Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Border Journey

The issue was pressed and the man reached out to grab her arm. Feeling this would be a good opportunity to get him on his back and out of commission, she allowed his hand to wrap around her arm. Turning in his grasp, Bryn managed to get her hip up next to his body and attempted to flip him over her shoulder.

"You can help clear my name once you get turned in."

Drauchir Drauchir
He felt her grab hold of him as he grabbed her, then the movement of her hip as she shifted to flip him over her shoulder. Something that would have put almost any other man in the galaxy on his back. And it almost did to him as well as he felt himself go up in the air. His reflexes kicked in, and he managed to shift his weight enough that as he cleared her shoulder, he got his legs and feet beneath him. Landing just behind her upright. He spun around then, throwing as much force as he could into a right hook, hoping that his landing upright would catch her off guard long enough for him to knock her out this time. He also focused his energy toward his fist, whispering. "Aard!" Hoping that if the punch didn't get her, the the concussive wave of energy that would sprout from his fist would do it.

Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu
His change in position did catch her by surprise, but her reflexes were fast. His punch missed her jaw, but as she attempted to move out of the way, his additional skill did work. The force connected with her stomach and knocked the air out of her. In addition to her air being taken away, she was also pushed back several feet and on her side.

Without the ability to breathe, she couldn't drag her body up to defend herself. Ready to face the death that was probably approaching, Bryn closed her eyes and accepted her fate. Being bested in battle was a good way to go.

Drauchir Drauchir
While his punch had indeed missed, the strike with his magic had managed to connect. Something Drauchir was thankful for, as he calmly walked over to where Bryn ended up landing. His blades still remained sheathed as he squatted down next to Bryn. Everything about her reading that she was ready and waiting for death to come next. He let out a sigh. "I told you not to make this harder than it had to be... Goodnight..." He pulled his right hand back and threw his fist forward into her forehead, to knock Bryn out since he lacked any conventional methods of stunning her.

Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu

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