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Approved Tech Bloodblade Lightsaber - Personal Lightsaber of Zephyr Carrick

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Factory Judge

Image Source: Youtube Video
Intent: To create a special lightsaber.
Development Thread:

Manufacturer: Zephyr Carrick
Model: Bloodblade Lightsaber
Affiliation: Independent
Modularity: No.
Classification: Long-handled/Dual-Phase Lightsaber
Size: One-handed, Two-handed,

  • Hilt - 50cm
  • Shi-Cho Blade/First Phase - 1.5 meters
  • Soresu Blade/Second Phase - 0.75 meters
Weight: 1.2 kgs
Special Features:

  • Darksiders only please: A lightsaber that uses two well known dark influenced lightsaber crystals. As such, anyone who is of the dark side can use this weapon. And should a Jedi try, they can become corrupted. Should the owner be a dark sider, and then revert to the light, they will find that the lightsaber will also not work for them. (Canon effect of Quixoni and Lignan Lightsaber crystals)
  • Burning Blade: As the Lignan Crystal creates a hotter, faster burning blade, it can cut through items faster than a normal lightsaber can. So armors such as Duraplast would find little resistance to this lightsaber. However, still, it can be defended against with lightsaber resistant materials such as Vong tech, Beskar, and the like. (Canon effect)
  • Force Strength: The use of a Qixoni Crystal increases potential power of the wielder of the lightsaber. Allowing Zeph or the wielder have a closer connection to the force. At the current moment, the amount is very minimal, but it's enough to warrant that it can increase his strength when using the lightsaber. (Canon Effect as listed here)
  • Bladed Saber: Crafted much like Darksaber, This lightsaber has a lightsaber blade shaped much like a physical sword Meaning that it is mostly meant for attacking and use of the Lightsaber combat. With a thinner blade size, the lightsaber is not really suited to deflect blaster bolts, let alone slugthrowers if someone were to try. It can be done, but chance of success is lower than what could be done with a normal lightsaber. The most effective way to defend against blaster bolts, were to either slash into the bolt with the blade itself, or block the bolt with the flat of the blade. Taking a more precise cut or precise defencive stance to use the flat of the blade, unlike that of a standard lightsaber.
  • Force Activated/Pressure Grip: A very rare occurrence with lightsabers, a force activation would mean that to activate the lightsaber, one would have to use their force abilities in order to use this weapon. Thus, any non-force user could never operate this weapon. However, the downside is that if the lightsaber were to leave the activators hand, the lightsaber would shut off. Meaning the lightsaber could not be thrown or used as a thrown weapon. It would have to stay in your hands for the duration of the fight. In conjunction with likely only darksiders able to use this lightsaber, this means that any Dark sided force user could possibly use this weapon.
  • Dual-phase Adjustments: Due to the two lightsaber forms that Zeph knows and will continue to train in, Shi-Cho (Form I) and Soresu (Form III), the lightsaber initially starts out at a much longer size. Meant for offensive battle in the Shi-Cho form, and if needed, can be activated with the force, much like how the lightsaber is activated, and change the blade to become shorter. Right between the sizes of a standard lightsaber blade length, and a lightsaber Shoto. Allowing him to use a smaller, and more agile lightsaber blade should he have to use the Soresu lightsaber form.
A lightsaber created by Zephyr, it was fashioned after one of the iconic Darksaber weapons. Zeph is a swordsman as much as he is a lightsaber duelist. Thus, Zeph wanted to create a weapon that would be more suited towards his Shi-cho fighting style. Shi-Cho has a lot of sword fighting styles incorporated into the Determination Form. Thus influencing the purpose of having a more blade shaped lightsaber. Allowing the transition from Zephs sword usage, to his lightsaber usage.

The longer blade length allows for the use of the wide sweeping strikes of the Shi-cho form. As well, the longer hilt allows for increased handling upon the blade to compensate for the longer blade size. However, should Zeph want to adjust the blade length to be a much shorter lightsaber. Smack in between the lengths of a "standard" lightsaber blade, and the size of a "lightsaber Shoto" This would allow for the use of Form III much more easily and allow for the protection of lightsaber blades and blasters. Due to this lightsaber being bladed, it will be harder to defend against blaster bolts, however, it can still be done.

The hilt of the lightsaber is not quite a cylinder, and shaped more like an oval to allow a better grip of the bladed lightsaber. Due to the lightsaber being bladed, it's more effective when using the thinner thickness of the blade during fighting. As such, the hilt was shaped to be more form fitting to the hands. Due to the size of the lightsaber hilt, it's harder to conceal the weapon. Generally this would be worn on either the belt, or held in a custom lightsaber holster. It can be easily modified to be worn on the back, or on either thigh for easier carry, and to prevent such a long hilt from flopping around and hitting items when simply walking.

To activate said lightsaber, a Dark sider would have to focus upon the lightsaber much the same they would have to do with any other sort of lightsaber to have proficiency with the weapon as some may expect. The lightsaber can activate, and by using the force once again upon the lightsaber would change the blades length due to the Dual-Phase settings within the saber.

The two lightsaber crystals within the lightsaber, Qixoni, and Lignan, are both dark sided influenced lightsaber crystals. As such, this lightsaber will have a dark side aura around it. No where near a Dark side Nexus, just enough to tell that the item itself is a weapon of the Dark side. As such, this lightsaber takes upon a very dark form of a blade. The Lignan causing the lightsaber core to be black, and looked almost as though it were cracked and broken. The crimson hue originates from the Qixoni crystal, and also causes the "cracking" of the lightsaber blade due to the combination of the two. The larger size, darker blade, and dark aura around the saber is completed with its "edgyness" by having a deeper lightsaber hum, unlike it's sister blade, the Darksaber.

The Mandalorian Steel is used in place of Beskar simply because it is a more durable metal than durasteel, and because beskar is not found in an abundance upon many of the Mandalorian worlds. As such, Mandalorian steel is used in reference to Zephyr's Mandalorian heritage due to his grandfather Zayne Carrick, and his father, Xander Carrick.

IC Reasoning:
Zephyr is a still considered a Jedi among some of his more closer friends. However as of recent, Zeph has shown in one particular case (Posts 30, 45, 57, and 61) that he has learned of the dark side of the force. As well as showing allegiances to Dark Jedi ways of using the Dark side of the force. His harnessing of this allows him to draw upon the dark side of the force even when considered a Grey Jedi. This weapon will provide him with a more adaptable weapon than that of a standard lightsaber given to him by his father, or a simple durasteel sword that holds no special effects, or merit towards the young man. This will also be used to corrupt Zeph further into utilizing the darker side of the force over a period of time, allowing Zeph to draw more heavily upon the dark side, as well as the force in general.

Primary Source: All items are linked in their appropriate spots.
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