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Break Up the Fallow Ground (Samara Raine)

Once again Judah found himself on Voss. The lush world kept calling him back as he could never truly leave the Silver Jedi behind. His travels and adventures always brought him back to the one place he had always been most accepted as a Jedi, despite the fact he was not as traditional as most. This was fine though, and they welcomed his family, they always had. Aside from Corellia, this was the one planet that felt like home. While Corellia would always be the place he called home, Voss was certainly a suitable replacement. As long as Katara was with him in his endeavors, he could live anywhere and have Corellia with him. His Corellisi was certainly a reminder of the world he had come to love so much.

Today Judah found himself accepting the call to teach once again. He had not attempted to train another student since his perceived failure with [member="Sasha Voss"]. The red head which was the same age as his own son had been like a daughter to him, and as Judah had learned from JJ, much closer to being the truth than he would have imagined. [member="Cambria Zadira"] had taken over her training as Judah could not manage her constant need to be moving. It seemed every time Judah made a move give effort to the Jedi way of life, his family suffered for it. This time was going to be different. His family was with him now, and the world of Voss was to be there home.

Judah had reserved a space in one of the various gardens in the temple for the purposes of his meeting today. Every thing needed to be calm for what he was going to teach, and the environment provided in the gardens always helped to clear one's mind. As he understood it, his new padawan learner was not one with a high count, and with the loss of her previous master, she had very little training. Today was the first step in changing that.

Dressed in his green Jedi Robes, Judah sat on a rock, perched in a contemplative state, pipe in hand as this was one of the rare times he indulged being away from Katara who did not want the pipe in the house. His idea of meditation was much different than most. While [member="Samara Raine"] would not think he was in a meditative state, Judah was indeed clearing his thoughts, even if it was in his own way..
When it raines, it pours.
Brown or tan ones? Sam thought to herself as the young blonde considered which Jedi robes to wear for her first meeting with [member="Judah Lesan"]; the padawan's new master.

The Telosian Knight had taken the orphaned padawan learner on as his latest student. Upon learning this, Samara had gone to the Jedi Archives in the temple to look him up. She found that Knight Lesan was married and had an adult son,
whom was a Jedi too. The padawan also picked up on the fact his last student had been noted with an asterisk, which meant they either didn't finish their training or fell to the dark side. Either way it would be interesting to find out why; not to be nosey, but educational more so.

Dressed in traditional tan padawan learner robes rather than more progressive brown ones that were suited better for missions, Samara made her way from inside the temple to the garden that she was reserved for their first lesson. The young blonde was excited yet very anxious at the same time. When she approached the garden, a ruggedly handsome Sam supposed dark-haired man graying ever so in green-colored robes sat upon a rock… smoking a pipe?!

"Knight Lesan? I am Padawan Raine," she announced after clearing her throat softly.
Judah looked up when he hard the soft sounds of boots walking along the grass of the gardens. A young blonde dressed in traditional padawan robes was approaching, and without any introduction he knew this was her, [member="Samara Raine"]. A soft smile tugged at his lips as the pipe was pulled out. With a final exhale be blew the smoke away from the direction the blonde was standing, then stamped the tabacco out of the pipe before putting it away.

"Pardon the indulgence, but it really is my only vice if you want to call it that. The missus doesn't like it in the house, though I think she secretly likes the smell of it on my clothes."

Maybe that was a bit more personal than Samara might expect from her master, but Judah knew that it was important for their bond to form quickly, as well be deep. That happened best when all walls were removed, even personal ones. That did not mean Judah was going to share every detail of his personal life, but it did mean he was going to be extremely open with the girl who was young enough to be a daughter to him.

"Also, Samara, there is no need to be formal when it is just the two of us. If you must be, however, you can simply call me master. Knight Lesan just sounds so.... old fashioned."

Judah pushed himself off the rock and and motioned for Sam to have a seat. Judah himself took to the grass and sat criss cross which would look more like someone preparing to meditate.

"I am told you've had little training. So I know where to begin our time today, please tell me what you have learned from your former master."
When it raines, it pours.
She would much of rather sat on the grass than on the perch that was the rock, but Samara was ever obedient and took her place without question.

[member="Judah Lesan"] was an interesting man for sure. The Jedi Knight's humor surprised her, but it did make the young blonde a little more at ease. Master Taute had always been very formal and by the book so to speak. Though at the same time, that consistency was what Samara had needed at the time. Now the padawan had grown and matured so maybe not as much was needed, but knowing somethings never change was good to.

"As you wish, Master," Sam nodded with a soft smile as she got comfortable on the rock best she could.

The question of what she knew came up. Of course it would, but to say out loud was a hard thing to do. Samara's doubts about her abilities seemed to come through in times like this.

"Well… um… Shii-Cho for my lightsaber form. The very basic principals of Force Speed, Jump and Levitation, Force Telekinesis… Push, Pull and Throw, Force Persuasion, Mind Speak, Reception, and Projection as well as Force Control Pain and Healing," Sam expounded, then added as an after thought.

"Oh and I can fly a starfighter, well take off and land at least… We never got beyond that."

That last part was said with a sadness about her, but she quickly tried to release that feeling into the Force as Samara was taught to do of her emotions.
Judah just smiled as Sam took to the rock. Maybe he should have patted the grass in front of him rather than motioning. So much trying to be the smooth and cool looking Jedi. Judah really just needed to stop trying to be like master Gannik. There was something the two shared in common, and Judah would get to that, but for now there was the pressing issue of getting her off the uncomfortable rock. The reason Judah had moved was because it was hurting his butt.

"You could sit on the grass. That rock is gonna get uncomfortable pretty fast," he said with a grin. "It seems you have the basics, and we can build on that I suppose. Everything depends on how hard you are willing to work. For now though let's address some of the code shall we?"

Judah had sensed her sorrow, and the fact she tried to push it from her mind. Clearly she had not grieved the way she needed to in order to overcome the loss of her master. This was where many Jedi interpreted the code differently than originally written, in Judah's opinion. He could not help but feel her pain as he was a strong empath. His skill in the area of menTal manipulation made it hard for him to not pry at times. Judah picked up on things when people were unguarded in their thoughts.

"Mainly the point about your feelings. I can't help but notice your attempt to shun the sorrow at the loss of your former master. You need to resolve those feelings, but not letting yourself feel them at all is not healthy. The more you suppress them, the more they fester and turn to anger. Feel the sorrow, and then release it. Let it do what it needs to do, only then can you be free from the danger of falling to the dark side. I can help... I lost my master shortly after knighthood. I know what you are feeling."

[member="Samara Raine"]
When it raines, it pours.
Heat rose to Sam's cheeks as she thought [member="Judah Lesan"] had wanted her to sit upon the rock. How did I ever miss his meaning? So stupid can I be?!

"I would indeed prefer to sit on the grass… Thank you, and you are correct, it is very uncomfortable," the young blonde nodded politely.

Samara was going to make a quip, but thought better of it as they were still getting to know each other and didn't now how her new master would quite take it, though he did seem much more relaxed than Master Taute. The Tholothian Jedi Master was pretty strict and oh so by the book; old school, none of this new wave teaching. A little of both most likely was the best way to go in her opinion coming from the padawan learner side of things.

After the padawan joined Judah on the grass sitting cross-legged as well, she listened to the Telosian Knight speak about feelings. It was true, she probably hadn't allowed herself to grieve properly, though Samara was always taught - There is no emotion, there is peace. So she never let her feelings of sorrow and anger linger more than a few moments, then they were dispersed into the Force as instructed. In its self, the stress from monitoring ones emotions and keeping them in check at all times could very well send someone to the dark side.

"So acknowledge the emotion, whatever it maybe, then release it rather than just deflecting it… Well that does make better sense because to feel is to be human, right?" Sam answered with a soft smile.

"Tell me about your master, if you wouldn't mind sharing? What was their biggest gift to you?"
"The Jedi have always had this idea emotions lead to the dark side, but an older version of the code teaches us there are emotions; yet peace. It isn't that we feel them and let them rule us, but that we cling to the peace which comes despite what we feel. There is much enjoyment in the memories if we allow it."

When Samara asked what had been the greatest gift his master had given Judah didn't need to think on it along. He still practiced them everyday, and it was a set of kata's that drove his son crazy. Judah and his close friend, [member="Cambria Zadira"], would often perform the kata's in tandem. It was what had brought them together in a close way. Perhaps this was exactly what Samara needed to help her bond with him as well.

Judah stood without a word and began the cycle of kata's. They took about fifteen minutes to complete in total. Each had its own unique movement, but when brought together, told a larger story. The Jedi had always said this pictured the natural cycle of life everyone went through, and it was that thought which had helped Judah let go of the pain he felt from his master's loss. When the forms were completed Judah looked at Samara with a soft smile.

"That was his greatest gift. The fact that life does continue despite what happens around us, or the loss we may feel. Would you like to learn them?"

[member="Samara Raine"]
When it raines, it pours.
Samara watched in awe as [member="Judah Lesan"] progressed through the katas his own master had taught him. She could sense the Force moving with him as he did the intricate actions. The young padawan could see how the natural cycle tied into this as each kata transitioned into the next, then the last one, which would be equal to becoming one with the Force in death.

"Oh yes, please… I would very much like to learn the katas passed on down through the generations of Jedi," the blonde nodded earnestly from her seated position on the grass, then she stood to join him, getting into the opening position as the Telosian Knight had when he was going to begin.

"Like this?" she asked, realizing this was an important moment in the development of their master-studen relationship.
"Yes," Judah responded, happy for her eagerness to learn.

He led slow, and moved through, stopping when he needed to help her make the movement, or adjust something so it flowed in a more comfortable manner for her. When they were complete, Judah took the opening stance for the first kata once more. To understand the cycle was to begin the first form again, and Judah did just that before stopping.

"And new life begins, Samara. Just like with this relationship."

Judah had to remind himself he would not lose this one to darkness. This was new and not something destined to repeat the past. He took in a deep breath and let it out. With the force he called his satchel to himself where he carried six different colored soft rubber balls: red, yellow, blue, orange, green, and purple.

"Time for a little test of your skills. Choose your color, and call the ball to yourself and levitate it for me."

[member="Samara Raine"]
When it raines, it pours.
A soft smile came to the young blonde's face as [member="Judah Lesan"] mentioned how new life begins just as their master/student relationship does too. Samara nodded silently in agreement. She was happy so far with the pairing, though it had only been a short time too since meeting the Telosian Knight for the first time. His teaching method did call to the padawan. It did make her think more in depth about things rather than just acknowledging the lesson and moving on to the next.

Samara watched curiously as Judah used the Force to bring over his sachet, then she looked inside to find multi colored balls. Without hesitation upon hearing her master's command, she reached out with the Force and grabbed onto the purple one, Sam's favorite color, then held it up before her mid-air. Telekinesis seemingly came more easily than some of the other Force skills. This would be fun.

"You will find I have more an affinity for this than some of the other skills."
"Good to know. Let's have a little fun with it shall we then."

Judah brought the green colored ball to his eye level with aid of the force and smiled. Naturally his favorite color was green, though some argued it was red. His robes, everything that possibly could, identified with the Corellian heritage of his wife, a heritage he had embraced fully. Judah slowly pushed the ball away from him and closer to Samara. He indicated for her to do the same.

"We are going to go back and forth for now. Just as a warm up. Eventually we will be using all these balls, and even teach you a new skill today. Have you learned to create a barrier with th force?"

The conversation was simple, but yet the movements continued. Judah wanted to see how second nature this was to Samara. Progression depended on the basics being something more of routine. A strong foundation would eliminate the fact her counts were lower than others. [member="Samara Raine"] would excell if she chose to do so.

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