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Blood Must Answer Blood

Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
Several days after the Saverok Incident, a public broadcast aired on the Mandalorian holonet...

You click the video link. It activates, bringing up the feed of a small, nondescript room bare of anything but a single chair in the center and the banner of the Clans on the wall behind.

A man enters view. He is not tall, but broad of shoulder. Beskar'gam covers him from chest to foot, but his head is bare. Intense dark eyes stare out from a ruddy, grizzled face. Limp strands of black hair are pushed back. Large cruel lips press firmly together and he stretches a square boxer's jaw before he speaks.

"[member="Isley Verd"]," a husky baritone register, "Manda'lor of an empire of the Mando'ade. You have brought death and destruction upon the droten, upon your own brother-in-arms." For who did not know of Ember Rekali's death by now? "Who will answer for the blood that has been spilled. The Gen'dai? No."

Crazed eyes fix the camera with an auguring gaze. What sort of Sole Ruler could not even rule his own warriors?

"A leader does not take credit for the victory of his droten, but shun their failures. The Gen'dai acted, but is you who must heed, Verd. I witnessed their final voyage to the Oversoul, so now you will hear my challenge."

He leans forward in the chair, elbows on knees.

"Blood must answer blood. I, Kade of Clan Kelborn, challenge you to single combat in the circle, as was done in the old days. No aid but bare skin and beskad beneath Kad Ha'rangir's watch. I do not call you dar'manda. I do not call you oath breaker. I call you a Mandalorian. Now, as a Mandalorian, prove worth and answer challenge by eve of next day, or show true colors."


The video feed ended.

True to his words, Kade Kelborn waited on the banks of the river Kelita the next day, clad in nothing but pants and bearing only his beskad. An ysalamiri in a nutrient frame rested on the ground outside the circle drawn in the dirt. Not far around the river's bend lay the nuked city of Keldabe. The site of another Rekali's death: the Martyr of Mandalore.

Kade stood, testing blade and making spirit ready.

[member="Alec Rekali"] | [member="Samael Rekali"] | [member="Brent Warnel"] | [member="Mia Monroe"]
Like most, Adriel Daemon, of Daemon and Verd clans alike, had seen the video. It had been a situation that Adriel had distanced herself from, as she had never met her mother's father; in spite of this however, she had confronted her own father just afterward. She needed to understand what had happened. With her father ever more the hermit, she knew in her truest senses that he would be aware of it.

He was ever vigilant in his gazing upon the cosmos around himself.

After hearing of the occurrence, the girl in an ancient body had little to express other than shock. However, she was as much his daughter, as she was her mother's, so she put the feelings of confusion aside to come forth and learn what she could.

The outcome of such a duel could easily change the face of what she knew, but still sifted arrived. Clad in her father's Beskar'gam, she landed just beyond the comforts of a closer ally. The heavy suit was something she did not know, nor more than the basic uses, but it was the emblem that signalled an heir to the current Aliit'buir.

The tank like armor thudded the ground as she strode just a few feet closer, driven by the hydraulic assistance made simply to allow the suit to feel light as a feather. Crossing arms across her chest, she heard her father in her head, Ignore what you know of my opinions child. I do not get along with your grandfather for personal reasons, for he being a potential adversary in many of my ventures. I will not let this cloud you anymore. Take this time, learn of him as he is, watch the warrior, the Mandalor of the Empire. See him, know him, then and there, make your decisions. I will bear no ill will if you see him differently.

At her back rested Tantibus, not as a means of offense or even defense, but yet another emblem. She had only ever been in battle of the smallest calibers and those were for survival. She did not come to do such now, rather to take her fathers idea and use it.

This was a time to meet, and know, her blood Grandfather.
Twigs crunched underfoot, caught between boot and riverside stones as Mia approached the banks of Kelita. She was dress simply, combat boots, loose trousers and top, with a jacket to keep the chill winds off her skin. Across her back she had two beskads sheathed.

Behind her followed an employee, a nutrient tank on his back, containing a ysalamiri. He shrugged it off, setting it on a tree stump before nodding to Mia and leaving them in peace.

"He is not coming, Kade." She spoke softly, shrugging her jacket off as she did and tossing it to one side before she knelt to remove her boots. "I understand your pain and your anger, but Isley Verd was not responsible for the the deaths on that station. The gen'dai acted alone. Those that support Isley did not sanction the attack." She kicked her boots off and inclined her head slightly "granted they may have agreed for the reasons behind the attack, but that is an issue I intend to tackle personally."

Shrugging her beskad from her shoulders she grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt, and pulled it off over her head, revealing a crop top underneath. "Once upon a time, we fought the sith, we fought the republic, we fought the death watch. Never, in my life time, have we fought each other. You can be damn sure I will do everything in my power to make sure that we never do. You want blood, Kade?"

There was an odd light in her eyes, a mixture of anger and sorrow. She reached down and pulled the beskads free twirling then in her grip. "Then take the blood of your sister. We are family, mandalorian empire and the United clans alike. You ask for blood from one, you ask for it from us all, so really, it doesn't matter who answers your call to fight."

[member="Kade Kelborn"]

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
[member="Kade Kelborn"] | [member="Mia Monroe"]

At Kelborn’s side was not old man Samael Rekali. The Rekali were neutral for now, pending the next meet that would line out exactly what the Clan’s mood was after the death of Ember. In this light it would have been too much of a statement for Sam to make an appearance.

So it was upon Elijah to stand as second for Kade.

He had been hunting bounties in the Outer Rim when the call came. Had to cut it short and execute his bounty, because a live capture would have taken too much time.

The pay was halved, but money was irrelevant in the face of clan business.

They waited. And waited. Their eyes crossed once or twice while neutral expressions turned more and more sour.

Until eventually someone else showed up. Mia Monroe, Dar’manda, Field Marshal, former Mand’alor and a bunch of other titles.

"Never, in your lifetime, have we fought each other," Elijah repeated after her while studying the curious display of undress. That was untrue, because most if not at all conflicts were fought in the circle.

This was the way of the Mandalorians.

Ember himself had challenged young boy Detta when he had run his mouth.

"Yet Ember and scores of other Mandalorians have returned to the oversoul just a few days ago." Rekali’s patience had been tested, but this, this was something entirely else.

"You say that Verd was not responsible." A humorless grin broke through the frown.

"Yet he claimed dominion over his. He’s Mand'alor, Sole Leader, his is the Mandalorian Empire - at least, according to himself. The Gen’Dai was sworn to him - it matters not if he acted alone - what matters is his fealty."

"And his fealty was to Isley Verd. As a Mandalorian, as someone who claims the responsibility of being the Mand'alor, I say Verd is responsible for not being able to control his own people."

Elijah’s rueful smile turned back into a frown now.

"You speak from the heart, with nothing held back. Admirable, but mistaken."

When one breaks bread with animals and predators one must be able to control them. His thoughts went to [member="Allyson Locke"] for a moment, who had experienced exactly what a barely restrained animal did do.

If a pet bites a guest… who is responsible. The pet or the owner?
You carried your own weight and choices on your shoulders. Much like the unknown silent teenager stripping off his armor and such to the side of them all. Placing the guns, belt, armor down to the side of the gathering. He was quiet, contemplative, careful even, his sensitive eyes covered by black goggles but otherwise nothing to mar his young features.

Broad shouldered, brown skin. No temper on the teenager. Realising the gravity of the situation and the losses those around him had faced. No weapon to hand either, just his undergarments and bared chest. Blue family armor stacked to one side, relaxing of the body, and breathing out. Crusaders were quicker to seek battle and conflict than most. Yet this one was deliberate in his actions, careful even.

“Carry our own choices.” Isley had a million lives he was responsible for, it was a lot to think his father could be called to account for every one of them personally.

Kissing the family crest to place it somewhere beneath the shirt in his belongings. Couldn’t be more than sixteen, no more words were exchanged. He wasn’t here to answer any challenge for anyone else. Hadn't been sent. He'd come himself to stand here to accept what came. He didn’t even have his beskad yet. Unarmed and unbloodied as he was.

Seemed Mia Monroe had hit a chord with him. Faces he had read about, learned about, and hers was strongly placed among their history, as was the man that had died. As she’d spoke, he stood ready like she was only a distance away, waiting until called. The three of them then. Possibility to heal a growing rift, worth a try. Possibility to lose his life, also likely.

[member="Kade Kelborn"] | [member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Tempist"] | [member="Elijah Rekali"]​
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
Others gathered now upon the bank of the Kelita, around the circle in the dirt. Kade stopped pacing at the approach of Monroe, a woman who all Mandalorians knew. Her words put a frown on face, but did not quell the intensity of dark gaze. Eli spoke, putting words to lips that flew more truly than any Kade could produce, though at a pause, Kade said brief piece.

"I have given challenge. There is nothing more Mandalorian than to settle dispute vod to vod, to fight until one yields. You wound intention by seeking to fill void."

Kade did not feel pain at the loss of Ember. He had died in battle to save other vod, all glory to Clan Rekali, and now he surely sat with the ancestors in the Oversoul. Had Kelborn not been present upon the station, honor would not demand he make this challenge, but it fell to him to see honor satisfied. [member="Saverok"] had served as a warrior to the Verd Manda'lor. The Verd Manda'lor was responsible.

"Are we now become like the Republic dogs, who hide blame with words of air? Oritsir. Only Verd blood will satisfy circle's ground."

The latest arrival drew the attention of the Kelborn, a youth who could not have been past eighteenth year. Kade pointed his beskad in the boy's direction.

"Familiar face strikes eye, but mind cannot place. For what purpose have you come?"

[member="Ithiel Verd"] | [member="Elijah Rekali"] | [member="Tempist"] | [member="Mia Monroe"]
Once they had been rescued Brent had disappeared for a time. He had got patched up and looked his armor and weapons over and thought about what had happened up there at that station. The shuttle he had borrowed was in a thousand pieces still orbiting in space, and the debt that came with its destruction had fallen on him. He didn't so much as think about that as he did those last few moments before the space station had been destroyed. Most of the security footage had been live-streamed and stored back to a data center on the planets surface, and Brent didn't waste any time in acquiring the video and watching it. The satellites that surrounded the planet gave him a view of the fleets and what they had done during the encounter, which was nothing, and it allowed him to relive the last moments of that fight and to see what had gone wrong.

Too much it seemed, and no one was claiming responsibility of course. Everyone wanted to just brush it off as a crazed Dar'manda attack that no one could have stopped, everyone wanted to just sweep it under the rug and act like nothing had happened. Mando's were acting like scared little civilians who listened to their news channels and went about their lives and didn't think for themselves.

The only thing wrong was something had happened, and a lot of people had died for it, and now no one wanted to make anything of it except a select few. Was it wrong to want to claim retribution for a wrong that someone eles had done? Brent didn't think so, and he was betting that a lot of others felt the same.

If the situation was reversed and it was the Empire that had been attacked, what would there response be? Would they just sit back if hundreds of their own had died? Brent doubted it, but that's what they wanted the Clans to do, just put this act off on someone else's shoulders who just happened to have gone rogue.

Brent looked up from his data-pad at those gathered in the circle around [member="Kade Kelborn"] and wondered what would become of his challenge. It seemed, once again, the Mandalorian Empire was quiet.

Brent spoke in a low voice that only he could hear, "So we see the true nature of those that call themselves Mandalorian."

[member="Ithiel Verd"] [member="Elijah Rekali"] [member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Tempist"]
Mia shifted her gaze to the youngster beside Kade, a line creasing on her forehead. "That's an interesting point to make, considering your grandfather just died." She wanted to say more, here gaze flicked between the pair the turned to face the young boy that had joined them. He was familiar, Kade had it right. There was a sinking feeling in her stomach as she waited his reply.

[member="Brent Warnel"] [member="Kade Kelborn"] [member="Ithiel Verd"] [member="Elijah Rekali"]
The call had gone out, the challenge to her brother's claim made. And no response had been afforded. Isley hadn't even seemed to acknowledge the weight carried behind the message, but more like than not he had and still elected to ignore it. Keira hadn't. She may not have been present on Mandalore, but the reports had been more than telling. All told, she had been expecting some kind of retaliation from the Clans after the death of one of their own, but the challenge was far tamer than the invasion force she had anticipated. And so she made her own decision. If her brother wouldn't show for the challenge, his son instead making his own way, she too would arrive. Not for violence, mind. For what she wasn't entirely sure.

No armor had been donned for the occasion, and besides, it likely would have been a sign of weakness even if she had. The only weapon she carried openly was her blaster pistol, Kalso's Revenge, on her left hip. Her combat knife and the CW-77 were on her left and right forearms respectively beneath her leather jacket, even her lightsaber concealed within an inside pocket. Sure, these were fellow Mandalorians, but after all that had happened she wasn't of a mind to assume they would be entirely friendly to those not immediately among their number. Not after the challenge that had been issued against the only standing Mand'alor. Especially not after the slaughter on Manda'yaim.

Her arrival on-planet followed none too shortly after that of [member="Ithiel Verd"], son of Mand'alor and thus her nephew. A boy of just sixteen if memory served, but more than capable of taking care of himself by Mandalorian standards. She wasn't here to watch over him. He could do that himself. At this point she wasn't sure if her presence here meant anything, but she had come regardless. This marked the first time she had set foot on her cultural homeworld, and of course the reason behind it couldn't be one of leisure. Not with the life she led. She stepped up behind Ithiel, halting progress once she stood beside him. "Vabr." Nephew. Family. Her gaze then shifted to the other Mandalorians. "Vode." And so it began.

[member="Mia Monroe"], [member="Brent Warnel"], [member="Kade Kelborn"], [member="Elijah Rekali"], [member="Tempist"]
Few words but important ones. Respect was life. Ember deserved all of theirs, and his clan acknowledgement of it first. “Wish I’d of had chance to fight beside Ember.” Ithiel said to Elijah before they began. Not assuming he knew him or Ember, only of Ember, legends he’d been raised on. Respect for the clan name. Giving him time to answer, gesture or ignore.

Outside the circle. As that wasn’t his, and he wasn’t here for that. Ithiel had begun to mark one of his own.

For Keira's presence he was thankful, standing shoulder to shoulder with clan and family. To Kade he turned. Verd, Elijah had said it. Verd were responsible was the claim, but seeking any target for understandable grief the goal. “of Clan Verd.” His name mattered not. They sort to expand blame and pin responsibility for one vod's actions on another. One circle would be two soon enough if this went as Kade insisted. Dispute wouldn’t end here in this way.

Circle based on revenge. There was honor in revenge. There was more in “respecting the dead,” was why he had come, and honoring both clan names. Putting the stick down he’d drawn the circle with. His own circle was here for the other to enter. Though he still had no weapon but his own body.

His father had chosen the respect of the dead. Ithiel doubted from his teachings either Ember or Isley wanted revenge, after revenge, after revenge. His father put that first. If Isley had killed the man ahead before time for grief to settle, what was going to happen. Another circle would form, then another, Ithiel could see it, even if Kade could not in his grief. Who could blame him.

So he’d drawn a second circle, and stood in one. To show Kade. Only way he knew how, strength, respect to the dead, and honoring whatever response came. Violence against those grieving, each in their own way, not his hope.

[member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Brent Warnel"] | [member="Kade Kelborn"] | [member="Elijah Rekali"] | [member="Tempist"] | [member="Keira Ticon"]​
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
Kade bared teeth in display of disgusted anger. Eyes full of black fury stared between second circle drawn in dirt and sapling youth before him. Knuckles turned white around hilt of beskad and he lowered the point until vein-writhed arm and dark iron hung at side.

"What is this, has Isley no honor that he sends unblooded whelp to fight battle in his stead?"


The insult inflamed blood for honor spurned. The Mando'ade answered any challenge, such was their way. Grounds for feud mattered not. They trained for war. Trained their children for war. Every opportunity to gain prestige for the clan and for self should be taken, lest name be sullied. But it seemed the Verd Manda'lor cared not for tarnished reputation.

Kade gave derisive snort that turned suddenly to open laughter, wide smile a feral thing. "Come then, enter circle and test mettle."

He turned to seconds, Warnel and Rekali. "Elijah, provide boy with beskad."

[member="Elijah Rekali"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Ithiel Verd"] | [member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Brent Warnel"] | [member="Tempist"]
Respectful of where he was, of their home, their anger, this circle and its full meaning. "Nobody sends vod to the circle." The way he’d casually met Ithiel as if he was a pet not an equal, disgusted him, and it showed clearly across his young face. The respect for Kade tested, and understanding came to him.

He laughed? Grounds for feud might not matter to Kade, it did to Ithiel. Now he understood Kade's. Circle to the death meant more than insults, heated words, or a way to carry out a vendetta casually. It was life. “I am Ithiel of clan verd. Feud with the Mandalore is yours.” Yes his father, but clan name was more important here. Not his challenge to take.

"Grieve. Take time to honor the dead. Decide if you want more than blood for blood's sake. You have my name for challenge, and I yours." Chance to prove worth yes, that might come from this. Even honor, that was what a crusader lived for, not vendettas against just whoever happened to show up to strike at. Today it was obvious Kade was looking for blood from his grief, not honor, else why would he want just anyone as the target in its place. They were not dogs.

Ithiel began to pack his gear carefully as he had come into a kit bag. No rush. No doubt to a strew of insults and words, which meant as much to him as the dirt under his feet. He'd face him one day no doubt, when it was him he was looking to face, when this was actually about Kade testing himself and personal honor.

Keira by his side would not be forgotten today either, she could be sure of that.

[member="Kade Kelborn"]​
[member="Kade Kelborn"]

Sabine listened and watched the video on holonet, she was upset still by death of [member="Ember Rekali"]. She was upset for many reasons, other than [member="Darth Veles"] who trained to fight, he was only person to ever truly beat her in combat. Yes she had lost naval engagements, but that was she never been trained in naval warfare, though she did study why she lost. She wanted to earn his respect more than anyone else, and now she could not ever do so. He should of been Mandalore, as he was worthy to lead through experience. Somehow in her mind he was becoming canonised, something in reality he probably did not think he deserved. She been going through the events, and wonder if it was The One Sith behind it. She was paranoid about The One Sith, so much so she faked her own death, so she could wage war on them. So they would not think of getting her daughter Emily, she had to keep her safe from them. The paranoia did make wonder if The One Sith, are behind the new mandalore rise to power. After all they most to gain from civil war, as it meant they had time to regain there footing against The Galactic Alliance onslaught. As they would not have to worry about a second front opening up against them, from the galactic east of them.

She hoped that [member="Isley Verd"] would not face him, as it would prove he was not worthy of the his self proclaimed title.
Her younger self would have taken [member="Kade Kelborn"] up on his challenge with no hesitation. Had it been six years ago, Keira would have gladly taken a beskad in hand and joined him in the circle. Not for the right reasons, such as honor and clan, but rather the thrill of the fight and nothing more. As time passed, however, she had grown wiser, or at the very least a touch more rational in her thought processes. And so she would remain silent as the challenge was leveled at her nephew, listening as he spoke carefully, putting things far more eloquently than she would have. She knew Isley would have been proud, had he deigned to arrive. Proud, just as she was.

For a few long moments she watched the others, finally speaking, "Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la." Not gone, merely marching far away. Those were the only words she would offer when it came to the death they sought to reconcile, but they spoke enough by themselves. There was a time and place for combat, and being blinded by grief was not one of them. Loss was a heavy thing, that she knew all too well. It took time to process and work through, and even longer to rationalize and accept. That was what those who had made the call needed to do, before they were fit to make a call such as the one that had gone out. And she respected that. She respected all of them.

Wordlessly she rested a hand on Ithiel's shoulder once he was ready to depart. Should the others have nothing more to say, it was time to take their leave.

[member="Ithiel Verd"]
Mia closed her eyes in dismay, blowing a sigh out of her nose. She wondered what would have happened if she had never left her position, wondered if she had stayed in her seat as Mand'alor and stood against the assault that Velok would have surely brought down upon if they would be in this situation now. Could she have kept her people together? Could the Liberator have stopped all of this?

When she opened her eyes, Ithiel was packing his belongings back up, so disgusted with Kade's response that he clearly didn't feel this was worth his time. Mia stepped carefully between Kade and Isley's son. She would not let a youngster suffer the consequences of Isley's inaction. "You have a choice, all of you. You can fight in a vain attempt to gain honour and blood for a terrorist attack, or you can fight to rebuild what has been broken. Do not make the gap between us and the Empire a hostile one, for there is only one way that will end. We are built for war, but not with our own brothers."

[member="Keira Ticon"][member="Ithiel Verd"][member="Kade Kelborn"]
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
"Hah, walk Verd and prove beyond doubt nature of Clan's worth."

Kade slashed through the air with the beskad for emphasis and keen edge whistled.

"One of your clan must enter circle by sun's set, or challenge will be considered rejected and feud begin."

The boy's reluctance he could understand, unwilling to fight a man twice his age, but if he had not the stomach for fight he should not have come. Twice now those of Isley's brood had shown their true colors, walking on the banks of Kelita only to mock him. Even [member="Mia Monroe"], who had stood at his side when the station blew, at least offered to honor challenge, though her lack of Verd blood made the offer void.

"Now, stay or go. Prove coward, or prove strength. There is no middling ground."

[member="Ithiel Verd"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Elijah Rekali"]
Stifling a sigh, Keira paused and turned back towards [member="Kade Kelborn"], leveling her dark gaze with his own, having already partially adopted the persona of a warrior she was so used to wearing, "Words are meaningless. All you've done is talk, vod." That single word in Mando'a contained more venom than it likely rightfully should have. But she was tired. Tired of all the infighting, all the threats and attacks made that reaped no real reward other than more clashes such as this. At the end of the day nothing was accomplished, and to her it only proved how nonsensical the entirety of this was. They were wasting their time, all of them. But nothing would sway the others from their path.

Except maybe a fight, though one she almost dreaded giving. Wherever she went, it seemed that combat inevitably followed. "If you want a fight, I will give you one. But to step inside the circle is not my place. I can't answer Mand'alor's challenge. But if you wish combat, come. Otherwise we will take our leave. Make your choice, or let us leave in peace. But don't keep me waiting." A part of her dared him to try something, wanted to see what would happen if he answered the challenge she herself had put out. Violence might not have been the initial endgame, but it almost always was, somehow, in the end.

[member="Ithiel Verd"]
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
"Gratitude. Enough words. Draw blade."

Kade settled into a ready stance, knees bending slightly, grip tightening on the beskad. If she did not have a sharp iron, one of the others gathered around the circle would no doubt provide. He knew she was famed warrior, but an ysalamir bubble covered them now. How would she fare without her precious gift?

Such remained to be seen. Kade felt giddy with adrenaline, body lusting for the fight in the way others sought the brothel house.

Quarrel initially extended but to Isley. Now, though - twice refused - Clan Verd threatened honor in a way that could not be overlooked. [member="Keira Ticon"] could solve that now by merely crossing blades with the stocky Kiffar. Not to first blood. Not to the death. Just until honor had been satisfied.

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