Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bloodred Snow of the Netherworld

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Then it was happening, a riot breaking out in the prison as several of the guards were out sick for the day and there was a convenient reason for the security systems to be down as Matsu was working to survive. Once blaster shots could be heard firing into some of the cells she was moving to the door and standing to the side as it swung open and a grenade was thrown in. The jedi caught it and repelled it with the force as the detonation was muffled closing the door. Knocking it somewhat ajar before Matsu looked out and there were some men in light armor with weapons. She wasn't certain what or who had been here but the guards seemed either in on it or being gone whoever let them in.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu moved, leaving the one woman in the cell who had been with her and decided to remain there in the hole, Chora was somewhere and she could feel it as many of the cells had been opened and prisoners shot while they seemed to be searching for something. The systematic searching and killing of the people in each cell as the jedi crouched low going past the cells while she heard more blaster fire and grenades going off in the prison. Echoing throughout before she was moving with more purpose towards Chora and the woman they were there to protect when she felt something. Stopping in one of the older rooms and looking into it as the large window on the side seemed to have snow outside of it reddened by the lights.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu could feel it in the world, that strange sensation of walking over something as she listened to the sounds in the prison slowly go mute. before she heard something. Feeling it bristle the hairs on her back in warning before she was turning and Chora was there with the woman. They had the same idea of protection and getting someplace they could secure while Matsu stood there. "This is the place." She said it more confused with herself as well as surprised.... She wasn't certain, she really had no way of knowing but this was just the same prison her mother had been sent to and then there had been that mysterious woman as they stood around.closing the door.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"Maybe so Matsu but we need to be careful, the past is something that can't be changed and I fear it might hurt you more then you know." She was looking at the Falleen while they had the woman protected with the red light coming in to paint their faces before she was moving. "I... I do not know, if I can learn something this is the only time I have been here and I have to. My father was someone at this prison, my mother died here and condemned me. Aside from the jedi saving me I know nothing about what she was really like or who he was." She was looking at Chora and with the woman there the young one could work on some of the things getting a nod of her head. "We'll protect you first though."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She had resolved herself to it, protect the girl, learn about her past later and in that order but there was nothing against learning on the way while protecting the girl... and they needed to be able to access the computers. She was working it out and rationalizing it in her head while they were moving and making their way outside with the snow before more sounds came from inside the prison. She could stand there and handle it with Chora but one of the first things she had learned as a jedi was don't protect someone if you weren't committed to winning. If she failed the they weren't just going to stop pack their things and go hoime. They were going to hurt the one you had been protecting and possibly do worse.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
They were outside now, walking in the snow mostly to avoid the danger of being seen but that didn't mean they were safe. All of the danger of freezing was there as the jedi masters focused on keeping themselves and the girl warm in the burlap like sacks they had on. Matsu motioned towards one of the broken walls that was going back inside the prison as it meant someone might have been able to get out as Chora moved ahead climbing inside and working to get the girl inside as they could hear something and hurried. Chora leading the way and then the girl as Matsu stood out there and felt something as she turned around to start climbing through.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
A hand pushing her back and a tinge of pain in her stomach like she had been eating something that didn't sit well for a moment. Then there was warmth running down her stomach and leg before whatever had pushed her down was running back into the snow. Matsu rolled over feeling the snow in her face as it clung to the fresh sheen of sweat and Chora was shouting in filtered sounds. THe jedi looked to the side but they had a mission to complete and now wasn't the time to risk losing everything because one of them was hurt while she felt something hard against herbody jabbing her. Matsu withdrew with a hiss the knife as she looked down at the red puddle below her in the snow.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu laid there feeling the pain in her stomach and gasping while her head rested in the snow. One hand going to touch it as it came up crimson before she was feeling it harder to breathed. Her hand looked paler then usual compared to some things next to her while Matsu rolled again looking up into the red light that made everything look darker on her and the ground. She needed to survive, had to.... she was a jedi master and dying in a prison from a blade in the gut wasn't the way she planned to go out while she was moving with a lot of her attention. She felt her jaw tighten and hand clenching the snow while she felt a fresh surge of warmth across her body. Gripping the snow as she jammed it against her gut screaming almost from the pain.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The scream ripped through her throat and chest while she was getting up and a fresh wave of pain was there in her gut, her body wanted to fall over again while she was limping towards the hole in the wall of the prison. She was making her way through it and back into the prison while looking over everything. She didn't know how much time had passed with her laying there but Chora and the girl were gone. She needed to get to the medical bay and handle the injuries first before trying to really save anyone or help them out. She wouldn't be of use if she fell back over crawling in a pool of her own blood. The jedi master started limping with the cloth bunched up and pressed itno the wound.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The walk to the infirmary wasn't as bad as she had thought it would be, heading there while she worked to avoid the sounds of combat or people walking. The bloody trail was easy enough to follow but leaning against the cool metal of the doors before they slid ope was quite nice while she was looking around the room. The gurney was there with a drawer full of what she needed while going over some of the things now. Removing the cloths from it while she grabbed the gauss while she was going through the drawers to find the supplies she needed. SOme sutures, some bacta packs and a few of the pain killers cause this was really really going to hurt.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She started out with it simple, focusing on the cleaning of the wound as some peroxide came into her hands and she clenched her jaw to resist screaming as she poured it and it started fizzing with bubbles as a shooting pain went through her body. Slowly it stopped while she wiped at it to dry it. Holding with her hands the sutures and small needle. She pulled a mirror over with the force and was looking at herself in it as her hands worked deftly to stitch herself up. There was pain and minimal blood oozing out of it as she focused on the force to heal her body and internal where it might have lacerated herself but she had to work on things.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Slowly the jedi master finished up as she stood there looking over it and after the stitches were there she smeared some bacta and a patch over it to work on things. Her hands going away while she got two of the patient gowns putting them on front and back for modesty lacing the strongs before she was walking and picked up one of the laser scalpels for herself to use to defend against something. Stopping them at least while moving forward and hearing the sounds of someone running down the hall with their guns and heavy footfalls. She could see the ones there while her attention went to some of the things there. She could see guards and the warden moving towards his office.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Following the guards was one of the better ways to go about things... that there were still ones alive meant they had to have stopped the ones coming right? She was thinking it to herself while staying back with the sight of the warden coming into view. THe man had let himself go but he was no less intimidating while she pushed forward leaping at the wall and squeezing herself into one of the vents. She could hear them and the man with his solar shields on looked familiar given all of the things she had going on with him. The jedi master could find a reason to riffle around in his office maybe as he was stepping out with the guards. Matsu started crawling quietly.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The vents were maybe not the best place to be after stitching yourself up but as she was moving through them Matsu was able to look down and see the guards working with whoever had come. They still couldn't find the prisoner they were looking for and several had been killed by a force user. THey were guessing a lot of where they might be hiding before passing by and going out of her hearing range. The warden was being paid a lot to kill her so they went off to security to locate her before they did with the jedi master kicking out the vent grate. Slowly she crawled down into the office and looked at the far wall hiding behind the desk.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Something caught her eye, there was the sight of the warden in his images. Her mind was racing as she looked over his features and he seemed very familiar... or at least like someone close enough. The image fading when she turned it off and could see herself in the reflective metal of the wall panel on the shelf behind it. Matsu looked over some of the things going towards the door and listening while it sounded like they were headed towards a more dangerous encounter in the boiler room. She could make it there if she hurried but pulling the stitches or endangering it to rush and risk getting killed would not help her as she was moving towards the stairs.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The pathway to the stairs and the way down to the boiler room was an important thing. She could see the girls while following behind some of them with her attention on concealing herself from them and in the force. THe jedi master could protect herself while she concentrated and was making out the sounds of soldiers and guards attacking or trying to attack Chora before she was moving with most of her attention when she dropped the cloak with the force and stood there preparing to fight and stop them from out hre. If she did it and got them distracted, Chora should more then easily be able to join in and help. Even without their lightsabers force empowered jedi masters could be a powerful thing.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu focused into the force, opening herself to it as the force energies flowed throughout her limbs as the blood rushed and pounded in her ears. Slowly turning her attention towards the soldiers and guards punching one in the shoulder with a downward punch, spinning on her heel as she crouched down low sweeping another and jumping with the force energies to uppercut the warden. Her feet came out while she was kicking with the force to send another one off towards the soldiers when she felt Chora join the fight and the one they were protecting was in the corner. The two jedi moved in unison interweaving their attacks with the force while dodging a few of the blades as the guards and soldiers were fighting with them.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The fight was quick and rather dirty, Matsu and Chora moving throughout the boiler room and using the environment to their advantage to stop blasters and grenades from being used as they disabled and restrained the others. The jedi master looking at the warden as he was starring at her and spoke. "You... you look familiar. Who are you?" She was taken aback but it seemed confusing as the prisoner they were protecting was with Chora as the Falleen spoke. "Matsu we have to go now, the Republic will be here to investigate and we need to get her into their custody now before the rest come." She was looking at her and then at the warden while speaking. "But he is." She was looking at him and seeing things in his face while standing over him.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She was torn looking at him and that urge, wanting to learn about who he was and her mother... or complete the mission and protect the woman. THe jedi master was looking at him and this might be the only chance she had as with all they had seen and what was happening, this might be the last chance before he was thrown in a deep hole that she won't be able to find him. "Do I remind you of someone?" Standing over him for a moment while she was backing away. "Do I remind you of someone you forced yourself on?" She said it while watching his face for the reaction but he just seemed to laugh and she was walking away. Leaving him within the boiler room as she was going with Chora and the women they ascended the stairs getting up quickly when an explosion rocked the ground from below and they were running.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"No" Matsu was there looking as the fires were tearing through the bottom of the prison with more explosions ripping through where it ruptured the gas lines. They had succeeded but she had lost the only link to her past and her mother, no one else knew what had happened to her or what she had done when she came to the prison. She didn't want to believe it sitting there in the ship while the Republic medic was working on her wounds where she had torn the stitching, feeling it more now that the adrenaline had subsided from her body now. She was feeling depressed while Chora rubbed her hand on the woman's back with a nod of her head. "It is okay, we'll see if there is something else. You choose to help and protect someone over your own interests, over what you have been trying to discover since you were brought to the jedi." It cheered her up a little but she needed to work on things to help herself.

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