Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Blue Screen of Death [Jedi Padawans]

Having entered a battle rage of sorts, Eloise was locked on to her target. She continued to chase the remaining droid, her booted feet thundering down the corridor. As she drew near to her prey, she pulled her arm back, ready to swing her blade—wait, was that a fething dog? And was Sazo riding it?

Resh was close behind, using the Force to try and pull the droid backwards. Eloise missed her chance as the droid skidded past her, turning to fire blaster bolts upon the undefended Sith Pureblood which was the source of its immobility.

The cynical warrior in her said use the distraction to your advantage. But rather than taking the swing at the cost of her fellow Padawan's life, Eloise seized hold of the blaster bolts before they could hit Resh. They hovered in midair for a moment before she thrust them back the way they came, pummeling the last droid. Its armored chassis would probably absorb the energy, but then again one shot might hit a vulnerable spot…


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