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Private Bonding Time (Aftermath of Tython)


Location: Old Jedi Temple training area
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

Jax was meditating since early this morning.

He was floating in the air attempting to maintain peace and harmony from within himself. Jax found one of the abandoned monasteries of the first Jedi a year ago. He remembered the presence of Jedi Knights and masters walking around, sharing their knowledge of the Force with each other. Jax went deeper into his mediation trying to take in the knowledge and wisdom of the Jedi who came before him. The planet Tython may be a simple planet at first glance, but after flying around the planet with his X-Wing Jax discovered more detailed buildings that the Jedi once built. The moment he landed, Jax felt the Force thrumming through his body so much light put into the Force but the brightest light often hid the darkest shadow.

Yet now it was a shell of itself, the planet taken a beating from the Sith Lords during the battle. Although the Brotherhood had been beaten back it came at a tremendous cost of the planets ecosystem. Still, the Force remained strong and with the Force came hope of a stronger Tython. The Jedi Master called Jairdain Jairdain daughter Dreidi for a few sparring lessons to take his mind of things namely his "father" Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . He knew that Dreidi will likely never accept him as a step dad of sorts but Jax will certainly try to bond with the spirited girl.

Location: Tython - Old Jedi Temple
Appearance: Padawan Garb
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

Tying her hair into a rough long braid, Dreidi sighed, she was persuaded to meet with her mother's boyfriend Jax again. This time took a lot more persuading since their previous meeting had not gone well and Dreidi did not hold high opinion of the man. He defended Jairdain far too much and ignored her flaws and failings as a mother. What convinced Dreidi to give the meeting a chance was the idea of visiting Tython. The planet was once the ancestral home of the Jedi, where things had begun. It was also the epicentre of the most recent war against the Brotherhood of the Maw. While she had heard of the rumours that a war was brewing towards Tython, Dreidi felt she was still too young and too inexperienced to be able to fight and defend the planet against the Sith. Especially since people still coddled her and acted like Dreidi couldn't defend herself still.

Her Padawan attire was a little unorthodox in comparison to others, at least from what she had seen in the holocrons and holovids. But she liked the look and it allowed her to use her Magick as well. She knew that she should head straight to the meeting point with Jax but Dreidi decided she would rather explore around the area for a bit. See the history that surrounded her and enjoy the moment of peace before having to deal with Jax. She had made it clear she would not recognise him as a father figure or accept him into her family, but then she held the same stance as her mother so wasn't like he was being singled out by her. Her mind went to what it could have been like years ago training on such a world. Sparring, attending lectures and exploring the world. Many Jedi would have never dealt with the issues she had faced in her short years, from what she knew Sith and major threats were few and far for at least a thousand years.

Eventually, Dreidi made her way to where she could sense Jax meditating. She was curious to see what state he would be since he took part in the war. It was surprising to Dreidi that her mother went with another man throwing himself into wars and ready to die on the front lines, Dreidi thought Jairdain might have chosen a coward as her next partner. However, the only compliment that Dreidi could give Jax was that he was no coward, would she tell him that? Nah. But she knew it. Looking around the room, she could sense the turmoil in Jax's mind. Need to distract himself. It was a feeling she knew all too well.

"So, you thought you could survive a round 2 with me finally?" Dreidi asked with the dry, sharp humour. "Because, last time you did not come out great." He might want a distraction from whatever was affecting him, but Dreidi wasn't going to go easy on the guy suddenly.


Location: Tython
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

Jax chuckled the moment he heard Dreidi tease him about being pushed to the limit by her. "That's funny," Jax said opening his eye. "I remember it differently. I seem to recall you throwing a massive hissy fit over me crushing you."

There was a bond forming between Jax and Dreidi, he could feel it. It was a weak bond for sure, but Trees have their start as seeds. Maybe their relationship could blossom into something more than just mutual respect. "It's been sometime since we've last saw each other." Jax said looking over the desolate land. "You could've joined us in beating back the Sith, we could've used your talents Dreidi."

The girl had a desire to be a great Jedi and Jax will do what it'll take guide her. But he wondered if Dreidi could've helped against the many Sith Lords that plagued the planet. Many Jedi Masters gave their lives to defend Tython and Jax himself nearly died as well. He didn't want to tell Jairdain Jairdain that her daughter was killed on Tython. She lost enough people in her life already.

"How are you?" Jax said taking off his jacket. "What is it do you want to learn today?"

Location: Tython - Old Jedi Temple
Appearance: Padawan Garb
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

"I am so sorry to hear that memory loss is happening already old man. I didn't throw a hissy fit, I politely informed you to stick your nose out of my life and that you could tell Jairdain if she was so desperate to be in my life then she could make the effort herself. Not that she has by the way." Dreidi yawned, bored but making a pointed decision to maintain barbed. Currently her view on Jax were not based on mutual respect, there was a long path before he reached there. However, she wasn't aiming to just outright disregard the man either, it was what her father would have wanted.

So, she needed to have this middle ground where she would get to know Jax but also stick to her guns and gut feelings about the guy. When he mentioned that she should have been here and that they could have used her help, "the day that the Jedi Order is reliant on a teenage girl with heavily limited skills is the day we are doomed." Dreidi commented, "I have been in more than one combat encounter to know that my skills need more years of dedicated training before I could be of use to anyone in a situation like this."

Dreidi looked around the room they were in, "I am doing fine. Just been working hard on my training lately." When he asked what she wanted to learn, Dreidi looked at him and shrugged. "You wanted to meet here, figured you had something in mind. But I understand if you have forgotten what you wanted to do since then. Memory is fickle for the elderly." Stretching her limbs, she idly walked around the room.


Location: Tython
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

"Arrogance is like a blindfold," Jax smirked. "It masks your flaws Dreidi, I thought beat that into ya last time we've met. Don't worry I'm here to train you and guide you to becoming a great warrior. Jairdain Jairdain knows that you're old enough to make your decisions, what happens between you and her is none of my business to be honest."

The Jedi Master shrugged. "I'm just here to guide you because as a Jedi Master, It's my duty to train the next generation." He said. "I know you have a Master but we can make it work. I train you in the ways of the blade, maybe we can go on missions together. You're a driven young woman albeit very stubborn."

Jax chuckled shaking his head. "Elderly people have chit ton of experience Dreidi," he said. "Even the ones who live a mundane life can hold nuggets of wisdom that you can gleam from. They may be forgetful and their backs hurt but their minds are hardened and wizened. That's the first lesson that you need to learn. You can learn something from even those that are considered lower life forms."

He smirked. "Now enough of me lecturing, let's do some hand to combat." Jax said raising his arms up. "Show me what you got."

Location: Tython - Old Jedi Temple
Appearance: Padawan Garb
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

Dreidi tilted her head, looking straight at Jax. "I am not arrogant. Just informing you that you grossly misread the situation. I was correct when I told you that you were very wrong to tell me how I should behave towards Jairdain. I also told you that your views on droids were old fashioned and bigoted as well." Dreidi rolled her eyes hard, "but you know, you can keep living that fantasy world where you are always right." There was annoyance in her tone, she was annoyed at the fact that Jax had no intentions of apologising for his past behaviours.

"I thought your duty as a Jedi Master was heading into needless wars and trying to get yourself killed as some kind of martyr?" Dreidi asked with mocked coy tone, "I mean, that is how everyone is seeing the New Jedi Order. At least from the things I have seen and read. Really putting the warmonger name in Jedi, ignoring the keepers of the peace part." Dreidi heard Jax mention fighting, testing her skills and taking her on missions. She huffed and chuckled.

Shaking her head, "if you are trying to have some kind of step-father/daughter bonding experience whereby I see you in action, see the heroics and just fall in full admiration for you, then you can forget it. I get plenty of adventures and real world experience on my own. Also I am not sure this would work in mission situations because I need to respect you and you haven't earnt my respect to follow you on missions." Dreidi knew how to follow orders, she was great at following them in the Ascendancy but then she respected everyone in the Ascendancy.

"Nah, people say that but learning the lessons on your own is a much stronger and lasting way to gleam knowledge." Dreidi was strong believer in learning through failures and that only learning from others sets limitations on yourself. If she did that then she would never know how to use Magick, be allowed to understand the ways of the Nightsisters and how to fight the way that she intends to fight.

Losing the vest jacket, she didn't want any constrictions in her movement if she was actually going to fight. No matter how stylish the ensemble looked. "So, if we are going to spar, hand to hand, no Force or Magick?" Dreidi was eager to set the rules and boundaries so she knew the confines of what she had to work with.


Location: Tython
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

Jax frowned at Dreidi's remark on one hand, kinda agreed with the New Jedi Order being war mongers something he related to Jairdain Jairdain during the Stygnan Campaign but right now Jax wasn't in the mood in hearing how the Jedi were trying to be martyrs. "Dreidi," Jax said his tone annoyed. "The Jedi may be misguided but they do have good intentions."

The Jedi Master took a deep breath surveying the destroyed lands ahead of him, brittle and black nothing but dust and echoes. Jax could hear the battle all over again, the sounds of blaster fire and Lightsaber colliding against Lightsaber. "Hundreds of Jedi gave their lives on Tython," he said. "We didn't start this war but we're damn sure gonna finish it. We've already lost too much, I know I've lost a piece of myself......"

He stared at Dreidi. "But in any case, you're not here to listen to me that much is certain." Jax said. "We're fighting to defend that's always the Jedi's goal but there's always going to be a cost."

The Jedi Master took off his jacket. "Hand to hand combat," Jax said a smirk forming on his face. "If you've improved since the last time we've met then hit me if you can."

Location: Tython - Old Jedi Temple
Appearance: Padawan Garb
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

Shaking her head, Jax was still defending the Jedi that were seeking war, needing war to function and argue that being in war is the Jedi way. "Aiming to end a war, through aggression is not the Jedi way. That is why the galaxy is questioning how much the New Jedi Order is doing is good for the galaxy or good for them. It isn't being misguided, it is coming from a corrupt, flawed system and ignoring the failings." Dreidi pointed out, rolling her shoulders as she stretched her limbs more.

"Fighting for Tython was worthy and needed, but you saw the way people were living on Coruscant. Continuing this war, pushing for crushing blows. It will only cause more people to die, for more people to suffer and for more people to lose faith in the Jedi." Dreidi talked as she moved around, assessing the situation. In a straight brawl, Jax was bigger, stronger and more experienced. Trying to win this with straight strength and swinging wildly would never succeed. Dreidi needed to be smarter, fight smarter. Be agile, nimble and possibly aim to tire the old man out before she started to strike at him.

Sighing deeply, "thinking that victory has to come at a cost and that it can only be won through battle. That mindset is the problem. You have to accept that there could be other ways, peaceful ways but that isn't what your style of Jedi, and you guys are so intend on destroying all Sith but all Sith aren't necessarily needed to be killed." Cracking her knuckles as she eyed over Jax as he prepared himself for the sparring.

"So, can we use the Force or Magick or not?" Dreidi asked again, since hand to hand didn't mean that one couldn't use the Force at the same time.


Location: Tython
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

"Let's use the Force," Jax said. "It's a wellspring in which all living beings can drink from and prosper." The Living Force touches all things from the most complex to the simplest people. "But enough of me rambling Dreidi, you're right the people need help and when this war is over, I'm going to have to gain the courage to propose some legislation to help the people in the lower levels."

He sighed. "I've been living in the lower levels for years," he said. "Doing my best to help the people but sometimes a Lightsaber or some low level negotiations won't cut it. I have to the top especially when people consider me a hero."

Jax shook his head. "At least that's what Valery Noble Valery Noble told me." He thought.

"So come on Dreidi," Jax said. "Hit me if you can."

Location: Tython - Old Jedi Temple
Appearance: Padawan Garb
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

When Jax approved the use of the Force, Dreidi smirked, her skills in the Force were all about evening the field against stronger opponents and being aggressive on the attack while not leaving herself vulnerable for countering. Bouncing around on the balls of her feet as she looked at him. Dreidi didn't retort his idea of making changes in the system, she knew that never worked, if a system was corrupt and flawed from the upstart, there was no way to change it for the better. It was better to let it crumble and start over. That was what the CIS ended up doing and she saw the benefits of that since the Ascendancy rose from the ashes and she found it to be stronger than the CIS had been.

Jax wanted her to attack first and Dreidi sighed, these fights always began this way. Her opponents always wanted her to strike first otherwise they would end up just circling each other. Rolling her shoulders, she lifted her arms in a boxing stance, ready to make her move. Instead of rushing forward with a strike, she let the deep well of anger and dark emotions around her mother spring free from its cage and flood from her stomach up and out of her mouth. A powerful Force Scream blasted at Jax. She wasn't aiming to destroy him with the blast, but disorient him enough that she could get a blow in before he could recover. He approved the Force and this was the Force power she was going to start with.

Ending the Force Scream after a few seconds, her throat sore but her training in singing and pushing her throat had paid off since it didn't ruin her throat. Rushing forward, she leapt high and went for a strike to the head. If she had finally mastered teleportation through Magick then she might have been able to disorient Jax even more but she hadn't mastered it yet so she didn't want to risk ending up too far away and losing her advantage. She hoped the Force Scream would be enough to put the Jedi Master on the backfoot, since it was rare for a Padawan to be so naturally powerful and skilled with a Dark Side power but Dreidi had dedicated several years to control it and it was her most powerful Force power she had. None of the other powers were any where near as powerful.

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