitry that can destroy it."
[member="Kira Liadain"]

“A’right, then,” said he, eyeing the spherical little training droid. While most Jedi had their initial experiences with a lightsaber in the company of this droid, he’d been subjected to a hefty ball and chain that he’d barely been able to escape with each attempted strike, by the grace of the Force and the primary gift it had granted him - precognition. “Ah ‘aven’t gotten any whiff o’droid armies coming tae slaughter us all, but ye never know whar ah might end up…”

He trailed off into a little smile, glancing again at Kira, remembering the particular details of the energy that was used here, and drew mental comparisons to their lesson in Force Stun, and… one time when a piece of equipment from his time in that little band gave him a little shock. It was rare to forget such surprising things as that, and though it wasn’t something he gave much consideration to, Jannik Morlandt remembered a great deal more than he might know. That experience might be a help, here. He looked up to the droid, again.

“So, ye little blighter,” he said, pulling on the Force in the same manner he just had for the first two skills he had learned this day. The seer held up a hand, feeling the lightly biting crackle of that faint mint cream at his fingertips, and with another moment sought to augment in accordance with his remembrance of the feel of the energy of that little electrical shock, altered the energy hopping tiny at the ends of his fingers to the nipping violet needed. “ah'm sorry t'ave tae do this t'ye..."

Then with a further gathering of the right turn of energy, he pointed it to the droid with a forward and upward jab of his hand. A zap of purple lunged at the little droid, and the droid veered left in an attempt to dodge, but one little tendril caught the floating little sphere, seeming to give it pause, before it dropped out of the air, falling for a half a moment...

...until it struggled to pull itself up and succeeded in getting level. If the droid had eyes, it might have been that it gave Jan a death glare before it shot a little stun bolt at him, in an approximation of indignance.

"Oi!" The dark-haired padawan jumped, lightly rubbing the upper of his left arm as he looked to Kira, grimacing, "y'wee droid 'as a dreadful work ethic, lass."

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
A burst of bubbling rambunctious laughter would follow suit, the young blonde Jedi Master clutching her belly as her shoulders shook. Tears would smart her eyes, and she'd wave a hand as if saying 'I'm okay, i'm okay!'...

Only to start laughing all over again.

Pearly white teeth would flash at his direction, her hand coming up to brush the wayward strands of blonde hair away from her face. Her eyes were bright with impish delight, and she couldn't help but waggle her eyebrows.

"D'aw, he's just keeping you on your toes, that's all." she'd say with a soft chuckle, her hand extended out tot he small hover droid, palm up. The Force would surge through the young blonde, electronic manipulation soothing over the droid's supposed ire. A ghost in the machine perhaps? Either way, it was the first step into mechu deru, a bit too advanced for her to teach Jannik, but perhaps in another time.

"You're doing good there, kiddo." she'd tell him, "Picking up fast." she'd shoot him a flashing grin, "Alright, let's try to disable him.. no worries... I know how to get him back his pep."
"Well, ye cannae say me life is dull," he deadpanned, a lightly entertained smile pulled onto his face after the grimace that came from her laughter at his expense - in the end, he couldn't help but laugh, himself, "def'nitely not with ye around, [member="Kira Liadain"]."

That is to say, the training droid wasn't the only one that kept him on his toes. Now, on to doing more to the droid; not really revenge, but it could vaguely be construed as such if this wasn't all in the context of training, and the most important fact was that Jan was not one to be possessed of feelings of vengeance.

"An' realistically, 'twas prob'ly just a temporary malfunction on th'part o'me..." and he held up the 'guilty' hand, waggling his fingers, "...ah dinna think tha' such wee droids 'ave th'space in their wee selves for an attitude."

Or so he thought? At any rate, some very small part of him hoped the little training droid didn't take that the wrong way.

"So a wee bit more 'oomph' should do it, aye?"

He gave a little nod to himself, the question being largely rhetorical, and brought forth the needed variety of energy again, this time directly, drawing harder on the Force to give him more in strength to put forth in this attack. It was only then that he really noticed the wear so much use of the Force in such a short span of time was having on him. The endorphins from having what was all-in-all a good time throughout this session had obscured the wear all this practical experience had on what was still a not-very-strong 'muscle'... but he could still do this, even if he felt a little sore in some strange way. Violet energy nibbled a little less softly at his fingers than the first attempt (an indication of the increased strength, perhaps?), he looked to the droid with a mischievous grin that really couldn't be helped and gave the small droid a hearty jolt with the release of the momentarily pent-up ionized energy.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
A strong hearty jolt it was! It was only Kira's quick movements that prompted the Lorrdian to catch the fizzled droid in her hands.

"Ouch!" came her slight exclamation, wincing a bit as she'd shake her slightly seared fingers from her right hand. She did so with a laugh, grinning at him.

"Well, you certainly do pick up things fast there Speedy Rontalez," she'd joke with a quip. A wiggle of her nose and crooked smile would dart over at the scruffy faced male with an encouraging tone.

"Just might end up teaching me things soon, enough," she'd joke, returning her focus to the small training droid. It just needed a quick pick me up, a recharge of it's systems, a bit of manipulation on her end.

"Not too shabby." Kira would nod. "Not to shabby at all." a few more bits of concentrated Force energy, and that would do.

"Well the next step is destroying a droid... but that really is just an extra amount of power to fry its circuits. Managing your power output can help you figure out that." she'd wag a finger in emphasis of another thought. "Master Klen Jo has some fighter droids he's been tinkering in with. Something about the potential of using them not only to train, but to determine the best methods to counter them. You can probably talk to him to help you practice what I taught you." dark blonde brows would perk.

"Any questions?"
[member="Kira Liadain"]

He laughed too, though surprise streaked his face at what was not the first mention of how quickly he picked some things up. What did that mean? It was almost concerning, because there was further truth: some things felt a little easier than he thought they should for first or second attempts, from what he knew. He supposed he shouldn't worry about it too much, and could probably put it down to having a knack... but how much was that really applicable, when it wasn't just one thing? It was enough to jot down some thoughts about, later, but nothing really pressing enough to ask about. It was probably nothing.

"Ah guess ah'm just like a fish in water," he said, finally, flashing her a grin, then lightly shaking his head, "No, no questions, except perhaps, well..."

His brow creased, slightly.

" much time do we have? Ah could go for a bite tae eat, as all this 'as worked up an appetite, an' ah'd like t'hae a look around. If that's a'right. If there's nothing else?"

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
Oh one did not have to say it twice to the petite Lorrdian Master when it came to food. Her eyes lit up as bright as a summer sky, a grin drawing up over her lips.

"Well... I do know a good place we can hunker down and eat." she began to gather up all of their things, carefully sliding it into her satchel for proper storage. It was clear she took her small bit of possessions, whether they belonged to the Order or not, with care.

"Ever had Rodian spaghetti and meatballs?" she'd ask over her shoulder, blowing a puff of hot hair up to push her bangs out of her face.

"They are actually quite delicious... if you don't question what is in the sauce," came her twinkling eyes of devilry. With that, she'd give a laugh, securing her bag on to her back a second later.

"Come on. Let's eat."

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