Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Appearance: Public
Name of Sender: Dayne Gehnt
Description: Hello, my name is Dayne Gehnt.
I am the leader of KOTU.
Recently,we captured a prisoner who was trying to enslave a merchant.
He recently escaped his holding cell, and our informants tell us he is in Coruscant.
We do not know where, but we know he frequents a bar named Ladanas.
Most of my troops are being trained, and my companion is currently having repairs performed.
If you could help me, please meet me behind the bar at 11:30 PM on Thursday.
Prize: 100 credits​
Reputation with KOTU​

2-1B 35

A Medical Droid named 2-1B 35 walked into the bar and saw Dayne. He sat down next to Dayne and introduced himself.

"I'm 2-1B 35, but you can call me Tulane if you'd like. I hear you have a bounty, I'm interested."
"No, not a bounty. I fight bounty hunters. He escaped from my prison. He comes here often around this time. He looks like this"


[member="2-1B 35"]

2-1B 35

2-1B 35 picked up the image.

"Ahh, I see. Anyway I'm still interested. How long do I have to get him? And are you coming with me or am I alone on this mission?"
Dayne waves over a bartender "He frequents here a lot. We will wait here for him, then follow him when he leaves. We go until he gets into a dark place, and take him out. I'm not looking to take him back alive; I want him dead." A bartender walks over, and Dayne orders a drink.

[member="2-1B 35"]
Nyicon is sitting at the bar, not too far away from the man and the Droid. He had heard the transmission come in earlier, his interest piqued at the opportunity to make a little extra money on the side. He looks down the bar towards the two, holding a drink in his hand.
"I understand you're looking to fetch an escaped prisoner? Are you seeking any extra help, by chance?"
[member="Dayne Gehnt"]
[member="2-1B 35"]
"Yes. You see that man with the beard sitting with those bounty hunters over there? I'm going to take them out with the help of this droid. Sit here with us, and wait until they leave. Once they leave, distract the bounty hunters and kill them. Think you're up to that?"

[member="Nyicon Sadachbian"]

2-1B 35

2-1B 35 piped up

"Which haven't, I mean they're bounty hunters for crying out load. Just buzz a shot or two through each of their domes and you'll be done in no time."
"The bounty hunters were a surprise, I didn't realise they would be here. And their crimes? They commit crimes against humanity. KOTUs intent is to eliminate them. If someone feels another person has wronged them, they can seek out authority or challenge them to a duel. There is no need for a hired gun. You in?"

[member="Nyicon Sadachbian"]
"I suppose sone target practice could do me some good. Very well, I'll go talk to your little prisoner's friends once he leaves."
Nyicon goes back to his drink, the soldier's once bored looking face now adorning a small smirk.
[member="Dayne Gehnt"]
All three of the men get up, laughing and walking out of the bar. "Alright everyone, we have to do this fast. When I give the signal, I want [member="Nyicon Sadachbian"] to distract the guards like we discussed. Then [member="2-1B 35"] and I will then knock out the escaped inmate. We'll drag him into an alley, and kill him. Everyone got it?"

2-1B 35

"You got boss! Are we ready? I'm wanting to capture this guy. I'll provide backup if Nyicon is in trouble, is that good?"

The droid waited patiently to bolt out the door after the man.

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