Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Boredom is a Dangerous thing

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
Zander said:
[member="Christian Slade"]
Ay man, I replied in our Sith beast training, and tagged you in a seperate thread - the remains of TSC is being ransacked by Siobhan and Ember
I worry not of the other Sith's dealings. I've been collecting apprentices lately and I don't intend to slow down. If someone can show me a reason to actually cooperate with a collective of Sith that can rally behind one cause then we will consider a move, but then again I can't speak for my apprentices. They have minds of their own.

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
-needs more role play-

I need challengers, allies, business partners. Anyone with any ideas that you think I might be perfect for or could play party to please feel free to ask me. I love writing, and my muse is bustling right now. So, if you just want a brawl, I'm down. You want a sit down about my casino business ventures? Let's do it. You a Jedi curious about the Sith and the involvement of a Rogue Sith in any crime? Let's talk. You interested in doing a little training? I'm game.
[member="Christian Slade"] If I wasn't on the way to fight you with the Knights, by that I mean fight your apprentice while trying not to get in the knights way, I would take you up on the small talk about the Sith, your views, and why you bother with crime because it would be a fantastic learning experience, if not a dangerous one, and an interesting thing to RP out.
[member="Christian Slade"] That would work. Verrin doesn't like fighting so unless something drastic happens in the Casino thread (Such as his master dying, unlikely since it seems to just be a friendly thread) then he wouldn't want to fight Slade despite him being a Jedi to Slade's Sith... that... and the odds are... so far away from him it would be a hilariously one sided fight.

Where would you like to run into each other? I don't see him going back to Zeltros for awhile after all this, but if needed, I can make it work.

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
Well if you're wanting to talk to Slade then I would imagine that would be on you. You would find a way to contact him and you would be waiting at a planet of your choice at an establishment of your choice.
[member="Christian Slade"] My desire to talk to you, character on character, is an OOC desire... not so much an IC desire. His questions would come from after stumbling into you, finding out he doesn't have to fight you/get killed, and then his natural curiosity would compel him to ask questions.

Does Slade happen to go on vacations to other planets? Have business with a gang on Coruscant that owes him credits or were supposed to do a job for him but skimped out?

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
Strask Ak'lya said:
[member="Christian Slade"] It's always good to have powerful friends. What might you have in mind?
I need information on the casino owners and resort owners on Coruscant and Corellia. I also would like some information on popular vacationing and sight seeing areas on both forementioned planets.

[member="Strask Ak'lya"]
[member="Christian Slade"] Coruscant works perfectly because he tends to spend most of his time at the Temple, thus it wouldn't be too much of a stretch for him to be sent to investigate a new gang that has been... dealing in less then reputable activities to gain rights to a casino, and Slade just happens to be there to oversee the 'take over' of said casino.

Would that work for you? I can put the thread up.
[member="Christian Slade"] The former's easy, I can do that. Corellia, though.... the protectorate may be a bit of an issue. What would you have in trade for said information?

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
Verrin Ris'To said:
[member="Christian Slade"] Coruscant works perfectly because he tends to spend most of his time at the Temple, thus it wouldn't be too much of a stretch for him to be sent to investigate a new gang that has been... dealing in less then reputable activities to gain rights to a casino, and Slade just happens to be there to oversee the 'take over' of said casino.

Would that work for you? I can put the thread up.
Do it to it.

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
Strask Ak'lya said:
[member="Christian Slade"] The former's easy, I can do that. Corellia, though.... the protectorate may be a bit of an issue. What would you have in trade for said information?
More than enough money to compensate, but if you were after more useful things I've got quite the collection of Sith Relics from light sabers to holocrons to ancient weapons that might go for a high price. I've also got stocks I could offer in my new casino if you would prefer to be a business man like myself.

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
They belong to Sith Lords long since past, a few of my holocrons even contain the force essence of their respective owners, not to mention thousands of years of ancient Sith teachings.

[member="Strask Ak'lya"]

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