Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Border Friction with the Sith Order Interest Check

Shu Mora

The only Gossam Jedi you know
Current writer of a Sith character looking to expand here. Polling for an interest check for a small event between the two factions.

My Sith character, [member="Tubal Sahon"] is looking to take the planet Odacer-Faustin, mainly to reclaim the academy there and take the planet for himself- and for those that join him, of course. Considering how close the system is to the SJO sphere of influence, I thought that it would be appropriate to invite you lot to the carnage as well

I would like to ask that thread not be flooded, but it has not even started yet, nor do I know how many sith are interested, if any at all aside from myself. Or should I say my sith character

I will post a link to the thread here if I can get enough interest from both sides

I think that this could be a good chance for the SJO to redeem themselves in the eyes of the galaxy by defending the current natives from a hostile takeover.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Al-Khali is what the academy was renamed when it was taken over by Seras and Venefica and hidden away with a lot more stealth and protection. Currently the silver jedi avoid the world as infection is there and the Batosai that are on the planet. Given their disposition of wanting to be left alone and the other species on the planet being zombies. Defending a world of an IC rumor and legend who survive against the zombies that on the world.
[member="Shu Mora"] Personally, I'm interested in doing some threading with some Sith characters, preferably something low key that doesn't involve clashes between huge armadas. Let me know your next target if you find one and then we could try working something out.

Shu Mora

The only Gossam Jedi you know
[member="Arisa Yune"]

The target will be Muskree due to its location on the current Parlemain trade route

Because of the fact that the Sith are a minor faction these will be the actions of an individual or a group. While they may be a part of the Sith Order, they do not represent the Sith Order as a whole. Despite what our good friend Velok says, even if the SO doesn't have the resources to expand, several willing sith are going to be trying to. If I can get them to that is. It may just end up being myself, but faction threads may end up pulling a few from both sides.
[member="Shu Mora"]

Despite what Velok or other TSO leadership may say, they are still responsible for the actions of their members. From my understanding, the truce in place only covers the Caldera anyway.

I can see if some other people could join, but I dunno what the OSJ staff wants to do. I may have to offer opposition under the banner of the Army of Light for this one.

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