Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bounty On Ali Hadrix

Name of Bounty: Supreme Commander [member="Ali Hadrix"] - for committing war crimes against non-combatants of the Mandalorian Clans.

Name of Contractor: Mand'alor Ra Vizsla

Bounty Price: 15,000,000cr, custom-made personal Beskar Item of your choosing.

Condition: Alive

Additional Info:

+ High-ranking Republic official, regardless of public status or rank.
+ Highly protected by the Republic.
+ Is very good at running.

- Willing to kill children.
- Very little actual combat experience.
- Don't let her talk.

You will be presented with all the Mandalorian Clans information on Ali Hadrix upon accepting this bounty.

The Mandalorian Clans have been unable to find Ali Hadrix thus far, even in war.
Now I'll have to pick and choose between this bounty and Blonde's :(

[member="Ra Vizsla"]

An assassin to the bone, I typically like to kill my targets instead of bringing them in alive. However, the 15 million plus compels me to take it. Because if I "accidently" kill her, I can just cash in the other bounty instead.

In other words, I accept this bounty. Give me what you got.
[member="The Gray Assassin"]

You go after my wife, you won't like what comes next. ;)
Therefore, I suggest you go after Ali.

Edit: Never mind. The bounty is not on Blonde, herself. Do as you please.
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]

If you click on the link I so generously provided, you will see I was talking about the bounty your wife put up for Ali.

Though I now may be tempted to try, just to see "what comes next" ;)
[member="Ra Vizsla"]

*Coughs and ahems. face red with embarassment* To, um, make up for my kark-up with another such bounty. I'm willing to take this one pro bono if you'll have me?
Add cr500,000 to this for evidence, if you can't capture her or kill her, of punching her in the face. Each punch grants a separate fufillment of the bounty. Two punches? cr100,000.

Make her outsides match her insides. Ugly.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="The Gray Assassin"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]

You don't have to choose, if you give her to the mandos or kill her, we'll pay up on our bounty as well. Still feel free to kill ang family or friends though, hundred grand a pop for those. (NPCs count)
[member="Ra Vizsla"]

I will take this bounty.

[member="Ali Hadrix"] - Consider yourself on notice. Any Republic personnel harboring this individual, consider yourself on notice regardless of the current conflict between the Clans and the Republic.

I believe we have a score to settle as it is.

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."

I'll offer a nice warm dinner at your choice of 5-star restaurant for at least one of this woman's fingers! Thumbs get you three rounds of drinks at the cantina of your choice!
[member="Miss Blonde"]

Awh yeah

[member="Ali Hadrix"]

Soooo, I guess I go ahead and find a nice public thread you're in? I suppose I could wait 'till the next fight between the Mandos and GR liked we talked about, but I just don't want anyone to beat me to the punch :(
[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

That's morbid even by my standards, and I eat people.

[member="Ra Vizsla"]

I would like to accept this bounty. Any additional information you can provide will be of great value.

[member="Miss Blonde"], you'll still "ante up" if I bring this woman to the Mandos won't you darling?

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