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Bright Lights, Bigger City [Open Club Thread]

[member="Enyo Typhos"]

A low, smooth chuckle slipped past ruby lips at Enyo’s quip. “I’m used to it, darling.” She could feel the cyborg’s eyes on her—that, or she just assumed she was being checked out—and continue to walk, hips swaying just enough to be considered a little risqué. That would change of course, as they ascended the stairs and disappeared into Joza’s office.


“Huh?” Bianca cocked her head to the side, a little confused at what was going on. Was [member="Connor Harrison"] making fun of sick people? That didn’t sound right. When he indicated that the club was too loud, her head bobbed back and forth in a nod of agreement.

He looked like he was about to leave, turning suddenly and gazing over at a woman who was currently being chatted up. Bianca’s gaze followed Connor’s to [member="Irajah Ven"], shaking her head in solace for the woman who’s been hit on more times than a skimpy Zeltron waitress tonight.

Still, she looked surprised when Connor wrapped an arm around her waist and leaned in. The change of heart had caught her off guard when he seemed intent on leaving just a few minutes ago, but she shrugged it off. “Sure,” She agreed, pointed over to the good doctor. “Do you know her?”

If she had to guess, ex-lovers of some sort—or he was an admirer. Trying to make her jealous, maybe?
[member="Joza Perl"]

Once they were in the office away from prying and in some cases rather leecherous eyes, Enyo visibly relaxed. It had probably been blatantly obvious that she'd been checking Joza out on the way up the stairs. Once they were alone, the clone grew bold. Stepping forward, she pulled Joza around to face her. Metal arms slipped around her back and equally metallic fingers ran down her spine, tracing a line to her butt. Apparently she was just as fond of grabbing it as Siobhan.

The kiss that soon followed was clumsy, but enthusiastic and more self-assured. While laying claim to the pink lady's lips, she would lift her up, as if she weighed nothing. Should Joza allow that to happen of course.
Irajah returned his smile with a brilliant one of her own. Leaning over, she shook his hand in return.

"Irajah," she supplied.

The bartender arched an eyebrow- after all, if the whiskey hadn't been hers, then what would she like?

"Surprise me," she said with a laugh. She was going to salvage *something* out of this weird night if she could.

Something picked at the very edge of her attention. The bar was loud, the music louder, but for a moment, she thought she heard someone say her name. She looked around, confused for a moment- her height, even perched on the railing beneath the bar, combined with the crowd meant that she find [member="Connor Harrison"]. It would have surprised her enormously to see him here. Unable to find the source of the call, she frowned ever so slightly and then-

She blinked. Just a flash, a familiar face, arm around someone. But it disappeared into the crowd a moment later.

"Sorry Garith," she said, turning back. "Music's so loud! I thought I heard something. Well, besides the rest of the din," she continued with a chuckle before glancing over her shoulder again.

"How do you like the club?"

[member="Garith Darkhold JR"] [member="Joza Perl"]
Leaning in to listen to Bianca, but eyes forward where he had seen [member="Irajah Ven"] stand with others, Connor shook his head. Did she see him? He wished he hadn’t have seen her now of all places. The crowds weren’t helping as the mingled back and forward, carrying drinks, carrying each other.

What was he even doing here? What was he looking for?

"I think so – yes, I know her. Been a while."

It had been a while, and something had never been put to rest in his head.

"Excuse me," he said into her ear.

Connor sidled away up the way she came from the bar, edging past the bodies, a few gentle nudges and “excuse me’s”. At the bar, he leant over and signalled the bartender, waving over with a finger, then two, then a whole hand to get their attention.

"Can you do me a favour?" He shouted, leaning over and pulling out a card from his side pocket which had his com signal printed and his address in Avalonia, an apartment where boxes still remained unopened from months ago. "Can you give this to her?"

He pointed his arm down the bar where the Doctor stood with another group.

"Dark haired woman. Irajah Ven. Doctor Ven. Okay?"

Connor nodded at the bartender and pushed back, swaying a little and edging back to Bianca.

"Fresh air will be good – too noisy. Too crowded!"

He cast another quick glance over his shoulder, and placed a hand on the small of Bianca’s back to lead her forward past the dancing throngs of Zeltrons, humans and other beings.

[member="Joza Perl"]
“Mm~oh!” Joza mumbled, laughing a little into the kiss as a pair of metallic arms wrapped around her and lifted her with little effort. Most women typically didn’t do that, and while Enyo wasn’t petite, she wasn’t overtly muscular either so it came as a bit of a surprise. Considering the enhanced strength that came with her own prosthesis, it really shouldn’t have caught her off guard—but then again, sometime surprises were nice.

Joza’s own inorganic hand wove its way into brunette locks, fingers curling around her roots and nails scratching affectionately at her scalp. “Someone’s a fast learner.” She was clearly pleased with the way she muttered, head dipping to press short kisses along her neck and collar.


Bianca watched the scenario passively, a little off her mental balance due to the drinks and atmosphere, but still managing alright. As [member="Connor Harrison"] returned to her side and began to lead her though the crowd and towards the exit, Bianca raised her voice over the booming music. “Did you just give that woman your number or something?” She sounded a little amused, violet eyes glancing back towards the direction of Dr. Ven.
She smiled, good…

Garith’s hand shake was confident, yet gentle. He did not squeeze nor was his grip weak.

Before Garith could even responded[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][member="Irajah Ven"] started looking around the night club. She looked confused, Garith felt confused. It was a confusing moment.

Then her next response was less confusing. She turned back around and apologized.

“I do not have anything to compare it to”, Garith started to answer Irajah’s question. “The people seem friendly. I suppose I like it. It is certainly better then someone waving another red glow stick at me. Irajah are you finding this establishment to your liking?”

While Garith was speaking the bartender slid a tall slender glass in front of Irajah. There was ice and some clear green liquid inside.

It contents were…
1 part vodka
1 part apple pie schnapps
1 part apple juice

It was almost like having dessert in a glass.
[member="Joza Perl"]

Enyo was probably a lot more, for want of a better word, butch than Siobhan. Joza might have also noticed that the clone was a good deal taller than her mirror. This would undoubtedly annoy Siobhan a lot, since the Lady had a thing about her height. Regardless, Joza could enjoy the cold embrace of strong metal arms. One cybernetic hand rubbed across her back.

Enyo sighed slightly, feelings of contenement radiating from her when the Zeltron's nails scratched her scalp and her lips planted gentle kisses along her neck. "I like kissing you," the clone spoke, before stealing a kiss from those lovely. "Can you want to go further?" she queried shyly. Consent was an important word, after all.
"It's definately a singular experience, at least for me!" She agreed with a laugh. She'd never been anywhere quite like this either.

"Jury's still out on if it's someplace I'd come again," she admitted, the corners of her eyes crinkling as she smiled. "But it's certainly lively, isn't it? And the evening has been, well..... interesting I suppose is the word I'd use- Oh, this is *really good.*"

​She'd just taken a sip of the drink, and while her lips puckered ever so slightly, the sweet washed in a moment later. Perfectly to her tastes (sweet, maybe a touch over the top), she raised the glass to [member="Garith Darkhold JR"] in appreciation.

"Here, you should try this."

The bartender tapped a card on the counter beside her elbow and she looked at it, then up at him with surprise.

"I thought we threw that out earlier?" She said, amused but a little dry.

"We did. This one's different. You're Doctor Ven?"

Irajah blinked in surprise and nodded, accepting the card. Frowning every so slightly, hazel eyes scanned the slip. Her head whipped up, dark curls bouncing around her face as she stood up fully and looked around again. She caught the violet gaze of Bianca, just as he was turning to face forward again. If she hadn't been holding a card with his name on it, she wouldn't have necessarily recognized the back of [member="Connor Harrison"]'s head in such a crush of people.

Neither of them had been at their best, the last time they had met. In truth, she had been in poor condition to accept the help or friendship he had offered then.

They had lost touch, after that day on Maena. Not that it was a surprise. With how she had reacted. She'd been deeply broken, barely keeping her head above water. Now?

A lot had changed.

She pocketed the card. He was with someone, she wouldn't chase him down. But she would contact him. There was much to say.

Turning back to Garith, she smiled. "So, do you like it?" she asked, referring to the drink.

[member="Joza Perl"]
Leaning in again, Connor didn't even know what he had done, or in what context. He had given [member="Irajah Ven"] his number, but was it like that...? Did he...? She probably hadn't even accepted. What a state it had been on Maena. Even before, he hadn't made good on his word. As with everything, all the good things fell away.

"Well, yes, but...I don't think she sees it that way, I don't...I don't know."

He shook his head and forced a laugh, guiding her, with one more glance back, and headed through the bodies to the door, held open with a nod by a burly Gran bouncer.

"I sort of know her. She fixed me up when I was broken."

How apt - broken once and now near broken again. The air was humid outside, and there was a horrid ringing in his ears, but he could hear - just. The music pulsed inside the club, laughter and shouts echoed around the streets from those leaving on a high, and the lights flashed from the neon signs. Connor turned to Bianca and fished in his tunic pocket for some credits.

"Here," he sighed, "take this and be sure to find a safe way home tonight, ok? Get a cab. Don't walk."

It wasn't fair on the girl to have to contend with Connor in this state. How he would love to experience that feeling of not caring and just being...spontaneous, as many people had told him to be over the years. At one point he would have done, but if he did it once, would there be a way back from doing it again and again...?

He looked at her, hand on her arm.

"It's a dangerous place, out there. Be sure to take care of yourself. Don't...don't waste your life with anything or anyone not worth it...ok? You can have it all if you want. To hell with them trying to put you down." He nodded to himself. "Tell me where you work, Bianca the Zeltron, and I will come for dinner one day when I'm not in this state. Look at me. What a...mess."

[member="Joza Perl"]
His eyes slightly widened in mild surprise. To casually share a drink with anyone was outside his experience. Garith’s checks turned a soft rose color.
It may have seemed whimsical of the Alderaanian Prince but he took the offering. Wow, there was a sudden realization he was doing something wrong. There was a stark contrast to what he was drinking before and this drink he just tasted.

Irajah was still in the middle of conversation with the bar tender, so he placed the drink upon the bar in-between them. He then waited to respond to where they had left off.

Just, wow, he answered [member="Irajah Ven"] question. “I never knew alcoholic drinks could taste like that. Of course I’ve only consumed alcohol on two separate occasions. So when I ordered tonight, I just asked for my father’s favorite drink. That drink whatever it is called, taste far better than Corellian Whiskey straight up”, Garith just laughed.

‘Maybe it was the harshness of whiskey my father enjoys’, he thought privately…

“I wanted to thank you Irajah”, Garith said with a gentle smile. “I had been faced with a little uncertainty before I came into the Blush tonight. Through our conversation I have clarity. I think I came here because of my father. As difficult as he is I miss him. I miss my mother and siblings as well. After tonight I have an opportunity to change that though. I’m after this time they may feel the same.”

“Are you close to your family Irajah”, wishing to keep the conversation going Garith asked.
​She clapped her hands together once, delighted by his response. Irajah loved sharing what she was experiencing with other people, and it pleased her when it was enjoyed. When he said Correllian Whiskey, she made a face before laughing.

"Well, that's definitely your problem," she chuckled. "There's a whole load of much tastier options. Hey, can you make my friend here one of those ridiculous pink things you made me earlier?" She addressed the last part to the bartender who nodded with a grin.

She paused, then added, "But maybe not as strong as you made mine?" She glanced back at [member="Garith Darkhold JR"] with a smile. "If you don't drink often, I'm not going to get you drunk."

Finally slipping up to perch on the barstool, she reclaimed her drink, stirring it absently, before taking another sip. The brightness of her smile faded ever so slightly around the edges, and there was a certain wistfulness in her tone when she answered him.

"Well, I'm not sure what I did, but you're welcome," she murmured. "And yes- if you have the chance to reconnect with your family, well, there's no time like the present to do it. It's not something that's worth waiting on. Family's important."

Indeed, Irajah's had been incredibly important, to her. She shook her head at his question.

"Just me now, I'm afraid," she said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

The bartender deposited an aggressively pink drink beside Garith, and it was as good an opportunity as any to change the subject.

"I have no idea what's in that one," she said, deliberately injecting cheer back into her voice. "But I think you'll like it."
Pink, it seemed an interesting color for a drink. Garith certainly had no objections to trying it.

He could sense something. Garith was not disconnected. He was sympathetic to how others feelings. Irajah’s general physical demeanor confirmed her discomfort on the topic of family. He was defiantly not going to force the young lady to stay upon the subject.

“There is only one way to find out”, he reached and picked the drink. It tasted, well he had nothing to compare it to. “It tastes good”, so he thought. “It is deceptive though. The last two drinks”, he hoped to reiterate his point. “I can easily see how people can easily get drunk quickly off these types of drinks. It is hard to gauge how much alcohol you have just consumed.”

Garith was curious, “We have tried a green drink and a pink one. Irajah, should we sample another one of a different color?”

[member="Irajah Ven"]
Pondering. Nothing inside of his head of imagination but the drink sitting in front of him. The site of his best friend dying in that space station... It changed him. He took his last sip of his drink forcing himself not to cry. His eyes were so flooded with tears earlier that is eyes appeared to be burnt. His skin tingled as the thought of his best friend curled around his thoughts like an ever changing bush.
"Hey, do you want a refill?"
"No thanks... Give me a shot of Alderann Twist..."
"Uh.. sure?" The bartender walked to the back, pulling out the Alderann Twist, and bringing a small shot glass back to Craig.
"Thanks..." Craig took a sip and instantly felt the buzz. His thoughts were gone completely and he approached the dance floor. He began dancing with a Twi'lek lady. He was finally normal, or so he thought.
This wasn’t exactly where Joza imagined she and [member="Enyo Typhos"] would end up given the woman’s rigid demeanor and murderous stare when they’d first met only a short while ago, but she wasn’t about to start asking questions. Clearly there was more to the cyborg than met the eye.

Ruby lips couldn’t help but part into a little grin, amusement dancing in those green eyes as she carefully observed Enyo. “I would like to.” She spoke carefully as her fingers slowly looped through Enyo’s hair, gliding downwards. “Only if you’re comfortable with it. We can do as much or as little as you’d like.”


“Huh?” Bianca looked absolutely confused as [member="Connor Harrison"] handed her a stack of credits. “What for? The night is still young.” The Zeltron thought that she was getting laid, or that maybe he wanted to go outside for a smoke. Perhaps a bit nervously, she glanced back over to the entrance of the club. “My friends are still inside—I’m not leaving them. We came here together!” There was a reason women typically moved in packs at places like this.

“No one is putting me down…I don’t…are you drunk?” The man’s behavior didn’t exactly add up, and Bianca’s brows scrunched together as she looked him over once again. She could have sworn she mentioned that she worked at Blush. “I work here, at the club. Look, you’ve been very nice to me, but I can’t accept this.” She held the credits out to him, an earnest look in her eyes. “If you’d like to come back to the club sometime, we can talk more then. But I’m going to go back inside, okay? Make sure you get back to wherever your'e staying safely. This isn't the safest part of Zeltros.”
[member="Joza Perl"]

In the light of what would happen to Enyo, her moment with Joza was both sweet and rather sad. Soon she would not just be thoroughly brainwashed again. No, Archangel would go further by putting her brain in a jar and stuffing into a metal shell that would be her cage.

Conditioning brought to its pinnacle. No sense of pain - or of pleasure. Technically dead...yet with a brain that continued to live, but forever dependent on electronics to survive. With no escape, save the embrace of Death. Perhaps, one day, the kindness the Zeltron had shown her would help the clone break free. Maybe.

"I' to go further," she said shyly, flushing a bit. Slowly, she turned around. Presumably there was a bed nearby. Siobhan would have probably been happy to...initiate things on the desk, but her clone was a lot more straight-laced. "I think it is best if you're, uh, on top. I may accidentally hurt you otherwise when I'm...excited," she admitted a bit sheepishly.
Irajah smiled, clearly delighted.

"Mhmm, have to be careful with these," she said, leaning over to take a sip of the aggressively pink monstrosity herself. She glanced over and made a 'ok' sign with her fingers at the bartender. Just as good as the first one.

Sitting back, she rested one elbow against the bar.

"I am entirely certain the bartender here could make us something in any colour of the rainbow," she said with a laugh.

Despite the fact that she was clearly with an inexperienced drinker, she wasn't going to mother him, or caution him further. He was an adult, and that wasn't her job.

"Actually, I could make you a drink in every colour of the rainbow," the bartender piped up.

Irajah looked dubious. "You mix all those colours, you get mud, my friend."

He grinned at both of them and started pulling out supplies.

[member="Garith Darkhold JR"]
The flush looked pretty on her, bringing a slow smile to curve Joza’s lips. “Alright then,” The sultry tone was muted in place of something more friendly and gentle. Enyo was eager, but inexperienced. The last thing she wanted was for the cyborg to have a nerve-wracking, dissatisfying experience.

She didn’t exactly seem willing to go further against the desk, so Joza’s hand drifted from the woman’ brunette mane down to her hand where she grasped gently, tugging her towards the far end of the room where there was another door. Upon being opened, it would reveal a decently sized living area—yes, complete with a bed. Before the purchase of her home on Zeltros, this was where she stayed while planetside for business or other engagements. “Of course.” She murmured, looking back at Enyo presumably if she decided to follow. “We’ll take things slow, then. And I’ll let you know if you start to hurt me.” There was a flicker of amusement in the Zeltron’s gaze as she spoke.


[member="Joza Perl"]

"Ok," Enyo smiled a bit bashfully, following her into the decently sized room that conveniently had a bed inside it. Joza's words caused a thin smile to form upon her lips. "Come," she guided the Zeltron to the bed and turned around to give her a gentle kiss.

Then Enyo sat down upon the bed. Presumably the fact that she...weighed quite a bit more than due to her phrik limbs did not cause any issues. So she pulled Joza down so that the pink woman would be on top of her. Their lips met and, well, the scene faded to black. Use your imagination, dear reader. One can imagine that Enyo was inexperienced and more than a little clumsy, but enthusiastic. Besides, she had a good teacher.

So after the curtain was lifted, we would find the two ladies resting in the aforementioned bed. Enyo had snuggled up close to Joza, stroking her red hair. The clone felt happy, content and all sorts of other fuzzy stuff. Above all, she felt at peace. It was an unfamiliar feeling. Then she felt a strong buzzing inside her skull.
Garith was certainly feeling more relaxed. Inexperienced in these things he had just assumed it was his company. Realty was the alcohol was starting have an effect.

‘Every color of the rainbow’, Garith thought but all he said was, “What!”

“Is he really”, Garith asked finding more words other then what.

“Is this really legal”, Garith asked rhetorically. The bar tender was still mixing the drink so it had to be legal, right?

“Here it is”, the bar tender slid the drink in front of Garith and [member="Irajah Ven"] .

Looking over to Irajah and shrugged his shoulders, “I guess it is!”

Taking a drink Garith was actually surprised. It did not taste that bad. Whatever the bar keep had mixed together it worked, every single color. It just…

“Wow”, Garith blinked several times. “It tastes alright”, Garith laughed, “But it defiantly has a potent after kick. I just do not how to describe it any other way.”

Garith slid the drink over to Irajah. “If you do not wish to try it, I will understand”, he honestly was not going to hold against her if she did not take a taste.
Connor rubbed the bridge of his nose. Of course she did…had she? He thought…

"Sorry – I thought you meant you worked at another club…not here. Sorry." He shook his head and sharply inhaled, blinking. "Drunk? No. Maybe a little. I don’t drink much…safe to say it’s been a hell of a week."

He stepped forward and gently touched Bianca’s arm.

"Hey, no listen, I’ll come back tomorrow or…whenever. Talk more. I’m sorry, not the best company I know, but you’ve been great. You’re really nice. I hope you have a nice night but don’t talk to any strange men, ok?"

With a grin, he let go and stepped back, holding his hands up.

"Well, bar me, of course."

He gave her a little salute.

"Thank you for making me smile, Bianca my dear!" Connor turned and looked around, and frowned. "Now where the hell even am I…?"

[member="Joza Perl"]

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